Strategy to Attack the System

Chapter 60: Chronicle of the Republic of China 09


After closing the door, Wen Xi took Zhou Zhi's hand, looked down at the red marks drawn by the coarse sand, and wrinkled his brows tightly into the word Sichuan.

"Why didn't you tell me just now?"

Zhou Zhi was obediently led by him to sit by the bed, dangling his legs and waiting for him to bring over the standing medicine box in the bedroom before speaking honestly.

"Just now I was in a hurry to catch the villain, but I didn't feel any pain."

Wen Xi squatted down and rubbed alcohol on him, the irritating coolness made Zhou Zhi shrink back.

Wen Xi glanced at him, his gloomy face softened slightly, and his tone was still reprimanding.

"You must be careful when you are told to go out, this time you can run back by yourself, just in case next time..."

In the middle of the speech, he couldn't continue, and he pursed his lips tightly without saying a word.

The fear deep in his heart is only known to him. The moment he saw the panicked Zhou Zhi stumbling towards him, his mind was blank, and he only knew to hold his little rabbit in his arms and tenderly comfort.

The panic on Zhou Zhi's face pierced into Wen Xi's hard heart like a thorn.

He closed his eyes, forcefully suppressing the rage and anger welling up in his heart.

"There will be no next time, I will only go out with you in the future."

Seeing that his complexion was still not good, Zhou Zhi hurriedly raised his hand as a guarantee.

Wen Xi finally stopped being shameless, he carefully wrapped Zhou Zhi's hands with gauze, then put away the medicine box, and sat down in front of Zhou Zhi again.

It was important to chase after Du Qi before. He didn't have time to ask Zhou Zhi about every detail and process, so he asked Zhou Zhi to try his best to recall.

Zhou Zhi hugged a plate of pastries and chewed like a little hamster, while seriously talking about it from beginning to end.

After Jiang Fu left the box, Zhou Zhi continued to look at the stage downstairs, but suddenly heard a sound from behind, he turned his head and saw that the bodyguard protecting him knocked out another bodyguard, and then rushed towards him quickly.

Zhou Zhi swiftly dodged from the side, opened the box door and called for help to the bodyguard at the door, but the bodyguard directly covered his mouth, and then reprimanded the bodyguard in the room in a low voice.

"Telling you to block someone can also make him escape, you almost ruined our plan!"

It was only then that Zhou Zhi realized that they were in the same group. He bit the bodyguard's hand forcefully, and the bodyguard withdrew his hand in pain. Another bodyguard knocked Zhou Zhi unconscious before he called for help.

When he woke up again, he was already in a cabin. He was tied up by five flowers. In front of him was a strange man and a group of subordinates. The man said his name was Du Qi.

"Then what?"

"Then he locked me in the cabin. I didn't know what happened to the boat. Suddenly it shook suddenly, and there was the sound of people running outside the door. I waited for a while, and someone opened the door from the outside. The boatman of another boat, and Du Qi and his group don't know where they went."

Zhou Zhi thought about it, and said with a little embarrassment and shyness.

"I don't know if they hid or ran away, so I just wanted to find you quickly. You are so powerful, maybe you can catch them."

Wen Xi's heart softened, and at the same time, there was a surge of love and affection.

He touched Zhou Zhi's head comfortingly, and said dryly with an awkward expression.

"never mind."

After thinking about it, he added another sentence.

"I won't let you do anything in the future."

Zhou Zhi looked at him with deer-like eyes, full of trust.

"Well, I believe you."

Wen Xi couldn't help laughing, and quickly took it back, he leaned over and kissed Zhou Zhi's eyes, his gentle voice was full of pampering.

"Well, very good."

Zhou Zhi smiled and showed his little tiger teeth, looking extremely cute.

Since this accident happened, the security of Wen Mansion has become more and more stringent, and Zhou Zhi is sensible enough not to bring up the matter of the door, wandering around at home every day, studying the exquisite decoration in the mansion.

Jiang Fu made up his mind to solve Du Qi himself, so he went out to work every day. Yuan Chen also had his own affairs to deal with, but whenever he was free, he would go with him and be the quiet bodyguard behind him.

A few days later, Jiang Fu was invited to a banquet. It was said that Du Qi had attended several banquets hosted by the owner of the banquet, and it seemed that he wanted to win him over.

Ever since Yuan Chen appeared, Jiang Fu had disappeared from the sight of Beicheng people for a long time. This sudden appearance at the banquet naturally attracted a lot of attention, and many people's eyes fell on Yuan Chen who was closely following him body.

"Do you know what people outside are saying about our relationship?"

Jiang Fu casually took a glass of champagne in front of the champagne tower and handed it to Yuan Chen, asking with a smile.

Yuan Chen took it over, looked at him calmly and asked back.

"do you know?"

"I don't know. But you must know. Tell me quickly and listen."

Jiang Fu urged him with great interest like a child who couldn't wait to hear a bedtime story.

The lights of the banquet were bright and bright, and the halo falling in Jiang Fu's eyes was like the moonlight hidden deep under the lake. Only those who were willing to reach out and touch it could glimpse the sultry beauty.

Yuan Chen resisted the urge to kiss him, and a faint smile appeared in his eyes.

"They said that I was your little wolf dog. I was responsible for working for you outside and warming your bed inside."

"It's more than that. Some people must say that you, an outsider, have robbed me of my power. I can't beat it, so I have to commit myself to you. Then we will fall in love and kill each other."

Jiang Fu knew that he would only pick his own ears and use it as a joke, and those really unsightly slanders had already been cleaned up secretly by him.

The words of the people in the small town are terrifying, if the root cause is not cut off in time, even if three people become tigers, it will become a disaster.

Jiang Fu casually glanced at the people in the banquet hall who were peeking over, raised the champagne glass in his hand and touched Yuan Chen's glass, the soft sound was clear and moving.

He blinked at Yuan Chen, and smiled and invited Yuan Chen to the melodious music of the gramophone.

"Then let them see how much we love and kill each other."

After finishing speaking, he drank the champagne in one gulp, his clean collarbone rolling slightly.

After Yuan Chen stared at him without looking back, he turned and walked towards the center of the dance floor, then he drank the champagne with his head up, put it on the long table aside, and chased after Jiang Fu.

The men and women in the middle of the dance floor were stunned when they saw them coming in. Jiang Fu calmly reached out his hand to Yuan Chen. Yuan Chen took his hand and put it around his waist.

The music on the gramophone played to the next unknown foreign song. The hoarse female voice seemed to be expressing her long-buried feelings in the silent night, and the gentle melody was sad and ambiguous.

The lights above the head also dimmed accordingly, casting faint shadows in the center of the dance floor.

The darkness is not thick, only blurred outlines are left in the distance, and the only clear thing is the very close face.

Jiang Fu raised his head slightly, as if he remembered something interesting, and dimples appeared on his cheeks when he smiled.

"I remember that I brought you to the club once, and I ignored you the whole time. When I went back, I asked you if you had a good time. You didn't seem to answer."

Yuan Chen stared at him intently, and gave a compliment.

"At that time, you were far away from me, in the middle of the crowd, and I couldn't reach you no matter what."

Jiang Fu's smile deepened, and his dark eyes were reflected by the chandelier with the color of glassy water.

"I did it on purpose, to see if you have the courage to catch up with me, to see if you have the ability to talk to me in the middle of the crowd someday."

The distance between them was too close, and the breath between them almost merged into one.

Yuan Chen lowered his head slightly, as if he wanted to hug him into his arms, and kissed his forehead openly.

Even though the lights were dim, for those guests who wanted to spy on them, such a move was already a shocking discovery.

Jiang Fu raised his eyebrows slightly, pretending to be angry.

"How dare you kiss me outside?"

Yuan Chen's expression didn't move, but he lowered his head as if pleading guilty, his hot breath pressed against Jiang Fu's ear, and his low voice was full of desire to offend.

"I don't just want to kiss you, I want you to kiss me too."

Kiss me, prove that this relationship is not my blind wish, let everyone see your right of belonging with their own eyes, so that no one will have the slightest coveted idea of getting close to you.

The second master is still the second master of Beicheng, but from then on he is only my orange.

Jiang Fu seemed to be amused by him, but slowly swayed against his chest with the music, and did not answer, nor did he respond in any way.

Yuan Chen fell silent, his dark eyes were a little heavier in the shadow of the light, and waves of disappointment floated faintly.

He pursed his lips tightly and tightened his arms silently.

When the song was over, the lights came back on.

The people on the dance floor gradually dispersed, and Yuan Chen's expression returned to indifference under the silent gaze of everyone.

He and Jiang Fu still maintained a posture of almost embracing each other. Because An Leli failed to fulfill his wish, he felt a little uncomfortable, so he let go of Jiang Fu's hand first and planned to back away.

The palms were slightly away, and then they were pressed tightly again. He watched in amazement as Jiang Fu suddenly grabbed his bow tie, and the exquisite face suddenly approached was full of a little complacency, and only the two of them could hear the small voice.

"After so many years, are you still so timid? If you want to defend your ownership, you have to kiss in the spotlight."

The soft touch was imprinted on his lips, Jiang Fu lightly touched his lips and teeth as if teasing, then let go, and walked aside with his hands behind his back as if nothing had happened.

Yuan Chen was stunned on the spot for a long time without reacting, the fleeting sweetness was like a short-lived dream, even the sweet throbbing was blown away by the wind before it had time to deal with it.

But the more unscrupulous and surprised looks of the people around him reminded him that this was not his own illusion.

Jiang Fu, who had already strode out a few steps, realized that he hadn't followed, and turned sideways to call him unhappily.

"What are you in a daze for, come here soon."

Yuan Chen suddenly came back to his senses as if he had just woken up from a dream. He unconsciously walked towards Jiang Fu's direction. In a trance, he gradually felt that his heart was beating like a drum, like a young man with a spring in his heart, with thousands of deer hidden in his heart.

Jiang Fuli waited for him on the spot. Seeing his dazed expression, he couldn't help smiling and pinching his face, joking in a low voice.

"Why, is it stupid to kiss?"

Yuan Chen stared at him fixedly, his eyes were filled with shocking heat, but his tone was full of caution.

"Second Master, can I hold your hand?"

Jiang Fu thought for a while, then nodded generously.

"all right."

Yuan Chen's eyes were astonishingly bright, he pursed his lips, as if he really couldn't restrain his bliss, the corners of his lips slightly raised a small arc.

With warm and generous palms, Jiang Fu squeezed the grapes from the fruit plate on the long table and stuffed them into his mouth, while asking Yuan Chen who was in a good mood with some puzzlement.

"Why do you always have to repeatedly confirm my feelings, afraid that I will deceive you?"

They have already walked into the side corridor of the banquet hall, and everyone is separated by a wall far away. The dark carpet weakens the sound of heavy footsteps, and Yuan Chen's deep voice seems to have an echo, gently bumping against the surrounding walls superior.

"... I don't know either, it always feels like you're going to disappear."

Jiang Fu's footsteps stopped suddenly.

Yuan Chen also stopped and looked down at him, with a childish look of bewilderment and fear on his handsome face.

He pinched Jiang Fu's fingers, and after finding the intertwined fingers, he breathed a sigh of relief.

It seems that there is no need to worry about losing it.

"Sometimes I dream that there is no you in this world, and no one remembers who you are. I asked many, many people, but only I remember you."

Yuan Chen is like an awkward child, playing with his knuckles to hide his inner anxiety.

"The world without you is cold and dark, and everyone is cold. I don't want to go back to that dream."

"I want to stay in the world with you. As soon as you appear, everyone becomes alive, and my heart becomes very hot. When I see you, I want to approach you and talk to you." , expecting you to smile at me."

Jiang Fu now really believes that he is the most advanced artificial human in the interstellar world. He has been set with a consciousness of advanced intelligence, but he has already been so keenly aware of his own essence in only four worlds. Maybe soon, soon he will Discover more secrets.

With the accumulation of the previous three worlds, the artificial human's emotional function has been activated by 48%. If this trend continues, he will soon be able to complete the experiment.

Inexplicably, Jiang Fu felt a strange sense of melancholy. He and Yuan Chen were so happy in each world that he almost forgot his mission.

Sighing secretly in his heart, he held Yuan Chen's hand instead, raised his head slightly and smiled.

"Then you always think about me. If I disappear, then you say to yourself, where is Chengcheng, Chengcheng is waiting for me at home, maybe Chengcheng is at the next intersection, and then I will will appear."

As if to match his serious coaxing, Yuan Chen pursed his lips and smiled, and asked.



Jiang Fu nodded seriously.

After Yuan Chen looked at him quietly for a few seconds, he also nodded solemnly, as if he put his seemingly joking words as the last weapon in his heart to resist those dark, cold dreams.

It's so real that it's almost cold to the skin.

It was like being locked in a laboratory vessel and lying there for a long, long time.

Yuan Chen was blinded by the flash memory disorder, but within a second, the strange blurry image disappeared completely again.