Strategy to Capture Men

Chapter 7


"Yes." Han Yanyan said, "He said the search team was recruiting."

Zhao Yuxuan was silent for a while, and said, "The people recruited by the search team are gathered at the city gate of Houtian, manage a meal, and then board the car and set off. The people living in this base are all members of the team."

After she finished speaking, she paused for a moment, and then said as if looking for a remedy: "Do you want to make the bed? I'll help you." Obviously, she heard something from Sun Lijun, a little sour and a little jealous.

Han Yanyan pretended not to notice the change in her mood and attitude just now, and asked, "Is there any water? I'll wash the lunch box."

Zhao Yuxuan said listlessly, "No, the water has stopped."

There were originally six water plants in Nanling City, but now only one water plant in the old city area can maintain operation, and the power cuts and power cuts are normal. Han Yanyan snorted, and condensed water to wash the lunch box.

Zhao Yuxuan was not surprised, she just said, "Are you a supernatural person?"

She watched it for a while, and saw that Han Yanyan's ability was the same thing, and said, "Qi Tongtong of 321 is also an ability user, wood type, and very weak."

Han Yanyan asked: "What is she doing in the team?"

Zhao Yuxuan twitched the corners of her mouth: "What else can I do, sleep with men. This floor is full of people."

Han Yanyan was silent.

Zhao Yuxuan didn't care, but she said enviously, "I heard that Ding Yao has a crush on you? You should serve him quickly, you won't have to worry about food and drink if you follow him. If you have the ability, you can only be with him alone. There really is nothing to worry about.”

Han Yanyan said stubbornly, "I'm here to join the search team."

Zhao Yuxuan's expression became cold, and she sneered when she saw the quilts that were still piled up and not spread out, as well as the women's clothes and some odds and ends in the box. Before the end of the world, these tattered things that they didn't look down on, are now all materials and good things. Whoever is full of blood will give it to the search team.

Han Yanyan pretended to be arrogant, stood upright, and looked down on them, Zhao Yuxuan felt disgusted with her.

Han Yanyan's eyes suddenly turned red, and she lowered her head and said, "My companion... died before entering the city. He, he just died..." As she spoke, she choked up.

As it turned out, the evil feeling in Zhao Yuxuan's heart suddenly dissipated. She sighed and said: "Okay, don't be too sad. This kind of thing, just get used to it. We are the living people, we have to live no matter what. Look at it, don't think about the people in the past. , Ding Yao is like this, don't miss it when you encounter it, you should look in front of you, the idea of catching him is the real thing."

She sat beside the bed, looking a little stunned, and finally said: "...Everyone came here like this."

One of her feet was propped on a cardboard box, which was very indecent, and she didn't care about such a beautiful girl. There is a sense of decadence that it doesn't matter what kind of life you are, as long as you can live.

This is the most common state of ordinary people in the last days - alive.

The phone at the bedside suddenly rang, Zhao Yuxuan answered it with little interest, asked the room number, stood up and said, "I'm off to work. You can clean up yourself."

Han Yanyan watched the girl go to "work". She put away the lunch box and took the key to open the door of 315.

There is electricity, and there is a hydroelectric power plant in Nanling City, which is still running. When I turned on the light, I saw that 315 was a big-bed room. It looked like no one had lived in it for a long time. It was empty. The bed only had a mattress and no quilt. There was some rubbish on the ground, and something like shredded clothes or rags of sorts.

Han Yanyan went to the bathroom and looked in the mirror. When I came to this world, it was the first time I saw myself.

Electronic sound is so stingy! She wants prosperous beauty and doesn't give it, and she doesn't give it if she wants to be powerful! Han Yanyan couldn't help greeting its ancestors in his heart.

It even made Han Yanyan in the last world directly use the face of Han Yanyan in the previous world. This face is pure and beautiful. However, in the last life, he was constrained by human beings, and that "Han Yanyan" placed more emphasis on being pure, weak, and pitiful.

This world is very good, there are few restrictions on people, and Han Yanyan can play freely.

She looked closely in the mirror, the skin was really good, there were almost no blemishes. She turned her head, looked left and right, and felt that this "Han Yanyan" was only 19 or 20 years old, and she looked younger than the "Han Yanyan" who had graduated from college and entered the workplace in the previous world. , but there is no softness between the eyebrows and eyes, and there is a sense of desertion.

Although it is not a prosperous beauty, this kind of substantive sense of cleanliness is more acceptable in this apocalypse. After all, too many beautiful women are like Zhao Yuxuan, who have been destroyed and withered.

Han Yanyan turned on the faucet, the water pipe made a hissing sound, only a few drops of water came out, and it was rusty red. Han Yanyan closed the water pipe, blocked the sink, and tried to condense the water.

She has condensed water several times this night, and she is much more proficient than when she was on the street. She quickly condensed a basin of water, but her body felt tired after exertion. Powers are like strength, you will get tired when you run out, you can rest and recover.

She went to 317 to find a broom and dustpan, and tore the rags on the ground to make a rag. When Zhao Yuxuan was out "working", she cleaned room 315. After carrying the quilt to 315 and spreading it, Zhao Yuxuan came back when she went back to carry the boxes.

She was exhausted and smelled of sweat and semen. The water is cut off, and there is no way to take a shower. This summer is really sad.

Seeing Han Yanyan holding something, she didn't have the energy to ask, she just said, "Is it packed today?"

When Han Yanyan used to broom and dustpan, she stayed in her bathroom for a while before leaving, and when she returned to her room, she was so tired that she lay down. Half an hour later, Zhao Yuxuan knocked on the door and handed him a small half-pack of cookies. There are not many biscuits left, about four or five pieces.

"Thank you," she said.

She looked much fresher and the stench was gone. When Han Yanyan was still cleaning her broom, she left a bathtub of water for her.

Han Yanyan took these biscuits, earned from labor, and had a clear conscience.

Zhao Yuxuan didn't leave, she hesitated and said, "Sun Lijun asked me to tell you that we of the search team don't care about food here, you will have no food tomorrow..."

Han Yanyan's hand holding the biscuit stopped for a while. Both were silent.

Zhao Yuxuan said, "Don't think too much."

Han Yanyan said, "It's not a dead end." She raised the biscuit in her hand.

Zhao Yuxuan groaned slightly and shook her head.

A beautiful girl came over with three cans that looked like tin cans and greeted with a spring breeze: "Xuanxuan."

Zhao Yuxuan glanced at what she was holding and asked, "Canned meat?"

The beautiful woman was beaming: "I went to the top floor just now." She also had a strong smell of sweat and semen on her body. After she finished speaking, she suddenly leaned over and smelled Zhao Yuxuan: "Are you taking a shower? Didn't the water stop?"

Before Zhao Yuxuan could speak, Han Yanyan interjected and asked, "Do you want to take a bath? I sell water, and I am a water power."

Only then did the beauty see Han Yanyan standing in the door: "Who is this?"

Zhao Yuxuan said, "The new one, Han Yanyan." Then she said to Han Yanyan, "This is Qi Tongtong."

Qi Tongtong snorted and said, "Then come and give me some water."

Han Yanyan went to 321 with her. Qi Tongtong also stocked up a lot of things in her room, but it was much better than Zhao Yuxuan. Zhao Yuxuan stockpiles everything that is not needed, so it is very messy.

Qi Tongtong obviously can use everything here. In particular, she stocked up a lot more food than Zhao Yuxuan, and it looked better. As for the canned meat she brought back now, Zhao Yuxuan didn't have it.

The can was unpackaged, just a bare iron can. Han Yanyan asked, and it turned out to be the production of the Nanling settlement itself.

"You just came to Nanling, right?" Qi Tongtong asked clearly. "The management committee brought a production line back from outside last year. Otherwise, the meat would not be well preserved, and it would be a waste."

Wasting it in vain... There are so many people starving. A woman can sell herself for half a bun.

Han Yanyan put a tank of water on Qi Tongtong. She was very tired after she put it on Zhao Yuxuan, and after resting for a while, she had already recovered. When I let it go to Qi Tongtong, I felt it was easier than before.

Qi Tongtong was more generous than Zhao Yuxuan, and gave her a pack of instant noodles, the whole pack.

She kept shouting hot as she rummaged through the box to find instant noodles. It's really hot. In summer, the windows of this kind of hotel are all the kind that are pushed up from the bottom and open a slit, which is especially not ventilated.

Han Yanyan asked, "Can't the air conditioner be turned on?"

Qi Tongtong said, "There is a power cut. The plugs on the wall have no electricity. The main gate is in charge. It's on the top floor, so it's comfortable."

Han Yanyan asked, "Do you want ice?" After speaking, she changed her mind: "Do you want to buy ice?"

Qi Tongtong looked sideways: "Are you dual?"

Han Yanyan said, "Well, water and ice."

"Ice is very powerful." Qi Tongtong said, "Why are you still here with us?"

"People are amazing. Mine is not." Han Yanyan said, "Do you want it?"

"If you want it, what's the price?" Qi Tongtong asked.

Han Yanyan's eyes fell on her tin can.

"Hey, it's very greedy." Qi Tongtong said.

The two beautiful girls negotiated and negotiated the price, and finally made the deal. Qi Tongtong gave Han Yanyan a tin can, and Han Yanyan filled all Qi Tongtong's pots and pans with water, and then froze her into ice. She was busy for more than an hour, and finally she was so tired that she sat on the carpet and almost collapsed.

"Really weak." Qi Tongtong sighed. It can be considered how Han Yanyan, a dual-line ability user, got into their level.

"I heard..." Han Yanyan gasped and asked, "Are you a wood class?"

"Yes." Qi Tongtong answered listlessly when he mentioned his ability, "As weak as you are."

Han Yanyan's eyes fell on the row of potted plants on the windowsill: "You planted them?" Those potted plants were all fruit trees, very tiny, like a tree that was scaled down.

Looking at these deformed works, Qi Tongtong was gloomy: "It's just like this."

She sighed: "Look at the wheat and rice in our yard, they are all grown by those wood-type supernatural powers. How awesome! I dreamed of being so powerful! Unfortunately, the reality is too skinny. "

Han Yanyan said, "Isn't it possible to exercise supernatural powers?"

Qi Tongtong said: "Bullshit! Who doesn't know! The question is how many people can do it! Those who can do it are all awesome now! It's like losing weight before, which fat person doesn't know that exercise can help you lose weight. Ah, how many can really be reduced?"

Han Yanyan couldn't refute it. She gasped for a while, and stood up on the bed, holding her can to leave.

"Hey, new here!" Qi Tongtong called to her, "The canned food has a long shelf life, so keep it as long as you can, and eat it with others."

Han Yanyan nodded at her and thanked her.

When she returned to 315, her feet were still floating. The key was that there was a place in her head that was aching sharply, as if a needle had been stuck in her head. This is a symptom of power overuse.

Powers can be enhanced through exercise, and every time the limit is broken, it will increase after recovery. But this is easier said than done. Just like Han Yanyan at this moment, his whole body is weak and weak, and his brain is like a needle stick, but in fact, he is still far from the limit.

But Han Yanyan has even pinched her own life in the hands of the electronic sound. Whether she can survive or not depends on whether she can complete the task well in this world.

She dragged her sore body, filled a bathtub, then let it go, filled it up again, let it go again, and then...

His mind seemed to be stabbed by hundreds of steel needles. I don't know how many times when the bathtub was full of water, Han Yanyan finally fainted on the bathroom floor.

Zombies, apocalypse, abilities.

Girl in white sarong.

Long straight black hair, white face.

Before fainting, Han Yanyan thought that the name "Han Yanyan" was well deserved this time.