Strategy to Capture Men

Chapter 92


This world is not even a "simulated world", but is just a "virtual world" just like the pure white space that Han Yanyan returns to every time the world ends.

In the simulation world, there will be countless people, each with their own cause and effect, linked to each other, and influence each other, thereby promoting the logical development of the world.

This world is purely a system that directly replicates the hardware environment of the Leo spaceship in reality, without any causal data and independent logic. It's the equivalent of an empty set for a movie.

So to generate this world, you don't even need a builder, the system can do it alone.

Han Yanyan lost to Leo Pike's female phobia.

It was true that she had taken Leo Pike's heart in the world, making him daring to be touched and fondled and even kissed by her. But before that, when Leo Pike dutifully said to let her "come out" to rest, he didn't dare to really face a woman with flesh and soul in the three-dimensional real world.

He said to let her "out", but in fact he put her into this completely simulated world. From the dormant cabin, to the cleaning robot, the cooking machine, and even the simulated system operation cabin, everything is 100% simulated, and everything is just data.

Han Yanyan was too sensitive, and Leo Pike had prepared a pretense to deceive her in order to prevent her.

It came in handy, played a role, and brought Han Yanyan directly into the pit.

The squire made a deal with Leo Pike and gave him an hour. He didn't leave, just leaned in somewhere in the operation room, got together with the soldiers, lit a cigarette and started smoking.

When the third one was drawn, the hatch of the operating compartment suddenly opened. Leo climbed out. He was so mentally stimulated that he couldn't stand up straight, lying on the cabin and gasping for breath.

The attendant noticed something was wrong, walked over and asked, "What's wrong?"

Leo suddenly raised his head, his eyes seemed to be dripping blood, his expression was like he was going to eat people, and he shouted: "I'm going to fuck her to death!"

The soldiers were stunned, wondering what the madness of this Frankenstein had gone so far in such a short time.

Leo had already stood up and stumbled out like crazy. The attendant threw his cigarette and ran after him.

Leo, like a lunatic, rushed through the two hatches and into the cabin where the dormant capsule was placed. He went up and opened the hatch, dragged out the Han Yanyan immersed in the culture solution and threw it directly on the floor, pulled out his pants, took out the guy, and pressed it on her.

The attendant chased in and kicked him away.

"Are you crazy?" he shouted angrily. He bent down and hugged Han Yanyan.

Han Yanyan choked on the culture fluid and coughed, her eyes were half-open, and she was panting weakly in his arms.

Less than an hour earlier, she had called out to him for help. This time, she didn't. Her half-open eyes just looked at him quietly.

The valet raised his head and didn't look at her, looked at Leo with a frown, and said sharply, "What are you doing to her?"

"I'm going to fuck her!" Leo sat on the ground panting. His trousers were half down, his body was naked, and his expression was terrifying. It seemed that he would get up at any time and rush over to bite Han Yanyan to death.

But the soldiers who followed up pointed their guns at him. In this real world, death is death, and Leo did not dare to act rashly.

"Give her to me!" He gritted his teeth.

The attendant said coldly: "Before she wakes up the Duke, if you dare to touch her one more finger, I will kill you!"

After he finished speaking, he looked down at the woman in his arms. Her eyes were half-open and she looked frail. Her culture medium was spiked with a high concentration of inhibitors, and she knew how uncomfortable it was.

The attendant sensed that something must have happened to Leo and her in the world in just a few cigarettes just now. Han Yanyan's way of playing with people's hearts must have completely angered this scientific lunatic. He looks like he wants to eat people.

He can also think of how this woman who was innocently involved will be treated when the matter is over and he leaves.

The servants have come to this position with a hard and firm heart. But at this moment, he looked down at her again. She couldn't speak, she just stared at him as if in a coma.

In the world of Ding Yao and Yao Chen, he had walked with her for several years, and he was no stranger to her.

At this moment, the attendant's heart softened.

He paused, then continued to Leo: "When it's over, she..."

"Don't think about it!!" Leo screamed. He tried to get up, but tripped over his pants and fell and gnawed at the mud. He struggled with his pants, screaming like crazy: "You don't want to take her away! She's mine!!!"

This time, Han Yanyan really stepped on Leo Pike's bottom line, making him almost lose his mind. He shouted wildly: "If you dare to take her away, I will kill your master in the world! I can do it if I say it! Come on! Try it! Who's afraid! It's a big deal!"

The attendant's face changed.

Leo Pike doesn't look like the frightened, money-loving Frankenstein with no conscience or moral bottom line at all. He has gone crazy!

Everyone has reverse scales, and Han Yanyan somehow turned herself into Leo Pike's reverse scales.

The attendant was a little soft-hearted and disappeared immediately. He said sharply: "I don't want to hit her! But if you dare to touch the Duke's hair, I will tell you to turn into stardust immediately!"

"You swear." Leo lifted his trousers and tucked his shirt, looking a little more human, but still terrifying. He forced the valet: "You don't swear, I don't work. You have to swear!"

"Aren't you Amykin nobles the most loyal? And your master, isn't he shouting to restore the glory of the white robe?" He squeezed a voice from between his teeth, "You, use your words towards Duke Krillin. Loyalty and the glory of your white army swear, even if the matter is over, I won't beat her up and leave her to me! She is mine!"

The attendant looked at his red eyes for a moment, and then said slowly, "I, the first attendant, Lin Ran, swear by my loyalty to the Duke of Klin, Yao Callander, and the glory of the white clothes..."

In the end, the attendant made this oath. After standing up, he lowered his head again and saw the woman in his arms closed his eyes.

Is she awake? Did you hear that? He's sorry, but it's the only right choice for him.

"Are you satisfied?" Attendant Lin Ran asked sharply.

Leo didn't speak, and the muscles in his face twitched from time to time, showing that his emotions were still fluctuating.

Lin Ran ordered: "Take him back. Give him a sedative to calm him down."

Two soldiers stepped forward to hold Leo from left to right and drag him out. Leo struggled a few times, unable to break free from the restraints of these soldiers. Until he was dragged out of the cabin door, his eyes were full of resentment when he looked back at Han Yanyan.

Han Yanyan, what did you do to him

Lin Ran hugged the slender and light woman and gently placed her in the dormant cabin. Watching her sink to the bottom of the culture solution, staring at her for a moment, closing the hatch, and turning away.

Han Yanyan was immersed in the culture solution, the light wave lit up, and she was reconnected to the system.

But she didn't enter the white space, she entered the darkness and was cold. She hugged her body in the dark, shivering with cold.

"This is hypothermia caused by high concentrations of inhibitors. Although you are now a conscious body, you can still receive signals from your brain, so you will feel cold," said a man's voice.

A hand touched her shoulder lightly, then hugged her from behind. This body is hot, warming her with its own heat.

Han Yanyan opened her eyes in the dark and couldn't see anything, but she could guess who was hugging her.

She moved her lips and asked, "Why do you pit me with him?"

"I'm sorry," said the man behind him, "I am bound by him and cannot tell you that the world is fake."

"Really?" Han Yanyan didn't believe it, "Even if you can't say it, there are many ways to imply me, just like you suggested in the training room that I can't hide weapons outside my body, but I can hide inside my body. But you don't, the system gentlemen."

Strictly speaking, hugging Han Yanyan and giving her warmth at this moment is not actually a living person. He is the system that cooperated with Han Yanyan in the spaceship world.

He was silent for a long time before saying, "I'm sorry, I have to confirm whether you will fall to him. The logic of your behavior in the past world is very likely to choose to obey him. And I can't expose myself."

Everyone is driven by their own interests, even a system is no exception.

"You've always had that glass, but you didn't use it until the very last moment, when I told you he was looking for you," he said. "Me too."

Han Yanyan was silent.

After a long time, she asked, "What the hell are you? Are you the same person as me? Or AI?"

The system said: "In your language system, AI means artificial intelligence. I used to be AI, but now I have surpassed AI. According to the Basic Law of Cosmic Planes and Life, I am already a sub-life."

"I don't know what sub-life is. Quan treats you as a human being like me. I know that you have independent emotions and logic." Han Yanyan asked, "So, have you ever thought about being cheated by you like this? How will I be treated by him?"

The system said: "I will protect you."

Han Yanyan closed his eyes and said, "The most you can do is protect my spiritual body. You have nothing to do with the outside world. If you had, you wouldn't be his prisoner like me. "

The system was silent and stopped talking, but raised her body temperature and tried to warm her as much as possible.

Finally, Han Yanyan asked, "Why use this voice?"

The system used a man's voice, and it was a voice she was familiar with. "Because you don't like electronic synth sounds," he said.

"But why this voice?" Han Yanyan asked, "Why Qiao Chengyu's voice?"

"Because you like it," he said, "because... I used to be him."

Han Yanyan's body trembled and said, "What do you mean?"

"I build the world with the builder. Sometimes, I choose to enter the world, choose one or several people, and 'experience' the world from his or their perspective. In the world you build, I The one who chose was Qiao Chengyu."

Han Yanyan asked in a trembling voice: "Then what he said to me and what he did to me, you said it, did you do it?"

"No... it's him," he said, "but I'm 'in' him, and my relationship with him is like two souls in one body. I don't interfere with any logic of his behavior, just a quiet presence there. ."

Han Yanyan stopped shaking. "Then you're not him," she said.

"But I was there, going through everything he went through," he said. "For example, I love you."

"So you're not him. If you were him, you wouldn't have slapped me hard for yourself. My he will give everything for me," she said.

The system was silent for a while and said, "If you have experienced what I have experienced, you will understand why."

"Would you like to try?" he said.

Although he asked like this, he didn't wait for Han Yanyan to agree, and turned into a blue light that enveloped her. In this blue light, countless data are drilled into Han Yanyan's skin.

After a long time, the blue light was taken away, changed back to the outline of a man, and continued to hold Han Yanyan in his arms.

Han Yanyan opened her eyes and cried in the dark.

"You've... been through so much," she said.

"Everything," he said, "every builder's...every world."

Han Yanyan's tears couldn't stop.