Strategy to Attack the System

Chapter 25: black princess 13


The huge bed is covered with a warm pink quilt, and the fine stitches are extremely rare in the entire continent, but this is nothing compared to the exquisite girl who rubbed her eyes and emerged from the quilt.

The long black hair was messy and curled up, showing a bit of innocence and ignorance.

Black eyes and red lips, delicate skin, like a noble princess in a fairy tale, imprisoned on a high lighthouse because of her shocking beauty, waiting for a great warrior to rescue her after defeating the dragon.

Three surprised eyes stared at her unconsciously for a long time, only the sound of thin, chaotic breathing remained in the huge cave.

As if shy from being looked at, the girl raised her eyes and glanced around the three of them, then pulled up the quilt again, revealing only a pair of wet, black eyes like young deer.

The repeated words are still soft and waxy, but they are a little less sleepy than before, clear and nice.

"Yuan Yuan is really not here, he went outside to look for food."

The first one to come back to his senses was the man who hadn't spoken all the time, he said calmly.

"Then we'll wait here for him to come back."

The girl hesitated for a moment, and asked curiously in a low voice.

"Do you have anything to ask him, I can convey it on your behalf."

Huo Qi, who came back to his senses later, approached her with a sneer, and vented the throbbing that had been bewitched by his mind just now into anger.

"You, a mere human, really think highly of yourself. When will you take care of the affairs of our dragon clan?"

As he approached the huge bed, he felt distraught when he saw the warm pink eyes, and his raised right hand turned into sharp dragon claws and cut through the expensive velvet mercilessly.

The weak girl didn't show timidity because of his approaching, she looked at Huo Qi's fierce and fierce face calmly, her voice was clear and peaceful.

"I'm his partner, and what's about him is about me."


Before Huo Qi could make a sound, the clear man from before asked in surprise. He thought for a while, then stared at her thoughtfully and said.

"I heard that he came back to the Dragon Clan before because of his partner's affairs. Could it be because of you?"

The girl nodded, then lowered her eyes slightly, her lowered voice was soft and weak.

"What on earth do you want to do? We have no intention of going back to the Dragon Clan to disturb you."

Her drooping eyelashes were thick and black, covering a pair of beautiful eyes, and her red lips were tightly pressed together, as if she felt a little nervous because she was facing the three dragons alone, her curves were beautiful, and her color was moist.

That black dragon is quite lucky.

Huo Qi stared at her in a daze, thinking about it, just as he was about to stretch out his hand unconsciously, when Xie Xu suddenly asked in astonishment.

"Are you a boy?"

The girl touched her inconspicuous but slightly protruding Adam's apple, and nodded frankly.

"Yeah, I'm a boy."

"How can it be!"

Huo Qi, who was closest to her, immediately retorted subconsciously. The person in front of him obviously has long hair and is so beautiful, how could it be a boy

The misidentification of gender confusion gave him an unreasonable anger of being deceived, his face darkened, and the previous trance was instantly blown away by the cold wind that was tired of the house, and the unhappy mood overflowed with a particularly frivolous malicious.

"Don't lie, just let me see it with my own eyes."

He sneered and stretched out his hand to lift the quilt on the bed. The person who had been curled up inside quickly backed away, clutching the quilt tightly and refusing to let go, frowning slightly and staring at him. colored light.

"You can't do this, Yuan Yuan will be angry when he comes back."

Now that he knew that the other party was a boy, Huo Qi could vaguely recognize the Qingteng who was completely different from the girl from his pleasant voice. Even though he spoke with some unhappy emotions, the sweet and soft voice made people feel slightly shaken , as if being scratched gently on the heart by a coquettish little milk cat.

The soft and sour feeling made Huo Qi's face suddenly become weird.

He has just grown up and will find a mating partner before the next winter. As a leader in all aspects of the clan, almost all female dragons are waiting for him to choose, but he has not found one that fits his eyes.

He has always been at odds with the black dragon who has no father or mother, because he feels that the other party has lost face to the dragon clan by running to the human clan to survive, so he always makes things difficult for the black dragon when he returns to the dragon clan to find the patriarch, but every time the unavoidable fierce fight, he He has never won against the black dragon, and even as Xie Xu said, the strong dragon horns he is proud of were almost discounted by the black dragon.

At such a young and vigorous age, face is naturally very important, especially after being witnessed by the entire dragon clan for his failures again and again, Huo Qi is always on fire, looking for an opportunity to repair the black dragon.

When he heard that the black dragon's partner was a human race before, he had laughed it off, but now that he saw it with his own eyes, he had an extremely ridiculous idea.

It would be nice to find such a lovely human race as a partner.

This kind of weird idea brewed into an even more crazy idea under the extreme hatred of the black dragon. Bloodthirsty dragons love to fight and plunder. It is not uncommon for the race to snatch a partner. In the end, the winner will get the admiration of the entire dragon. Even if the loser is the first to have a partner, they can only watch helplessly as their partner belongs to someone else.

Every inch of blood boiled in an instant, his fingertips even became slightly hot from excitement, and the depths of his eyes gradually filled with the frenzy of finding new interests.

He swallowed, stretched out his hand to pinch the young man's chin, and smiled evilly at the corner of his lips.

"Although you are the black dragon's partner, if he doesn't find you, then you are mine."

"Huo Qi, don't be impulsive!"

Xie Xu's stern voice of resistance not only didn't make him flinch, but instead inspired him to become more aggressive.

The hand was suddenly swung away forcefully, and the beautiful young man stared at him with undisguised repulsion and coldness, and his face, whose smile was gradually disappearing, was tense.

"This is my cave, and now I, as the master, order you to leave."

Huo Qi snorted coldly, the arrogance and strength in his brows were like an aggressive long sword approaching his face.

"Whoever snatches it belongs to him. This is the rule of the Dragon Clan. Now let me tell you, this cave is occupied by me, including everything in it. I can do whatever I want, and what I have to do now is-"

"Take you away."

The sudden loud roar shook the entire cave. Jiang Fu instinctively covered his ears and closed his eyes. He tilted his head and endured it for a while before looking again. He found that Huo Qi, who was forced to be in front of the bed, had turned red all over his head. The giant dragon is like a blazing fire.

He turned around in astonishment and wanted to run away, but he felt the big bed shake violently, and then he jumped up into the air.

Seeing that the red dragon grabbed the whole bed in its claws and rushed out the door, Xie Xu's face changed drastically, and he hurriedly said to Luo Chao who was also stunned.

"I'll catch up with Huo Qi first, you wait here and return to the clan together after the black dragon returns."

After he finished speaking, he changed into his original form and quickly chased after him. Luo Chao, who stayed where he was, didn't even have time to say anything, so he just stood there and continued to wait.

Although the dragons also love to live in caves, none of the dragons would decorate the caves so strangely like Yuan Chen, the black dragon, probably because their partner is a human, so the layout of the caves is also biased towards the aesthetics of the human race.

He looked at the cave silently, and was taken aback when he saw the slightly shaking swing.

After observing in silence for a few seconds, he frowned and walked towards the swing.

The Dragon Clan could fly, he had never seen this strange thing before, but out of curiosity, he lightly touched the swing rope, and suddenly a round thing fell from the wooden frame to the ground unexpectedly.

"Choo Choo Choo!"

The panicked Ben Ben didn't dare to look at him, so he ran out desperately. He stumbled and forgot to open his small wings, and slammed into the rocks of the cave without running a few steps.

Luo Chao couldn't help laughing, but the smile faded away quickly.

He walked towards the dizzy Clumsy, bent down and picked it up, and the painful, tearful eyes of the little black beans immediately met his scrutinizing gaze.

Clumsy and trembling chirped, his chubby body drooped limply in the air, trembling at a frequency visible to the naked eye.

It is timid and afraid of strangers. It was woken up by the loud noise of the red dragon snatching the little master away when it was sleeping just now. It was so scared that it hid on the swing frame and did not dare to move. It planned to find the big one after they all left The master saves the little master.

Unexpectedly, it was discovered! QQ

Luo Chao looked at the obviously terrified stupid, with a little confusion on his expressionless face.

He didn't know what the elf was afraid of, was he afraid of him? But he obviously did nothing.

He sighed, his cold voice unconsciously softening.

"I will go back to the Dragon Clan in a while. If you want to find the boy just now, I can take you with me, but we have to wait until the Black Dragon comes back to take him away. This is our task this time."

Hearing that he could be reunited with his master and master soon, Benben's eyes lit up, and he wanted to nod eagerly to show his approval, but the posture being held by Luo Chao couldn't move, so he had to keep tweeting to express his gratitude.

Luo Chao looked at its dumbfounded appearance, and a slight smile flashed in his eyes.

At the same time, Yuan Chen, who was carefully selecting food in the distant human gathering place, suddenly turned his head and looked in the direction of the cave, his handsome and gentle face was full of anxiety and sullenness.

After being continuously deepened and accommodated, one of the functions of the Long Qi is to allow each other to perceive each other, and Yuan Chen, who is the stronger party, can naturally perceive Jiang Fu's intense emotional ups and downs, and even the change of position through the Long Qi .

That's why he was relieved to leave Jiang Fu alone in the cave, but he didn't expect that someone would dare to snatch Jiang Fu away while he was away.

And that direction of movement is exactly where the dragons live.

The dragon nature that was suddenly enraged immediately awakened. The bustling business people in the market watched in horror the huge black dragon that suddenly appeared in the strong wind and soared into the sky. They were stunned and showed fear and awe Looking at the black dragon with trepidation, he gradually disappeared into the distant sky.