Strategy to Capture Men

Chapter 15


When spring came, Han Yanyan followed Ding Yao on several missions.

Once she and Ding Yao separated, one man fought two mutant zombies and rescued another injured team member. In the minds of the team members, she was upgraded from "the woman Ding Yao took by her side" to a companion.

Everyone was amazed at the speed at which her abilities and combat power improved, and sighed that "as expected of a woman that Ding boss likes".

Although her ice powers are not comparable to Zhang Quanquan, they are already comparable to ordinary team members.

This gradually strengthening feeling made Han Yanyan indulge in it.

When she was still in her own world, she was just an ordinary person. That world didn't give her the chance to fight and fight. Everyone lives under the framework, one radish and one pit, and they do their due diligence.

And the world has lost its frame, and there is an unbridled pleasure. Of course, the premise is that you have to be strong and be able to chase after zombies, instead of being chased by zombies.

Killing happily, having unbridled sex, and living the life he prepared for the heroine in the novel, Han Yanyan, who fell in love with this world a little, almost forgot what she was here for.

In the blink of an eye, it was summer, and a large number of refugees came from the south. Only people in Nanling knew that a tsunami occurred in the coastal areas in spring, the sea water poured into the city, and the coastline was approaching inland. The living fled inland, and the zombies also approached inland. There are people who have fled, who used to be in a certain settlement, and those settlements have all perished in the zombie tide.

Rumors of "mutated zombies getting stronger" circulated among the survivors.

At the same time, with the surge in the number of survivors, the supplies were rapidly strained. The competition for resources and materials between various parties, large and small, has intensified. Serious bloody clashes occurred between several forces. The atmosphere in the entire Nanling City became serious.

Among them, the conflict between the Thunder and the military was the most intense. When the army becomes a bandit, you cannot measure their bottom line. Ding Yao was attacked in Nanling City.

No one who was with him at the time knew how he had dodged the bullet. In short, Ding Yao was safe and sound, but the atmosphere in Nanling City was extremely depressed.

Ding Yao didn't have another mission for a while, and he wanted to stay in Nanling to bring out the people who wanted to kill him. Han Yanyan needed more exercise and polishing when she went out, so she followed Lin Ling's second team to search for supplies.

Lin Ling is a simple-looking woman, and she is very married to Sun Lijun. The husband and wife used to run a small shop together, which is said to be just outside Ding Yao's residential area. While doing small business, they help their daughters and sons-in-laws who work in the city to bring their granddaughters. Later, the end of the world, the daughter and son-in-law died, and the granddaughter also died. The two couples unexpectedly became strong, one can fight and the other can heal.

Not long after the end of the world, they met Ding Yao. At that time, their abilities had just been activated, and they were still ignorant and could not use them. When they encountered zombies, Ding Yao saved them.

"Your fighting consciousness is much stronger than mine." Lin Ling sighed, "I was in a panic at that time. When I saw the zombies, I started to mess up. You are good, go up and fight first without saying a word. Really. It's a bit like a boss, and it's worthy of being taught by him."

Lin Ling is a real woman. She herself is a powerful ability user, but she doesn't look down on Qi Tongtong and the others like some female ability users.

"They are all girls like flowers, and they are not much younger than my girls. If it weren't for this world, who would put down their face and do this? It's not easy." She said.

Han Yanyan heard Qi Tongtong say that there are many men in the team, and it is inevitable that some people have some special hobbies or are too violent. Lin Ling acted for the girls on the third floor several times.

She is a simple and honest woman with an earthy face, and even her supernatural abilities are earth-based, but she is really awesome. She slapped the wall of the corridor with a slap, and the hard cement listened to her scheduling like plasticine, trapping the male psychic who challenged her like a coffin. If Lin Ling was more ruthless, she could bury people alive.

She just doesn't do it, but she has the ability to do it.

Later, those supernatural powers did not dare to go too far with the girl on the third floor. When the girls on the third floor met Sun Lijun, they called out "Brother Sun" and joked with him, but in fact, all the girls consciously stayed away from him. No one would touch Lin Ling's husband.

Han Yanyan really likes Lin Ling. I don't like Qi Tongtong as much, but like Qi Tongtong, I like it inexplicably. Like an indescribable fate.

Facing Lin Ling's praise, she smiled slightly, but did not explain.

Combat skills can be taught, and combat awareness is innate. Lin Ling reversed cause and effect. Ding Yao likes to teach her because of her good fighting consciousness. To him, her being a docile canary was far less attractive to him than her being a strong one.

It was because Han Yanyan found out about his pulse that he gritted his teeth and forced himself to become stronger under his hand.

This time, they went further afield to search for supplies. They encountered many scavengers, and more zombies.

The mutant zombies have really become stronger, like they are evolving. Lin Ling and her team members showed a certain degree of shock. Han Yanyan was not surprised.

In the apocalyptic world, zombies are constantly evolving, which is basically the general setting of zombie apocalypse literature.

Han Yanyan is completely immersed in this survival mode. During the battle, her ice pick finally evolved into an ice arrow, which pierced the heads of four zombies at a time.

When the four zombies fell down at the same time, Han Yanyan exhaled a long breath and felt relieved. When she was about to kill another group of zombies with a machete, those zombies suddenly stopped.

Everything around him was frozen, and the sound of the battle of the companions in the other areas that could be heard disappeared. Not even the sound of insects or wind.

It's the world fixed.

Han Yanyan's pupils shrank slightly, holding the knife and standing on the spot, her whole body was tense and alert.

"Han Yanyan!" A voice sounded. It was very familiar, it was the sound that Han Yanyan didn't want to hear - electronic sound.

The immersion of Han Yanyan's wholehearted dedication broke suddenly because of this harsh sound. She seemed to be cut off from this world all at once, and soberly realized that she was not from this world.

"Han Yanyan, I'm here to remind you." The tone of the electronic voice was a little cool, "Don't get too involved and forget what you are here for."

Han Yanyan tried to calm down: "How is that possible."

"Hmph. I've seen a lot of newcomers like you. When I entered this world for the first time, I couldn't tell the difference between reality and... ahem. I've also seen some idiots who want to live in this world for the rest of their lives." The electronic voice threatened, "These people have all suffered the punishment they deserved. Han Yanyan, don't be so stupid."

Han Yanyan's face was calm, but in reality there was a cold sweat on his back.

If the electronic voice hadn't suddenly appeared today, she might have lived in this world with such true feelings, completely forgetting that her own life was at stake, just like the "idiots" the electronic voice said.

"I won't." She lowered her eyes, "Don't worry."

"Okay. Let's trust you for now." Electronic Voice said with satisfaction, "Your progress is not bad now, but it's not enough, you have to increase your efforts."

"I will try my best, please don't worry. But..." Han Yanyan said, "Can you make my ability stronger, it can save a lot of time."

The electronic voice said a little unnaturally: "This is not necessary, what you should do or do it. Just follow the steps." After that, he said: "Is there any problem, I will close the communication without me."

Han Yanyan asked, "You're not in this world?"

"I observe the whole process." The electronic voice said.

Is that not there? Han Yanyan thought. She still has questions to ask: "I wonder, what if I die in this world?"

The world is full of life and death, and Han Yanyan has actually thought of this issue for a long time.

The electronic sound jumped like thunder: "You give me a treat! If you dare to die, I will let you really die!"

"No, it's just a hypothesis. I just want to know, what if—if I die here, what will happen?" Han Yanyan said, "You can also see that this is such an environment."

The electronic sound snorted and said, "It's not so good, didn't you die last time?"

Han Yanyan suddenly said, "Is it going to come back to you?"

"Yes, yes, yes! Do you have anything else to ask, I will cut off the communication without me!" The electronic voice was already a little anxious.

Of course, Han Yanyan has too many things she wants to ask, but she knows that electronic sound will not give her the answer at all. She wouldn't bother with that, she just said, "No more."

"You work hard! Try to complete the task as soon as possible!" The electronic voice frightened her, "Don't try to be lazy, I'm monitoring it!"

"Is private life also monitored?" Han Yanyan asked abruptly.

Everything in front of me is still, and the world is frozen, which means that electronic sound is detached from this world. It should see this world and Han Yanyan from the perspective of God. The electronic sound always frightened her that she was being monitored and monitored, so Han Yanyan couldn't help but ask this question.

The electronic voice choked, and said angrily: "It's so silly, what's so good about it, I don't have that kind of hobby."

After he finished speaking, he cut off the communication angrily.

The world suddenly returned to normal, and everything that had been static suddenly began to move.

Five zombies rushed towards her. Three ice arrows condensed in front of Han Yanyan, and shot out and pierced the heads of the three zombies. The two zombies that slipped through the net rushed to the front, Han Yanyan kicked the front one with a kick, and the machete cut off half of the other's head, and cut off its neck with another knife. Han Yanyan didn't stop, rushed up and chopped off the head of the one that had been kicked before, so that it could not only die again.

She wiped the knife on the body of the zombie, thinking about the conversation with the electronic sound just now.

She wanted him to directly turn up her ability, and the electronic voice said "no need". Is it unnecessary, or... it can't be done

Also, Han Yanyan came to this world last summer, and now it's summer again, it's been almost a year. For so long, Electronic Sound has never contacted her. In the conversation just now, Han Yanyan was very convinced that the electronic sound could not enter this world in person, but why did it not contact her for so long, and suddenly contacted her today

Is today any different from the past

Han Yanyan was immersed in thinking, but did not notice that on the high ceiling, there were two zombies walking around like geckos.

Until they fell down.