Strategy to Capture Men

Chapter 101


In such a garbage dump that is as high as a mountain and stretches for hundreds of miles, Han Yanyan can easily find most of the things she needs for survival, such as pots, such as heaters, such as from a broken car The locator removed from the car. She can also use many parts removed from different items to transform new items, such as a grinder that breaks and grinds rice grains and a simple food processor that cooks ingredients in an instant.

Ding Yao understood that the miscellaneous equipment with different uses in Han Yanyan's cave was all her own. She has good survivability, very good.

Compared to these, water sources are hard to find. It was not until noon the next day that Han Yanyan found a small airship with a big hole in the top, and it was full of rain. Han Yanyan could only pour the water back. Fortunately, the water circulation system on the spacecraft is independent, and Han Yanyan fiddled with it and repaired it. She was busy with these things during the day, and at night, she was so tired that she lay on the bed.

While she was tinkering with those parts, Ding Yao kept walking around the room, walking around the room, walking in circles, resting for a few minutes, and then walking after resting. After walking a few laps, when he turned around, he saw "Xiaoyan" lying on the bed in a large font.

Ding Yao stared at her for a while, leaned against the wall and walked to the bed, reaching out and touching Xiao Yan's head.

Xiaoyan opened her eyes and saw him, showing a tired but relieved smile. She didn't say anything, and moved to the edge of the bed with a wriggling motion, bringing her face close to Ding Yao. Ding Yao didn't hesitate and touched her face again.

Xiao Yan showed a happy look on her face.

Why is it so easy for a woman to be satisfied with something that costs nothing at all? In Ding Yao's eyes, this is an incomprehensible stupidity.

He lowered his head and kissed her cheek with a loud bang.

Sure enough, Xiaoyan was surprised and delighted. She got up on her stomach and kissed Ding Yao with a loud bang. She said excitedly, "Xiaoyao, call me mom! Call me mom!"

In the past ten months, how many times this girl has asked him to call her "mother", Ding Yao has only ignored it. But now he was thinking of a woman's natural motherhood. In times of crisis, his father left his wife and children to run away alone, and his mother would not abandon his children until he died. He has seen too many things in the last days.

He looked at Xiaoyan's stupid look of anticipation, just blinked his eyes, and said without hesitation: "Mom..."

When the zombie apocalypse flashed in his mind, Ding Yao's white shirt, suit, trousers and leather shoes flashed in his mind. Han Yanyan used a lot of perseverance to control the muscles of his face. She got up in a hurry, picked up Ding Yao and hugged her tightly, shaking her whole body and said, "I'm so happy! Xiaoyao can call her mother! Mom is so happy! So happy! So happy!"

Ding Yao asked her to cover her until she almost suffocated!

He desperately struggled to get room to breathe, and just as he was about to make a protest cry, Xiao Yan's face came close to him. The girl's cheek was against the child's face, and tears flowed down her face to her neck, soaking her collar.

Ding Yao paused, no longer struggling, and let her hug him tightly.

"Fortunate to have you." The girl's throat faintly choked, "Fortunately to have you."

"It's so sad to live alone..."

"Fortunately, with Xiaoyao, my mother is no longer alone."

"In the future, the two of us will never be separated!"

It's that simple to get hold of a woman. Listening to her excited words, Ding Yao thought indifferently.

And Han Yanyan raised his eyes and sneered slightly in a place he couldn't see.

They lived here for more than 20 days, and when a quarter of the nutrient solution was consumed, Han Yanyan took Ding Yao back home quietly.

She parked the flying car in a hidden place, and carried Ding Yao to the place where she had hidden the flying shuttle. Sure enough, the flying shuttle was gone, and Dean and his son drove away. She didn't go in rashly. She made a fingernail-sized monitor from the parts and tools she collected at the junkyard. When she took it out of her pocket and threw it, the monitor flew into the cave.

Han Yanyan used his brain to remotely monitor and monitor outside the cave, and after confirming that there was really no one in the cave, he took Ding Yao back home.

Everything was messed up. A lot of the living equipment she made had been smashed. It is conceivable that the two father and son must have been furious when they found out that she was nearby but drove their speed car to escape. Han Yanyan walked quickly to the corner, only to see that there was only a smashed can.

Han Yanyan stood there, looking very depressed.

Ding Yao lay on her back, looked over her shoulder and saw the jar. That is the jar in which Xiaoyan stores energy ore. All the savings she had worked so hard to save over the years were gone.

Ding Yao lay down for a while, and found that Xiaoyan was motionless, he stretched out his small hand to pull the clothes on her shoulder. Han Yanyan just sighed, took him off and carried him to the bed: "Xiaoyao sit here obediently, mom is going to pack things, this place can't be lived anymore." Pull out an intact folding ATV. Open and folded, the boxy basket can lay three or four adults sideways.

Han Yanyan rummaged through the smashed things, found what was intact and needed, and threw it into the basket.

Not only the energy ore, but the weapons she collected were gone. Fortunately, the clothes, blankets and bedding were still there, so she threw them into the car basket, picked Ding Yao up and put them in, and let him sit on the blanket with his back against the water purifier.

In fact, all of these things, Han Yanyan can find substitutes from the garbage dump or simply reassemble and manufacture. She also expected that it was impossible for the energy ore not to be discovered. The real purpose of her return this time was actually to get back her holographic helmet.

In the character design of "Xiaoyan", her father is a very good mechanic who taught her many things. This holographic helmet is his relic, which contains a lot of tutorials and materials he collected. After Xiaoyan escaped from Dean and his son, he continued to study with this helmet and mastered many survival skills.

In fact, this helmet hides a real-world Lilio's spaceship simulation. Before this escape, Han Yanyan spent at least an hour every day exploring Leo's spaceship.

Just like she was in the mecha world, holding the changed cover of "Leo Biography" and studying him for decades.

After packing up, Han Yanyan went out. The all-terrain vehicle follows her automatically, and can be smooth and stable no matter how high or low the ground is. Ding Yao sat on it, and it was not bumpy at all.

Han Yanyan pulled all these materials back into the spaceship in the junkyard, and while packing, re-planned his future life.

"The seeds can't be planted outside. The temperature is too low to survive. The bridge of this ship is relatively wide, so let's plant them there. We need to bring in some soil and make a few more cultivation tanks."

"It's also an hour's drive from the nearest mining area. It's too inconvenient. In the future, we should just rely on scavenging."

As she muttered, Ding Yao shouted, "I'm hungry." She stopped, tore open a bag of nutrient solution, poured a third of it into his bottle and handed it to him.

Ding Yao reached out and took it, half lying and half leaning on his back to drink.

The taste of these nutrient solutions can be said to be unpleasant to drink. The inferior flavors and flavors smoke the nose, and it is better not to add them. But Ding Yao drank the nutrient solution these days and really felt the benefits. The body is obviously stronger and starts to grow flesh.

He always felt that he could drink more for a meal, but Han Yanyan kept controlling his amount. Considering that they haven't solved the problem of food sources, he doesn't cry and insist on drinking more. After all, Han Yanyan has been saving as much as she can and hurting herself.

Ding Yao understood that in the current situation, first of all, he had to ensure that Han Yanyan was full. Han Yanyan is alive, he is alive. Han Yanyan died, and he definitely couldn't live. After all, in such an environment, the probability of encountering a second woman with such a heart of the Virgin may not be very high.

After he finished drinking, he bit the bottle and sat up, but saw that Han Yanyan had also finished drinking and was looking at him with the empty bag.

"I won't save it again in the future." She lowered her head and muttered to herself, "The saving will become someone else's in the end. It's better to buy nutrient solution from the beginning and make your body stronger. I really Silly… "

Ding Yao nodded secretly for her decision.

She escaped with him at the time, because Dean and his son were strong men, and they had weapons as well. Han Yanyan, a slender girl, has no chance of winning against two such men, so she must escape first.

He had always felt that although her body was light, she lacked strength. Now it looks like it has something to do with her diet. Obviously, eating nutrient solution is better than eating food. He really hopes that they can eat nutrient solution in the future, but he doesn't know if Xiaoyan can afford it. Obviously, the price of nutrient solution is much higher than that of grain.

With these things pulled back, their lives improved slightly. Han Yanyan brought in the soil with an all-terrain vehicle, made more than a dozen large cultivation tanks with scrap steel plates, and planted the seeds. The spaceship is isolated from the cold wind outside, and there is a heater for heating, so the growth of food should be no problem.

But Ding Yao looked at the nutrient solution that was about to bottom out, and thought that he would have to live on food for a while, and he felt depressed in his heart.

Han Yanyan is very busy every day, busy looking for useful materials in the garbage.

In fact, this planet has very limited natural resources because it is a non-habitable star. When the energy mine was emptied and the mining entity exited the planet, the external supply was also cut off. In the next two hundred years, it can be said that people lived on garbage.

Han Yanyan's top priority is to search for some materials that can be purchased in exchange for energy stones.

She only had all the systems that could be turned on on the first night of her stay in the ship. When she was familiar with the environment, she closed everything that could be closed. The main energy module of this spaceship has long been looted, and she is using backup energy, which can't support it for long. When the backup energy is exhausted, she will have to use the energy ores she carries with her.

"You have to find something that can exchange for energy mines." She said to Ding Yao, "Or you can find energy."

She was really smart, and just two months later, when the backup power source had become unstable and started to drop from time to time, she found a set of miniature nuclear energy modules.

Han Yanyan was so happy that she held Ding Yao's face and kissed several times: "Now you don't have to worry about it."

Ding Yao has been drinking nutrient solution for the past few days, and finally flesh grew on his cheeks. With the roundness that a child should have, he looked much cuter than before. Han Yanyan took him as a plush doll, and when he was happy, he brought it over and kissed him a few times.

This is Xiaoyan and Xiaoyao's intimacy, and Ding Yao, who is Xiaoyao, does not resist. It's just something that doesn't cost anything at all, so that this girl can truly regard herself as his own mother, and there's nothing wrong with it.

Once their most pressing energy problems were resolved, their lives were much easier.

Ding Yao woke up earlier one day, and there was no Han Yanyan on the bed. He slipped out of bed and walked out of the cabin, only to see Han Yanyan wearing a holographic helmet in the corridor, kicking, punching, and blocking. It turned out that when he didn't know it, she had been working hard to improve her survivability.

In fact, Ding Yao was also born in a wild way.

He looked at her and felt that she actually practiced pretty well, but she had too little experience in combat. She didn't even have a real person to practice, so she could only wear a helmet to simulate the practice.

Ding Yao was even more eager to grow up quickly.

Han Yanyan was discovered by Dean and his son in the town of Xington, so she naturally dared not go there again. She drove the speeder to search some places, and found another human settlement. She later took the supplies she scavenged from the junkyard to trade there. Compared with those materials, the things she processed with various parts are more valuable.

After she went to sell it a few times, the owner of the shop asked her if she could take orders and repairs. Han Yanyan has since had a stable income. But she still refused to live in the settlement.

"It wasn't just Dean's dad who did it, but someone else," she said. "That guy was our neighbor, and I always called him Uncle. They conspired to kill my dad and try to sell me. "

She was silent for a long time and said, "It's still safe to live alone at a distance."

Whenever she thought of those sad past events, Ding Yao would open his arms and threw himself into her arms, hug her, and gently pat her on the back.

If he was a real child, he would be as warm as a little padded jacket. Unfortunately, he is not.

Han Yanyan could only pretend to be warmed by him every time, hug him and rub it.

Because of the fairly stable income, Han Yanyan intermittently supplied Ding Yao with nutrient solution. Ding Yao was growing up like he was blowing. By the time Ding Yao was two years old, he already had the physical ability and function of an ordinary child of four or five years old.

This is Xiaoyao's character. In order to confuse Duke Kelin, Han Yanyan had to make such an "extraordinary" character for him. His body is destined to be faster, stronger, and more powerful than others.

Han Yanyan and Ding Yao have been living in the garbage dump, which stretches for hundreds of miles. The scope of Han Yanyan's search is getting wider and wider, and she also faintly perceives that there are others living in the garbage dump, but fortunately, she has never seen anyone else.

The energy ore is evenly distributed, as long as everyone is willing to work hard, the quantity and probability of mining ores are almost the same. Most of the miners are weak and gentle, and occasionally they will deliberately separate to avoid meeting.

The scavengers are far more vicious. Picking up waste often depends on luck. Someone who has worked hard for a year is not as good as a newcomer who lifts a piece of steel and finds a treasure. Black eat black is the default rule. The law of the jungle is more prevalent here.

Han Yanyan had to go out to look for various raw materials and parts for at least two of the three days, and the scope of her search turned out to be larger. There were times when she even heard human voices, she took Ding Yao to hide.

But this time, she was unlucky. She was bending over to remove a steel plate to see what was underneath, when someone suddenly swooped from behind and strangled her neck...

At that time, Ding Yao was sitting in the all-terrain vehicle wrapped in a thick padded jacket and holding a miniature heater to bask in the sun when he suddenly heard a faint abnormal sound.

The sound of the laser gun was not loud, but Han Yanyan usually practiced his marksmanship diligently. Ding Yao was used to hearing it, and he heard it in an instant.

He immediately climbed out of the all-terrain vehicle and ran towards the position where Han Yanyan had just got in.

Although he is small, he is very nimble. After climbing over an overturned flying car, and drilling through the gaps of many steel bars, I saw Han Yanyan and a man rolling on the ground.

Strictly speaking, it should be Han Yanyan who restrained the man's chest and arms with a steel drill from behind, desperately limiting his mobility, so the man pressed her to the ground with his back, trying to shake her off.

But in the past two years, Han Yanyan has regarded nutrient solution as a staple food, and her physical fitness has been significantly improved. And this man was very thin and didn't look strong. He grabbed the steel drill on his chest with both hands and tried to press Han Yanyan, but he couldn't break free.

The two stood on the ground in a stalemate, no one dared to let go, and no one could move.

Ding Yao saw the situation clearly, put his hand in his clothes pocket, and walked over. He stretched out his hand and swiped across the man's throat, bringing a string of blood beads.

Han Yanyan only saw something flashing against the light between his fingers, and the man suddenly bulged his eyes, opened his mouth and took a few breaths. Blood spurted out of his throat and mouth, and soon the back of his head smashed down on Han Yanyan's face, giving her a nosebleed.

he died.