Strategy to Capture Men

Chapter 47


Yao Chen woke up the next day and was sleeping on the sofa on the first floor.

He was sober up now, and his head was still a little dizzy. He didn't remember how he fell asleep on the sofa, but suddenly he remembered how he treated Han Yanyan last night. Suddenly panicked, I hurried upstairs.

There was no one in the bedroom and there was water in the bathroom. Yao Chen pushed the door and went in. In the shower room, Han Yanyan closed his eyes and washed his hair. Yao Chen looked at her for a while. After she rinsed, she opened the door of the shower room to take a bath towel, facing Yao Chen's hungover red eyes.

Han Yanyan paused, picked up a towel to dry her body, put on a bathrobe, and went to the mirror to apply her skin care products.

When she did this, Yao Chen kept staring at her body. After applying the skin cream, she raised her eyes and saw Yao Chen standing behind her, looking at him from the mirror.

Yao Chen reached over, peeled off the bathrobe, and slipped it to her elbows. Her body was clearly reflected in the mirror. The large bruises on his chest can imagine how much effort he used last night and how he treated her.

Yao Chen stared at the scars and asked, "Han Yanyan, why are you with me?"

Han Yanyan said, "The truth?"

Yao Chen gritted his teeth: "The truth!"

Han Yanyan smiled helplessly: "Because I can't escape you at all."

Yao Chen's face seemed to be slapped.

Han Yanyan was studying in K City, but she was a female student with no background. She doesn't even have money, and she is struggling to work-study program. Yao Chen took a fancy to her and showed her the intention to win, how could Han Yanyan escape from his palm.

She stayed with him not because she was moved or moved by him, but because she knew the current affairs and obeyed him to avoid more humiliation and harm.

Such a simple thing, Yao Chen thought, why couldn't he understand it.

So her emotions are always "light". Because there is no joy, there is no sorrow. As good as he is, how did he ignore her protective shell

So even if she chooses to obey her and become his woman, does she actually think that he will hurt her sooner or later

Yao Chen felt resentful but could not defend himself.

Because he did hurt her with malice last night. I want to see her cry, struggle, resist, to force out the true emotions in her heart. He never thought that he would not be able to bear the real emotions in her heart.

Yao Chen was too embarrassed to look at her in the mirror.

"Yao Chen, will you hit me?" Han Yanyan asked softly.

Yao Chen suddenly raised his eyes.

Han Yanyan in the mirror is thin and slender, and the protective shell has been removed. She is so weak. She made him want to stop her, and unknowingly, she stumbled on him. But in this way, she has been fearful and worried about his harm.

Yao Chen lowered his head and bit her shoulder in hatred.

A look of pain appeared on Han Yanyan's face. Yao Chen bit her hard, biting her out of blood. The bright red blood slid down the shoulders to the chest, meeting with the bruised bruises.

Han Yanyan looked in the mirror at the man leaning on her shoulder, like a man who was first embraced by a blood family. He knew that this time was very important to Yao Chen and her, so he closed his teeth to hold back the pain.

The key to attacking the heart is the heart. Be emotional, this person, you will win.

Yao Chen raised his head, her blood was still on his lips. A very masculine man can even be described as "beautiful".

His eyes became clear. His mind was clear.

He pulled up her bathrobe and pressed her wound down. The white bathrobe was smeared red, like blooming red plums.

Yao Chen promised: "This is the last time. From now on, I won't touch a single strand of your hair."

"I will never hit a woman, don't worry." He hugged her tightly and whispered in her ear, "My dad beat my mom to death, guess where he is now?"

Han Yanyan had a very bad feeling and asked, "Where?"

"Qinghewan." Yao Chen spit out a familiar place name in her ear. The breath of her breath brushed against her earlobes and cheeks, making her back chill.

"Oh right, it's in the morgue of the police station now." Yao Chen suddenly remembered, "He died early, he didn't enter the gene bank, his identity could not be found out, and no one claimed it."

Leo, who are you giving me

Only when I felt a chill in my heart, I heard Yao Chen say, "Yanyan, let's get married."

Yao Chen has never been the "I love you, so don't be afraid of me" type.

Even Han Yanyan knew that he couldn't escape his palm. Since Yao Chen is determined to seize it, he will seize it completely. Han Yanyan was the first woman in his 30-plus years of life to wrap his heart around him softly, making him unable to let go.

That being the case, he decided to marry her.

He has done too many illegal things in his life, this time, he decided to get married legally.

Han Yanyan once prepared a wedding, and Qiao Chengyu took out every detail to discuss with her, trying to give her a perfect dream wedding. She didn't have to worry about her wedding with Yao Chen at all. Yao Chen entrusted it to a high-end wedding company at a huge price, and asked her to ask her any requests.

Han Yanyan naturally has no requirements. But after thinking about it, she deliberately tried to embarrass the wedding company, and then ran to Yao Chen to complain a few words. Yao Chen was very happy that the large additional budget allowed the wedding company to meet her requirements no matter what.

Yao Chen's values are that a woman, even if she was reluctant to follow him at the beginning, but held her in her hand, loved her well, pampered her, and gave her everything she wanted, she would always resign and obey. he.

He also believed that Han Yanyan would do this.

The progress has taken a big step, and Han Yanyan is very happy.

She was very relaxed during the postgraduate entrance examination. The reason why she decided to study hard in this world and continue her studies is because after passing through these worlds, she has proved that she can inherit the memory and knowledge she has in this world.

She has never been in business, but she has the business experience of Miss Han; she has never touched a gun, but she has mastered the principles of guns and shooting skills because of the policewoman Han Yanyan. And the skills of boxing and knives that she learned later in the last days, she had already verified it in the previous world, and all of them have been inherited.

The only thing that cannot be inherited is the body. Every time a new world is changed, a new body will be changed. The female student Han Yanyan used to have much worse physical fitness than before due to lack of exercise. She also gradually developed this body through exercise little by little.

Therefore, no matter what Han Yanyan learns in the world, he is always serious. Because what she learns will not stay in this world, it will truly become hers.

But Han Yanyan also thought about it more than once. If a builder keeps traveling through this so-called "quick world", constantly learning and exercising, considering the infinity of time, it is conceivable that after many, many worlds, the builder himself can theoretically become very powerful.

So here comes the question.

First, would Leo allow this to happen

Then, no matter whether Leo's existence is science fiction or fantasy, can the builder learn to become stronger by traveling in different worlds, learn a certain technology or ability, and be strong enough to get rid of Leo's hold

It is clearly feasible in theory, but in reality Leo still occupies a dominant position. He said he had died three builders.

Han Yanyan could only suppress the fire in his heart, earnestly and steadfastly complete the tasks in this world.

The final result came out in early May, and Han Yanyan was admitted to the graduate school of S University.

Yao Chen celebrated in Jinhao, throwing a lot of red envelopes. The three tigers and the gang made a fuss, and they didn't have the right to make a fuss. Yao Chen couldn't help them, it was too much, he blocked Han Yanyan.

Han Yanyan was the woman who was about to become Yao Chen's wife. Yao Chen took a protective attitude. No matter what everyone thought in their hearts, they all held Han Yanyan on their faces.

The PARTY room was smoky, and Han Yanyan quietly let out a breath while the men were fighting and drinking and ignoring her.

"Yanyan, I heard that there will be a wedding in August? Congratulations!" Han Yanyan met her foreman when she used to work part-time.

He is still the foreman, and for more than a year, nothing has changed. I also went to the PARTY room to grab a red envelope just now and join in the fun. But there were too many people joining in the fun at that time, and he didn't talk to Han Yanyan.

Han Yanyan has not come to Jinhao for a while. The two chatted in the corridor.

The foreman used to take good care of her, but Han Yanyan's attitude towards him did not change at all, and she didn't become superior just because she was about to become Mrs. Yao. She felt as if he was talking to him, as if he was still the foreman who worked hard, and she was still his little sister who worked part-time to earn tuition.

The foreman relaxed, and let go of the little deliberate attitude just now, and regarded her as the little sister who had no social experience before.

"Are they making too much trouble?" he asked her, with an "I understand" expression on his face.

Han Yanyan sneered and said, "Dogs can't stop eating shit. These people are at this level for a lifetime."

"Yao Chen is going up, but they are standing still. Look at this kind of people who don't want to make progress. Sooner or later, they will be left behind." She said, "I really think that a little brotherhood can last a lifetime. ?"

"Sister-in-law! Sister-in-law! President Yao is looking for you!" Xiao Yang came out of the PARTY room and shouted at Han Yanyan.

Xiao Yang has been with Yao Chen for almost two years, and he has finally gotten to the point where he can follow up with the private room.

Han Yanyan greeted the foreman and went back to the room.

Keep secrets you don't want others to know, and don't tell them. As long as it is said, it is not a secret.

In the same way, the bad words of others that are said behind their backs will definitely be known by this person in the end.

Han Yanyan deliberately released such words, and as expected, Sanhu knew about it. It's not that the Three Tigers didn't know that Yao Chen was transforming, but they really couldn't get involved in Yao Chen's legitimate business.

Yao Chen once put Sanhu and another brother who was close to life to manage the business. Sanhu managed a cultural film and television company, and invested in a show that would definitely make a lot of money by looking at the lineup. As a result, Sanhu forced the actress to sleep, causing a lot of trouble. In the end, Yao Chen wiped his ass. .

The other was put in his real estate business, and the result was a rebate, and there was a big problem with the quality of the building. It also made Yao Chen very annoyed.

These people originally went in high spirits, but they all returned in disappointment. They just felt that Bai Dao had too many business rules, and they were constrained and boring. Or the underworld business is good, dare to fight, dare to kill, dare to fight with the police, and the profit of a suitcase of white powder is amazing.

How interesting and exciting!

At that time, it was Han Yanyan who first met Yao Chen, and in the 812 private room, he ordered a few business management principles to test him. Yao Chen listened to it at that time and went away.

Han Yanyan was Yao Chen's bedside. Not only that, she was about to become the real sister-in-law of all of them.

Did what she said represent what Yao Chen meant? Has Yao Chen started to look down on these brothers, thinking about getting rid of them in the future

Han Yanyan shot and stabbed the thorn between Yao Chen and his closest brother.

In August, the wedding was grand and rich, Han Yanyan walked the red carpet in a white wedding dress. This time there is no earth to shake and the world to disintegrate.

Han Yanyan became Yao Chen's legal wife.