Strategy to Capture Men

Chapter 37


"Mr. Yao." Han Yanyan stopped in front of the coffee table, and folded his hands in front of him. He was very standard, professional, and... docile.

"What's the matter?" Yao Chen seemed to have amnesia, as if he didn't call Han Yanyan to 812.

Is this interesting? Han Yanyan felt MMP in her heart, and said calmly on her face, "You asked me to come and get your phone."

"Oh." Yao Chen seemed to remember it, turned his head to a bald head and said, "Sanhu, where's the phone?"

Although the bald head was also wearing an expensive suit, the tattoo crawled out from the collar of his neck and went all the way to the back of his head, just about getting the word "society" tattooed on his face. There is a circle of men in suits in this room, and few of them are really human. If they take off their suits and shirts, Han Yanyan guesses that it is very likely that there will be big arms in the room.

Yao Chen came from the bottom, and so did his cronies. Now that they are rich, they all dress like dogs.

Among them, Yao Chen, who is a first-line big name, is the most. People who don't know his background think that this is the elite of which industry.

Sanhu touched his pocket with a smile, and took out Han Yanyan's cell phone. This phone originally fell into Yao Chen's hands, but now it's in the hands of this bald man named Sanhu. I don't know how many men's hands passed through it, and how many people have read the album "Han Yanyan". . It's impossible to expect these people who haven't even finished high school to know what it means to respect other people's privacy and women.

Han Yanyan, who had just experienced the real high society for two years, looked at this group of men without feeling cramped at all. She calmly took her mobile phone from Sanhu and said to Yao Chen, "Thank you, Mr. Yao, for causing you trouble."

Yao Chen raised his chin.

Han Yanyan said, "If President Yao is all right, I'll go back to work."

"Hey, hey, sister, don't go, come and come, Master Yao is happy today, you can have a few drinks with you." Sanhu was about to pull Han Yanyan when he started. Others followed suit.

With a flick of his body, Han Yanyan avoided the big pig's hoof.

After Han Yanyan realized in the last world that he might still have the skills of "Han Yanyan in the end of the world", he hired a serious fighting coach for himself, and broke the wild road trained by Ding Yao. On the right track. And the current Han Yanyan even has the character setting skills of the first round of "Policewoman Han Yanyan" in the world. It is easy to avoid this.

She stood still and looked at Yao Chen: "Mr. Yao?"

Yao Chen was watching the play just now, and only then did he speak, and said to Sanhu, "Don't make trouble, she's not a princess."

Sanhu smiled and said, "Just let her have a few drinks together, and don't let her do anything, it's nothing."

Before Yao Chen could speak, Han Yanyan suddenly raised her eyes and retorted, "You are wrong."

She spoke abruptly, and several eyes in the room fell on her. "Miss Han" has seen many battles, and these eyes are nothing but drizzle to her.

She used a kind of innocence and stupidity unique to students, and Hin said seriously: "I am an employee of Jinhao, and President Yao pays me my salary, so I should work hard. Each private room has a designated waiter, and the number is limited. Today is still the weekend, the busiest time of the week. During the time I wasted here, other colleagues must be extra busy and make mistakes while busy, which will eventually lead to dissatisfaction of the guests and affect Mr. Yao's business."

Sanhu laughed until his teeth could not see his eyes, "Yes, yes, you are Mr. Yao's employee, but we are also the brothers of Mr. Yao. You employee, come and have a drink with our brother, isn't that just right!"

Han Yanyan didn't laugh: "If a company wants to be big, it is most taboo to not separate public and private, responsibilities and powers are unclear, and roles are unclear. Interfering with the management of professionals in a private capacity is an important reason for the collapse of the entire management system."

She wanted to pretend to be "upright" as a student, but she unconsciously showed the momentum of "Miss Han" in the conference room.

She is obviously a young girl who has not yet left the campus, but she always shows a bit of maturity that does not match her age when she is inadvertent. Yao Chen's eyes fell on Han Yanyan's face, remembering that the face was less than twenty centimeters away from him last night, so he briefed him briefly and calmly. Later in the car, the man offered the woman the temptation of money, and the young girl calmly refused.

A clear mind and a strong will.

"Ah yo yo, she even told me the big truth." Sanhu patted his thigh and laughed.

The men all burst into laughter. These people are not literate, what Han Yanyan said, they all go in the left ear and go out the right ear. What they like to see is the way this beautiful girl is serious about reasoning with the hooligan, which is interesting.

Only Yao Chen looked into Han Yanyan's eyes with an inquisitive look.

In this room of hooligans, only the biggest hooligan listened to Han Yanyan's words. Because of the butt, the head is decided.

"Okay, Three Tigers." Yao Chen finally spoke, "The shop is busy at the moment, let her go to work."

He said to Han Yanyan again: "Call Emily, May, Yingying and the others."

These are Jin Hao's "top cards", all of them are glamorous and sexy, and they can make people's bones brittle when they whistle. Sanhu immediately put down Han Yanyan, who was wearing a vest, shirt, tooling, bow tie and only light makeup.

Although it is beautiful, it seems that the soup is lacking in water when you watch it in such a night scene. Men come out to have fun at night, and girls need to be rough enough to be energetic.

Han Yanyan quit 812 and called a few red girls over. Knowing that Yao Ye called, the girls all went happily. Yao Ye is not only rich, but also has a good-looking face. He is also the boss here. If anyone can catch up with Yao Ye, anyone can soar directly.

Han Yanyan watched the girls happily enter 812, then turned around and returned to her area of responsibility.

Yao Chen has tough wrists, a wealth of wealth, and an unshakable position on the road. What does a man like him want

Obviously they are a group of gangsters who started out by fighting and collecting protection fees. Why do they all dress like white bones in the workplace? Han Yanyan doesn't believe that they have this kind of clothing and aesthetics.

In this group of people, everyone else is a green leaf, and Yao Chen is a safflower. They wore outfits that were out of tune with their temperament, just to match Yao Chen. This is Yao Chen's clothing, Yao Chen's self-positioning and external appeal.

Yao Chen is thirty-three years old this year, and is about to turn thirty-four. He is in the stage of transition from youth to middle age. He has passed the era when a watermelon knife slashed from the street to the end of the street, fighting with people for territory, and blood and fire. He was wealthy and wealthy, and he began to pursue identity and social status.

If Han Yanyan is not mistaken, Yao Chen actually prefers to be called "Mr. Yao" rather than "Master Yao". The latter has the smell of a gangster that is too strong and too heavy, and that smell is the past that he is trying to cover up with the elite style of big-name suits.

Han Yanyan just took a little test, and vaguely felt a little bit of Yao Chen's pulse.

This man is probably at the stage where he has earned enough black money and wants to launder the white money and go ashore.

Han Yanyan's work as a waiter is in the evening, but she still has morning and evening shifts. She works the morning shift today and gets off work in the early morning. When he changed his clothes and took the staff elevator to the first floor, he encountered Yao Chen, three tigers, and a group of people coming out of the passenger elevator with their arms around a woman. The doormen on the first floor all bowed: "Goodbye, Mr. Yao."

Han Yanyan didn't move forward, and stood on the wall. When the group of men who were not good at first glance walked over, he quietly followed behind and walked out of the door.

Not only Yao Chen's luxury car was waiting for him outside the door, but there were also several horses in front of and behind. These few are not even qualified to enter the box, and can only mix outside.

Han Yanyan's eyes turned around on one of the young boys, and the corners of his mouth twitched.

That young man was Xiao Yang, who only joined the criminal police team this year. In the last round, policewoman Han Yanyan was inside and he was outside. In this round, Han Yanyan became a young female college student, but Xiao Yang was still undercover. Jiang Ye would keep staring at Yao Chen.

Want to whitewash, is it that easy? If everyone does all the bad things, and they make enough money, they will be laundered on the shore, and what will the law do

Taking advantage of this group of people getting into the car, Han Yanyan trotted out by the wall. At this time, she can only take a taxi home. If she wants to take a taxi, she has to walk out of the parking lot and stop the car on the side of the road outside.

She tried it, there is no online car-hailing in this world. Leo is really out of step with the times!

Yao Chen asked the woman to get into the car first. He was about to step up while holding the car door when he saw a slender figure slipping past the crowd and lightly running towards the gate of the parking lot.

When she was at work, the long-haired waitress had a fixed hairstyle, and her hair had to be tucked behind her head. Now that she was off work, her long hair was slightly curly, draped over her shoulders, and swayed as she ran.

Several cars slowly drove out of the yard. Across the windows with dark black glass film, Yao Chen watched the girl waving to the taxi on the side of the road with a cigarette in between. In the cold autumn night, she had already put on thin feathers, and her thin legs were wrapped in jeans and straight.

The clothes all looked cheap, far less sophisticated than the women in the car. But it's better to be young, and wearing cheap clothes can't cover up the feeling of youth.

Yao Chen felt that he might really be getting old.

Sanhu sat on the opposite seat, already entangled with the woman. He lived an absurd life, spending money when he made money, drinking when he brought wine, and sleeping when he had a woman.

Yao Chen used to be like this, but he has already passed this stage. Once he is rich to a certain extent, people's way of thinking will change. He took a cigarette, glanced at Sanhu, and choked.

Turning around again, the girl on the side of the road was far away. It was already early morning, and it was not easy to take a taxi. Yao Chen could still see her slender figure standing there alone.

Yao Chen exhaled the smoke from his lungs, pushed the woman away from him, took out his mobile phone and made a call.

When Sanhu heard this, he struggled from the woman's chest and turned around: "Is that the chick? The one who taught me the truth?"

Yao Chen casually said "um".

Sanhu laughed: "Brother, you really care."

Yao Chen sneered and ignored him.

Han Yanyan stood for a long time, but did not see any empty cars. She was thinking about whether to go further, when a car suddenly stopped in front of her.

The window was lowered, revealing Xiao Yang's face. Han Yanyan slightly condensed.

Xiao Yang stretched his neck and asked, "Is it Han Yanyan? Hey, I'm Xiao Yang, do you recognize me? The people around me, Mr. Yao. Mr. Yao asked me to take you back."