Strategy to Capture Men

Chapter 1: Origin & World Zero All are routines


Unpredictable circumstances in the sky, disasters and blessings for people, such as Han Yanyan, she died with a "quack"!

She herself was confused.

She was driving well, thinking of new stories while driving, and the night sky above her head suddenly lit up with a dazzling light. Her last memory was that in the white light that she couldn't open her eyes at all, there was a van rushing towards her, and the picture of the memory was frozen.

In fact, what made her even more dazed than her own death was that she was conscious after she died! Does the soul really exist

She was standing in a pure white space at this time. It's white on the top and bottom and all around, pure white and bright, but you don't know where the light is coming from. In such a strange space, Han Yanyan didn't panic, but walked around the courtyard without worrying about it.

Whether it is Meng Po soup or going to heaven, there must be a guide in those myths and stories, and there is no need for them to worry about dead people, Han Yanyan thinks quite confidently.

Sure enough, she only took a few steps when a voice rang in the space. However, this is neither a mother Meng nor an angel, but a robot-like electronic synthesis sound.

"Han Yanyan, you have been chosen." The voice said.

Hearing the name "Han Yanyan", Han Yanyan was stunned. But she remained calm, didn't say anything, just quietly glanced over the top of the pure white glowing head, hoping to find out the source of the sound.

No one spoke up, and after a few awkward seconds, the electronic voice had to bite the bullet and continued: "You were selected by 'Quick Traverse World', and next, you will travel to different worlds as a tasker and complete the system interaction. task for you."

Having experienced the surprise brought by her name, the words "Crossing the world quickly" can no longer bring more surprises to Han Yanyan. When she heard the electronic voice, she only moved her eyebrows slightly, but her expression did not change.

After experiencing the embarrassment just now, this time, the electronic sound did not play hard-to-play and tricky tricks, and directly told the story: "You will enter different worlds and attack different target characters. I will give you certain abilities or conditions to assist you. You get the job done more efficiently."

The electronic tone used a word that Han Yanyan is very familiar with. It said: "Han Yanyan, what 'gold finger' do you want, you can put it here."

That's right, "Crossing the World" has appeared, will "Golden Finger" be far behind

Han Yanyan didn't ask for the golden finger directly, but asked calmly, "Am I dead? I mean myself, a real person."

The electronic voice said, "Not yet, but it's not far from death."

Han Yanyan frowned.

The electronic voice said: "So you are lucky to meet me. If you can complete the task I gave you, I will save your body and give you an amazing reward. So let's get to the point now, In Kuai Chuan world, what kind of golden finger do you want?"

Han Yanyan noticed that the electronic voice said that the premise of rescuing her and rewarding her is to "complete the task", what if it can't be completed? Han Yanyan felt that there was no need to ask more questions, the answer was actually very simple and clear.

She lowered her eyes and thought for a moment, then raised her eyes: "If it's a peaceful and prosperous world, I want peerless beauty and a wealth of money. If it's life-threatening, I want to surpass the watch."

The electronic sound was silent. Han Yanyan was not in a hurry, just stood there quietly waiting for an answer.

After a long time, the electronic voice said: "I'm sorry, your conditions cannot be met."

Han Yanyan: "… "

The electronic voice said: "Peerless beauty, wealth and outstanding combat power, the three conditions you listed almost constitute perfect conditions. According to past experience, those with perfect conditions have a higher probability of failure. We decided to only give You are restrictive."

Han Yanyan keenly captured the keyword "we".

The electronic voice said: "About Goldfinger, we will discuss it later. Now, about the mission, do you have any questions?"

"Yes." Han Yanyan said, "What is the mission? What are the requirements of the strategy? How is the mission completed? What are the criteria?"

"You're going to enter one or several... definitely several worlds!" said the electronic voice, "in each world, there is a main character to attack. Your goal is to... change him, make him change. "

This time, Han Yan truly showed her stunned face on her face.

"What is this mission?" she frowned. "How does it count as a change? How do I know the mission objective has changed? What is this measured by?"

The electronic voice "coughed": "Anyway, I have my own standard for measuring, which is beyond your understanding, so there is no need to ask more."

What the hell is this? Other people's Kuai Chuan, either attacking someone, 100 favorability is a full score, or fulfilling the original owner's last wish, resolving the original owner's obsession, and clearing the customs, in short, there is a standard and clear measure. How did you get here, so vague

"You don't have to worry about this, I have scanned you, you are a very potential builder, and I am very optimistic about you. You should try it first, let's make something simpler... oops!" The electronic voice stopped abruptly in the middle of the speech. , said in a hurry: "Forgot to mark you!"

Then the last memory in Han Yanyan's mind was the mechanical, synthetic electronic voice that said coldly, "Mark."

It was obvious that he had spoken with a human touch before, but this "mark" seemed to have suddenly lost all emotion, and the words outlined by hearing were like an ice-cold machine.

After this cold "mark", nothing seemed to happen. Han Yanyan was still standing in this white-lighted space, but his mind was empty and seemed a little dazed.

Seems like... forgot something important...

"Okay, get ready, I'm going to take you in." The electronic voice said, "This is what you are good at, I hope you do well, don't let me down. Just as you said, let the... the guide The goal is to fall in love with you, if love really changes a person as you say."

The electronic voice paused, then said coldly: "Remember, your body is on the verge of death, whether you can live depends on your performance. If you behave well, I will not only save you, but also reward you. You If you let me down, just fend for yourself."

After Han Yanyan's mind experienced a moment of daze and daze, she couldn't help frowning when she heard the electronic voice. There are too many inexplicable things and too many questions to ask, but the electronic voice did not give her any chance to ask questions. After intimidating Han Yanyan, it said without emotion and mechanically: "The world is created."

The white light disappeared in front of Han Yanyan's eyes, and the momentary darkness made her close her eyes involuntarily.

At the moment of closing his eyes, a large amount of information poured into his brain.

Here... is a modern urban background, she, Han Yanyan, is a little white-collar worker who was born from grass roots, wandering in the metropolis, and barely able to support herself. Renting a house to live in, without permanent property, and moonlight, can be said to be poor and in vain.

After Han Yanyan received the background information and his personal information, he looked down, holding a mug in his hand, and looked around again. The place he was in seemed to be a pantry. While thinking about it, the door of the tea room was suddenly pushed open, and a girl's excited face came out: "Yanyan! Yanyan! Come on! Someone will send you flowers!"

As he said that, he grabbed Han Yanyan's wrist and pulled her to run out.

Li Yan, colleague, shared roommate.

Information was quickly generated in Han Yanyan's mind. She was pulled out by Li Yan's wrist, and as her feet stepped out of the threshold, a vivid world unfolded before her eyes.

The office space one by one, the sound of typing on the keyboard, the sound of making phone calls, the sound of reading documents, the sound of conversation... This is a busy office. At this time, several female colleagues were surrounding her work station, and when they saw her come out, they all teased her.

"Yanyan, is this a boyfriend?"

"Such a bouquet of perfumed lilies is not cheap."

"Wow, I'm so envious."

Before Han Yanyan saw it, he smelled the aroma. She walked over, others stepped aside, and saw a large bunch of lilies lying quietly on her desk, especially eye-catching.

When the master came back, the colleagues joked a few times, and then went back to work. Han Yanyan sat back in her seat, took out the card between the flowers and opened it.

[thanks. - Zheng Yao]

Also, a cash check for 100,000 yuan is attached to the card.

Everything the eye sees is folded into signals and fed back to the brain, and a lot of information that hasn't been there for a second is triggered and activated - as if the information was always there, just waiting for some key word to trigger.

Zheng Yao, the president of Zheng Group, is the number one tycoon in City C.

Two nights ago, Zheng Yao's mother had an accident and was in urgent need of a blood transfusion. She is RH negative, rare panda blood. It happened that Han Yanyan, who went to the hospital to visit a friend at the time, was also RH negative, and even rolled up his sleeves and donated blood.

Everyone revolved around the noble lady, and Han Yanyan, who had donated blood, left alone without making a sound. In the corridor, a group of men in black suits broke in like a gust of wind, and without any explanation, they pulled her aside and cleared the way for a man surrounded by the crowd. Han Yanyan had just lost a lot of blood, and she was already dizzy. She hit the wall and bumped her forehead. She fainted for a long time before leaving slowly.

As for that man, she didn't even see his back, her vision was blocked by a group of burly men in black suits, only to hear the leather shoes stepping on the floor, hurriedly and powerfully, like knocking on people's mouths.

Of course, the "Han Yanyan" so far is more like a character, a symbol. The real Han Yanyan only opened his eyes in this world two minutes ago.

Han Yanyan was holding the thank-you card and cash check at this time, and the information activated in her mind made her know that the man surrounded by the black suit the night before was Zheng Yao, the man she wanted to conquer in this world.

Each other, he just got off the plane, and when he heard the news of his mother's accident, he rushed from the airport whistling all the way. He's a filial son, but he doesn't take others seriously, such as a passerby like Han Yanyan. For Han Yanyan, who could almost be said to have saved Mrs. Zheng's life, there was only the word "thank you" in a fluttering manner, not in person.

Oh, of course, and a check for a hundred thousand dollars. This is not frivolous. In fact, Han Yanyan has just worked for less than a year, and his annual salary is less than 100,000.

For Han Yanyan, who is a small employee, 100,000 yuan is heavy. For the wealthy Zheng Yao, the problems that money can solve are not problems.

The typical domineering president Cinderella, the sense of sight should not be too strong.

When Han Yanyan was not famous before, he couldn't make money from the articles he wrote, and his life depended on being a gunman for others. She can write 30,000 words a day, similar to the domineering president Wen Taolu who writes that she will vomit. No wonder the electronic voice said "this is what you are good at", which is really what she is good at.

Overbearing president... Han Yan pulled the corner of the cigarette holder slightly, put the card in the drawer, tore the check into pieces, and threw it into the trash can.

The domineering president has seen many more women, and the one who can eat and live with this kind of man must be a Cinderella who is honest, kind, pure, and does not love money at all!

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