Strategy to Capture Men

Chapter 55


"Tsk tsk tsk." Leo exclaimed, "I found out that you are a woman who always likes to test on the edge of danger, and you are not afraid of breaking your foot. Do you think I am Yao Chen? Wake up."

"Yao Chen, you define your own character, so no matter how you try, as long as it doesn't endanger his life, he will always tolerate you. You are so used to thinking that you are the heroine!"

"What's wrong with the law? Which thing I did was not illegal, hehehe, what can you do to me? Don't forget that your life is in my hands!"

"Do you want to talk to me about the conditions again? I know you! Don't even think about it! Do you understand the current situation? Do you know who you are!"

Han Yanyan stared at the white light in the space, she understood.

There are obviously laws in Leo's world too, and wherever there are laws there should be human rights. But she didn't, her life was in the hands of others, she had no personal freedom, could not communicate with the outside world, and could not ask for help.

She was a slave kidnapped by Leo.

She calmly changed her words: "No, I'm just curious, what exactly are you using this prohibited technology for? Do you have any grudge against Yao?"

"Oh, how could I possibly have a grudge against such a big man after I've had enough to eat." Leo said, "It's just a client. He came to send me money."

A guess was overturned, and the truth went in another direction. I see.

"Is there any problem with this Yao? In a coma? In a vegetative state? Need to wake up?" Han Yanyan asked.

"No," Leo said. "He's dead."

Han Yanyan remembered the surging passion with Ding Yao, and rubbing against Yao Chen's ears, she froze instantly, and her hair stood upright.

"Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!" Liao saw her response clearly, and even the goosebumps on her arm were clear and smiled very happy.

"You lied to me?" Han Yanyan breathed a sigh of relief.

"Damn it." Leo said, "For your interest, let me give you some popular science."

"It is medically determined that there are three forms of human death, physical death, brain death and spiritual death." He said, "Which one belongs to the last type, his bodily functions are still running, and he is healthier than you, so what? Do you feel better?"

"The body is still alive, why judge him dead?" Han Yanyan asked.

"After a person dies, even if the body is cremated, the spiritual source can continue to exist. As long as it is properly preserved, it can even exist forever. But unlike living, the spiritual source of the dead is closed." Leo said, " On the other hand, there is no problem with the body and brain functions, and the source of spiritual power is closed for some reason, and it is basically impossible to wake up again. Therefore, spiritual death is also a form of death. However, brain death and spiritual The family members of the deceased with closed power source often cannot accept it and always think that their relatives are still alive…”

"So you use this prohibited technology to stimulate and revive the closed spiritual source?"

"The success rate of resurrecting the dead is not high. I take more work to make the dead speak."

"Dead, dead..." Han Yanyan savored, "Is there any difference?"

"The body of the deceased is still there, still breathing, and still running. The deceased has no body, and the source of spiritual power is kept separately with special technology."

"That Yao…"

"He's dead, and he's still breathing."

Hearing that Yao was still panting, Han Yanyan felt much better.

She asked, "What happened to Qiao Wenxing? Who is he?"

"He? I told you, but you have no memory. He's a dead man," Leo said. "He's just like the character you built for him. He's a rich young master. This young master fell in love with him. A poor girl who gave her whole heart. Who would have known that the poor girl ran away with the breakup fee given by the eldest young master's parents. The eldest young master couldn't stand the blow, and he committed suicide with his spiritual power."

He said: "But he was successfully resurrected. He is a person with weak mental strength and an unstable mind. The probability of success is the highest. I knew that you would definitely be able to handle him. Haha."

"I made a lot of money for you?" Han Yanyan asked.

Leo snorted.

"He can be resurrected, why has Yao been unsuccessful?" Han Yanyan asked.

Leo twitched at the corner of his mouth: "Can that kind of pampered young master be compared with that one?"

"That one, the authentic Adramyjin Futai bloodline, the fifteenth grandson of Ares the Great, the serious imperial royal family, the eleventh in line to the imperial throne, and the SS-level spiritual powerhouse. From birth, he has assets that can't be spent in a lifetime, and his territory is larger than some small countries!"

With such a long list of descriptions, Han Yanyan wanted to say 'it's great'. But she needed more information, pursed her lips, and endured it.

"But this one is crazy! He's a royal blood! A dignified duke! Now the leader of the rebels! He's fed up, as a royal family, he wants to overthrow the monarchy!" The more Leo said, the more indignant he became, "Damn, if he doesn't want to be a prince, I think! Isn't it bad to lie down and eat and drink! Is it bad? Isn't it bad?!"

If he stood in front of Han Yanyan in person, he would probably have sprayed Han Yanyan with saliva at this time.

Han Yanyan took a deep breath, not wanting to complain about why there are still imperial countries under such a high-tech civilization.

"What is his background, does he have any necessary connection if I can't get down with me?" she asked.

Leo was interrupted and was very unhappy: "Of course, you think about his identity, status, ability, and then think about what he is doing, he has never seen any big storms, his psychological quality is that kind of Can the eldest young master compare? Is it something that can be stimulated by just a little bit of stimulation?"

"I have three builders, one was killed by him in the world. I was also negligent. That builder was a little weak. He died too tragically in the world, and the brain couldn't bear it. Really dead. The other two, like you, are directly confronted with him and me, and the consequences are needless to say. With them at the bottom, I didn't dare to relax later, and cut off the world in time at the critical moment, and you survived. Well. In order to save you, I gave you genetic modification. You should thank me."

I thank you eighteen generations of ancestors.

"Understood, the so-called strategy is actually to stimulate him. If the stimulation is enough, his spiritual power will recover, and he will come back to life. But he is so awesome, how do you want me to stimulate him?" Han Yanyan said in a deep voice.

"Oh, don't look down on yourself!" Leo was excited, "You may not know that you are the best one so far."

In the pure white space, a glowing chart appeared in front of Han Yanyan.

Han Yanyan asked, "What is this?"

"The blue line is the frequency of that person's mental power fluctuations, and the red line is the value that must be reached to reactivate the mental power source." Leo said, "Look, look, these two times are your results."

The blue line first went up a small step and then a large one, but it was still... a long way from the red line above.

Han Yanyan stared at the blue line, the big step was Yao Chen being betrayed by her, the small step was...

Han Yanyan said softly "Heh...". Compared to hate, love is really insignificant.

She used to be brooding about Ding Yao, but now she doesn't care anymore. It doesn't matter what Ding Yao thought at that time, whether it was accidental or intentional. Because "Ding Yao" is just a person.

This character design was made by herself, and it was she who gave him such a personality.

Something flashed in his mind suddenly, Han Yanyan raised his head abruptly and asked, "Leo, Ding Yao and Yao Chen are both Yao, why can Ding Yao perceive that the world is fake? Yao Chen has no feeling at all, 100% accepted the world setting and character setting?"

"Huh? Ding Yao... Emmmmmm, maybe it's a problem with your world setting?" Leo said.

Han Yanyan didn't believe it. The apocalyptic world is set very strictly.

"Fart! I don't even want to complain!" Leo said in disgust, "What the hell is that zombie?"

"It's a viral sensation that activates cells..."

"Fart!" Leo couldn't bear the technical thing, "What absurdity! Whether it is pharmacology, biology, microbiology or medicine, none of them can make sense! It's pseudoscience at all!"

Han Yanyan was speechless for a while. The tech thing, about... Leo is right.

"No, not only that, Ding Yao also has doubts about the character design, and has a sense of drama. I can't figure out the reason now." Han Yanyan said.

This is related to how to set the treatment plan for that person in the future, and Leo also thought about it seriously.

"Maybe... Is the persona too different from himself? Usually we give clients a persona similar to himself, like Qiao Wenxing. The way to wake up the dead is even simpler, basically, let the dead Repeat your life in the world, and the spiritual fluctuations of the deceased will rise along with this reminiscence experience, and then wake up." Leo said, "You set Ding Yao to be a white-collar worker, so he Feel the drama. I remember him just saying he was skeptical about 'the past.' He didn't question him as a team leader."

But Ding Yao said that the words were in his home, and then they...

Han Yanyan was expressionless: "Didn't you say that private behaviors are not monitored?"

"Cough cough cough cough cough!" Leo choked, "Cut and cut, we will cut the picture when it comes to private events."


"Hmph, that one's subordinates are staring at me outside my operation warehouse. Really, I have no trust in my business ethics at all." Leo was a little distracted, "I have never seen such a domineering customer. Forget it, considering the high commissions they pay, I'll put up with it."

"It's still not right. If it's because the gap with him is too big, why is Yao Chen completely integrated into the character design?" Han Yanyan asked.

"Huh? Maybe because Yao Chen... is also a leader?"

"However, Yao Chen's education level is low, and he acts rudely. Although he deliberately wants to appear like a high-class society, his vulgarity will always be revealed in the details. That one... Didn't he say that he was a duke? This kind of Nobles, the education they received from childhood was very strict, right?"

"That's for sure, they have to have a special position to blow their nose, I guess."

Leo exudes his diaosi thinking of "the queen's concubine bakes flat cakes".