Strategy to Attack the System

Chapter 14: Doom dripping 13


Through the transparent barrier, the blood-stained Amy looked at the people outside the glass barrier in a daze, as if she didn't understand what kind of changes would happen to her.

Jiang Fu's heart was sour, and he grabbed Yuan Chen's collar and said anxiously.

"Haven't you guys already developed a zombie antidote! Why don't you give it to her!"

Yuan Chen looked down at him and said with a solemn expression.

"Chengcheng, calm down. The latest H5 medicine is still in the stage of improvement. If you use it rashly, no one knows what the consequences will be."

Jiang Fu looked at him in a daze, his face was helpless and at a loss. After his chest heaved violently a few times, he held Yuan Chen's hand tightly, with an expectant expression as if he was the last straw.

"You... can you try it? No matter what the final result is, I will admit it."

Yuan Chen frowned and looked at him for a while, then asked Zhou Zheng and Lu Tian who were also guarding outside with his eyes. The two looked at each other, seeing the painful struggle in each other's eyes, and nodded silently after a long while.

Miracles may happen if you try, but if you don't try, Amy will only die.

After Yuan Chen tapped on the instrument for a while, green smoke gradually spewed out from the top of the transparent room, which was filled with gaseous H5 medicine.

Amy lay on the glass and looked at them ignorantly. While looking back at the green smoke that gradually spread to the whole room, she kept beating the glass for help in fear.

Her strength was so strong that even the entire transparent room shook slightly, but the barrier made of special materials could not be broken easily, and Amy's zombified appearance was slowly engulfed in the green smoke.

Jiang Fu kept staring closely at the room, even though Amy was no longer visible, his gaze never changed.

Yuan Chen knew that he hadn't rested since he returned to the base, and he had overused his abilities before, and now he is already a powerful bow. He patted Jiang Fu's shoulder lightly, and persuaded softly.

"You should go back and rest first. It takes at least three hours for the potion to show its effect. I'll take a look here. I'll let you know if anything happens."

The moment his hand touched Jiang Fu's shoulder, Jiang Fu slapped his hand away reflexively, and the tired face was no longer sweet and intimacy, replaced by cold disgust and resistance.

"Do not touch me."

He said every word.

Yuan Chen's hands froze immediately, and even Zhou Zheng and Lu Tian behind him opened their mouths wide in shock. They just knew that Yuan Chen was a plant-type supernatural being, and they didn't know Jiang Fu's unspeakable secrets.

The stagnant atmosphere was so quiet that only the sound of everyone's breathing could be heard. Zhou Zheng glanced at Yuan Chen, who had an ugly face, and patted Jiang Fu on the shoulder in a smooth manner, and persuaded him.

"Just listen to Professor Yuan, there are still me and Lu Tian here."

Jiang Fu glanced at him, nodded and said.

"Thank you for your hard work."

After speaking, he walked past Yuan Chen without raising his head.

Yuan Chen lowered his eyes expressionlessly, without saying a word.

Jiang Fu didn't go back to Yuan Chen's residence, but went to the dormitory that was originally assigned to him. It was the dormitory where I lived with another supernatural person, who piled some messy things on his bed because he didn't check in in time.

Jiang Fu took a look and left, borrowed Zhou Zheng's dormitory to take a simple shower, and then ran to check on Amy's situation.

Yuan Chen was no longer there, and Zhou Zheng and Lu Tian were still anxiously waiting for the potion to take effect. They waited until three hours later, Amy's zombification did not stop, and the potion failed.

The once well-behaved and cute little girl has turned into a hideous and howling monster. With a heavy heart, Zhou Zheng slammed the glass hard, clenched his back molars, and couldn't face the result no matter what.

Lu Tian yelled in disbelief.

"How is this possible! Where is Professor Yuan! I'm going to find Professor Yuan!"

His staggering figure quickly disappeared at the end of District 2. Jiang Fu stood in front of the glass, looking down at Amy who was beating violently in the room, and the thick eyelashes cast a small light shadow under the eyelids.

After checking, the result still has not changed. Amy has turned into a zombie. Apart from being killed, her result can only be to act as a test subject. And the experimental subjects have to endure all kinds of inhuman torture, and may even die on the experimental table.

Zhou Zheng and the others stayed up until midnight without deciding how to deal with Amy's affairs. In the end, they couldn't hold on any longer, so they all went back to rest exhausted.

Ten minutes later, a slender figure appeared at the end of Zone 2 where only the lights were on, and walked to Amy's room without a sound. The dim light cast a halo of halo from the top of his head. Cast a clear shadow on the glass.

He squatted down, bent his fingers and tapped the glass lightly, staring intently at the little zombie sitting in the corner.


The soft call was as gentle as the only ray of sunshine in the dark night, warm enough to make people forget all the cold and fear.

The little zombie stared at him blankly, with no expression on his terrifying face.

Jiang Fu still patiently called her name in a low voice. After a few minutes, the little zombie moved slightly, let out a hoarse howl from its throat, and fixed its eyes on Jiang Fu.

Jiang Fu looked calm and continued to call her name.

"Amy, come here."

After a few slow minutes, the little zombie stood up stiffly, walked towards him hesitantly, and finally stopped slowly, looking at Jiang with his head tilted through a glass door made of special material. Fu, and then swallowed out of the instinct of hunger.

She could smell Jiang Fu's smell, it was delicious like her favorite cake, or candy, or the egg custard made by her mother before the end of the world. It was sweet, soft and delicious, exuding an irresistible aroma.

Jiang Fu sat cross-legged on the ground, took out a piece of paper from his pocket, and put the frogs on the ground by himself.

The little zombie was attracted by the flexible movements of his hands, and stared down at him motionless.

The folded paper frog was lightly pressed, and then it jumped forward lightly.

The little zombie's eyes followed it.

Jiang Fu didn't speak, just pressed the paper frog quietly.

In the end, the little zombie sat cross-legged on the ground like him, holding the glass with his hands, his eyes glued to the paper frog curiously and eagerly, his cloudy pupils gradually showing a bit of daze and sobriety.

After a while, the little zombie took out a treasure-like thing from his dirty pocket, and slowly spread it out for Jiang Fu to see.

In the palm is a paper rose, which is well preserved without any extra folds.

Jiang Fu clenched his hands tightly, he raised the paper frog, shook it in front of the zombie, and asked softly.

"Want it?"

The little zombie hesitated for a while, then nodded.

Jiang Fu's tense face finally eased, and a nice smile appeared on his beautiful face.

"Be quiet if you want, you know?"

The little zombie nodded obediently again.

Jiang Fu stood up and tapped on the display screen of the instrument controlling the equipment in the room. After a while, the door of the room clicked and cracked open.

Gently pushed open the door and walked in, Jiang Fu squatted down in front of the little zombie with its head held high, put the paper frog in her hand, then looked into her ignorant eyes, and said gently.

"Amy, I'm going to sneak you away now, you just need to follow me, be quiet, understand?"

The little zombie looked down at his palm for a while, then slowly clenched his palm cherishingly, and nodded obediently.

Jiang Fu secretly sent the little zombie out of the base, and only after the little zombie crookedly disappeared from sight, he returned to the laboratory building lightly.

In the dim sight in the middle of the night, the sound of him stepping on the smooth ground alone echoed in the empty laboratory building, looking eerie. He hasn't erased the traces left in the laboratory building, so he has to finish it before the staff go to the morning shift.

While he was busy modifying the traces of use on the instrument, he caught a glimpse of a shallow shadow overlapping his own from the corner of his eye.

Jiang Fu withdrew his gaze, turned around after the modification was completed, glanced at the silent Yuan Chen, and said calmly.

"You won't tell, will you?"

Yuan Chen stared at his slender fingers hanging by his side, and the skillful appearance of flexible manipulation just now flashed through his mind. He looked at Jiang Fu thoughtfully, and said lightly.

"I never knew you could do that."

Jiang Fu smiled vaguely, staring at him with dark eyes, clear and unfamiliar.

"There are so many things you don't know, like, I didn't know you could manipulate vines."

Yuan Chen's eyes paused, and he was silent for a few seconds before speaking.

"Sorry, I didn't tell you."

"Why? Why did you tease me like that in the first place?"

As if suddenly out of control, Jiang Fu couldn't bear to raise his voice to question, a layer of angry blush appeared on his white greasy face, mixed with unspeakable embarrassment and the pain of being betrayed.

Yuan Chen's heart was stabbed suddenly, and his cold face cracked into a bit of helplessness and embarrassment. He pursed his lips nervously, and then opened his mouth to explain in a low voice.

"Whenever people with supernatural powers come in and the electric shock can't work, I will use vines to force out their potential. The plant supernatural powers were awakened after I came to the base, because it is more beneficial to my life to disclose them than to conceal them." Experiment, so I didn't tell anyone."

Yuan Chen looked at him intently, the icy outline had obvious softness.

"Chengcheng, you are an accident."

"An accident I couldn't handle."

What a different story.

Hee hee, I like it.

Jiang Fu's downcast eyes flashed an imperceptible joyful smile, and when he raised his head again, his expressionless face was restored. He looked at Yuan Chen sarcastically, and said coldly.

"Let's break up, I don't like you anymore."

The suddenly cramped atmosphere made people suffocated and breathless, Yuan Chen's internal organs were like being roasted on magma, and his whole heart was about to shatter.

The expression on his face was blank for a moment, and the voice he made seemed to be squeezed out word by word from the gap between his teeth.

"... What did you say?"

Jiang Fu's expression was still cold and disgusted, and his words were as clear as a knife piercing into the living heart, every inch of breathing was painful.

"I said, I hate you, you liar."

After finishing speaking, Jiang Fu hurriedly walked out if he missed him, as if he could no longer bear to stay in the same space with him.

The moment they passed by, Yuan Chen grabbed his arm with such force that he almost crushed his bones.

The deep voice seemed to have echoed thousands of times from the extremely deep and extremely cold abyss, it was indistinct, and no emotion could be heard.

"Chengcheng, say it again."

Jiang Fu heard the slight tremor in his voice, but thought it was because he couldn't accept it for a while.

What he didn't see was how terrifying Yuan Chen's expression was, with his back turned to him. It was the kind of heavy-bodied expression that would break a person's limbs and bones, and then wrap it in his arms and eat it bite by bite. possessive.

"You're never finished! Let me go!"

The struggling movements and impatient shouts gradually weakened in the dimly lit corridor.


The repeated whispers were like deep obsessions engraved in the bones, thick and bottomless.