Strategy to Capture Men

Chapter 84


"Leo." Han Yanyan's voice came from the internal communicator.

"What's wrong?" Leo said angrily when his heartbeat, which had been beating wildly just now, had just recovered a little.

"I want a swimsuit." Han Yanyan said.

Not "need", but "want". Of course, it is impossible for a socially disabled person like Leo to perceive the subtle difference.

He turned on a light screen and was about to operate when Han Yanyan said, "It should be normal aesthetic, not pornographic."

Leo: "…"

The fingers moved a centimeter and changed a style.

"Hey, this is... you already had it on board? Or did you buy it now?" The swimsuit over there had been delivered to Han Yanyan, which surprised her. In fact, when she woke up and saw the skirt on the bedside table and the shoes on the floor, she was already thinking that there were women's clothes on Leo's boat.

Leo snorted and said, "Bill, let's find out about Atomic Synthesizer."

"Synthetic?" Han Yanyan was slightly surprised. The technology in the mecha world is already much higher than her hometown, but obviously, in the real world around Leo, the technology is much higher.

This hillbilly ignorance greatly pleases Leo.



"If you don't want to eat seduction..."


"Just don't peek at me changing clothes."

"...!!!" In a hurry, he turned off a light screen, "Blind, nonsense."

"Ah… "

Your wretchedness was recorded in the "Leo Biography" in your daily ramble about the system.

Han Yanyan has long maintained the habit of swimming in her hometown. She recorded the time and distance in the pool and compared it with the data in her memory.

Her genetically modified body, although the physical fitness data cannot be compared with that of the female master who is a warrior, but it is definitely several times more than her previous data, although she can't remember the specific data clearly.

And this was the first day she woke up, and her body function was initially awakened. If you can train with high intensity like Han Yanyan in the end of the world or Han Yanyan, the female owner...

Han Yanyan covered her head with a large bath towel and wiped her hair, suddenly stagnant.

Now, let her think back to "the past", and the most she remembers is the life of the female owner, Han Yanyan. Going forward, the underworld Han Yanyan is still very impressed because she struggles with wits and courage with Yao Chen. …

It has only been more than half a month since she was kidnapped by Leo.

But what about herself

Han Yanyan tried hard to recall, but found that her memory of "self" was too vague. Not even as impressive as Han Yanyan in the end of the world. After all, killing zombies and being used to block a knife are more difficult to forget.

Compared with these exciting, profound, ups and downs life experiences, the previous life of earning money, paying for a house, falling in love, breaking up, falling in love again, dividing again... is too dull, so it is extraordinarily vague.

Especially after fifty years have passed.

Those crazy builders, before they went crazy, did they remember who they were

Can't be crazy, Han Yanyan thought, whoever is crazy, she shouldn't be crazy.

After a lot of exercise, Han Yanyan had another meal with Leo. The energy consumption was too great, she ate much more than the last meal, even more than a big man Leo.

But in fact, Leo had eaten a lot more than usual. He usually does not have a fixed time to eat, he only eats when he is hungry. Sometimes he is doing calculations or doing experiments, and he doesn't eat when he is hungry.

Even if Leo usually eats, he only eats himself until he is "not hungry" and "full".

But this time, he felt delicious. Before he knew it, he ate a lot more than usual, so much so that when he realized it, he felt a little stretched.

And Han Yanyan... Han Yanyan ordered ten different desserts!

Leo had no love for sweets, and he was a little tired of seeing so many sweets. He couldn't help but muttered a few words.

Han Yanyan bit the spoon and lifted her eyelids to look at him: "I don't know when you will be thrown back into the dormant cabin, so I just want to taste a few different things, can't I?"

Leo choked.

Han Yanyan tasted the taste of all ten desserts and was satisfied, and asked Leo: "How do you calculate the time here? Is it daytime or night?"

There is no such thing as day and night in space, but for the physical and mental health of the crew and passengers, a clear time will be stipulated on the spacecraft to tell you whether it is day or night. Those who take the boat can adjust the endocrine system according to the unified schedule, jet lag.

Leo does have a timetable, but it has been abandoned for many years. He can say that he can do whatever he wants or he can say that he has been in a hurry all these years. Anyway, he is alone, in conclusion, he eats when he is hungry, and sleeps when he is sleepy.

Leo took a look at the timetable that he hadn't used in years, and said, "It's night now. If you're on a twenty-hour clock, it's nine o'clock in the evening. If you're on a thirty-hour clock, it's five o'clock in the evening."

Han Yanyan asked: "Turn to 24-hour time..." She had to say "Bah", but temporarily swallowed the last pronunciation.

"Request" becomes "request". But Leo didn't notice it, and just followed what she said. He didn't care about the schedule at all.

But in fact, he is a physique who is easy to accept hints and easy to be manipulated.

As soon as Leo looked up, he saw Han Yanyan smiling.

He monitored the whole process of treating Duke Krillin's world, Han Yanyan's smile was exactly the same as when she coaxed Yao Chen, and Leo shivered.

"What are you laughing at?" he asked cautiously.

"I'm laughing at you." Han Yanyan pursed her lips happily, "At first glance, he looks like a technical man."

"Huh?" Leo was stunned.

"What's the use of looking good?" Han Yan flicked his bangs, "It's been a long time since I took care of my hair, and I can't even see my face."

She is a liar! She is a liar! She is a liar! That's how she played Yao Chen in the palm of her hand!

Leo clearly understood intellectually, but Han Yanyan's words made him feel pleasant. His sanity was battling fiercely with his sense of pleasure to decide how to react to her, causing his facial expression to be very distorted.

Han Yanyan directly diverted his attention by jumping the topic: "What else can I do before going to bed?"

"Huh?" Leo's attention was indeed diverted. In fact, as far as he is concerned, he also really wants to escape the feeling of struggle and entanglement just now. He said, "What do you want to do?"

"I want to go to the ground." Han Yanyan sniffed and looked at him expectantly.

Leo was completely led astray and said without thinking, "No chance."

Han Yanyan was disappointed: "Can't you?"

Her eyes are bright, and the change from expectation to disappointment is obvious. Leo felt uncomfortable for a moment, twisted his body, and said, "I haven't stepped on the surface of the planet for more than ten years myself."

Han Yanyan showed a surprised expression. Leo explained: "Living Star basically has a master, and it has long been divided up by various political forces. As for me, I was considered by many parties to be a person with great danger. They were all afraid of me and guarded against me. ."

Describing "criminals" as "significantly dangerous" sounds particularly attractive and attractive.

Han Yanyan pretended to have written a letter, and turned to ask him: "Then find me some books to read to pass the time."

Definitely a liar! She wants to take the opportunity to collect real-world information! Leo, who saw through everything, said calmly, "Okay, I'll find you two copies."

As he spoke, he pulled out a light screen. This light screen is composed of luminous lines directly in the air, which can be "pulled" out of thin air.

The Zhinao that Han Yanyan wears on the wrist in the mecha world also has a similar light screen, but it needs the Zhinao as a base. Leo has nothing, Han Yanyan has seen him draw a light screen out of thin air many times.

Leo flipped the light screen, and the light screen slid in front of Han Yanyan.

"It's a good book, you can read it," he said.

Han Yanyan glanced at it: ""Huanghuang Empire"? This is... "

"The history of the founding of the Amykin Empire. Of the editions I've collected, this is the best writing," Leo said.

"..." Han Yanyan squeezed out a smile and said, "It sounds good."

Hum, can't laugh. You have been seen through by me.

Leo was slightly proud in his heart, and when Han Yanyan asked "how to use this light screen", he generously added Han Yanyan as a system user. Han Yanyan can also just wave his hand like Leo and pull out a light screen in the air.

Leo said more generously: "I'll give you permission. You can read this first, and then see for yourself what you are interested in after reading this."

Han Yanyan suddenly found a problem.

"Leo, are you deliberately using my language and writing? Or is it just a coincidence that you and my mother tongue are the same language?" she asked. The "Empire of Huanghuang" opened on the light screen uses the text in her native language.

"Of course, across the vast universe, my mother tongue and I both use the same language. Have you really grown a brain? Where is your IQ?" Leo rolled his eyes, "Your mother tongue information comes from your brain on the first day. It has been extracted from it and has entered my information database. A translation chip is implanted under my cerebral cortex, which directly acts on the language central nervous system, and the translation process is completed in the skull. It's already the pronunciation after translation."

This technology is indeed far beyond the world of mechas. Tang Ke also said that the technology in the mecha world is very backward, and his tone is very disdainful.

Han Yanyan planned to read this book "Huanghuang Empire" after returning to the room. Leo was too generous and proactive. The only thing she could read and read within her authority was probably only this history of the Amykin Empire. Others, I don't know how much manipulation was done and how much misinformation was stuffed.

Instead of being misled by those things, it's better not to look at it so as not to be affected, regardless of whether it is true or false.

But, of course, she still had to say "Wow~" to Leo's handy technology to show his amazement and yearning.

"Country bumpkin, I've never seen anything before, making a fuss." Leo said disdainfully.

Then don't turn up the corners of your mouth, Han Yanyan thought.