Strategy to Attack the System

Chapter 40: Guilty Starlight 05


The dinner was unexpectedly good. Fu Xian praised the help of the two newcomers. The newcomers were extremely shy, but their reserved expressions finally showed some real happiness.

After the dining process of the guests was filmed, they went back to their rooms, and then it was the turn of the staff who finished work to eat.

Fu Xian politely asked if he needed to cook for himself. How dare the staff really bother him, a big film star, and repeatedly evaded saying that there are people who can cook among them. Fu Xian said goodbye to them with a smile, and then walked to his room .

He saw Jiang Fu sitting on the sofa eating melon seeds with relish, and asked casually.

"There are so many people outside, why don't you go back to your room to eat?"

Jiang Fu shook his head, biting the crispy melon seed shell and said vaguely.

"No, I'll wait for Yuan Yuan."

Fu Xian was taken aback, and glanced at Yuan Chen who was eating with the staff not far away. That glance lost the gentleness and elegance of the past, without the slightest warmth, like a perfectly concealed dark color in the dark night. No one can see.

After a few seconds, he looked away and said with a gentle smile.

"Your assistant is responsible for keeping you safe, no wonder you have to stay close."

Jiang Fu didn't hear the subtle tone in his words, and nodded seriously.

"Yes, so I have to follow Yuan Yuan closely to be at ease."

Fu Xian propped his elbows on the back of the sofa, brushing Jiang Fu's black hair as if inadvertently.

His lowered eyes fell on Jiang Fu's exposed white nape of the neck, and the light in his eyes fluctuated in depth.

"Xiao Fu, instead of worrying about yourself, you might as well stay with me. My bodyguards are all top-notch, and two big stars are together, isn't it easier to attract that fan?"

Fu Xian's words are persuasive, his gentle tone contains quiet consolation, coupled with that very charming mature face, it is really alluring.

Jiang Fu paused with his hands, then turned around and knelt on the sofa, leaning his elbows on the back of the sofa like him, and continued to lick melon seeds as if joking.

"That fan is targeting me. Brother Fu, you stay with me, but you will be implicated."

Hearing that Fu Xian's tone softened a little, there was a little joy in the depths of his eyes, and his tone became more gentle.

"Xiao Fu, what you said is too foreign. I have always regarded you as my best friend, so why would I be afraid of getting involved and alienate you?"

"Film Emperor Fu is not young, it would be a bit far-fetched to say that he is a friend."

A cold voice broke in suddenly, and Yuan Chen, who had finished his meal quickly, frowned displeasedly at the close distance between them.

Jiang Fu turned his head to look at him, and raised his chin on the round table arrogantly.

"I'm almost done eating, bring me some more."

"Go inside and eat."

Yuan Chen took the bag of melon seeds on the table and stuffed it into his hand, then urged him to go back to the room.

Jiang Fu held the melon seed bag contentedly, said good night to Fu Xian with a smile, and went back to the room with Yuan Chen.

Fu Xian stood alone on the spot, staring at Jiang Fu's closed door for a long time before returning to his room.

After entering the room, Yuan Chen glanced at Jiang Fu who was still eating melon seeds with great interest, and went to the bathroom to wash up.

While brushing his teeth, he stared at another toothbrush cup of the same style, feeling his heart beating fast for no reason.

When he walked out of the bathroom after washing, Yuan Chen's face was still a little red, and he coughed with his concealed hand to the corner of his lips, reminding him.

"It's getting late, it's time to sleep."

Jiang Fu nodded kindly, jumped out of bed to wash up after eating the melon seeds in his hand, Yuan Chen who stayed outside looked at the two sets of pillows side by side, hesitated for a moment, and stood by the bed without moving.

After a while, Jiang Fu came out after washing and asked him suspiciously.

"What are you standing here for?"

"Wait for you to sleep first."

Yuan Chen replied concisely.

Jiang Fu yawned, rubbed his eyes and muttered.

"I must go to bed before you, I'm almost sleepy today."

He went to the closet and found his pajamas to change into, without avoiding Yuan Chen.

Yuan Chen's gaze was glued to him unconsciously, and when he suddenly hit a touch of soft whiteness, it was too late to stop.

Jiang Fu's waist is very thin, it looks white and tough, and it must be smooth and warm to the touch.

He thought silently.

Jiang Fu changed into a set of blue fine-check pajamas, which looked refreshing and cute, exuding a mixed temptation of ignorant innocence and mature laziness.

He slowly climbed onto the bed, wrapped himself in the quilt and moved to the side, patting the empty space on one side to remind Yuanchen.

"Hurry up and turn off the lights, I want to sleep."

His unhappy complaint was covered with a thick nasal voice, like an unconscious coquettish, scratching Yuan Chen's heart all at once, making him unable to open his mouth even if he wanted to refuse.

Jiang Fu turned sideways and huddled under the quilt. The quilt slipped off to reveal a small piece of snow-white shoulders, which merged with the white that he had glimpsed by accident just now.

The gentle and long breathing sounded beside him, and the warmth was unsuspectingly exposed in the dangerous darkness, within reach.

Yuan Chen's whole body was stiff, like a soldier sleeping straight, and the hand resting on his side was tightly curled up.

As long as he closes his eyes, his eyes will be filled with the lingering white and greasy skin, disturbing his mind, but when he opens his eyes, he will clearly realize that the culprit is lying beside him, making it even more difficult to sleep.

Yuan Chen couldn't sleep without moving until midnight, finally sighed silently, and decided to get up and go outside to drink a glass of cold water to calm down.

He quietly left the room and closed the door carefully.

The villa is very large, and the staff are crowded into the room to sleep in twos and threes. The living room on the first floor is dark and silent, and the outlines of the furniture are blurred by the thin moonlight outside.

Yuan Chen's night vision ability is very strong, he stood at the door for a few seconds to get used to it, and then walked towards the water dispenser accurately.

After drinking three glasses of cold water, the burning heat in my heart was slowly extinguished.

He put down his glass and was about to go back to his room, when he suddenly heard a door click, and he didn't know who walked out of the room in the middle of the night.

He immediately held his breath and concentrated, silently blending into the darkness around him, and his sharp eyes quickly swept across every door.

Who will come out so late

A bright light leaked into the deep darkness from the door in the middle of the second floor.

Yuan Chen remembered that it was the room of the comedian brother.

But at this moment, it was the newcomer boy who came out of the door. He was wrapped in a large coat, and carefully whispered a few words to the person inside, with a tremor at the end.

The person inside stretched out his hand and squeezed his buttocks. The newcomer boy seemed to try his best to restrain himself from dodging, and waited patiently for him to finish touching before limping towards his room at the end of the second floor.

After the newcomer boy closed the door, the central door opened again, and then the comedian brother came out smoking a cigarette.

The red cigarette butt was like a dazzling siren in the dark, all the way to the first floor, until he reached the sofa in the living room, the comedian brother suddenly saw a tall silent figure standing a few meters away, he blurted out a curse in shock .

Yuan Chen glanced at him and explained without moving.

"I'll come out for a glass of water, and I won't tell what I see."

The comedian brother relaxed after seeing that it was him, brushed off the cigarette ash indifferently, and spoke as if chatting with an old friend.

"There is a water dispenser in the room, why come out to drink?"

"I'm afraid that Jiang Fu will be disturbed."

Yuan Chen's answer was very short. He looked at the smiling comedian brother and asked back.

"There is everything in the room, so why did you come out?"

The comedian's younger brother is a fat man, he doesn't want to stand when he can sit. He sat comfortably on the sofa, showing a man's tacit smile.

"I didn't want to sleep in the smell of cigarettes, so I came out to smoke. You know, a cigarette afterward is as happy as a god."

Yuan Chen didn't mention the secret opinion just now, but the comedian brother took the initiative to speak out. His attitude was very casual, as if he didn't worry about the impact on him after this incident was exposed.

Yuan Chen paused, and followed his words.

"There are many people living in this villa, aren't you afraid of being discovered by others?"

The comedian brother sneered and said slowly.

"You really think that everyone is very innocent, but you are just looking at the nose and the heart. The newcomer girl was also forced in by the gold master. I was just taking care of the newcomer with good intentions. The boy wanted more. And I want a young and obedient bed partner, mutual benefit and win-win, why not?"

The comedian brother swallowed the clouds and mist, the white chaos in the darkness, the paralyzing smell gradually spread, and a drowsy and dull sense of relaxation appeared.

Yuan Chen was silent for a while, his voice was calm and deep.

"What do you mean by what you said to me during the day, and what do you know?"

"I know a lot, sir."

The comedian brother seemed to be afraid of disturbing others, so he laughed a few times and then calmed down again.

He stubbed out the cigarette in his hand, threw it on the ground and stood up slowly, as if he was planning to go back to the room.

Yuan Chen didn't want to give up this rare opportunity to be alone, he grabbed the comedian brother's thick arm suddenly, and was ready to be restrained by force at any time. Pry out some secrets.

"About Jiang Fu, what do you know?"

The comedian brother turned his head to the side, and instead of answering, he smiled ambiguously at him.

"Officer, while you were investigating suspicious people around Jiang Fu, did you pay attention to your expression when you looked at him?"

Yuan Chen was stunned by the question, and the comedian brother flexibly broke free from his restraint, and walked unhurriedly to the second floor.

what expression.

Yuan Chen tightly closed his eyes, and the emotions that had finally cooled down were thrown into the magma to be burned in an instant, so hot that he could hardly breathe.

He didn't dare to see what expression he would have.

The recording ended in the afternoon of the second day, and everyone returned to the shore on the yacht of the program group after parting ways.

When Jiang Fu and Yuan Chen arrived, Fu Xian was waiting for him on the bank. There was a slight smile on his gentle face, and his slender figure was outstanding. The fans on the bank were blocked by bodyguards, shouting excitedly Taking pictures.

Seeing Jiang Fu approaching, Fu Xian walked towards him and asked with a smile.

"Xiao Fu, do you want to go home?"

Jiang Fu nodded and said with a smile.

"Brother Fu, see you next time we record."

Fu Xian also nodded with a smile, and then patted his head affectionately.

The flashes flashed more and more frequently, and the screams one after another were full of gossiping excitement, which was twice as much as before.

Jiang Fu caught a glimpse of Mo Xuan who was walking towards here, so he avoided Fu Xian's contact without a trace, stepped forward and waved to Mo Xuan.

"Xiaoxuan, I'm here!"

There was also a relaxed smile on Mo Xuan's face, she quickened her pace and walked towards him, speaking hastily.

"The car is parked in front, there are too many fans here, let's go quickly."


After Jiang Fu said goodbye to everyone on the shore, he hurried to the side under the protection of Mo Xuan and Yuan Chen. The fans knew the news that their filming had ended in advance, and they waited here for a long time before meeting the star they had dreamed of. They all screamed and followed Jiang Fu to move, desperately passing the bodyguard's hand to hand over their presents.

Jiang Fu originally wanted to leave quickly to avoid causing commotion, but a large wave of fans blocked his way and he couldn't get through at all.

He sighed helplessly, took off his black sunglasses, and made a silent gesture to the fans.

The sun was bright and hot, and his white and greasy skin seemed transparent under the sunlight, so the black pupils and red lips looked even more amazing, beautiful and soul-stirring.

The fans were very obedient, and immediately covered their mouths when they saw that he was about to speak, but their excited eyes were still fixed on Jiang Fu, and the young girl even burst into tears of excitement.

"Okay, you give him all the presents, I will read every one of them, so please let me go home obediently, okay? I'm really tired."

Jiang Fu smiled very gently, and when he stared intently at them with his dark eyes, he seemed to be affectionate, with a sparkling water color, which no one could refuse.

The fans took a deep breath and kept nodding vigorously. I don't know who mustered up the courage and suddenly shouted timidly.

"Afu, you have to work hard! We will always support you!"

In response to her encouragement, all the fans shouted in unison with tears in their eyes. That hoarse voice was full of young and passionate admiration, and even choked with unstoppable sobs.

Jiang Fu has always been aware that human emotions are fleeting. Even for a star, being loved and being forgotten is only a matter of an instant. Therefore, he did not devote all his emotions to his current identity, and he was just a sober person throughout the whole process. bystander.

Just knowing this, when he saw so many people looking at him with eyes of admiration and even faith, he still felt indescribably shocked.

That feeling is amazing, the heart will become very soft, and the silent armor will become harder because of their love, helping him to be invincible and invincible.

Jiang Fu smiled slightly, the dimples on his cheeks were extremely sweet, like a candy that always exudes fragrance.

The gentle voice seems to treat the most beloved lover, making the listener have the illusion of being deeply loved.

"Thank you, I will not disappoint your love."

He stood there and patiently told the young fans to go home early, while Yuan Chen accepted their gifts one by one and put them in the trunk of the car with a blank face. It took half an hour before Jiang Fu and the others left smoothly. .

The low-key black car gradually drove away from the coast. Mo Xuan, who was driving the car, asked him about the recording situation. Yuan Chen was sitting next to Jiang Fu, holding a lot of presents, and was putting them one by one in the back with a frown.

After Jiang Fu briefly answered Mo Xuan absent-mindedly, he tilted his head on the back of the chair and opened the fans' presents with great interest.

Mo Xuan glanced at him from the rearview mirror, and said.

"You go up as soon as you get home. I will deliver these gifts to the company as usual."

"Let's play it after I finish watching it. I promised them just now."

Jiang Fu disassembled it quickly, and after reading it, he handed it to Yuan Chen, signaling him to put the box back up again.

Fans sent a lot of presents, Jiang Fu picked out some favorite little things to keep for himself, and put the others in the trunk, waiting to be brought to the company by Mo Xuan.

When he was about to get home, Jiang Fu was unpacking the last few gift boxes. His expression was a little tired, and he curled up lazily on the back seat. His flexible fingers were as finely crafted as works of art. It's more like a gift.

Yuan Chen stared at him without saying a word, unconsciously lost in thought.

Suddenly Jiang Fu paused, and his face changed slightly.

Yuan Chen, whose eyes were always glued to him, asked sharply.

"What's wrong?"

Jiang Fu looked up at him, the smile on his face disappeared, and then he handed him the gift box silently.

Yuan Chen took it and took a look.

There is a fresh iris flower in the exquisite box, and a stack of developed photos is pressed under it, and the top one is Jiang Fu this morning.

At that time, they were playing small games outside the villa to test each other, chasing each other in the shallow water area, Jiang Fu was the only one in the photo, his clothes were soaked by the sea water splashed by others, and his thin shirt was stuck to his flexible skin , the looming snow-white in the transparent water drops shows a kind of pure temptation, like a wet moonlight flower.

Beautiful, yet delicate, sweet water can be squeezed out with just a pinch.

Mo Xuan sensed the suddenly stagnant atmosphere in the car, and seemed to be sensitive to something, her expression changed, and the car slammed on the brakes, making a harsh sound.

" that fan?"

Her face was extremely ugly, and she asked hesitantly.

Yuan Chen covered the box and ordered in a deep voice.

"I'll take Jiang Fu home first, Mo Xuan, go and find the video recorded by the fans just now, try to get it as complete as possible."

Mo Xuan hesitated for a moment, then obeyed his words.

"Xiao Fu, I will turn down a commercial shooting for you at night, and I will come over at night."


Jiang Fu in the back seat responded in a low voice, pursing his pretty lips tightly.