Strategy to Capture Men

Chapter 12


Han Yanyan doesn't have a watch, so he doesn't know the exact time. But she roughly estimated that it would be around ten o'clock in the evening.

She was terribly hungry. There was food in her backpack, but Ding Yao took it away. While waiting in the car for the team to clear the field, the driver gave her a sausage to pad her stomach. At this moment, she was hungry, and she killed two steamed buns by herself.

She turned off the lights and stood by the window, eating steamed buns and meat while looking at the people below. It was dark downstairs, and only a lamp illuminated by the door of the building. The team members gathered in the open space, and Ding Yao was speaking. I couldn't make out what he said, probably it was the meeting he said.

Han Yanyan used two steamed buns to kill a tin can of meat, and his stomach swelled. She even licked her fingers clean.

She would never have done such a worthless thing before. But in this world for three days, she only ate meat on the first day. Yesterday and today, she relied on broken biscuits and cold steamed buns to satisfy her hunger.

Just rush to this jar of meat. If Ding Yao is here at this moment, she will probably agree to whatever he asks. She is not really a starving person. Thinking about those people who are so hungry that their face is yellow and their skin is thin and their eyes are green, Han Yanyan really understands those women who can sell themselves for two biscuits.

However, looking at this small room, Han Yanyan felt slightly disappointed that the first time between her and Ding Yao would happen under such simple conditions. Women are always a little emotional, even if she is just trying to attack the man Ding Yao, she hopes that the conditions will not be so bad.

If Ding Yao could wait, it would be great to return to his luxurious suite in Nanling. Han Yanyan thought a little regretfully.

But she knew that Ding Yao didn't plan to wait. Unlike women, men don't want a romantic environment for this kind of thing. They want to solve it immediately when they need it.

Ding Yao's glance at her before going downstairs clearly expressed this meaning. He was going to sleep with her tonight.

Not to mention Ding Yao, it was actually Han Yanyan herself. She was sitting peacefully beside the clean bed at this moment, recalling the thrill of life and death in the daytime and the terrifying roar of mutant zombies in this factory before, she thought about it. He dragged Ding Yao upstairs, rode under him and fucked him hard, in order to relieve the fear that was pressing in his heart.

Fear is human instinct, and sex is human instinct. Sometimes the latter can effectively eliminate the former.

For people like Ding Yao, the sequelae caused by adrenal hormones after the battle are even more effective means of relief.

Suddenly someone knocked on the door. Immediately, Ding Yao's driver pushed open the door and put his head in: "Why don't you turn on the lights?"

Han Yanyan said, "Attract mosquitoes." He walked over and turned on the light.

The man asked, "Have you eaten yet?"

Han Yanyan said, "It's over."

"They've got the boiler and the water tank ready, and you can take a shower," the man told her. "The bathroom is over there, public. They've already gone to wash. There's no women on this floor. You can wait until we're done. ."

This is good news, at least for the first time with Ding Yao, you don't have to wear a stinky sweat.

When the man left, Han Yanyan turned around and found a towel and toiletries on the bed. It seems that Ding Yao brought it with him. There is really no more convenient ability than space ability. enviable.

There's nothing else to do anyway, and we'll have to wait. Han Yanyan turned off the light and kept leaning against the window and looking down. The voice below came up, vague and indistinct.

The team members dispersed, but Ding Yao didn't leave, and was still talking to the few people who stayed. The men all lit cigarettes. Han Yanyan looked down from the top and couldn't see his face clearly, only to see the orange cigarette butts flickering and extinguishing.

But she clearly knew which one was Ding Yao. She could feel his aura from the height of four floors.

Men's baths are actually showers. After all, in the summer, everyone is sweating. There is also someone who has blood on their body, whether it is their own or someone else's, it is safer to rinse it off.

One by one is very fast. In fact, Han Yanyan didn't wait too long, Ding Yao was still talking downstairs, the driver knocked on the door again with his head half dry: "Okay, you can go wash."

Han Yanyan responded and didn't move.

The man downstairs suddenly burst into laughter at this moment, and Han Yanyan vaguely heard the word "beauty". She also saw Ding Yao suddenly raised his head and glanced upstairs.

Probably everyone knew that Ding Yao was going to sleep with her tonight, so they started to coax. Han Yan smoked the corner of his mouth, took the towel and toiletries and went to the public bathroom.

The bathroom is at the other end of the corridor, with two rows of compartments, six in one row, twelve compartments in total, with a long wooden bench in the middle. The compartments have split-spring wooden doors above the knees for an old-fashioned look.

Han Yanyan took off her clothes and shoes on the wooden bench and entered the compartment barefoot. Everyone knows that she is Ding Yao's woman, so don't worry that someone will take the opportunity to offend her.

No one dares.

The switch was turned on, and warm water came out of the shower. Ding Yao's subordinates seem to have all kinds of talents. These guys can fight, kill, and repair boilers!

Han Yanyan remembered the wheat and rice harvested once a week in the Thunder Base. Ding Yao ran a team and turned it into a self-sufficient small society. Even if Nanling City was paralyzed, Team Thunder could still survive independently.

As Han Yanyan washed her body carefully, she thought about what kind of person Ding Yao was and how she should deal with this person.

When she faced the wall and raised her face to let the hot water hit her face, she heard the harsh creaking of the spring-loaded wooden door behind her. She didn't have time to react, and was already wrapped in her arms by a pair of strong arms. Han Yanyan turned around in fear in the man's arms, and when she saw that it was Ding Yao's stern face, she relaxed after a moment of tenseness.

Satisfied with her response, Ding Yao pushed her against the wall, lowered his head and bit her lip.

Intense, fierce, this man is predatory. Exactly the taste of Korean cigarettes.

Han Yanyan also had to release the pressure she had accumulated for a day. She reached out and grabbed Ding Yao's neck to respond to him. Ding Yao is thin and strong, with distinct muscle mass. The bodies of the two red fruits are pressed together under hot water, feeling the hardness or softness of each other. Desire rises with the steam of white water.

A faint scream suddenly sounded in the corridor. Quick, brief, and then disappear.

The two team members who slept next to the bathroom were already lying down, but suddenly turned over and sat up together. These people are surviving in the last days, and they have already cultivated super vigilance.

"That sound just now...?"

"… is a woman."

The expressions of the two people suddenly became strange.

"Isn't this just coming out of the house, the boss hasn't been holding back these days? Why... "

Why is there such a big commotion? That scream just now... Obviously the girl suffered...

The two looked at each other.


"Mmmm, sleep, sleep! I'm still working tomorrow!"

Han Yanyan was so sore that her nails digged into Ding Yao's flesh. Ding Yao glanced at it, and under the dim yellow light, a trace of bright red on the ground flowed into the sewer and disappeared.

"Virgin?" he asked.

This time, the character design was almost blank, and she was allowed to play freely. Han Yanyan liked it quite a bit, but she never expected that the electronic sound would prepare her an unopened body. She greeted the eighteenth generation of the ancestors of electronic music in her heart, her voice trembled, and she moaned like crying instead of crying: "Take it easy, it hurts..."

When Han Yanyan kills people during the day, he looks like a small beast showing his fangs. Although he is not strong, he is fierce and fierce. At this time, she was as delicate as a flower that was about to wither after a shower of rain.

Ding Yao remembered how fiercely she held a small fruit knife and stabbed the man's carotid artery in the daytime, piercing Han Yanyan like the fruit knife.

Han Yanyan originally wanted an evenly matched love, but miscalculated the enemy's situation and was completely crushed. The whimper, which seemed to be both joyful and painful, could be vaguely heard in the sound of the rushing water in the shower room...

Ding Yao, a man, has no pity for women. When he climbed to the top, white light flashed in front of him, this thought flashed in Han Yanyan's mind.

Han Yanyan slept lightly.

When she dreamed of flying sand and rocks again, a face that could not be seen clearly, and a pair of indifferent and unhuman eyes, she suddenly woke up, covered in cold sweat.

"Awake?" Ding Yao was sitting beside the bed, getting dressed.

Outside, he doesn't indulge. I only did it once last night, it was just to relax, I was refreshed and clear-headed after a good night's sleep.

He stood up, put on his pants, put on a black combat T-shirt, and turned around to see Han Yanyan sitting up. The towel was slipped, and the snow-white body was covered with red marks. The girl's expression was a little dazed, and she lost her ruthlessness when she murdered, reminding him of her sobbing last night.

Ding Yao touched her face and said to her, "You go to sleep. You will only leave in the afternoon."

There was a loud noise downstairs, and the search team had started to work. Ding Yao left a box of steamed buns and a can for Han Yanyan and went downstairs.

Han Yanyan was moved to the bedside wrapped in a towel, nibbling on steamed buns and eating meat. In these last days, this is a hearty meal.

This dormitory is not big, the desk is under the window, the bed is next to the desk, Han Yanyan stretches his neck, and can see the scene downstairs. Ding Yao's people have dismantled the machine tool, and the search team is here to work as a coolie this time, just as diligently carrying parts as worker ants. Han Yanyan dared to bet that most of them were working hungry, waiting for the steamed buns at noon.

The steamed buns and meat in your hand become extraordinarily precious and smell extraordinarily fragrant. Han Yanyan thought to herself, the sheets were rolled over, and she has now become Ding Yao's woman. Well, at least there is meat to eat with Ding Yao.

She actually didn't know anything about this man, so she had to dormant beside him, get to know him slowly, and wait for an opportunity.

He seemed pleased with her last night.

The electronic sound that lacked the virtues of eight lifetimes did not give her the beauty she wanted in the prosperous world, but gave her an attractive body. If she had known this earlier, she could have taken the seductive route from the beginning, so why did she struggle so hard and kill her life.

That feeling of blood on your hands is really bad. It was as if he had embarked on a road that he had not traveled at all, and he did not know the way back.

Han Yanyan chewed the last mouthful of meat and swallowed it, staring at the people downstairs who were struggling for a mouthful of steamed buns in a daze.

Han Yanyan is very conscious of being a "boss woman", not only eats and lives well, but also does not need to do physical work. She just huddled in this room and didn't go out to wander. After all, so many apocalyptic novels told her that if a person wanders around blindly, it is very likely that zombies who slip through the net will suddenly appear to be frightening, and they are often very powerful ones.

She doesn't make trouble for herself. She didn't come to this world to survive, she came to attack Ding Yao.

She reminded herself of it all the time.