Strategy to Capture Men

Chapter 110


How can there still be people who don't know what a first-class literary star and a second-class literary star are? This person's last memory is still holding a wedding with a woman named "Han Yanyan". Combining the various information revealed by this person before, Ding Yao has already vaguely guessed that this is also a transmigrator.

Two men related to the name "Han Yanyan" traveled through time and space, came here, and came to a woman named Xiaoyan. Qiao Chengyu probably wanted to get to the bottom of it, but Ding Yao didn't want to. It has become a fait accompli, and it is meaningless to investigate why.

Ding Yao always looked forward.

In this world, at this time, now, he is Xiaoyao and she is Xiaoyan. That's all.

"What's the point of figuring it out?" the little boy said indifferently, "Can it change your current situation?"

The boy hit the nail on the head, making Qiao Chengyu silent. After a while, he said softly to himself, "That's right."

He said, "Forget it."

After he finished speaking, he followed the way of a teenager, tearing the cake into pieces, filling it into his mouth and chewing hard.

Han Yanyan looked at this handsome man and felt that her practice was not enough. Otherwise, why would you feel sad

She suppressed these emotions in her heart and pretended to be relaxed: "Xiaoyao is right, it's pointless to pursue these now. Why don't you think about what you will do in the future."

She threw out the conditions: "You can come with us, help me take care of the crop cultivation room, or go out with me to search for supplies. In this way, Xiaoyao doesn't have to go out in the future, and can stay at home. Well... I can pack You have three meals a day, food, clothing, housing and transportation. Except for the things I specify, you can own all the things you find yourself. What do you think?"

Ding Yao's hand quietly clenched into a fist.

Qiao Chengyu didn't reply to Han Yanyan's conditions. He swallowed the dry cake with all his strength, looked up at her seriously, and asked, "Yanyan, why are you called Han Yanyan?"

"Ah?" Xiaoyan's face showed confusion, "Because... my father's surname is Han, and he named me Yanyan? Is there any problem?"

No problem at all. Qiao Chengyu smiled bitterly and said, "It's just a coincidence. My wife... is called Han Yanyan."

Xiaoyan was even more confused, she didn't know whether to say "Ah, what a coincidence" or to relieve "you will definitely find her". For a shopping mall elite like Qiao Chengyu, he is someone who can easily see through.

He lowered his head and said, "Then I will follow you and listen to your arrangements."

Xiao Yan was surprised and happy.

Ding Yao silently stuffed the cake in his hand into his mouth.

The room that Qiao Chengyu slept in before was Han Yanyan and Ding Yao's room. Later, while he fell asleep, the two of them packed out another cabin for him. Out of different psychology, the two of them chose a cabin farther from their bedroom.

After eating, Han Yanyan took Qiao Chengyu around in the spaceship first, and recognized all the places.

"We have transformed the bridge into a crop cultivation room. All food is grown here."

"This is my studio. There are many things, some of which are very dangerous. You'd better not move."

"Go out of this corridor, turn right at the fork, turn right, turn left and keep going. It's the deck, where our cars are parked."

"This room, this room will be your room from now on."

Han Yanyan and Ding Yao lived in the captain's bedroom, which was the most spacious cabin on the ship. Qiao Chengyu's room is half smaller, and the layout is very simple. The bed and table are all metal frames, and they are still very strong.

Han Yanyan in this world is a bit of a collector because of the difficult life. When you go out to find supplies, if you see that something is intact, even if it will not be used for a while, it will be moved back first. Therefore, there are several mattresses at home, and I just took out one for Qiao Chengyu. Sheets and quilts are recycled thermal fabrics, and even the pillows are a large piece of recycled fabric rolled into a ball.

"I just made this dress for you." She rambled, "You can make do with it. Your clothes can't keep you warm at all, and you'll freeze to death if you go out. If you don't like what I made, look back. We'll go out and find you ready-made clothes..."

So Qiao Chengyu stood there holding a suit of simple workmanship and no style, and listened to this "Han Yanyan" talking to him about many small things in life. Every piece is trivial, and every piece is personal.

Finally, the overly beautiful Han Yanyan finally finished talking and said, "Then you can rest, and I will take you out to see tomorrow."

When she left, Qiao Chengyu threw the clothes on the bedside. He sat beside the bed staring at the floor in a daze.

After a long time, he leaned down and dipped his hands into his hair.

It was destined to be a sleepless night.

Also unable to sleep are Han Yanyan and Ding Yao. Ding Yao couldn't sleep because Han Yanyan was too quiet.

Ding Yao had long been accustomed to her babbling, and was accustomed to falling asleep in her voice. She suddenly quieted down, as if the whole world was silent, disturbingly.

He was lying on his side with his back to her, thinking about the weird relationship between the three of them.

He thought of something like "reincarnation". In the past, before the zombie virus broke out, there were so many TV dramas on TV that people followed for generations.

But what is even more bizarre than this life is that Qiao Chengyu, who is highly suspected of being a transmigrator, also has a "Han Yanyan".

Ding Yao guessed that his and Qiao Chengyu's lives are probably not the same life, but the "Han Yanyan" is most likely the same Han Yanyan, and now, it is Xiaoyan lying behind him.

Two men who had entangled with her in her previous life are now gathered in this world.

What a fucking shit.

Ding Yao didn't care what kind of connection there was between the three people in the previous life, but for him, since they have all been reincarnated, this kind of dog blood really has no meaning to exist.

At this time, Han Yanyan suddenly stretched out his arms and wrapped his arms around him. Ding Yao squeezed back expressionlessly and squeezed into her arms.

It was not easy, it was almost night, she finally remembered to hug him. This night, she seemed to have lost her soul, probably thinking about that man all the time. In the past, she would take him into her arms as soon as she went to bed.

Even if she is reincarnated, she is still a woman who is so easily seduced by men.

Han Yanyan tightened her arms and hugged Ding Yao tightly. It's a favorite sleeping position for the two of them, not only is it warm, but it's reassuring and easy to fall asleep.

But Ding Yao didn't plan to sleep tonight.

Finally, when Han Yanyan's breathing became even and long, he reached out and pulled out a dagger from under the pillow, pushed her arm away and climbed up.

Han Yanyan felt empty in her arms, turned over, and said vaguely, "Don't pee on your pants..."

Ding Yao: "..."

He groped and pulled the quilt for her, then got up and walked out of the room.

As he walked, he thought, how simple his relationship with her has been over the years. The four words of interdependence are enough to sum up everything. But such a man who fell from the sky disrupted everything.

What past life and future life, lover's wife, debt collection and life... Suddenly, the relationship between him and her became a mess.

Ding Yao walked to Qiao Chengyu's door.

For the convenience of Ding Yao, Han Yanyan fixed most of the cabin doors in the "open" state. Ding Yao stood at the door and could hear Qiao Chengyu's long breathing in the cabin.

He fell asleep, and slept soundly.

There is really no need for dog blood or something. A mess should be cut with a quick knife.

Ding Yao walked into Qiao Chengyu's room with a dagger, and walked to his bedside by hearing.

Now that he can't see anything, he can no longer perform the demanding and precise operation of slitting his throat. He clenched the dagger and held it high...

Just as he was accumulating power to the top and the dagger was about to pierce, someone in the darkness grabbed his wrist tightly! He then covered his mouth.

Ding Yao didn't struggle. The dagger he polished with his own hands was too sharp, and he was afraid of hurting her. Han Yanyan felt his obedience, let go of his wrist, covered his mouth, picked him up by the waist, and exited Qiao Chengyu's room.

Ding Yao was wrapped around her waist by her covering her mouth, unable to reach the ground with her feet, and was carried back to the bedroom while swaying all the way.

Qiao Chengyu fell into a deep sleep, not knowing that he had walked through the gate of hell.

Han Yanyan carried Ding Yao back to the bedroom and put him on the bed.

As soon as she let go of the hand covering his mouth, Ding Yao said angrily, "Come up!"

Han Yanyan walked silently, even with Ding Yao's keen hearing, she didn't realize that it was because she was barefoot. She didn't even wear a coat, only a thin layer of underclothes.

It can be seen that he suddenly woke up and found that Ding Yao was not there. He instantly understood where he was going and what he was doing. He opened the quilt and ran to stop him.

Without a word, Han Yanyan grabbed Ding Yao's dagger and threw it aside, then stripped him of his coat and stuffed it into the quilt. She slipped into the quilt as soon as she got out. My feet were numb from the cold, and my body was shivering.

Ding Yao snorted, got into her arms, and warmed her with himself. Children's body temperature will be higher at night than adults, especially boys. This is a live and warm baby, Han Yanyan immediately hugged him tightly, entangled like an octopus.

"You promised me that if no one hurts us, you won't kill anyone casually." She accused him.

After Aberke, he had indeed promised her. But at that time he was not blind, and he still had the idea that he might leave her one day.

Now he knew that he really would never leave her again. Of course she was not allowed to leave him for someone.

He was silent and closed his eyes. Han Yanyan talks like a madman all day long, many of which are meaningless trivia and nonsense, and they don't need to be dealt with at all.

Anyway, even if he didn't use words to express his thoughts and intentions, she could miraculously understand them all.

It seems to be able to read minds.

"I won't leave you, don't think about it." Han Yanyan hugged him tighter and said, "Don't kill him. I'll be very angry if you kill him, really!"

She frightened him. It's just her octopus-like posture of holding him and her vibrato caused by the alternation of hot and cold, making this intimidation lack the deterrent it should have.

Ding Yao opened his eyes and asked quietly in the dark, "Do you like him?"

"I don't know. I don't like people." Han Yanyan said, "but he is so good-looking, and he is completely different from us, and his actions are different, really. When I saw him, I felt It's very hot, and I always want to stick to him. Is this, is this a liking?"

Of course he didn't like it, the corner of Ding Yao's mouth twitched. It's just sexual desire.

The essence of love at first sight is always just love at first sight.