Strategy to Attack the System

Chapter 75: Devil Against the Sky 01


The fog-shrouded mountain top is like a fairyland reaching the sky, and its inviolable and awe-inspiring aura is daunting, and it also attracts countless people to vote for it. Among all the Xiuxian sects, the Tiangan sect is the most famous and powerful among the four sects, so the annual entry test is the most important event.

On the day of the entry test, all the entry disciples had to walk from the bottom of the mountain to the top of the mountain, in order to initially train their perseverance.

After climbing to the top of the mountain, the beginner disciples will test their spiritual root attributes one by one, and then the inner disciples will be selected one by one by the masters of the sect, and those who are not selected by anyone will start from the lowest outer disciples. Only by succeeding in the challenge at the refining conference can one be promoted to an inner disciple.

During the entrance trial, all the real masters of the Tiangan Sect will sit on the high place of the Qitiantai, and observe the situation of all the disciples through the water mirror hanging in the center of the platform. Those who took a fancy to it, and those who wailed and yelled tired while climbing the mountain were virtually eliminated.

A whole day has passed, and the disciples who have climbed to the top of the mountain one after another are finally two-thirds at the foot of the mountain. They are young and immature, but their flushed faces are full of longing for the Heavenly Stem Sect, adoration His eyes focused on a group of immortals with a strong sense of demeanor.

And the one that attracted the most attention was undoubtedly a beautiful androgynous person next to the head of the chief seat.

He was beautifully born, with white and greasy skin, long black hair hanging down like a waterfall, and a luxurious light-colored skirt embroidered with crow-blue cloud patterns, elegant and handsome, with a cold temperament.

But the most attractive thing is his pair of glass-colored eyes, which are light in color, crystal clear and transparent, shining brightly against the sunlight.

The head is already an old man with gray temples, but he is hale and hearty with profound skills, and his majesty is still there. He has been the backbone of the Tiangan School for hundreds of years.

He glanced at the many disciples on Qitiantai, and asked Jiang Fu kindly beside him.

"Cheng Shui, do you have a fancy?"

Jiang Fu shook his head.

"Wait until the spiritual root is tested before deciding."

The head of the sect loved this most promising disciple very much, and lowered his voice to let him through the back door.

"I'll let you choose after the spiritual root test. You can choose as many as you like."

There was a smile in Jiang Fu's eyes, and his expression became much gentler.

"Master, the two senior brothers are above me, so naturally they have to be ranked according to their seniority."

The head of the sect waved his hands in distaste, looked angrily at the two people who were whispering and discussing Zhenghuan on the other side, and said bitterly.

"It's a pity to distribute it to their disciples. Chengshui, your cultivation level is second only to mine in the Tiangan sect. Naturally, you should choose first. I am the heavenly stem sect." The next generation will depend on you to cultivate."

Jiang Fu nodded slightly.

"Master, I will do my best for the Tiangan Sect."

He sat upright, with a straight back, and his condescending gaze looked indifferent, as if everyone below were nothing but insignificant ants, and there was nothing worth caring about at all.

And every beginner disciple longs to be in his eyes.

"Tie Niu, do you think we can be favored by Master Chengshui? He is the most powerful cultivator!"

The dog in dusty clothes pestered the silent boy next to the pestle, and asked in a low voice full of longing.

Tie Niu also stared up at the real person in the distance, with a small light burning in the depths of his dark eyes. He was wearing a gray cloth shirt like a dog's leftover, and his exposed hands and feet were so thin that his bones were almost visible. He is a child raised by a poor family.

After a while, he shook his head and said.

"have no idea."

Gou Sheng didn't intend to hear any positive answer from him. After all, they were just children from the village at the foot of the Tiangan Sect. When their parents heard that the Tiangan Sect wanted to select disciples, it took a lot of effort to send them in. For this reason, he reluctantly sold a cow.

If you stay in the village, you can only cultivate the land for a lifetime, but if you can cultivate immortality, your future will be boundless.

Tie Niu was picked up by Gou Sheng's family two years ago. At that time, Tie Niu didn't remember anything, and he almost died. Unbearable, Gousheng's parents adopted him and made him and Gousheng brothers who met by chance.

Tieniu doesn't like to talk, which is in stark contrast to the chirping and lively Gousheng, but Gousheng has long regarded him as his younger brother, and takes him to play everywhere, and when they come to this strange place of Tianganpai, they It is even more dependent on each other.

"Tie Niu, it's time to test the spiritual root! I'm so excited, I don't know what type of spiritual root I will be, and whether I can be assigned to the inner sect."

Gou Sheng looked anxiously at the long queue in front of him. The huge stone tools would show different colors according to the attributes of each person's spiritual root.

Finally it was the dog's turn, he walked up to the small round platform with his hands tied, and put his hands on the stone tools, slowly showing a light bamboo green color.

The Tiangan disciple who was recording next to him glanced at him and saw that Gou Sheng was still on the top and couldn't come down, so he urged him impatiently.

"Come down! Next!"

Gou Sheng was so frightened that he was about to run down immediately, but the bamboo green behind him became thicker and thicker, until he ran down, it still maintained an almost dark green color.

"A high-quality wood attribute, this child has a good foundation."

The head of the main seat looked at the fading stone tools in surprise, and said in a low voice.

Jiang Fuen let out a sound, his eyes swept over the last line of the list in his hand, and he frowned slightly imperceptibly.

Originally thought that Yuan Chen would appear in this candidate, but he didn't. Does he have to leave the Tiangan faction to find someone

Jiang Fu put down the list, turned his head sideways and spoke in consideration.

"Master, the magic cultivation incident a few days ago has not been dealt with, it's better for me..."

The head patted his head suddenly, and immediately turned around and grabbed Han Yu's back collar, ordering without hesitation.

"You and Han Li will go down the mountain for me tomorrow!"

Jiang Fu: "...."

Han Yu: "...."

Han Li: "...."

Han Yu and Han Li are twins, Jiang Fu's senior brother and second senior brother respectively. They both have exactly the same appearance and temperament, as if they were one person.

Han Li rested his chin on Han Yu's body, and the two chapters looked at the head pitifully with the same resentful faces.

"Master, we have only been back for five days, why do you have the heart to drive us away?"

The headmaster snorted coldly, and said angrily with grief.

"Staying you here will only poison the disciples of my sect, and confuse people's hearts by not doing business properly every day. If it weren't for the fact that you are my disciples, I would have kicked you out of the Tiangan sect a long time ago!"

Han Yu suddenly weakened, and said with a guilty conscience.

"Master, we just love to play a little bit, it's not as serious as you said."

Han Li, who retreated behind him, hurriedly winked at Jiang Fu for help, without the slightest gesture of a senior brother.

Jiang Fu tugged on the sleeve of the headmaster silently, and changed the subject.

"Master, it's time to choose a disciple."

The sect leader couldn't stop scolding them, and after being persuaded by Jiang Fuhao for a while, he calmed down, staring at them and ordered.

"Wait until Chengshui finishes picking out the disciples, and then pick them."

The disgraced Han brothers who had been scolded dared not refute him, and nodded in agreement.

"Of course, of course, Chengshui's cultivation is advanced, we can't match it, naturally we must choose Chengshui first."

Seeing that they were so knowledgeable, the sect leader's dark face softened a little.

After confirming that there was no Yuan Chen among the new disciples, Jiang Fu was not interested in choosing some disciples with high spiritual roots. After the other real people were selected one after another, the remaining disciples would naturally become outer disciples.

Gou Sheng was selected by the long-awaited Chengshui real person, but his face was full of worries because Tieniu was not selected by any real person.

When the iron ox stood on the stone tool, the stone tool showed a chaotic white, like fog.

That is a manifestation of having five attributes at the same time, and this is the weakest of the spiritual root attributes, because he does not have any of the five elements with distinct attributes, so naturally he cannot learn the mental methods of any line, and can only practice the most common ones. Basic mentality.

Since getting off the small round platform, Tieniu hadn't spoken a word, there was no expression on his face, and the hands hanging by his side were tightly clenched.

His eyes crossed the long distance and landed directly on the inviolable Jiang Fu, with unattainable longing and sadness.

When Gou Sheng was about to follow Jiang Fu with the others, Tie Niu listened silently to him stammering and comforting himself, the jealousy and envy in his immature heart were like planted small seeds, the unreconciled commotion in a dark place with.

"Go quickly, don't get lost."

Tieniu looked in front of him and wanted to follow Jiang Fu but was worried about his leftovers, so he finally spoke.

Gou Sheng glanced at the team that had fallen some distance away, and asked hesitantly.

"You, are you really okay? Either, or...."

"I'm really fine, you don't have to worry about me."

Tieniu's face was calm, he turned his head and glanced at the Heavenly Stem disciples who were about to take the outer disciples away, and made a gesture of intending to leave, urging Gou Sheng to follow Jiang Fu as soon as possible.

Gou Sheng reluctantly gave him a few words of encouragement before hurriedly chasing after his team.

The real people brought their new disciples back to their mountain peaks, Jiang Fu casually untied his waterless sword, and when the sword fell to the ground, it became the size of a boat. The new disciples stepped onto the sword one by one in fear and anticipation, trembling They held hands and dared not look at the towering clouds below.

Jiang Fu couldn't help laughing, and comforted them gently.

"Don't be afraid, it will be there soon."

He was originally born beautifully, and he walked a cold path on weekdays, but now when he smiles, it is like spring overflowing, full of beauty, and it is simply breathtakingly beautiful.

And the dimples on his cheeks deepened this smile, making the person who was stared at and comforted have the illusion of being tender and pampered for no reason.

His new disciples all blushed and stared at him dazedly, very grateful to be picked by him.

Tie Niu not far away stared silently at his gentle expression, his nails dug deeply into his palm.

The Tiangan disciple who was in charge of leading the outer disciples back to the outskirts of the Tiangan Sect saw that he did not follow the team, so he kicked him impatiently, followed his line of sight to see Jiang Fu and his party who were leaving Yujian, Can't help mocking him.

"That's Master Chengshui who is practicing in the empty period. What qualifications do you, an outer disciple, have to dare to think about it! Go to your vegetable garden honestly!"

Tie Niu staggered and fell to the ground after being kicked by him, and looked back at him.

That look didn't come from a child at all, it was deep and cold, without any irritation of being humiliated, it seemed that he didn't take him seriously at all, and naturally he didn't care about any of his behavior.

Disciple Tiangan was inexplicably chilled when he was looked at, and felt uncomfortable as if he was being strangled by the neck.

He thought that he was actually frightened by an outer disciple who had no spiritual root aptitude, and immediately became angry and kicked him several times, cursing and reprimanding him.

After silently waiting for the Tiangan disciple to vent his anger, Tieniu stood up without a word, and limped to the back of the line.

Seeing that he was finally being honest, the disciples of Tiangan snorted coldly and took them to the peripheral vegetable garden.

Tieniu, who was in pain all over his body, took one last look at the direction where Jiang Fu left, and lowered his eyes after a few seconds, suppressing all the emotions in his eyes.

His thin back was straight from the beginning to the end, like a tough and tenacious bamboo, just waiting to absorb water from the soil crazily, and then rise up with astonishing speed, straight to the sky.