Strategy to Capture Men

Chapter 97


For a mind like Ding Yao, consider things in this order: Survival>Security>Benefit>Everything else

When he was completely unable to survive independently, he realized that this girl was his only support, and he tried his best to control himself not to become her "burden" and "trouble", in order to prevent being disliked and abandoned.

In particular, the girl is obviously busy at this time to maintain the mining of life. For Ding Yao, compared with what the girl is doing, other than hunger, other things should be within the "tolerable" category. For example, newborns have dry stools due to unhealthy diets.

While the girl was digging and digging, he silently worked hard with a man's willpower, and after a long period of time, he finally made himself unobstructed.

He exhaled a long breath. In the clanging sound, the baby's mouth opened slightly.

There is a characteristic of the excretion of male babies. They often urinate first and then pull. After three or four seconds, a small stream of urine will come out. Ding Yao is no exception. Before this small stream of urine was absorbed by the diaper, it also moistened the Baba that he had just pulled out along his little butt.

Of course it was uncomfortable, but Ding Yao felt that he could bear it, and was unwilling to interfere with the girl who was working hard because of this kind of thing.

It wasn't until a few hours later that the two of them returned to the cave of life. Han Yanyan finally remembered that when she changed Ding Yao's diaper to clean her buttocks, she said, "So red..." She grabbed his two with one hand. Only the little foot was picked up, revealing the red little butt, and he poked it twice with his finger. This time, I let go of the small bunch of purple grapes in the middle.

Ding Yao felt very numb in his heart.

These two, with absolutely no parenting experience, didn't realize that they had the baby red ass problem that makes new parents very bald.

Back at "home", Ding Yao dared to ask. He used his crying to attract Han Yanyan's attention, but when she fed him the rice soup, he pushed the pacifier out with his tongue and lips - of course it couldn't be pushed out, Han Yanyan put the pacifier directly into his mouth went.

But Ding Yao was determined not to drink. When Han Yanyan pulled out the bottle, he started crying again. After repeated several times, Han Yanyan finally woke up and fed him water.

Ding Yao took a gulp of water and made a gurgling sound when swallowing. He has become aware of his bowel problems and has begun to self-regulate. The only way is to drink more water.

"I'm sorry baby, mom is so stupid. Mom thought she didn't need to drink water after drinking rice soup." The girl said apologetically.

who are you mom!

Ding Yao was inexplicably depressed.

In the apocalypse, even if he was chased by the Corpse Emperor all the way and besieged by a group of zombies, Ding Yao had never lost his composure like this. Because at that time, he had dual powers, and he was powerful enough.

But now, he can't even handle a baby bottle, so it can be said that he is extremely weak.

This weakness annoyed him.

Grow up quickly, he said to himself silently, hurry up!

In exchange for enough daily necessities, Han Yanyan did not go out for the past two days. After getting up, he took Ding Yao to the mine for more than ten hours. For more than ten hours, only change his diaper at noon.

Supplies are limited, so use everything sparingly.

Ding Yao was the one who didn't say a word when he pulled it, and his little butt was always stuck in the cake. It was only two days later, and on the fourth day, his butt was rotten.

Returning to the cave after a hard day's work, the girl said in surprise when she cleaned his ass: "What's the matter?"

Her hands were heavy, Ding Yao's little butt trembled with pain, and his eyes that had been unable to open suddenly opened.

Ding Yao couldn't wait to immediately understand the environment he was in. Without abilities and physical strength, only having more information can give him a sense of security.

It is a pity that the vision of a newborn is only one-thirtieth of that of an adult, and the angle of vision is only forty-five degrees. .

In other words, although Ding Yao opened his eyes, everything he saw was blurry.

He heard the girl suddenly "huh" and put down his little feet. Then a huge head appeared in front of him. The head had two eyes, a nose and a mouth. Not only is it blurry, but the edge of the field of view is distorted due to the width of the viewing angle, making it look like a giant monster.

Ding Yao was used to seeing zombies in the last days, and his heart suddenly jumped! Only then did he realize that it was Han Yanyan who came up to him.

Too normal, some newborn heads are not as big as an adult man's fist. In contrast, Ding Yao strongly felt his "smallness".

The blurred and deformed head moved away from him again. Han Yanyan said, "Wow, the baby has opened his eyes!" Are you covered in eye mucus? After raising you for four days, it can be considered open.

Han Yanyan untied his clothes and put the naked Ding Yao into his arms.

"It's cold, it's pathetic," she said.

It's not because she unwrapped the cloth and he cleaned it up and didn't wrap it again for a long time!

Ding Yao was powerless to complain. He couldn't see anything clearly anyway, he didn't even bother to open his eyes, he closed his eyes and put his face on her Yuexiong mouth. Skin to skin, body temperature is transmitted. Ding Yao unexpectedly felt unspeakable comfort.

He is still so young, and he can't see whether the other party is beautiful or ugly at all. This kind of comfort has nothing to do with men and women, and has nothing to do with both genders.

He just simply felt... comfortable and relaxed.

The girl supported his soft neck with one hand, patted him gently with the other, and said softly, "My father told me that when I was young, my mother held me like this..."

Her voice weakened, and there was no sound for a long time. The faint sound of air currents in the tunnel can be heard in the cave.

"But I don't remember her." The girl suddenly said quietly, "She died not long after I was born, just like your mother."

That's good, Ding Yao thought. Probably her "father" was also dead, so she was alone now, so when she met him, she felt sympathy and pity, or maybe it was because she was too lonely and needed someone for company. No matter what kind of psychology it is, it is the basis for his survival now.

He also wanted to think more, deeper, and farther. But her warm body temperature made his eyelids heavy, his mind dizzy and sleepy.

In a daze, I heard her say, "Your mother threw it down with the rubbish. She should have come from far away. Then... you can call it Xiaoyao."

"Xiaoyao," she said, patting him, "you have a name, are you happy?"

"It's the name Mom gave you!" She rubbed his little ass.

Happy is the devil. And... who are you mom! Ding Yao made two protests of "Mmmm" in his nose and fell asleep.

Because the butt was rotten, Han Yanyan and Ding Yao realized for the first time that the baby was so weak.

Han Yanyan estimated in her heart, and felt that she still had to be a little more careful at this stage, don't let it go. A careless, let Duke Kling die in infancy, the world is blind. It has to be restarted at that time, and that will probably cause the attendant to lose confidence in her.

The next day she did not go down the tunnel to mine. She said to Ding Yao, "Xiaoyao hasn't been in the sun for two days. Dad said that children should get more sunshine. Today, mother is not working, so take Xiaoyao to sunbathe."

Ding Yao thought to himself, it's so cold outside, what's the sun? If he didn't take good care of his body, it would be really uncomfortable when it was hot or cold. What's more, the ass is still rotten and painful.

But Han Yanyan didn't give him a diaper this time.

"Put a diaper on Xiaoyao, so when Xiaoyao urinates, mother will know." She said softly, "Don't be afraid, it will be better soon. Mommy's face was frozen before, and then it's better."

Said to be "basking in the sun", but she took a bunch of things, took Ding Yao into the mine cart, and went deep.

The tracks of the minecart staggered along the tunnel, and Han Yanyan took him to turn several times. She is obviously very familiar with this place and won't get lost.

In the end, she took Ding Yao to a natural cave, which was not only open and flat, but also had sunlight—the sunlight fell from the sky above her head.

Han Yanyan put something in the sun and fiddled with it a few times. The thing swelled up. It turned out to be an air mattress for camping. She placed a heater next to the mattress, and when the temperature came up, she put Ding Yao on the mattress and basked in the sun.

"You need to bask in the sun." She muttered, turning Ding Yao over, making him lie on his stomach, and pushing him back under his body, making him stick his little ass up like a frog to bask in the sun. sun.

After finishing it, she admired it twice, the picture is really beautiful.

"Baby Xiaoyao is so cute! Mom wants to record your appearance and show it to you when you grow up!" Han Yanyan smiled and told Ding Yao of her bad taste.

stop me!

Ding Yao wanted to be irritable. But now, let alone turning over, he couldn't even lift his neck. He could only clench his little fist tightly.

Leo and the attendant pulled fast forward and jumped here directly from Han Yanyan undressing and taking a bath.

The optical flow is poured into the pupil and transmitted to the brain through the optic nerve, where it is parsed and reconstructed by the brain. In the minds of the two, they were "standing" next to Ding Yao at this time, and they witnessed the video of Duke Kelin pouting his little butt with festering skin and Han Yanyan smiling...

It was clear that Ding Yao just closed his eyes and clenched his fists, but the attendant somehow read "no love" and "heart is ashes" from the baby's face. He turned his head speechlessly to look at Han Yanyan, who was recording Huanshi on video.

Just a few hours ago, she had played an espionage, a play within a play with Leo Pike, and it was true and false and thrilling.

This woman, this woman...

The attendant sighed in his heart, rubbed his forehead tangled, and finally said to Leo, "Exit monitoring."

Leo withdrew very unhappily and asked, "What's the matter?"

The attendant in the communicator did not answer him, and after a few seconds, his operating cabin was knocked a few times by "tuktuktuk". Opening the hatch, it turned out that the attendant had already come out of the operating cabin.

"Let's not monitor it for now," said the attendant. "The duke will be a baby, and there is no point in monitoring it. Are you sure she can't hurt the duke in the 'world', isn't she?"

"Yes yes yes!" Leo said impatiently, "You have asked this question several times. It can't hurt, and it doesn't matter if he kills him in the world without triggering his 'self'. Lost his spirit. The link to the source of power, the world is immediately cut off."

He paused and said, "She wants to hurt the other party's spiritual power unless she explodes her spiritual power. Hehe..."

There was malice in his sneer. After waking up, if the attendant didn't stop him, he planned to adjust the inhibitor in Han Yanyan's dormant cabin to the highest concentration she could bear. It won't let her die, but it will definitely make her suffer.

After dealing with him for so long, the attendant has become accustomed to the darkness of this person. He asked, "The Duke will wake up with no memory, are you sure?"

"Why are you so annoyed!" Leo was even more irritable than Ding Yao without letting him see what Han Yanyan was doing inside, "I've said it a few times! In the world, there is only the disabled consciousness of the source of spiritual power! If he passes away If you wake up, you can remember, because he only has a disabled consciousness! But your master is a dead man, and he still has a body! If he comes alive, the disabled consciousness will be subconscious, and he will have a superficial consciousness about anything that happens in the world. I don't know shit!"

"That's fine." The attendant nodded, then ordered, "Let him go back to rest."

"Hey! Hey!" Leo was dragged out by the iron tower-like soldier with his collar around his neck, frantic, "Have a break! I just woke up! Hey! Hey... "

The attendant ignored him. He lit a cigarette and smoked against the cockpit.

Just remember. In this way, he would not be silenced for watching His Excellency the duke pouting his ass and being slapped with chrysanthemums.