Strategy to Capture Men

Chapter 114


When Xiaoyan went out for the second time, she was no longer alone.

"I'm with you." Qiao Chengyu said.

And Ding Yao was already riding on his little flying shuttle.

Everyone accepted it without any objection. The planet's environment is deteriorating at a rate visible to the naked eye, and every time I go to town, I hear the panic rumors that "the last few environmental modification devices are dying". Under such difficult conditions, even basic kindness cannot be sustained without saying anything about the heart of the Holy Father and the Mother of God.

Of all human desires, the most basic and strongest, of course, is the desire to survive.

It took them a few months to sweep this hundred-mile-long garbage dump first.

Xiaoyan's micro-detector has long detected that there are about 40 or 50 people living in this garbage dump. They went to the door one by one.

After doing such a thing for the first time, Qiao Chengyu vomited when he came out of that person's residence. Although the hands of those who know that they can survive here will never be clean, but if the other party does not take the initiative to attack, the mental impact of killing people and robbing money can not be said to be weak.

Xiaoyan came to accompany him that night. He didn't fall in love with her, he just held her and held her all the time.

He said, "I'm sorry..."

Xiaoyan reached out to cover his mouth and kissed his forehead.

Qiao Chengyu felt that in addition to being infatuated with him, Xiaoyan had a strange kind of love.

The night he and her first had fun, he always had a slightly strange memory of it. That night, he cut off his past life. It was true that his emotions were up and down, and his mental state was unstable. But he did remember that that night, Xiao Yan looked like a completely different person in the dark.

That inexplicable familiarity lingered in his mind.

Then one time they killed a woman. At the woman's residence, Qiao Chengyu saw a wooden comb. He put the wooden comb in his pocket, cleaned it up after coming back, and gave it to Xiaoyan.

Xiao Yan then started to comb his hair. Qiao Chengyu was stunned when her chicken coop head of those years was opened up and hung down softly.

Hairstyles change face shape. Qiao Chengyu suddenly felt that Xiaoyan's eyebrows looked a bit like his wife.

But how can such words be said to Xiaoyan. Qiao Chengyu only occasionally turned his head and looked at her in a daze.

Xiaoyan always smiled back.

Her name is also Han Yanyan.

Qiao Chengyu never knew whether this place was in the same time and space as his original world. If even the time and space are different, will this be reincarnation? Will Xiaoyan be his smoke

But Qiao Chengyu searched for Xiaoyan for a long time, but could not find the shadow of Yanyan.

They are completely different.

Ding Yao was blind, Ding Yao was very cold, so Ding Yao could not feel it. But Qiao Chengyu is not blind, Qiao Chengyu is not cold, Qiao Chengyu is a smart and calm man. He slowly saw it clearly.

Xiaoyan seemed innocent and gentle, but she was cold to the bone. Those coldness are revealed in places that Xiaoyao can't notice.

Qiao Chengyu felt frightened all the time because of this. But Xiaoyan's tenderness, obedience and obsession with him are very real. He was confused again.

She is a person with a seemingly bright personality, but in fact there are contradictions hidden inside.

After they swept the junkyard, Xiao Yan took out the landship that had been hidden after killing Dean's group three years ago. After several years of renovations, this spacecraft has not only improved a lot in performance, but also has a completely different appearance, so it will not be easily recognized by the people of Matt Reiter.

The three moved all their belongings and important things to the landship and moved to another junkyard. There, continue to do the same work.

But scavengers are mostly not rich. They've been thinking about how big they should go after sweeping this junkyard.

"Public flights pass through this galaxy every two years. They came last year and will come again next year. If we want to take the next boat, we still have about a year." Xiaoyan said.

But the world didn't give them a year. Just after Xiaoyan said this, the climate deteriorated sharply at a speed visible to the naked eye in a short period of time. The three people who noticed that something was wrong, drove the landing spaceship to the crowded place to find out that the last two environmental modification equipment in the Western Hemisphere had collapsed two months ago.

There are rumors that the environment of the planet will deteriorate to the point where the surface cannot survive within half a year. The settlement has fallen into panic, and the already broken order has once again avalanche.

Just when both Qiao Chengyu and Ding Yao felt desperate, Xiaoyan who went out brought back a message.

"Mattlet, he has a boat." She rubbed her hands, which were red from the cold even with warm gloves, and threw a package to Qiao Chengyu, "Put this in the soup and boil it."

The package was prepared with seasonings. The smell was strong and pungent, and it was a little spicy, which could speed up blood circulation. It's said to sell well when it's freezing cold outside.

"Everyone is crazy." Xiaoyan said while drinking the pungent hot soup, "Mattlet is said to have more than a dozen boats, all of which can travel long distances, but they are not big, he probably only It can take less than 10,000 people. Now it is said that there are more than 100,000 people in several settlements. People from the entire planet are gathered on this continent, which is almost all."

With a ratio of more than ten to one, both Ding Yao and Qiao Chengyu could imagine what kind of Shura Field would be on this continent.

Ding Yao asked, "What are his conditions?"

"What else could it be?" Xiaoyan took a few sips and became warm, "Of course it's energy ore."

Holding a bowl, she poured a bowl of pungent, hot and spicy soup down, wiped her mouth, and said, "From now on, be on high alert and kill anyone."

She said it naturally and casually, but the meaning of her words shocked Qiao Chengyu. He couldn't help but look at Xiaoyao, but found that the boy's brows were indifferent.

He already knew that they were not mother and son, but he deeply felt... Xiaoyan and Xiaoyao were really similar.

The news that Mattret had a boat was just a rumor at first, and the settlement was already in chaos. The settlement became a battlefield in a few hours after the people from Matt Reiter sent out a full-channel communication broadcast and clearly marked the price of boarding the ship.

Matt Reit only gave everyone ten days. Ten days later, whether or not there are enough people, the ship will take off and fly to the nearest habitable star with political affiliation.

The slaughter was everywhere, thanks to Xiaoyan and Xiaoyao's super fighting power, Qiao Chengyu dragged boxes of bloody energy ore back to their spaceship.

In a chaotic battle on the eighth day, Ding Yao's imager was shot and damaged. That thing is connected to the nerve, and it needs to be debugged repeatedly. Xiaoyan has no conditions now to make another one for him immediately.

Xiaoyan made a decisive decision: "Let's go now. Our energy mine should be enough."

The three people drove the landing spaceship and left the crazy crowd, and found Matt Reit's fleet according to the coordinates indicated by the broadcast.

The security is heavily guarded there, and although many people have arrived first, no one dares to do anything here.

Ding Yao is now in a state of crippling, and Qiao Chengyu stays with him to guard the boat. Xiaoyan went to negotiate alone.

When she got back, she said, "Leave the boat in thirty hours, make some repairs, and get some sleep."

When you wake up, you are busy organizing things. They were not allowed to bring too much, and a lot of the usual stuff had to be discarded.

"The weapons are all handed in." Xiaoyan said, "Mattlet does not allow anyone to bring weapons on board."

"We went up with our bare hands, what should he do if he eats black?" Ding Yao asked coldly.

Xiaoyan said: "There are only two options: boarding the boat and staying."

So Qiao Chengyu and Ding Yao were silent.

Xiaoyan finally made a hearty meal: "Have a full meal before departure."

Both Ding Yao and Qiao Chengyu felt that this was very unlucky, but neither of them touched the bad luck.

After a meal, the spicy soup is still too hot to drink. Xiaoyan said: "Let's go back to the room to rest first. The conditions on the ship are not very good, and then the rest will not be good. No matter what happens when we get on the ship, we have to maintain our physical strength."

After she finished speaking, she took Ding Yao's hand back to the room.

This land-based spacecraft is not big, except for the deck cabin, there are only four cabins that can live in people, and they are not big.

Ding Yao did not have an imager, and his eyes were inconvenient. He is not as familiar with this spaceship as at home, and Xiaoyan has to take care of her in everything. Taking her hand back to the cabin, he was very upset at the thought of going to a more unfamiliar environment soon.

"Are there enough parts to make me an imager when we're on board?" he asked.

Xiaoyan touched his head and said loudly, "It's stupid. After we go to Yijuxing, we can find a doctor to treat your eyes. There is an artificial cornea there, so you don't even need to take medicine."

Xiaoyan's tone was too high-pitched, and Ding Yao's heart froze.

He noticed that Xiaoyan squeezed his hand, and he said loudly: "That's great, I can see it later."

The ear suddenly became hot, and it was Xiao Yan who pressed his lips to his ear.

"Mattlet has seven ships that can be operated. He can't bring so many people. He has increased the price. Our energy mines are only enough for two people to board the ship." Xiaoyan's voice trembled a little.

Ding Yao said in a very soft voice, "Do you want me to do it?"

Xiaoyan was silent for a while, then said with difficulty, "I'll do it myself."

Ding Yao held her hand instead: "He doesn't love you, you understand."

Xiaoyan was silent for a long time, then broke free from his hand and walked out.

Ding Yao waited quietly in the room. The wait was always long, but he finally heard a slight gunshot.

After a long time, Xiao Yan came back. She stood at the door and didn't come in. Ding Yao positioned her by hearing, walked over and held her hand.

Her fingertips were shaking.

Ding Yao's heart was very relaxed. Xiaoyan squatted down and hugged him, burying her head on his shoulder, he patted her vest lightly, coaxing her like a child: "There are many people in Yijuxing, you will know when you go there, he is so fundamental Nothing."

Xiaoyan didn't seem to want to talk about it any more. She let go of him and said, "I haven't had the soup yet."

She turned around and went out and brought the soup back to him.

When Ding Yao took the bowl, he smelled the pungent odor. He drank it while it was still warm, and his body felt warm and very comfortable.

"It will take a while, rest for a while." Xiaoyan hugged him in her arms, cuddled with each other, and leaned against the head of the bed together.

"Leaving this world, I must kill my enemy." Xiaoyan whispered in his ear, "Do you remember his name?"

Ding Yao yawned and said, "Remember, his name is..."

Xiaoyan reached out and covered his mouth: "Just remember, don't forget."

Ding Yao's eyelids were heavy and he wanted to say "I won't forget", but he felt that his body was limp and had no strength, so he wanted to sleep.

The sleepiness was too sudden, too intense, and too familiar. Ding Yao realized something was wrong.

The powder of hypnotic fruit has a strong smell, and if it is placed in other food, it can be easily detected by his sense of smell. But the smell of the spicy soup is really pungent, and it is impossible to smell it if you add anything in it.

But when they left the junkyard and entered the human settlement, she began to cook them this spicy soup to keep them warm.

how is this possible!

Warm lips pressed against the auricle, and said softly, "Goodbye... Haruka."

Small smoke

Small smoke

Small smoke! ! !