Strategy to Capture Men

Chapter 52


The bullet didn't hit Yao Chen, because Yao Chen's flying knife let go first, wiped Han Yanyan's arm holding the gun, and a string of blood beads flew up.

The moment Han Yanyan pulled the trigger, his arm was injured, the pistol lost his aim, fell to the ground, and the bullet hit the ceiling. Han Yanyan was in pain, fell off the sofa, and rolled onto the carpet.

Yao Chen took the first step to pick up the gun and aimed it at Han Yanyan.

Sanhu heard the gunshots and rushed in. Seeing the situation in the house, he felt relieved and shouted, "Brother, hurry up! The police should arrive later!"

"Got it." Yao Chen stared at Han Yanyan, "Go out and watch."

Sanhu thought he was trying to torture Han Yanyan, so he turned around and went out.

That woman should have been smashed to pieces, and her bones were thrown into ashes.

Yao Chen thought so too.

She even wanted to kill him. The way she held the gun just now was too standard, and it was obvious that she had received professional training. Who is she? Why is she

Yao Chen gritted his teeth, and with a ruthless heart, the gun moved down, and one shot pierced Han Yanyan's ankle.

Han Yanyan screamed and almost fainted. She endured the pain and crawled away from Yao Chen.

"Tell me, why?" Yao Chen asked through gritted teeth.

Han Yanyan's face was pale and in cold sweat, she turned to look at him.

"You kill people, sell drugs, gamble, loan usury, and make good people prostitutes..." she said.

Yao Chen shot again, piercing Han Yanyan's other ankle.

"Don't tell me anything stupid about evil and justice!" Yao Chen gritted his teeth, "Are you the embodiment of justice? You know it yourself!"

"I'm just telling you, you, you have today, because of what you did." Han Yanyan gasped in pain, "Of course I'm not, not the incarnation of justice."

Yao Chen yelled, "Then why!"

Han Yanyan's face was as white as golden paper, and at this time, she actually smiled.

"Because you... it's you, I... it's me." She smiled strangely but beautifully.

Gorgeous, with an indescribable desolation.

Because you are "Yao Chen" and I am "Han Yanyan". You and I are not yourself. We are in this world, playing the roles that others make us play, and we cannot help ourselves.

Yao Chen couldn't understand the meaning of Han Yanyan's words, but he was shocked by Han Yanyan's smile.

Give him another chance, he thought, he will still fall in love with this woman.

At this time, Han Yanyan's hand... finally touched the handle of the knife.

Death here is not the end, you and I... Maybe there is a chance to see you again.

Han Yanyan's knife flew towards Yao Chen. Yao Chen's pupils shrank suddenly, raised his hand towards Han Yanyan's eyebrows, and pulled the trigger.

Time froze.

This is the second time.

Han Yanyan clearly saw that the bullet and the flying knife brushed past each other. Bullets are fast, knives are slow. But in her eyes, they are all slow and clear.

The knife ran to the throat, and the bullet ran to the eyebrows. If this knife was hit, she and Yao Chen would die together. I wonder if Leo will be happy.

But Han Yanyan was very unhappy.

She watched as the bullets ripped through the air, with a white airflow at the tail, slowly rushing towards the center of her eyebrows. She heard the beating of her heart, the gurgling of blood in her veins.

She was afraid of death.

It's as if you're ready to dive on the ten-meter platform, and you're not afraid. But you are not ready, you are suddenly pushed down, and you must scream in horror at that moment.

If Han Yanyan had the heart to die, he would naturally have nothing to fear. But Han Yanyan didn't want to die, she just wanted to solve the world. The bullet that came straight at her made her fear death.

Even if she knew, death here is not the end.

stop! stop!

I am a builder!

I build this world!

give me! stop-stop!

An invisible air shield formed in front of him, and the bullets roared forward and hit the air shield. Dash forward, stagnant, stopped there, and collided with a whirling white airflow.

But it finally stopped.

In Han Yanyan's eyes, deep in Han Yanyan's body, there seemed to be a strange force about to explode. That power burns to burn her to ashes, and then reborn from the ashes!

In the moment before the outbreak, Han Yanyan raised her eyes. She looked past the bullet, past the flying knife that was also blocked by the air shield, and looked at Yao Chen.

She saw a pair of eyes.

It was clearly Yao Chen's eyes, but it was clearly not. Han Yanyan had seen those eyes more than once.

Those eyes also looked at her beyond bullets and flying knives, but they didn't have Yao Chen's love and hate towards her, only indifference.

Between the light and the flint, Han Yanyan suddenly understood. At this moment, the person on the opposite side is beyond "Yao Chen", beyond this world. At this moment, she is facing his own self!

With the separation of this "self", Han Yanyan felt the terrible pressure from the man opposite. There is a powerful force that is crushing her like a mountain, and if the force in her body explodes, it will collide with it head-on. The result of the collision could be...


true death!

Intense fear grabbed Han Yanyan, but she couldn't stop the explosion of her own power, and she couldn't resist the terrifying crush of the other party.

This time, I'm afraid I'm really going to die, she thought.

Then... like the TV suddenly turned off, like the computer suddenly unplugged, like the electrical circuit in the house jumped, the lights suddenly went out. The world has not collapsed, nor has it ended.

The world was forcibly cut off.

Han Yanyan did not return to the pure white space, she fell into the boundless darkness. In the darkness, as if a giant palm was grabbing her, rubbing and squeezing, she felt herself broken and reorganized. If there was light, she might be a monster with feet on her head and hands on her butt.

But with this restraint and squeezing, the force that was about to explode in her body became weaker and weaker, as if it was forcibly suppressed.

The one who can do all this is probably not "Yao Chen", only Leo.

"I'm a big fuck!" Leo was in a hurry, "This woman!"

"What's the matter!" asked the person who monitored both the world and Leo.

Leo didn't have time to answer him, and with a swipe of his hand, he swiped a light screen hanging in front of him to his side and let him see it for himself. Leo himself cut off the world in time at a critical moment!

"Inject the inhibitor!"

"What's the matter? The value is still soaring? Give her another injection!"

Leo gave orders to the system in a hoarse voice.

On the light screen that the other person was watching, the crazy increasing value finally slowed down, stopped at a certain value, then slowly decreased, and finally stopped smoothly.

The man understood and was surprised: "She is this! Spiritual power is about to be activated? Didn't she say she came from a very primitive place?"

"Very primitive!" Ollie said angrily, "It's not because you asked me to revive her, the genes are too primitive, and they have no resistance to gene therapy, so they went overboard all of a sudden. Damn, fortunately My hands are fast and I cut it off in time. If she wants to activate, she will be crushed into slag by your family. Then she can't die any more."

"What about my family?" the other party asked.

"Oh!" Leo called out the light screen, and praised himself first, "Look, look!"

The line on the light screen has always been stable, like a heartbeat that has stopped on an electrocardiogram. At a certain place, there was a sudden fluctuation, a small upward movement, and then stopped there, continuing to be stable.

But at this moment, the line is like a raised gooseneck, and it is so big!

The man's eyes also lit up.

But above that line, there is also a red warning line. The chart intuitively expresses that the value marked by this red line is the goal to be achieved by that line. Now, there's still... some distance.

"Keep up the good work! Keep up the good work!" The man's thick palm patted Leo's shoulder, causing Leo to grin.

The man glanced at Han Yanyan's light screen again and said, "She's now at this value, which is also very dangerous. If it floats a little, she will wipe the edge."

"It's okay, I'm monitoring, I'll give her a shot of inhibitor if she dares to float," Ollie said.

"Take it easy, it hurts too much, you can't inject it if you can." The man said, "She's amazing, you cherish it for me!"

Leo snorted.

The pain glanced at him and said, "You builders, do you use them as consumables?"

Leo said: "There's no way, basically it won't last for half a year."

"Dead?" the man asked.

"No." Leo shrugged and replied, "It's all crazy. Occasionally some people die."

It's pretty normal to be crazy, the man thought.

He has been monitoring for a whole day, and he has long thought that if it was him, he would probably go crazy if he couldn't hold the three worlds. The human heart is fleshy, and in such a world, it is impossible not to have any emotional exchanges with others at all. Family, love, friendship, any kind of collapse can destroy people's hearts.

"Where are those people?" he asked.

Leo said: "Wherever you get it, send it back."

The man was silent for a while and said, "It's wicked enough."

Leo quit and complained: "I died three times in one day yesterday. I tell you, the commission is doubled!"

"I see, I won't treat you badly," the man said. "Is she alright? Another... world?"

"She can do it, I can't do it, it's been ten hours, I have to sleep!" Leo yawned and operated while yawning.

The man frowned: "What are you doing?"

"Let her keep working, I need a break, she doesn't," Leo said. "I'm a businessman and I'm trying to maximize profits. I have other clients here."

After he finished speaking, he saw that the frown of the person beside him deepened, and explained: "Don't worry, she will be even better if she exercises again. This woman is not simple. I think she can survive for half a year without going crazy. You Not going to sleep yet?"

The man also watched for a day and was indeed tired. He said to the men who were guarding the room with guns: "You are divided into two shifts, and keep an eye on them."

Leo was dissatisfied: "Is it okay to have a little trust, I rely on this to eat, I am very business ethic."

"It's not that I don't believe you," the man said. "That one is too important."

Leo snorted and said, "It's such a good life, why don't you enjoy his blessings, what are you messing about."

The man's face turned cold: "It's faith."

He asked, "Do you have faith? Is there anything in the universe that is worth your life?"

"I believe in money," Leo said. "Give me money and I'll do anything but kill me."

"Oh, go to sleep. Don't try to teach me, it's useless." Leo leaned back and lay back in the seat. The seat is closed into a compartment, the surface of the compartment is transparent like glass, and there are many charts and pictures flashing on it.

The man snorted and went to sleep.

And Leo's voice sounded in the white space: "Han Yanyan, Han Yanyan."

Han Yanyan opened her eyes in the white space.