Strategy to Capture Men

Chapter 29


No matter what Bai Yue said or how the Bai family's parents argued, Qiao Wenxing found the doctor who treated him at that time. He learned from the doctor that when Bai Yue was delivered, there were obvious slap marks on his face, and his head could not bear the bag. According to the doctor's analysis, someone must have slapped Bai Yue, causing her to fall, bruise her head, and cause a miscarriage.

Qiao Wenxing remembered the quarrel he heard outside the door that night, and felt extremely tired.

Brother Bai rushed to the hospital at this time, and was about to wave his fist at Qiao Wenxing: "My sister and child are gone, where are you going!"

But Qiao Wenxing didn't come alone. This time he brought four bodyguards just like he did before. The sturdy bodyguards picked up brother Bai like a chick.

In a panic, Bai's father and mother hurriedly pleaded with Qiao Wenxing: "He is young, he is ignorant! He is just worried about his sister!"

The reason why Bai Yue was slapped so much that she fell and had a miscarriage was because she inadvertently said that when Mother Qiao wanted to send her five million yuan, she tore up the check.

five million! White father and white mother can't earn so much money in a lifetime! With this money, I can buy a big house for brother Bai in my hometown, and I don't have to worry about the betrothal money for marrying a wife!

Bai Yue actually refused such a large sum of money! She also refused their request to ask Qiao Wenxing for five million! Bai's father was furious and slapped Bai Yue. Bai Yue lost her balance and fell to the ground with her stomach stretched out. She knocked her head and lost her child.

Bai's father and Bai's mother originally wanted to borrow money from Qiao Wenxing about Bai Yue's miscarriage, but Qiao Wenxing, who came back from City D, didn't seem to be the son-in-law they knew, like a different person. Followed by four bodyguards in black suits, it was scary to look at.

Bai's father and mother's legs softened first, and he was even more afraid that Qiao Wenxing knew the truth of Bai Yue's miscarriage, how could he dare to open his mouth and cheat money.

Qiao Wenxing said, "Let me talk to Bai Yue alone."

Bai's father and mother had no choice but to leave the ward under the "support" of the four bodyguards. Just before leaving, she gave Bai Yue a wink. Bai Yue lay on the bed, closed her eyes and wept, and did not look at them.

Everyone left, and the ward became quiet.

Qiao Wenxing no longer pressed for the truth of the matter, breaking the bones and connecting the tendons, Bai Yue had to grit her teeth to protect her parents and younger brothers, even if they hurt her like this.

He only asked: "Why didn't you call me when something like this happened?"

Bai Yue cried: "They took my cell phone away"

Bai's father and mother were afraid that she would sue Qiao Wenxing, took away her mobile phone, and did not tell her to contact Qiao Wenxing. It was not until they suppressed and persuaded Bai Yue once again that Bai Yue united the front with them, and then let brother Bai contact Qiao Wenxing. As for where Qiao Wenxing has been in the past few days, Bai's father and mother are not worried, but are glad that he is not there.

Qiao Wenxing was silent for too long, which made Bai Yue uneasy. She asked weakly, "Where have you been these days? Why are you only here now?"

Qiao Wenxing looked at her and said, "I'm going home."

Bai Yue didn't understand it at first, and was slightly confused, but then suddenly understood. The home Qiao Wenxing said was not the apartment they rented in City M, he said it was Qiao's home in City D.

"You!" Bai Yue panicked. But when she met Qiao Wenxing's gaze, she became dumb again. Qiao Wenxing went back to his home, what was wrong? How could she stop him

"Did you... come back?" Finally, Bai Yue asked tremblingly.

"I'm not coming back." Qiao Wenxing said, "I'll settle the matter here, then go back, and never come back."

Bai Yue's lips trembled: "Me, what about me? What should I do?"

Qiao Wenxing was silent again. After a long time, he said, "You are my wife and should go home with me. But..."

Qiao Wenxing offered his conditions: "If you want to be Mrs. Qiao, you must cut ties with your parents and stop communicating."

Bai Yue could not fulfill this condition. She is the eldest daughter, she must be filial to her parents, she is the elder sister, and she must draw the younger brother. Her parents worked hard to raise her up, her younger brother and her siblings, how could she be willing to let them go

She cried: "I can't... They are my parents and my brother... "

The ward fell silent again.

After a long time, Qiao Wenxing said softly, "Let's get a divorce."

Bai Yue closed her eyes and tears rolled down her cheeks. She said, "I'm sorry..."

Bai Yue has heard the news of the Qiao family from his younger brother Bai, and already knows that Qiao Wenxing has completely lost his qualifications as the heir of the Qiao Group.

Bai Yue was no longer the innocent girl who thought that the prince and Cinderella would live happily ever after, and that they could drink water and be full of love. She understands what Qiao Wenxing has lost because of her.

Qiao Wenxing ended the business in M City and divorced Bai Yue. He bought Bai Yue an apartment in M City, just as he promised. He also gave Bai Yue a lot of alimony. As long as she can hold her own money, she can live her life comfortably.

As long as you can hold it.

After dealing with all this and returning to City D, Qiao Wenxing felt that the dream was really awake. He used to be a spoiled eldest young master, and this dream made him mature like a reborn.

The simple meal for four people that Qiao Chengyu said was never finished, but Han Yanyan ate alone with him. They grew up together and even got engaged. Although there is no love, they have a pretty good friendship. Even when he regretted his marriage, Han Yanyan didn't embarrass him at all. Qiao Chengyu is full of guilt towards Han Yanyan.

As soon as they met, they were stunned by Han Yanyan's radiant appearance.

Qiao Wenxing was even a little confused, is this really the Han Yanyan he knew? Why does she look more beautiful, more confident, more radiant? Even sexier, more glamorous? She wasn't like this when she was obviously with him.

During a meal reminiscing about the old days, Qiao Wenxing felt the difference between Han Yanyan and Bai Yue. The difference in vision, conversation, etiquette and demeanor is more than a star and a half.

Qiao Wenxing was at a loss. Could it be because he had known her for too long, so he had turned a blind eye to her in the past, so he didn't see her grace? But a woman is so dazzling, how can he ignore her as a man

"What are your plans in the future?" Han Yanyan asked him.

Qiao Wenxing smiled bitterly and replied, "Dad gave me two companies to take care of."

This time he returned to the social circle, and he had found that the attitude of others towards him was different from before. In the past, he was the noble heir of the Qiao family, but now he is just the eldest young master of the Qiao family, and he is no different from them. He can no longer be in the position of the stars and the moon among his friends as he used to be.

Qiao Chengyu is always surrounded by people now.

He returned home separately from Han Yanyan, and lay in bed at night, he turned over and couldn't fall asleep. Forcing myself to close my eyes, the experience of the past year and more is vividly in my mind, and the changes after the return are even more difficult to shake in my mind.

Qiao Wenxing felt a pain in his heart.

Han Yanyan suddenly got up and ran downstairs barefoot. Her eldest dad was sitting downstairs in the living room reading the newspaper and was startled by her.

"Dad! Run! There's an earthquake!" Han Yanyan pulled him anxiously.

"Nonsense, how can there be an earthquake?" Father Han was speechless, "I've been sitting here, why didn't I feel it?"

Han Yanyan gasped for breath, looking at the ceiling in shock, there was really no shaking, and there was no sign of an earthquake at all. But…

"It shook so badly just now! The walls of my room are cracked!" She felt lingering fears. Whoever lay well, suddenly shakes the mountain, and the wall sees a big crack, and it will be frightened.

Father Han didn't believe it, and went upstairs with her. The room was intact, and the walls were covered with beautiful ornate wallpaper, which was flat.

Han Yanyan was speechless.

"But, really, I do see..." she murmured.

"Are you dreaming?" Father Han was speechless, "Are you too tired recently? The merger and acquisition is really trivial, so you have to keep an eye on it. When this case is over, you can go abroad to find your mother and let her accompany her. You go shopping and relax. By the way, remember to bring her back when you come back, you won't be home all year long. Hmph."

The grieving daddy left, and Han Yanyan was still sitting in the room alone, stunned. How could she have hallucinations

After a while, Han Yanyan's eyes changed.

She closed the door and went back to the center of the room. Her room is very big, and the cloakroom is the size of a bedroom in an ordinary family. She made a few circles in the center of the room, looked up at the ceiling, and shouted, "Hey! Are you there? Hey! Who is that! That... synth!"

But the electronic voice did not respond to her. Han Yanyan shouted a few more times, there was nothing unusual in the room, she looked like a fool.

Han Yanyan's heart slammed, a small knife was pulled out from the drawer, and a knife was cut into his wrist vein. In her three years in the last days, she had killed zombies and people, and without hesitation, crimson blood flowed out all at once.

Han Yanyan counted in his heart: ten, nine, eight...

"Han Yanyan! What are you doing!"

She only counted three when she heard the harsh electronic sound sounding in a huff.

A flash of light flashed in Han Yanyan's eyes, and she immediately pressed the wound to stop the bleeding. In the last days, she is often injured, and she is extremely skilled in stopping bleeding. Except for her lack of superpowers, all the things she learned in the last days were brought here.

Let's find a fight gym another day to try it out, Han Yanyan thought, why didn't he think of this before

Does "Miss Han Yanyan" still have the skills of "Doomsday Han Yanyan"

"Hey, why did you call me out?" Eyin said dissatisfiedly, seeing that she was not in danger. The electronic sound has no face or body, only the sound floating in the air.

"You've been here?" Han Yanyan asked.

"I said that I will monitor the whole process." The electronic voice said.

The corner of Han Yanyan's mouth was slightly cold: "Then I called you just now, why didn't you come out?"

The electronic voice's voice was a little unnatural: "You are doing well in this world, what am I doing when I have nothing to do?"

"I felt an earthquake just now, and I saw with my own eyes that the walls were cracked. But no one else felt it, and everything I saw disappeared." Han Yanyan said, "I just remembered that this happened once before. I felt the earthquake alone in the office, but no one else felt it. What's going on?"

"This world... is it about to collapse?" Han Yanyan, who had experienced the collapse of the world once, asked, looking at the ceiling.

"Cough, it's not a collapse..." The electronic voice was vague.

"Speak clearly!" Han Yanyan shouted. She took over all the settings of "Miss Han", and has been the daughter of the daughter and the heir of the group for more than a year, and her momentum has been cultivated from her bones.

The electronic sound couldn't help shivering, and subconsciously replied: "It's not broken, it's almost over."

"End?" Han Yanyan was stunned.

All said, the electronic sound was broken.

"Yes, it's almost over. I'm surprised too," said the electronic voice, "It's not difficult, but you're a novice, I didn't expect you to be so fast."

Han Yanyan lowered her eyes, raised her eyes again, and asked, "What does this have to do with Qiao Wenxing?"

"Yes. He is the target, he is the most important." The electronic voice sounded happy, "But you impress me, you are indeed an excellent builder."

"Han Yanyan! You work harder! It's almost there!" It said, "It's almost, the task of this world can really end! Come, come, use your real skills, and then give Qiao Wenxing Give it a try, and try something serious! If you do well, I will really reward you!"

However, Han Yanyan lowered her eyes and thought. After a while, she raised her eyes and asked, "When the mission is over, will the world disappear?"

"Yes." The electronic voice said.

"Then what is the meaning of existence in this world?" Han Yanyan gritted her teeth.

"Why are you asking this? You just need to work hard." The electronic voice replied perfunctorily.

"If there is no mission, can the world exist by itself?" Han Yanyan asked.

The electronic voice didn't answer her right away. Han Yanyan understands that these worlds... are made for missions.

The electronic voice suddenly became impatient, and said a little rudely: "What do you think so much about, have you forgotten why you did the task? Your life is still in my hands! You work hard for me, and quickly put this The mission is over! There are still serious missions waiting for you! Don’t think about things all day long! No matter how much you think, you can’t leave here!”

It speaks all the truth. Han Yanyan's life is hanging in the balance, so what qualifications does he have to question.

"Okay, okay, is there anything else, I don't have to turn off the communication!" The electronic voice roared anxiously.

"Wait a minute." Han Yanyan stopped him, "You should have a name. What do I call you, I can't just call you 'Hello'?"

"Oh," said the electronic voice. "My name is Leo."

"Leo," Han Yanyan smiled, "Are you younger than me?"

"Nonsense!" Leo subconsciously retorted, "I am three times your age."

After he finished speaking, he was shocked to be deceived: "You..." But he glanced at the dark muzzle behind him, not daring to say that he was being ripped off by Han Yanyan, and said bravely: "Don't talk so much, just work hard! "

After closing the communication, he turned around and smiled at those people: "She is doing well here, and it will be over in a while. When she is well, I will let her do the right thing..."

There was no more Leo's voice in the room, Han Yanyan pressed the wound on her wrist with a sneer at the corner of her mouth.

Sure enough, he was hiding behind the microphone... man.