Strategy to Capture Men

Chapter 107


Xiaoyan wiped away the tears on her cheeks, hugged Ding Yao's little head tightly in her arms, and asked him how he killed the three people. Ding Yao said briefly, Xiaoyan paused and asked, "Who hurt you?"

Ding Yao frowned and said, "I don't know, I didn't see it. I used a grenade, and the movement was so loud that it might have attracted other scavengers." After he finished speaking, he felt that Xiaoyan's arm suddenly tightened . "What's wrong?" he asked.

"No... just wondering who is so hateful..." Xiaoyan said.

Her voice was still a little trembling, but Ding Yao thought that her pain and fear had not passed, so she didn't think about anything else.

It wasn't until two days later that Xiaoyan kept him in the room for self-cultivation and did not remove the gauze for him, that Ding Yao vaguely realized what happened.

"Mom, what's wrong with my eyes, why haven't I removed the gauze?" he asked.

They settled in this fairly intact spacecraft, and were lucky to find a damaged treatment cabin, which not only had a gamma knife treatment device, but also a whole body analysis system. Probably because it was damaged, it was not removed when it was robbed in the first place.

The genius mechanic Xiaoyan fixed it. They are usually injured and use the treatment cabin for treatment. His fractures were directly repaired by the Gamma Knife, but the gauze has not been removed from his eyes for two days.

Xiao Yan shuddered.

It's really strange, his eyes can't see at all now, but he clearly knows that Xiao Yan's body trembled. He is already familiar with her to this extent, Ding Yao thought. He can't figure out when this happened, but when he finds out, he and she have become accustomed to two people relying on each other and inseparable.

"It's okay, eyes are different from trauma after all." Xiaoyan forcibly comforted him and said, "You can rest for a few more days, and it will be fine in a few days..."

Ding Yao clearly knew that Xiaoyan was lying. But Xiaoyan won't harm him, she must have some reason.

He endured it for two more days and said to her, "I'm very uncomfortable, I'm going to remove the gauze."

Xiaoyan hesitated for a while, and he said to her, "If you don't do it, I will dismantle it myself." As he spoke, he stretched out his hand to untie the gauze, but Xiaoyan caught both hands.

"I'm coming..." She held both of his hands and whispered, "But Xiaoyao, no matter what happens when the gauze is removed, don't panic, okay?"

Ding Yao's heart sank slightly. He took a deep breath and said, "Okay."

Xiaoyan gently untied the gauze for him, and said softly, "Okay."

Ding Yao opened his eyes.

The eyes are covered with a layer of white cloth, and everywhere you look is white, only with the movement of the line of sight, there are shallow shadows or changing lines.

"Can you see my hand?" Xiaoyan asked.

Only then did Ding Yao realize that the shallow shadow shaking in front of her eyes was her hand. The man who has gone through the end of the world has a very strong psychological quality. He is not flustered, but only asks: "What's wrong with my eyes?"

Xiaoyan murmured, "Can't you see?" It seemed like there was a bit of luck.

"I can't see it," Ding Yao said.

Xiaoyan's last chance was shattered. She was hit hard. She didn't speak, but the choking could be heard in her breathing.

No wonder when he asked about his eyes for the first time a few days ago, her voice was trembling. Thinking about it, she already knew the result, but she was lucky and didn't tell him the truth.

"Mom," he said. "Tell me, what was the result of the analysis in the treatment chamber?"

Xiaoyan tried hard to control her emotions and said, "That person irradiated your eyes with special light. You, your eyes... need a new pair of eyeballs..."

"Can't I change it?" Ding Yao asked in a deep voice. Although it is just a waste mine star abandoned by human society, the level of technology is far higher than that of the zombie apocalypse. Technically speaking, it shouldn't be difficult.

"First of all, we have to match." Xiaoyan sniffed and said, "then... I have to take anti-rejection medicine... "

Ding Yao's heart sank, and he understood why Xiaoyan concealed him before.

In this place where people die every day, it is not difficult to find a pair of eyeballs that can match successfully, but it is difficult to take anti-rejection drugs. In the case of extreme shortage of medicines, it is almost impossible to get this medicine and take it stably for a long time.

After the room was quiet for a while, Xiao Yan suddenly said, "I heard... Matt Reiter has a lot of medicines in his hands, I, I can go... "

"Don't go!" Ding Yao said sharply. It was a little scary for a small child to make such a stern voice.

What kind of person Matt Reit is, they have all heard. When a beautiful woman is in his hands, he cannot escape. What's more, Xiaoyan has only experienced an unbearable thing, and she has already developed a fear of "man".

He can't save her once, that's enough. He couldn't bear her to suffer a second time because of him.

can not stand!

Xiaoyan was silent for a moment, then hugged him gently, "Um..." with a sound.

Ding Yao worked hard to adapt to the blind life. Strictly speaking, he wasn't actually blind, he was still able to sense light, and when Xiao Yan stood in front of her, he could also slightly see the outline of a human figure. But it brought great inconvenience to his life, almost blind.

Because of this, Xiaoyan will leave him at home when he goes out to find materials. She sometimes goes out all day, and Ding Yao is at home alone, although food and water are prepared. But Xiaoyan didn't come back for a long time, and he always became irritable and restless.

Ding Yao considered himself calm and cold-blooded, and never thought that one day he would lose both.

But the blind life, so that he gradually changed.

Since he became blind, Xiaoyan has tried to fix everything in the house as much as possible. But on this day, Xiaoyan didn't come back. Ding Yao knew that it was already dark after listening to the wind howling outside the spaceship and the sense of light that was gradually lost in front of him.

He walked around restlessly, not knowing what was going on, and one of the chairs didn't return to where it was supposed to be, tripping him.

The emotions and pressure that Ding Yao had been accumulating all along burst out at this moment. He got up, grabbed the chair, and shoved it out—he wanted to lift it up and smash it, but he couldn't do it now that he was too small.

He screamed hysterically. In the end, he smashed everything he could touch.

Xiaoyan has already taken away those fragile things, such as glass. But he didn't know what bottle he guessed, fell to the ground, or was stabbed in the arm by a fragment of something.

Ding Yao lay on the ground with an indescribable grief and anger.

Why did he come to this world

In the apocalypse, even if he was chased and killed by several corpse emperors, he was never afraid. But here, he was not strong at all, and he lost the possibility of becoming a strong man. At this moment, he really felt anger and despair.

Just then, he heard footsteps. The footsteps rushed towards him eagerly, and there was anxiety in the rapid rhythm. One by one, like a drum beat in Ding Yao's heart.

When Xiaoyan called his name and took him from the ground into his arms, Ding Yao's heart miraculously calmed down.

She is his miracle, isn't she

"I'm sorry! I'm sorry!" Xiaoyan hugged him tightly and kept apologizing, "Mom came back late..."

Countless times, she had told him that the two of them would be together forever and never be separated. But Ding Yao never believed in "forever". He actually always felt that when he grew up, maybe one day he would leave her, or she would leave him. In short, no matter who leaves who, it will be a natural occurrence, and it cannot be more reasonable.

"Mom..." Ding Yao wrapped his bloody arms around Xiao Yan's neck and said to her for the first time, "Don't leave me."

"Okay!" Xiaoyan answered without hesitation.

"together forever."

"Okay! Of course we'll be together forever." Xiaoyan said, "Xiaoyao, don't cry..."

When he slept that night, Ding Yao used the cigarette on his back. He held her face-to-face and held her tightly. Both mother and son slept soundly.

It is not without reason that Xiaoyan has been out for a long time these days. She finally found all the materials she needed, and spent several months adjusting the test repeatedly to make an imager for Ding Yao.

It looks a bit like diving glasses, which can be connected to the optic nerve when worn. Ding Yao put on those eyes and "seeed" the world.

In the imager, the world is made of grid lines, like a 3D composition, but it hasn't had time to color. Living bodies can be directly scanned by far-infrared rays, and in a world composed of grid lines, warm tones representing temperature glow. From yellow to red, redder means higher body temperature.

It took Ding Yao two months to get used to the imager, the world of black and white grid lines, instead of eyes. So he could go out with Xiaoyan again. Although it can't help as before in finding materials, it can serve as a guard. His imager can penetrate walls and even smaller mountains of garbage, scanning for living things.

The two mothers and sons have been inseparable since then. Time flies, and Ding Yao is eight years old in the blink of an eye.

Eight-year-old Ding Yao has already practiced good marksmanship. In fact, he can't aim like the naked eye when he wears the imager. With all his tenacity, he figured out how he felt about the gun.

The hit rate is as high as 80 percent.

The planet's environment is getting worse and worse. Han Yanyan took orders and made money like crazy. After they killed Metret's people, she dropped the name "Nita", took on a pseudonym, and found another middleman to help her in business.

She charges strict, as long as energy mines, but it's really hard. Due to changes in the earth's crust, ore mining became difficult, and many miners were forced to leave the mine.

Many people who want to leave are frantically collecting energy mines, and no one shoots the energy mines in their hands. On the contrary, those who don't have many energy mines in their hands and understand that their generation can't live without this place are willing to sell energy mines.

Ding Yao knows Xiaoyan's efforts.

Because she said, "You have to get out of here, get out of here, and your eyes will be saved. I've heard that in a real human society, it's nothing at all."

Ding Yao patiently waited for her to accumulate slowly, waiting for the day when she was able to buy two ferry tickets. Although he and she both knew it was difficult.

In Ding Yao's heart, he actually thought that he and Xiaoyan would depend on each other for the rest of their lives.

But on the day he was eight years old, another spacecraft illegally dumped the trash and quickly fled.

His "Xiao Yan" suddenly raised his head, as if telepathically, looking in a certain direction.

Han Yanyan thought, finally here, waiting for him for a long time.