Strategy to Attack the System

Chapter 136: later sugar


Jiang Si lived in the villa next door.

But sometimes he forgets that when he returns home, he will subconsciously go to the original home, and then often meet Jiang Fu and Yuan Chen lingering on the sofa in the living room or in the kitchen, which makes him blush in fright.

So Yuanchen deleted Jiang Si's permission to enter the door.

The next time Jiang Si failed to come in, he was so angry that he squatted at the door and angrily cracked the authority with his personal terminal. Jiang Fu in the villa was pressed against the wall of the stairs by Yuan Chen, biting Yuan Chen's shoulder nervously and angrily. Ken made a sound, for fear that Jiang Si, who had cracked the authority, would bump into them after entering the door.

However, under Yuan Chen's control, Jiang Si never cracked it.

After graduating from Oren College, the little nobleman lived in Jiang Si's house, and Jiang Si never had time to come over to crack Jiang Fu's family's authority.

Once when Jiang Fu went to look for Jiang Si next door, he saw a unique clock on the table. He thought it was something from the ancient earth, so he fiddled with it twice with great interest.

Jiang Si, who ran out of the bedroom with a blushing face, was stunned when he saw him falling asleep with the clock in his arms, and ran downstairs anxiously trying to wake him up. Clothes chased after Jiang Si.

The clock is a new thing that Jiang Si has recently researched. If you fiddle with the dial, the memory will be adjusted back to the corresponding time.

After waking up, Jiang Fu returned to his flirtatious appearance before participating in the experiment. After seeing the little nobleman, he smiled and teased him. The little nobleman pinched his face at a loss and asked Jiang Si what to do.

Yuan Chen finally found Jiang Fu who was having dinner with the chairman's son in a famous couple restaurant in Xingji. When he saw Jiang Fu's affectionate tenderness and asked him if he wanted to go to the art exhibition together tomorrow, Yuan Chen put him in a blank expression. Pick it up and go outside.

Jiang Fu, who had lost his memory, was stunned. He kicked and beat him to let him down. Yuan Chen carried him into the private starship without saying a word, and stripped off his clothes.

Jiang Fu, who thought it was his first time, struggled desperately to resist, and was finally fucked, sobbing and crying non-stop, messed up, and kept scolding Yuan Chen, who wrapped him in clothes and returned from the starship. After arriving at home, he was not allowed to get out of bed again.

It wasn't until Jiang Si developed the reverse operation of the clock a few days later that Jiang Fu, who had recovered his memory, remembered what happened before. He was afraid that Yuan Chen would grab him who had recovered his memory and continue to settle accounts, so he secretly covered his hot buttocks. Escaped in a starship.

However, the starship was controlled by Yuan Chen to fly back before it left Capital Star, so Jiang Fu didn't leave the house for a month.

After graduating, Jiang Si went to work in the National Laboratory Building and became an apprentice of a scientist who had studied artificial humans.

He is obsessed with work every day, and when he is busy, he forgets to go home. The little nobleman who is waiting for him at home is crying and asks his brother, the big nobleman, to help him find someone, so the big nobleman has to always take him on a starship in the middle of the night. Go to the laboratory building and bring Jiang Si home.

When the little nobleman hugged Jiang Si beamingly, the forgotten great nobleman left with a dark face.

The number of times I came here was high, and the nobles got acquainted with the nerds in the laboratory building.

Well, it's the bookworm whose memory was tampered with by Jiang Fu with fragrance.

The Federation already has the mature technology to artificially reproduce babies from same-sex sperm, but Yuanchen didn't want Jiang Fu's attention to be attracted by other people, so they never had children.

After Jiang Si and the little nobleman got married, they applied for this technology, and because Jiang Si was a scientist of the Federation, they brought back their children after a month. They were twins, who were very cute and clingy. Placing Jiang Si for a hug.

Jiang Si thought that the child would not affect his work, but every time he went to the laboratory building, the twins hugged one of his legs to prevent him from leaving, blushing and crying pitifully, and the little nobleman not only came to help He coaxed the baby, and, like the twins, held him from behind and wailed loudly, forming a deafening trio.

After several tortures, Jiang Si applied to work from home.


The newborn twins always need milk, but they always don’t like to throw away the milk they bought. Even if their hungry faces turn pale, they refuse to eat the tasteless food. Clothes look for milk to eat.

With a red face, Jiang Si asked the little nobleman to take the twins away, but the twins refused to let go. There were watery tears in their big grape-like eyes. Every time Jiang Si was defeated, his heart softened into a puddle of water.

The neglected little aristocrat hugged Jiang Si from behind jealously, and naively competed with the twins. He regretted that he wanted Jiang Si's heart to stay at home, so he offered to have a child. Now Jiang Si's heart is indeed at home. but not on him.

At night, the little aristocrat played with Jiang Si aggrievedly, sometimes when he heard the twins waking up and crying for him, Jiang Si wanted to get out of bed to comfort the children, but the little aristocrat refused to let him get out of bed, bah Tears were dripping down, and she cried and complained as she entered him from behind.

Jiang Si failed to climb out of bed every time.


After trying various ways to coax the twins to breastfeed and failed, Jiang Si had no choice but to buy a male-only lactator online, but he was embarrassed to let the little nobles know, so they secretly fed the twins while he was out.

The little aristocrat, who didn't know it, bought milk powder that was said to be delicious from another planet and ran back home in a hurry. He was stunned when he saw Jiang Si who was breastfeeding.

Later, Jiang Si nursed the twins during the day and the little nobleman at night.


The twins will be able to talk when they grow up a bit, and they like to pretend to be good, fighting for the right to hang out with Jiang Si in front of the little nobles. Bully them.

At this time, the little nobleman was very wronged. He couldn't hug Jiang Si during the day, so he had to make up all the time at night. When he looked at Jiang Si pitifully with wet eyes and acted like a baby, Jiang Si finally discovered their father and son. similarities between.


Although Jiang Fu has no children, he likes to tease the twins every time he comes to see Jiang Si. The twins can't move when they see his appearance, and they all wrap around him cutely and kiss him openly.

But soon they will be picked up by Yuan Chen and thrown into the arms of the little nobleman.


When the king of the federation changed, the third prince handed over the position to the eldest son of the fifth prince, and then moved with Guan Jiu to the opposite of Jiang Fu's house.

In this case, it would be very convenient for Jiang Fu to find Guan Jiu for a drink, but he always had to wait at the bar when he passed by, and then he would wait until Guan Jiu came out of the bedroom with scratches all over his body or limping.


The third prince didn't go out very often. Most of the time he stayed at home watering the flowers and watching movies. He had worked so hard for the Federation in the first half of his life, so he spent the second half of his life living a leisurely and ordinary life.

Guan Jiu didn't go to the bar to work anymore, he often mixed drinks for him at home, and sent the delicious drinks to Jiang Fu and Jiang Si's homes respectively.


Guan Jiu's home has an intelligent robot named Xiaocutie, who is responsible for all housework.


The third prince always ate the nutritious meals made by the cutie, but he frowned after eating the meal made by Yuan Chen by chance.

The next day, Guan Jiu went to Jiang Fu's house and asked Yuan Chen to teach him how to cook.


Apart from sticking to Jiang Si, the twins' second favorite is the third prince, because he is good-looking, and Guan Jiu, who lives with him, looks much gentler than Yuan Chen.

Guan Jiu was also very happy for the twins to come and play with the third prince, because he was afraid that the third prince would be bored staying at home, and every time the twins came, the third prince's mood would look much better, and his cold expression would become gentle.


Not long after, Guan Jiu and the third prince adopted an orphan. If they used sperm to reproduce the child, it would involve the problem of royal family blood. The third prince was already tired of the cold-blooded struggle between the federal royal families and did not want his next generation to be involved. Go in, so I went to the orphanage to adopt an orphan.

The orphan is a thin and small boy, timid and shy, but he looks as indescribable as a girl and is very good-looking.

They named the orphan Mingxiu.


Ming is the surname of the third prince.

twenty one

When the twins grew up, they became two devil kings. Except for Jiang Si and the third prince who could control them, they didn't listen to anyone else. They also liked to bully people, especially Mingxiu.

Mingxiu's personality is still submissive. When he was bullied at school, he didn't dare to fight back, and he didn't dare to tell the third prince and Guan Jiu, because he was already sensible when he was adopted, so he carefully watched the adults' expressions everywhere, for fear of what he would do. If they are not good, they will be driven back to the orphanage.

The third prince has a cold personality, it is difficult to detect his sensitive thoughts, and Guan Jiu's whole heart is placed on the third prince, so Mingxiu is already very grateful to them for adopting him, and he dare not trouble them any more.

Later, the twins found out that Mingxiu was being bullied all the time when they saw Mingxiu being blocked by the bad seniors in the bathroom to take off his pants at school. Children have their own solutions, so the twins beat up the person who bullied Mingxiu viciously. over and over.

From then on, Mingxiu followed them to school every day.

twenty two

When the twins and Mingxiu were in junior high school, the big nobleman and the nerd moved to the opposite side of Jiang Si and the little nobleman's house. The first time the nerd saw Jiang Fu coming out of the garden of the villa diagonally opposite, he was stunned. , eyes straight, blushing.

Before he could say hello to Jiang Fu, he was stammering, and was carried back to the house by the dark-faced nobleman.

twenty three

After settling down with the big nobles, the bookworm would blush every time he saw Jiang Fu, but he was not good at socializing, but he was habitually shy in front of good-looking people.

Then one day when he finally saw all the people in the three surrounding villas, his face turned red that day as if he was about to explode.

twenty four

Since the nerd moved here, he and Jiang Si often went to work in the laboratory building together, and sometimes they would get together to research and experiment with selflessness when they returned home.

The nobles and nobles who were neglected expressed their sorrow.


The nobles and nerds later applied for the technology of same-sex sperm to reproduce offspring, and raised three boys and a little girl.


The little girl is the little princess of all adults and minors in the four villas, and every day people are scrambling to dress her up.

And the little girl is not afraid of anyone, she smiles sweetly when she sees anyone, and the heart of the smile melts.


Seeing that everyone had children, Jiang Fu went to other people's homes to tease the children every day, and played until evening, reluctant to come back, coaxing the children to call him uncle with a smile.

All the children in his arms would cling to him, hug him, and softly call him "Big Brother".

And Yuan Chen was very upset when he saw them kissing Jiang Fu, and glared at them behind Jiang Fu with a straight face. The children hugged Jiang Fu's neck pitifully and wanted to hug them pitifully, waiting for Jiang Fu to hug them When coaxing gently, they triumphantly made faces at Yuan Chen.

Yuan Chen's face was as cold as ice.


At night, while teasing Jiang Fu fiercely, Yuan Chen bit his ear and asked him if he was conceived. Jiang Fu tensed his toes and trembled all over, clinging to him sobbing and crying, choked up and said Yes there are.

Then Yuan Chen clasped his hands to touch his slightly swollen abdomen, and said solemnly that since he already had a baby, he would obediently stay at home with the baby, and the baby would be jealous if he went out to hold other children of.

Jiang Fu had no choice but to sob and keep reassuring, and when he woke up the next day, he thought it was just the fun/fun of last night, so he continued to go to the big noble's house to tease the little princess, but he was found by no one after a long time. Yuan Chen caught him back.

Later, the children of each family hadn't seen Jiang Fu for a week. When they saw Jiang Fu again a week later and wanted to hug them, Jiang Fu just looked at them reluctantly from a distance and didn't dare to approach them. It is sorrow that dares to be angry but dare not speak.


During the Chinese New Year, they will take turns to have reunion dinners in each family every year. Jiang Fu and Yuan Chen, who always travel, will come back. The big nobles, whose big companies make money every second, will vacate their vacations in advance, and even the third prince who stays at home and rarely comes out will never be absent at the dinner table every year.

The twins pulled Mingxiu's hair and braided it for him with great interest. Mingxiu bit her lip and dared not resist, while the little princess of the great nobleman happily unwrapped the New Year's gifts that everyone gave her, and put on new clothes one by one. Just run around the dining table, and you have to hear the word "good-looking" from everyone.

Her eldest brother and second brother were playing with building blocks, while her younger brother nervously followed her, the little princess, for fear of bumping into something.

But when it’s time to eat, all the children will obediently sit at the dining table with their fathers, and then everyone will toast to the New Year’s bell and watch the gorgeous fireworks of the holographic projection together. After zero o'clock, they said goodbye with a smile, and led their treasures and children back to their respective homes.

The next day they said good morning to each other through the door of the villa, and then started a new and still happy year.


Every subsequent year, it was the same.

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