Strategy to Capture Men

Chapter 87


Leo hesitated to go to the restaurant for dinner, but did not see Han Yanyan.

"What about her?" he asked.

"She said she didn't want to eat expired meat that had been frozen for a long time. She only ordered porridge and vegetables and asked me to send it to her room," the system said.

Does she not want to see him? Leo was a little regretful and shouldn't be angry with her. She wasn't talking about him and his mother, she was talking about the life she should have had.

His life was forcibly changed by him.

Leo ordered some food at random and asked, "Did she download the TV show? Did she watch it? Did she like it?"

"She spent the whole afternoon watching soap operas in her room. According to the expression analysis, she couldn't say she liked it," the system said. "I can't say I don't like it. Her expression is very single, and there are almost no superfluous micro expressions."

Yes, she was that "indifferent" death, as if she could see through everything.

Leo suddenly understood Yao Chen's frustration. At that time Yao Chen bit her shoulder to the point of bleeding, probably because she hated her "light" look.

Food was served quickly. Compared with natural cooking, the high-speed food processor uses laser roasting to complete the cooking process of food from raw to cooked in a few seconds.

Leo ordered the same food today as he ordered yesterday. He eats the same food most of the time.

He really has no desire or preference for food, clothing, housing and travel. When I was young, my mother was busy with hard work. As soon as I made a big pot of food, he would take out a serving every day when he came home to eat as long as he was full. I eat the same food every day, and the taste is getting worse day by day. When the taste buds of my tongue are numb, I just finished eating almost a pot of food.

Speaking of which, the food made by the food processor is much stronger than what he ate when he was a child. He lives in isolation, alone, eating this kind of food every day, and he doesn't feel bad at all.

Until I eat the rice made by Han Yanyan.

A living woman cooks herself, and the carefully cooked food awakens his taste buds and desires that have been dormant for decades.

Suddenly, Leo lost his appetite as he looked at the perfectly cooked steak on the plate.

Han Yan Yan dinner is light porridge and side dishes. After dinner, she stayed in her room and played more than a dozen soap operas on a screen at the same time.

The plot can be said to be very bloody. Han Yanyan ignored these stories. She mainly observed people's life details and some values from the play. Basically, the three views are not much different from her hometown. Because different TV series come from different star regions and different countries, there are some subtle differences between them.

For example, "The Domineering Commander" from the Amijin Empire, the hometown of Duke Kling, although it has been telling the dog-blood love story between this domineering starship commander and "me", but the whole article is secretly rubbing the output " Loyalty" values. Loyal to nobles, lords, and the idea of royal supremacy.

Controlling people's hearts is actually that kind of thing.

Han Yanyan smiled slightly while eating dessert.

Leo gave her access to the atomic synthesizer, and she was not polite at all, making a big difference in her room.

This was originally a standard single cabin, with a small area. The left hand of the door is the cabinet, and the right hand has a small double sofa and coffee table. In the room, on one side is a square and featureless single bed, and on the other side is a desk. The desk is quite large, with the corners against two walls, the front wall has portholes, you can see the starry sky, and there is a movable mirror on the side wall, which was smashed by Han Yanyan.

Now Han Yanyan asked the system to send a robot to move it away.

In the current room, there is a large bed under the porthole, occupying the entire area of the original "single bed desk". Not far from the end of the bed, there are new sofas and coffee tables, and even the portholes are hung for purely decorative purposes. curtain. The whole room suddenly changed from a single dormitory to an exquisite boudoir, and the comfort and beauty are incomparable.

Han Yanyan leaned on the sofa and looked at more than a dozen light screens at the same time, receiving messy information without any disorder.

Leo Pike's exclusive genetic modification agent is really not a blow.

At this moment, the electronic voice of the system came from overhead: "Han Yanyan, the administrator asks you to go and meet him."

"He doesn't have a long mouth?" Han Yanyan asked.

"The administrator ordered me to deliver the information," the system replied.

"Is he in a bad mood?" Han Yanyan teased.

"The administrator's endocrine system has been disturbed and slowed down since yesterday." The system replied solemnly.

Han Yanyan put down the dessert: "Got it."

Han Yanyan followed the system's instructions and saw Leo with a gloomy face.

"Come here." He said sullenly, "I'll let you see how I got you here."

Han Yanyan paused and walked to his side.

In front of Leo, I don't know how many light screens opened, densely packed, layer upon layer. He stared at the light screens and said, "It was about forty years ago that I started releasing these explorers one after another, and now, about a hundred thousand have been released."

"These explorers help me explore all parts of the universe. Of course, I am constantly improving them."

"In these years, I started the business of awakening the undead, which requires a builder. Not everyone can become a builder, but one or two out of 10,000 people is not bad. I later studied it carefully and found that a builder can become a builder. People, the active areas of the brain are different from ordinary people, and their brain waves are also different from ordinary people.”

"It's very convenient, I just need to search for a specific brainwave. These builders are how I discovered them."

"It's just that it's too much trouble to find a builder from an economically developed area. Once I found a man, a middle-aged man, who was very good as a builder. But he's also a fucking entrepreneur! Bring me a The trouble of stringing."

"Why is a businessman's brain so active!" Leo complained, "I've been hunted for a long time."

"..." Han Yanyan was speechless, "That's really causing you trouble, why don't I apologize to you for him?"

Leo snorted, ignoring her sarcasm. He swiped his finger and locked a light screen.

These screens are obviously showing different places in the universe, some are civilized or even urban, and some are desolate and uninhabited. Leo locked onto a planet whose environment looked very primitive.

The explorer quickly locked onto a beast.

The beast looked like a yak, but it was extremely fast and had terribly sharp fangs.

Leo showed Han Yanyan from all angles for a full minute. After she felt that she had fully understood the horror of this beast, she said, "Okay."

With his operation, a white light enveloped the beast, just like Han Yanyan who was driving at the beginning.

The beast disappeared from the original land, the light screen moved aside, and another light screen came over. It can be seen that the beast that was galloping freely on the field just now has entered the iron cage. Its restless beast roared and slammed into the cage with its body.

But an electric current flashed, and the huge beast fell to the ground with a bang.

The robots who looked very familiar rushed up—also because of these robots, Han Yanyan could tell that this beast should be somewhere in this spaceship now.

It was captured by this long-distance transmission technology with a flash of white light, just like Han Yanyan.

"Don't close your eyes, watch carefully." Leo said sadly.

Han Yanyan saw that the robots worked together, peeling, deboning and cutting meat. The large pieces of meat are then cut into small pieces. Once the cuts are finished, the pieces of meat are swept by cold light, frozen in an instant, and sent to the cold storage.

In less than a minute, only the bones of a beast are left, clean, and even the internal organs have been processed.

"I advise you to be obedient. If you don't obey, this is your fate. What is the dormant cabin? If I get angry again, it's not that I can't peel and cut you into pieces." Leo said coldly, "Han Yanyan, you understand. ?"


Han Yanyan grabbed Leo's sleeve and pointed at the screen: "Hurry up and stop them, don't throw those bones, keep them for me to make soup tomorrow!"

"Hey!" Leo blushed and pulled back his sleeves.

"hurry up!"

Leo moved his fingers reluctantly, and the robot quickly sealed the leg bones in Han Yan's smoke and sent them to the cold storage.

Han Yanyan was very dissatisfied: "Don't tick so cleanly next time, it's all pure meat, remember to keep some spare ribs."

Leo: "…"

Han Yanyan yawned and said, "You get up early tomorrow. I'll make fresh pork ravioli in the morning. It's too late, I'm going to bed."

After speaking, she left.

Leo looked at her back for an hour, pondered for a while, and raised his chest: "The effect of scaring her is good, she has already started to please me with food."

"Yes, Master." The system replied.

Wontons are also available in the food processor. Leo remembered eating it before, and the taste and texture were average.

But he couldn't help but look forward to what Han Yanyan made by himself.

It is difficult for people who stay up late for a long time to adjust their work and rest all at once. In addition, he thinks that he can eat Han Yanyan's elaborate breakfast the next morning, and he is so nervous that he can't sleep.

When I woke up the next day, I overslept unsurprisingly. After decades of undisciplined life, people who want to do whatever they want, it's really too difficult to think about regular work and rest all at once. Leo wanted to bang his head against the wall.

"Where is she? What is she doing?" he asked.

"Warning, Han Yanyan is now holding a lethal weapon in the cooking room! Repeat, warning, Han Yanyan is now in the cooking room, holding a lethal weapon!" The system dutifully performed its duties.

Leo's eyes lit up.

The restaurant has simply changed.

The original simple dining table was replaced with a small solid wood table, and a beautiful tablecloth was also spread. The cushions and tablecloths of the chairs are one color, very idyllic and feminine. At this glance, you can see that it was carefully arranged by a woman.

There's even a beautiful glass vase on that table. Just empty, without any flowers inserted.

Leo was very fortunate that this time he walked in with a clean white shirt and graceful manner, rather than the last time with a gun in his hand. At least it didn't look so stupid this time.

He walked to the door of the cooking room, the hatch opened, and a scent wafted out.

"What smell?" he asked, moving his nose.

"Big bone soup." Han Yanyan replied while busy.

Given that this woman is still holding a "weapon of lethality" in her hands, although it can't kill him, it can also make him disabled like last time. The wise Leo Pike wisely stood at the door of the cooking room and looked around, but firmly refused to go in.

"Why are you here so early?" Han Yan said without turning back, "It will take a while."

She uses natural cooking tools, cooking with an open flame, which is much slower than cooking with a laser.

But Leo was willing to wait.

Han Yanyan turned around, saw him standing at the door, and banged at him: "Why are you standing there, there's soot, go, go over there.

Leo gave a silly "oh" and returned to the dining room to sit at the idyllic table.

As soon as he left, the hatch of the cooking room closed. He paused and whispered to the system to open the door, and it stayed open.

In this way, when he sat at the dining table, he could see Han Yanyan busy in the cooking room. Maybe it's for the convenience of cooking. The dress she wears today is very ordinary, very homey, and looks very comfortable.

Leo felt like his brain was starting to lose his mind. He immediately opened a light screen on the dining table, opened a calculation that he had not yet completed, and continued to calculate. The full screen of data flow and complicated calculations quickly calmed him down.

This is Han Yanyan's routine, he thought.

This set of methods is not new, he has seen it. Yao Chen's world was closely monitored throughout the whole process, and he knew that this was how Han Yanyan used Yao Chen.

He had seen many times with his own eyes, a man like Yao Chen, who was fighting outside and was full of anger, returned home, leaned against the kitchen door and looked at the busy woman inside, with a gentle expression on his face. look.

Leo outside the world is very happy to see Duke Kling's jokes.

That is a scheming dead woman, and good at manipulating people's hearts. The men who fell for her are stupid.

The clever Leo Pike will not be used by her in this way.

Leo, who was completely calm, felt very clear-headed. He can see through everything, and will never deceive her, he thought so, and subconsciously glanced up.

Han Yanyan took a small plate and filled some soup, tasted the taste, then put down the plate in a hurry, and fanned the cool air into his mouth with his hand.

Ah, did you get burned? Leo's heart clenched, and his eyes never looked away from the figure.

In this world, there are more people who still jump down knowing that there is a pit ahead.