Strategy to Capture Men

Chapter 32: World Three Underground King


The white light drowned everything, and Han Yanyan closed her eyes. When I opened my eyes, it was the familiar pure white space again.

Qiao Wenxing, Qiao Chengyu, rich dads, well-dressed guests of the upper class... all disappeared. When a world ends, those people end up with the world like a bubble. It's like sand that runs between your fingers, you can't catch it.

Leo called this world "Fast through the world."

Han Yanyan stood there quietly, clenching his hands into fists.

"Oh, I really didn't see the wrong thing, I solved the world so quickly. How about it, it's easy for you." Leo's ugly electronic synthesis sound seemed to be very happy.

What is this guy happy about

"Okay, okay, your numbers are very stable now, let's start the next world quickly," he said.

I see.

"I specially picked a simple one for you, just to let you relax. This world is done well, and the end-of-the-world one is actually not bad. Don't be so tense, you are very talented..."

"Leo, what can you get?" Han Yanyan asked abruptly.

"Ah?" Leo's chattering came to an abrupt end, as if his mind was stuck for a moment.

Han Yanyan is a person who makes a living by writing stories. Her brain has a strong sense of association and imagery. When Leo was stuck at this moment, she had already vividly outlined in her mind the appearance of a person hiding behind a monitor and a microphone in a dark room with his mouth open, and his mind was short-circuited for a moment.

So fucking happy.

Too bad I can't laugh.

"I solved the mission objective in 'Quick Traverse World', what can you get?" Han Yanyan asked.

After a few seconds, Leo said in a very bad tone: "You don't have to worry about this."

"I'm being called by you as a laborer. At least I should understand my salary and bonuses and benefits." Han Yanyan said, "Even if there are none of these, at the very least, I want to know when I can leave here?"

"Leave?" Leo couldn't help sneering, "Why are you talking about this with me? I tell you, don't even think about it. Okay, you've had enough rest, and work hard."

Leo's voice suddenly lost his emotions, and he said coldly, "Mark."

Leo used the voice to pretend to be something like "system" from the beginning. After Han Yanyan tried it out, it was not difficult to guess that this "mark" was really an instruction from something like a computer system, so it was so cold and emotionless.

The corner of Han Yanyan's mouth evoked a sneer.

After that "mark", there was another familiar trance, as if something had been forgotten and a paragraph was missing. But Han Yanyan was not confused. Because before being tagged, she already had an idea.

"What are the mission requirements this time?" she asked.

At first, Leo said that he wanted the target to fall in love with her, but in the end, she was made a scapegoat by Ding Yaola, but he said she did a good job. In the previous world, the mission requirements turned into regrets for Qiao Wenxing. While straightforward and easy to accomplish, it loses unity. After all, the "quick wear" that Han Yanyan knows has a clear and unified purpose.

That's why she asks this question.


This time, it was Leo who hesitated. He hesitated for a while and said, "This, let's do it like Ding Yao, you did a good job that time."

"But Ding Yao, I failed." Han Yanyan stayed in the previous world for two years, and when he mentioned that Ding Yao was calm, he did not deny his failure, "He didn't fall in love with me."

"This... is hard to say," Leo said. There was a kind of eagerness and itchiness in his tone that wanted to gossip, but he seemed to be cringing. In the end, he could only say this simple sentence, vague and ambiguous.

Han Yanyan's originally calm heart seemed to be stabbed.

It's not that she still loves Ding Yao. She was with Qiao Chengyu for two years. She was pampered, loved, trusted, relied on, and respected. She was not so cheap and still remembered Ding Yao.

It's just that this breath can't come out, after all, it's hard to calm down.

"Alright, alright, work!"

Leo switched to the real system, and the electronic voice said coldly: "The world is generated."

The corner of Han Yanyan's mouth evoked a sneer, and cut into the next world.

When she opened her eyes, she was in a small room with a bottle of red wine in her hand and a small cart in front of her. Looking down, he was wearing a white shirt, black vest and matching mini skirt. The skirt is tight and narrow, wrapping around the hips and waist, and the white shirt has a bow tie around the collar—a very standard waiter's dress.

"Yan Yan, Yan Yan, are you ready?" The invisible headset hidden in the ear made a sound.

Pre-information activation.

The "Han Yanyan" in this world turned out to be a policeman who sneaked into the clubhouse and pretended to be a waiter. Now, she is going to push the dining cart to room 812 to deliver wine to the guests there. The guest in that room, unsurprisingly, was her target in this world, Yao Chen, the boss of the underground world of K City.

This big man straddles both black and white, not only the legitimate business on the bright side, but also the dark industry such as drug trafficking, pornography and gambling. And these underground industries are the bulk of his income, and the bigger role of the business on the bright side is to launder money for these black industries.

Han Yanyan has browsed all the pre-assigned information, and can already clearly define Yao Chen.

bad guy.

Yes, a bad guy.

No matter what history he has, what difficulties he has, how tender and loving he is to his family/wife and children, and how loyal he is to his friends, just relying on what he has done is enough to go to eighteen levels of hell.

The Raiders target is such a set of people, which is great!

Han Yanyan was in a happy mood, bowed her head slightly, and said to the bug hidden in her collar, "I'll go over now."

She curled the corners of her mouth, hummed a little tune, swayed her exquisite waist, and pushed the dining cart out of the prep room to Room 812. She was in a really good mood at this time, seeing the two bodyguards standing at the door of the room, she even gave the more handsome one a wink.

The skill of Fei Meiyaner was inherited by Han Yanyan from "Miss Han".

Although the two bodyguards were dressed in neat black suits, they were obviously not gentlemen. Let Han Yanyan tick, and open the door of the private room for her with ambiguous eyes.

As soon as the door opened, Han Yanyan stopped humming Xiao Qu'er and winked, and with a professional smile on his face, he pushed the dining cart in.

The private room was dimly lit, but there was no sensual scene. There were a dozen men in total, but not a single woman. These men were clearly distinguished, apparently two groups of people, a few of them were standing with their bodies tense. There are also some sitting, pretending to be relaxed and casual, but in fact staring at each other with sharp eyes.

There are only two people who are really relaxed, Yao Chen and his trade partner. The other party was a man with dark complexion and three-dimensional features, who looked like a foreigner. Because the contrast was so stark, Han Yanyan didn't even need to look at another person, and knew that he was Yao Chen.

In fact, as soon as she walked into the room, she knew that he was her target. This is another man whose aura is too strong to be ignored. When Han Yanyan walked in with the cart, he raised his head and glanced at her, like a blade slicing through her back, making people feel cold.

Han Yanyan was honest and responsible, her eyes were slightly downcast, and she didn't even look at Yao Chen. She stopped the car, professionally took out the red wine from the ice bucket, lifted the napkin next to her, smiled, and picked up the gun as naturally as picking up a corkscrew.

He raised his hand and shot Yao Chen.

Ahh, what a utterly delightful characterization of a downright bad guy!

No psychological burden. Unlike Qiao Chengyu, who knows that he will fail sooner or later, he is racing against the time of the world every second, only fighting for the day and night.

Killing Yao Chen, Han Yanyan kept smiling all the time.

It's not difficult to kill, as long as you go through it once in the last days. At this time, Han Yanyan has the decisiveness of killing that he has practiced in the last days, and also has the superb marksmanship of the world's "female policewoman Han Yanyan". With her shot, the bullet went straight to Yao Chen's forehead, it was a sure-kill shot.

No one could react. The time in the private room seemed to be stagnant, falling into the "bullet time" in the stunt movie.

Han Yanyan watched the bullet fly out of the gun barrel, slowly tearing the air, pulling up the airflow and running towards Yao Chen's eyebrows. All the people were frozen and became the background of this "bullet time".

Han Yanyan's mood became very happy with the bullet that flew out of the gun and pierced the airflow.

Being thrown into this "quick across the world", she couldn't do anything. Forced to separate from Qiao Chengyu, she couldn't do anything.

Now, she finally made a move and could take the initiative to do something to resist Leo's big pervert! This can not but make people happy!

Han Yanyan's eyes chased the bullet and turned to Yao Chen. She hadn't had time to take a closer look at this person's appearance, and she was not interested at all. Her gaze slid from the muzzle of the gun directly to Yao Chen's forehead, where the bullet was expected to hit. With such a close-range shot, Yao Chen's head was likely to explode.

Well, even if it doesn't explode whole, at least half of it can be blasted. The real gunshot wound is not a small blood hole like in the movie. The real gunshot wound is much more terrifying.

The more this is the case, the more happy Han Yanyan is.

In this happy mood, she saw Yao Chen lift her eyelids.

In the "bullet time" when everyone was stagnant, Yao Chen, the target of the attack, raised his eyes. His eyes first fell on the whistling bullet. The bullet seemed to touch an invisible barrier. The air in front of him could no longer be torn apart. Instead, it was like a soft but tough shield that enveloped the bullet and made It couldn't go any further!

Han Yanyan's breathing stagnated.

At this moment, Yao Chen's eyes continued to rise, past the bullet, and met Han Yanyan.