Strategy to Capture Men

Chapter 43


Yao Chen's original arrangement was to tell Han Yanyan about it during dinner. She is a girl with a strong appearance and a soft heart, otherwise she would not have been trampled on by her parents and exploited like this. Being sold as a commodity by her parents, she will definitely be sad and sad.

He thought about comforting her at the dinner table and on the road, letting her calm down, and then taking her to his residence, then he could talk.

This arrangement was originally good, but Han Yanyan completely disrupted the rhythm.

Since she read the signed contracts, IOUs and guarantees, she didn't say a word, and she was terribly silent.

The comforting words Yao Chen had prepared earlier were useless. In the car, she sat across from him, staring at the night view outside the window with no expression. Yao Chen was really afraid that she would be suffocated. If some too strong emotions were not released, it would be easy to suffocate people.

He couldn't help but said, "Actually, blood is a thing, after you cut it off, you'll find that it's very easy, and it's not as painful as you think..."

Han Yanyan turned his head, the dark eyes in the dark carriage were dark.

Yao Chen was stunned for a moment, she had already stood up, stepped onto Yao Chen's lap, and directly blocked his mouth.

Yao Chen was caught off guard, and stayed for a moment. When his stupidly open hands finally reacted, and when he grabbed her waist, she let go of his lips.

"Can you shut up?" she asked.

She looked extremely cold, but Yao Chen's blood was hot.

"Yes." He smiled.

He pressed down on the back of her head and covered her lips.

The car stopped at the traffic light intersection, and the driver and the younger brother in the co-pilot felt the shaking of the body. The rear compartment of the extended luxury car is fully enclosed, and there is an isolation baffle in the middle, which can neither see the situation nor hear the sound.

But the shaking was so obvious that the two looked at each other.

"Fuck!" said the younger brother, "Did you do it?"

The driver chuckled.

The red light turns green, and the driver releases the brakes and steps on the accelerator to start. The younger brother said, "Drive slower, drive slower."

So the car drove slowly in the slow lane. Fortunately, there are fewer cars at night, so it doesn't get in the way of others.

The back compartment was damp and dark, and the glass was filled with mist condensed from the heat emitted by the human body.

Han Yanyan has many memories in the carriage. Ding Yao likes to use sex to relieve the sequelae left by a large amount of adrenal hormones secreted to the body in a short period of time.

It is not always possible to find a suitable campsite. Many times, the team can only park in the wild, and everyone sleeps in the car.

The small space is full of moisture. The collision and sprint made the body squeak and sway, attracting two or three scattered zombies to lie on the glass windows. Han Yanyan was smashed into pieces, and without a word, let Ding Yao smash the peeping zombies with thunder. Ding Yao just laughed, but not.

Bad taste.

Han Yanyan could only climax under the onlookers of zombies full of carrion.

What a boring time. There is no TV, radio, no mobile phone, no computer, so it's just a little fun at night, and everyone enjoys it. I don't know when I'll die, and I'll be happy once less.

Han Yanyan actually thought about it many times later, how did she fall in love with Ding Yao? Look at Yao Chen, Yao Chen's various tricks to her are enough to capture an ordinary woman and make her fall in love with him. But she wasn't interested in Yao Chen at all.

Han Yanyan thought, it really is because of the environment, right

The environment of the apocalypse is too special, the pressure of death hangs overhead every day, and the adrenaline bursts more frequently than hormones. People's hearts become numb and empty because there is no future. A little warmth, a little feeling of being able to rely on, is infinitely magnified.

In fact, she didn't love Ding Yao as much as she thought. The most uncomfortable thing for her was that she couldn't let her breath down and she couldn't calm down.

As for Yao Chen, is he Ding Yao? Yeah

Yao Chen always felt that in matters of men and women, the word "ruthless" could only be used for him. He didn't expect that one day Han Yanyan would overturn this perception.

She peeled off the skin of the fairy, and it really was a man-devouring fairy, fierce and ruthless, as if to drain his marrow and blood, so that she could become a fairy.

She really went to bliss. At that moment, she suddenly let go of the hand that was pulling the hair on the back of his head, and pressed her shoulder hard. The other hand around his neck frantically looked for support, and finally supported it on the carport.

Yao Chen looked up at her, only to see her neck that was stretched even more by looking up. She moaned like she was suffocating, not sure if it was pleasure or pain. Yao Chen's breathing suddenly became heavy, and he synchronized with Han Yanyan for the first time.

Not incompatible.

But at this most joyous moment, Han Yanyan collapsed on his shoulders. In such a quiet and confined space, Yao Chen clearly heard her murmur a name.

She murmured in his ear and called out, "Ding Yao."

Yao Chen: "..."

Hold! ! !

It's a man's name, it must be a man's name!

Yao Chenlang is used to people who don't care whether they are sincere or not, chastity or chastity. Only this time, I can't stand it! At that moment, he wanted to strangle Han Yanyan to death!

Just... reluctant.

Yao Chen's anger and jealousy were burning much more than lust! He sat on the seat, hugged the woman who was lying softly on his shoulders in his arms, took a long breath, and recovered for a while. Once the refractory period passed, he propped up the seat, hugged Han Yanyan and got up, and pressed her on the opposite seat.

The two people have always been recessed and not separated, and the two movements can be said to be seamless.

Yao Chen was full of anger, and he was reluctant to beat and scold this goblin, so he had no choice but to turn his anger into lust and burn her to death!

The car was clearly calm, and it entered the villa area where Yao Chen lived, and began to shake violently at a fast pace.

The driver feels sore.

The younger brother is more Buddhist, and gestures to the driver: "Take a circle, take a circle..."

The car was circling slowly in the villa area. I don't know how many laps it took. The driver and the younger brother were both a little sleepy. The body shook violently and finally stopped!

Thank goodness!

The driver yawned and parked the car in front of Yao Chen's house. He didn't know what was going on inside, and he didn't dare to open the door for Yao Chen as usual. After a while, the door opened.

Yao Chen and Han Yanyan were all dressed up, only a little hurried and messy. Yao Chen said to them, "Don't be too early tomorrow, wait for my call." After speaking, he hugged Han Yanyan, or in other words, he walked into the door.

There were garden lights in the yard, the driver and the younger brother could see it clearly, Han Yan shivered.

When the two got in, they laughed for a while and drove away.

Han Yanyan's clothes were wet and sticky, her legs were sore and trembling, and she felt extremely uncomfortable. Compared with the bodies of the previous two worlds, this body is too weak and needs to be exercised in the future.

"Where is the bedroom? I want to take a shower." She said tiredly after entering the door.

Yao Chen snorted, slammed the door, yanked, and pressed her against the door.

"Ding Yao is your ex-boyfriend?" he asked, pressing the door panel.

When he mentioned Han Yanyan's boyfriend before, he called him "boyfriend" with a smile, but this time he changed his name to "ex-boyfriend", and he emphasized the word "before".

Han Yanyan gave him a faint look. Yao Chen had no reaction to the name "Ding Yao", even if he was really Ding Yao, he had no memory of Ding Yao's previous world.

She denied it a little coldly: "I don't know what you're talking about. I want to take a shower." After speaking, she wanted to push him away and go upstairs.

This woman pulls X and doesn't recognize people. Yao Chen simply laughed angrily.

He pressed her back on the door, put his arms on the door, locked her in the small space in front of him, stared at her for a while, pressed his tongue against his cheek, and said, "Forget it this time, let me hear it later. This person's name, I made others disappear. Tell you, in the Qinghe Bay, there are so many water ghosts who want to ask me for their lives. "

When he said this, there was a fierce light in his eyes, and he was serious. A life is nothing to him. He was full of anger, and he was reluctant to smoke, so he chopped up the man and threw his body.

Qinghe Bay…

Han Yanyan remembered. She lowered her eyes and said softly, "What is there to mind about people you will never see in your life. Do I mind if you bring Emily and the others to the stage?"

Not really.

Yao Chen likes to tease her with Yingying and the others, but even if Han Yanyan saw him taking them out for the night, she just gave her a faint glance. Yao Chen used to like to see her expressionless, and found it interesting. But now that he remembered it, she didn't really care much about the faint glance she cast over.

Suddenly he felt uncomfortable.

Even Emily, Ah May, and Ying Ying were jealous because of who he brought out more often.

Han Yanyan relaxed, leaned softly behind the door, and said softly, "Don't lose your temper, my legs are shaking, take a shower and go to bed. You're still not human, you're going to kill me. "

The words that sounded like complaints contained a compliment that made the man proud. Yao Chen felt that it was pleasing to his ears. Seeing her tired appearance, his heart softened. He snorted and bent over to pick her up—the way you would hold a child.

Han Yanyan exclaimed, then chuckled and hugged his neck.

Men born at the bottom and then developed are often more materialistic than those born with a golden spoon. The large bathtub in Yao Chen's bathroom was simply extravagant.

Han Yanyan was soaked until his hands and feet were soft, as if they had lost their bones.

But Yao Chen didn't plan to let her go. Although he liked her fiercely squeezing him, it was not his habit to let others have the upper hand. For women, he is used to conquering thoroughly.

Han Yanyan is like floating in the clouds, every cell is broken down by the current, and every pore opens to breathe. The body seemed to evaporate and solidify, and finally fell heavily, penetrated the layers of clouds and mist, and fell on the soft big bed.

Her toes twitched and she lost consciousness. Instinctively, she hugged the man who was pressing her tightly, sweating all over her palms. Sweat slid down along the bulge and depression of the muscles, and the place where the skin was touching was wet and greasy, and the bath was white.

Yao Chen hugged her and turned over, letting her lie on his chest. Her eyes were out of focus, and her completely absent-minded appearance put him in a good mood.

He put his hand on the bedside table, lit a cigarette, breathed for a while, stroked her back lightly, and asked, "Are you in a better mood?"

There is nothing unhappy that cannot be relieved by having a big fight. If one is not enough, you can do another one.

Han Yanyan made a sound of "um".

After a long time, Yao Chen was almost finished with a cigarette after the incident, and Han Yanyan suddenly said softly, "It feels like a dream..."

Yao Chen held his cigarette: "Huh?"

"I always feel that my previous life is like someone else's life. I feel... the whole world is not right, like a fake." Han Yanyan said softly.

"Yao Chen..." She raised her head to look at Yao Chen, and asked softly, "Do you have this feeling that... you are trapped in this world?"

Han Yanyan stared at the man without blinking, lest he miss any change in his expression.