Strategy to Capture Men

Chapter 72


There are many A-level children in Dongchen College, most of them will explode into A in the second explosion, and a few of them will explode into S. Under the conditions of the same initial level, the result of the second burst is not only affected by the level of the nutrient solution used, but the most influential factor is the hard training between the two bursts. Tang Ke burst into an S, and it is conceivable that he was bleeding and sweating in places where others could not see.

He passed out, and it was Han Yanyan who took him to the treatment room. When he woke up, it was past school time, and the Han family's boat had already gone back with other children.

"Don't worry." Han Yanyan said, "My private boat is here."

Han Yanyan's private boat sent him directly back to his own home: "It's such a big thing, go and celebrate with aunt. I've already called her to tell her."

As soon as Tang Ke entered the house, he was hugged by Xinya. She kissed his forehead, held him tightly in her arms, and wept.

Tang Ke was a little embarrassed: "Mom? Mom?"

Xinya wiped her eyes, took his hand and walked in: "Mom cooked your favorite dishes to celebrate for you."

Xinya cooked a table of dishes and prepared cakes. She frequently served Tang Ke with dishes, lest he take a bite out of it.

She didn't eat it herself, only looked at her child with a satisfied smile.

"You know what makes me happiest?" she asked him.

Tang Ke nodded and said: "Mom, don't worry, after I graduate, I will have a good future. I will take good care of you. We owe my cousin, and I will slowly pay him back. Mom, don't worry about it. "According to the principles of this society, Tang Ke has become a spiritual force of S, destined to have a good future, and money and social status will not be a problem.

"You're wrong." Xinya smiled slightly, she reached out and touched his head, sighing, "I am happiest because you will become a strong man."

"I'm sorry, Xiao Ke, mom is a weak person. Mom raised you alone and passed on my weakness to you."

"Please get over it."

"If you can't get rid of it, no matter how you hide it, those who are really strong will smell your weakness. They can hit your weakest spot with a single blow, and then you'll never get up and be strong. ."

Xinya seemed to be discussing the matter, and she seemed to be pointing at it, but Tang Ke could hear it as if she understood it. But he tried his best to look like an adult, raised his chest, and nodded solemnly.

Xinya asked, "Do you like Han Yanyan?"

What happened today caused him to dare not even look at Han Yanyan on the way back. I didn't expect to be suddenly mentioned by my mother. The pretended adult appearance collapsed instantly, and Tang Ke's face instantly flushed red.

As a mother, there is nothing you don't understand. Xinya knew that Tang Ke liked Han Yanyan a long time ago.

In the past, he was still young, and that kind of love was still hazy. Xinya didn't say anything. In the past two years, they have grown up, Tang Ke has entered adolescence, and that ignorant liking has begun to develop towards men's liking for women. Xinya still didn't say anything.

Because like this kind of thing, it is out of control.

As much as Han Jun attracts women, Han Yanyan attracts men as much. This world is already extremely strong, not to mention that they have a wealth of wealth, excellent looks and a wrist that can play people in the palm of their hands.

Unlike girls' second menarche, boys' second menstrual cycle occurs in the first womb, so it often occurs at night, at least early in the morning. Tang Ke happened during the lunch break at noon, and was sent back by Han Yanyan. Xinya guessed that something must have happened.

But what happened at noon was too embarrassing for Tang Ke to murmur.

Xinya doesn't force him either, what she likes can't be forced. She touched his head with a sigh and said, "You are still young, you will meet a gentle girl in the future and spend your life with you."

When she said that, Tang Ke thought of the little fairy unexpectedly. She... just a gentle girl.

But Xinya continued: "So mother wants to ask you..."

"Don't like Han Yanyan."

"You'll understand later that it's not worth it, and you can't like it for someone like that."

"And... later," she told him finally, holding his hand tightly and staring into his eyes, "don't let anyone call you little white rabbit."

Tang Ke remembered what his mother said. But the teenager is now full of worries about how to face the Han family's friends tomorrow. During his second explosion, everyone would have guessed something, right? They would definitely laugh at him collectively, right? Thinking that these ridicules would be heard by Han Yanyan and the little fairy at the same time, the teenager felt that there was no love in life.

But he was lying on the bed and closed his eyes, and all that was shaking in front of him was Han Yanyan's gorgeous appearance.

Gorgeous and cold, unattainable.

Han Yanyan looked at her icy face in the mirror, and sighed that the beauty of the prosperous age is really easy to use. After dawdling for five years, little Tang Ke grew into a young Tang Ke, and finally had the material basis to become a strong man.

But that's not enough, the real strong must be strong inside. No matter how great the power is, if a person is weak in his heart, he cannot control that power.

Han Yanyan looked in the mirror and admired her prosperous beauty this night, thinking about how to promote it next, and what kind of tempering Tang Ke should be subjected to in order to stimulate him strongly. In order to stimulate the old man to leave early, she endured goose bumps and deliberately scratched her head in front of him.

But in fact, the world has been running on its own, paving the way to now, many things no longer need to be promoted by Han Yanyan. Everyone chooses one of the complex life trajectories and moves forward by themselves.

The next morning, Tang Ke got up early and called a taxi because he had to rush to the manor to take the spaceship. Xinya prepared a hearty breakfast for him as always.

But when parting, she grabbed him and hugged him quietly for a while. Tang Ke thought, fortunately, the taxi is driverless, otherwise it would be a bit embarrassing for people to see him. After all, he is not a child.

Mom finally kissed his forehead and whispered to him: "Remember, you are a strong spiritual force, and no one can hurt you again."

"Can you take care of yourself and put your mother at ease?" she asked.

Tang Ke answered as a matter of course: "Of course!"

Xinya let him go. Tang Ke looked back from the taxi and saw that she was still standing there watching him go away. Maybe it's because of his second explosion. I heard that parents, especially mothers, are very sentimental at this time.

When they arrived at the manor, the boys and girls were boarding one after another. Followed by a few newcomers in recent years.

Tang Ke bit his head and walked over, trying to keep a low profile and not attract attention, but the person in front took the initiative to greet him.

"Xiao Ke, good morning."

"Tang Ke is here, I heard that it is already S, congratulations!"

"Xiao Ke, congratulations!"

Suddenly, everyone was enthusiastic about him. Tang Ke was at a loss for a while.

At this time, Han Jin came over. Tang Ke froze. According to Han Jin's urination, he must seize the matter that he left at the beginning of the day and laugh at him, making him humiliated. But Han Jin just glanced at him and turned his head. Tang Ke was slightly startled.

On the boat, Han Yanyan was already sitting there. Seeing him, she patted the seat beside her: "Xiao Ke, this way."

Tang Ke hesitated for a moment, and looked at Han Jin subconsciously, but found that Han Jin still turned his head in the other direction, not looking this way. Others have a very natural look.

It seems that he is sitting next to Han Yanyan, which is a very appropriate thing.

Among the young people in this boat, Han Yanyan, who was originally the strongest in spirit, was S-rank Han Jingshan. Now, Tang Ke became S. Although his mental power is still weak because he has just exploded and upgraded, with the strength of his S, his mental power will grow explosively over time, and it will not take too long to surpass Han Jingshan.

Tang Ke still felt unreal until he sat next to Han Yanyan. He hadn't tasted this kind of treatment for several years.

He remembered in a trance last night, Xinya told him repeatedly that he was already a strong man. So this... is the treatment of the strong

He turned his head subconsciously, Han Yanyan was holding his cheeks, looking at him with a smile. The embarrassing events of yesterday flooded into my mind instantly, and Tang Ke's face burned.

Han Yanyan didn't mean anything else. Tang Ke's deity is an extremely old man. He is a teenager who has just entered puberty in this world. No matter which one, Han Yanyan is not interested. I stimulated him yesterday, just to accelerate the ripening and pull the progress bar.

"Starting today, don't go to the intermediate hall. You and I and Jingshan train together." She said lightly, "The Hengfalcon 2302 special mecha ordered for you is already on the way, and it should be delivered to school in the afternoon. already."

Tang Ke was so shocked that his mouth opened.

"Don't be surprised, as long as the children in the family are above Grade A in the second explosion, they are all treated like this." Han Yanyan said.

But he is not the child of the Han family. Tang Ke closed his mouth, and after a while, he assuredly said, "I will definitely work hard in the future..."

If a family sponsors a child with excellent aptitude from a commoner family, according to the usual practice, the child will serve the family in return when he grows up. Han Yanyan nodded: "Work hard, the better you are, the better the treatment."

He knew this. It's just that he used to think that the term "treatment" only meant salary and remuneration. It turned out that this also included the attitude of others towards him. Especially... Han Yanyan's attitude towards him.

Finally, like Han Jingshan and the others, he can be taken seriously by her, and he can enjoy the treatment that her own brother does not have.

This way, his mood is difficult to calm down.

After an hour-long trip, the spacecraft landed at the school. The boys and girls disembarked one after another.

Han Yanyan didn't move. Tang Ke had unfastened his seat belt and was about to get up, but he didn't move either. When everyone else got off the boat, he looked at Han Yanyan.

Han Yanyan turned off the Smart Brain light screen, unfastened his seat belt, and got up. Tang Ke followed and got up.

"Xiao Ke." Han Yanyan suddenly called him.

Tang Ke raised his head.

He is four years younger than Han Yanyan, not yet the age of jumping, Han Yanyan is tall, and he is much shorter than Han Yanyan now. It looks like a sister and brother.

"I'm seventeen years old." Han Yanyan said to him as he walked, "My father has already started looking for a candidate for me to marry."

"The bottom line for candidates is A-level. Of course, the higher the better. But the higher the better, the harder it is to find."

"Pan Chenghao, Xu Luo, Zhao Song, and the illegitimate child that the Gao family found this year are all candidates for my father's consideration."

"Everyone is still young. It is expected to continue to observe for a few years. I should get married before the age of twenty-five and give birth to an heir before the age of thirty."

When Han Yanyan said "finding candidates for marriage", Tang Ke's heart skipped a beat, and the more he listened, the more startled he became. When he only knew how to devote himself to studying and training, is Han Yanyan already thinking about his life plan in ten or twenty years

But... He stopped, plucked up his courage and asked, "Sister Yanyan, why did you tell me this?"

Han Yanyan also stopped, turned around and looked at him with a scrutiny in his eyes. Tang Ke was so nervous that his heartbeat almost stopped.

"Because of these candidates, I'm not satisfied." Han Yanyan said, "And I still have plenty of time. So... Although you are younger, it's not that I can't wait for you."

"Tang Ke," she asked, "are you willing to join the Han family and be my husband?"

Tang Ke was struck by the sudden happiness and felt dizzy.

"I, can I?" he asked stutteringly.

Han Yanyan smiled: "Of course not now, I don't want to commit crimes against children."

Tang Ke's face turned red again.

Han Yanyan became serious: "I don't have the final say on this matter. The illegitimate son of the Gao family is an S like you. But his brother is an SS like me. Everyone expects that he may not be able to compete with his brother. His father wants to avoid siblings. Cannibalism, extended an olive branch to my father, and had the heart to send him to our house. So, do you understand what to do?"

"Understood!" Tang Ke answered loudly, his eyes shining brightly. Just like in the first round, when Han Yanyan saw him for the first time.

Go, the big cake is drawn for you, in order to eat this fragrant cake, work hard, boy!

Han Yanyan looked at the back of the boy who ran away excitedly and couldn't wait to participate in the training. He exhaled and rubbed his forehead.

She just took a step, and the intellectual brain on her wrist shook. When a call came in, Han Yanyan answered it at will.

Her figure was suddenly fixed there.

After a while she asked, "Does my father know?"

"The owner is already there."

"Got it." Han Yanyan hung up the phone. Looking up again, Tang Ke's figure had already run away.

The progress bar went faster than she expected. This excited young man has just experienced a joy of nothingness, and is about to usher in the pain of life.

Han Yanyan didn't stop him. It was her private eyeliner who reported to her just now. Her father was already there, but there was no message to this side. Then she should wait peacefully.

She couldn't help but look up. The small moon revolves around the planet, and the huge planet is overhead, and you can even see the mountains and rivers in it.

On that planet, a piece of data disappeared.

Just a piece of data.

Han Jun stood there, looking at Xinya.

Her porcelain-white face was pale and blue, her lips were no longer bloody, and her body was no longer warm. She closed her eyes tightly and would never open them again.

Wearing the engagement ring that the accountant had prepared for her on her slender fingers, she died.