Strawberry Kiss Mark

Chapter 104


Standing on the stage, Shen Xingruo was also attracted by the uniform slogans of Zhao Langming and Li Chengfan, but the stage was a little far from the auditorium, so she couldn't hear it clearly, and only saw the "star" that the two held up high. The word light sign, she subconsciously thought it was Lu Xingyan's handwriting, and nodded in the direction of the light sign.

The format of tonight's finals is very simple—

First, the lottery is divided into two groups, and the group will rush to answer 25 questions. If the questions are grabbed, one point will be awarded for the correct answer, and one point will be deducted for the wrong answer.

After the quick answer, the team with the highest score will directly enter the final round of k, and the team with the highest score between the two groups will get a chance to ask for help on the spot in the last round of k.

The remaining two teams with the lowest scores will play another round of K, and the winning team will join the two teams that have entered the final round before starting a sea of questions.

In the sea of questions, the question is the turn of the individual in the order of the team.

If it is the turn of member a of group a to answer the question, and a fails to answer, a will be directly out of the game and will no longer participate in answering questions. At the same time, the frequency of his teammates' answering questions will increase, and the burden will increase.

If all members of a team are wiped out, it means that the team's game is over

All the teams went on stage, after introducing themselves, the first round of lottery began soon.

Da is the number one in points before, and has the right to draw lots for this round of competition.

The team name scrolled on the big screen, the team leader shouted to stop, and the screen immediately froze to Nancheng University.

—Dahe Nanda first team, and the remaining T University and F University formed a team of their own.

The captain of Nancheng University is Yu Si, tall and handsome, with a strong ability to answer questions. In the five-to-two competition, he turned the tide and won the last place for Nancheng University to enter the semi-finals. He also played very well in the semi-finals, leading Nancheng University to the total The second best result in points reached the final.

On the Internet, Yu Si and Shen Xingruo were grouped together as c, but in fact, neither of them had spoken much.

The famous school circle is circulated. After the recording of the five-to-two competition, Shen Xingruo's teammates gossiped with her, saying that Yu Si was very flamboyant, changed girlfriends every three days, and was recently dating a girl from the music academy. An Internet celebrity, he pried the corner of the wall to get it.

If Shen Xing had heard a lot of outrageous rumors, he wouldn't listen to them or believe them.

But for a boy who met backstage and wanted to exchange WeChat invitations for wine, and hinted at cooperating to speculate c in his words, he really didn't have a good impression.

Shen Xingruo was extremely cold.

Yu Si is not stupid, seeing her attitude, he is too lazy to pester her.

The relationship between the two is so cold and unfamiliar, but some viewers were surprised to forcibly deduct candy from the two previous two matches in the same frame, and it became a highlight of this season's famous school tour.

The program planner obviously knew what was being discussed on the Internet, and in the script written for the host, they always forced to cue them.

Now the University and Nantah University drew lots to form a group, and the host asked impulsively, "Shen Xingruo, when you were five and two, you had a game with Yu Sik. What do you think of Yu Si's ability to answer questions?"

Shen Xingruo cherishes words like gold, "Very good."

The host looked at her expectantly, but the smile on his lips gradually became stiff.


The host paused for a while, seeing that it was really gone, he hurriedly recovered, picked up the topic and continued babbling.

Among the participating students, there are those like Shen Xingruo who cherish words like gold, and some who are eloquent and like to express themselves. After asking around, the whole session probably wasted seven or eight minutes.

—When the audience was almost drowsy, the rush to answer finally began.

"Please listen to the first question, what is called liquid bread?"

Many people quickly answer "milk."

"The correct answer is, milk! One point for the big team!"

"Please listen to the second question..."

The first few questions are relatively simple, and the audience sitting in the audience and in front of the TV will basically know it, purely looking at the speed of answering.

After a few times, everyone understood how important the rush to answer is. Basically, the host reports the key words, and before the report is finished, someone immediately presses the button to answer.

Yu Si was the main force in their team, with quick hands and accurate guesses about problems. He was caught off guard by a pentakill, and the big score was far away in one fell swoop.

Many girls at the scene were screaming, and the atmosphere was very enthusiastic, and he also compared his heart to the audience for counting money.

Li Chengfan and Zhao Langming didn't understand farts, but it didn't affect their interest in watching. They muttered to the side while watching, "Sister Ruo's hands are not fast, and she didn't grab one of them. I think this is still the rule." The woman suffers, but the man has practiced it!"

Lu Xingyan glanced at the two of them, folded his arms around his chest, and leaned against the back of the chair with an indifferent expression on his face. It took a long time to spit out two words, "Greasy."

By the tenth question, the one-sided situation on the field finally began to loosen.

The host ""Surfing the River During the Qingming Festival"..."

Yu Si rushed to answer, "Zhang Zeduan!"

The prompt sounded for the wrong answer in the venue, and the host laughed and said, "It is true that the author of "Along the River During the Qingming Festival" is Zhang Zeduan. One point deducted for the college team."

The team members of Nantah University all showed expressions of regret.

In the next three questions, Nancheng University rushed to answer two of the questions before they had finished reporting. Both of the answers did not match the questions, and the scores they grabbed were given by themselves.

The two teams were stuck in a stalemate, and they didn't dare to grab the questions at will. Moreover, the questions became more difficult as they got to the end.

When the seventeenth question was reached, the situation began to reverse. Shen Xingruo, who hadn't answered the previous question, silently answered three questions in a row and answered all of them correctly!

Host: "The distant mountains have long eyebrows and thin willow waists. Which woman does this poem describe?"

Shen Xingruo, "Master Li."

Host "Who is the king of street trees?"

Shen Xingruo, "Plananus."

The Nanjing University team was not to be outdone, and stepped up to grab points. The scores of the two teams were tight, and they kept chasing until the last question——

"Now the score of the two teams is 99, the last question, this question is very critical, the answer to this question will determine which team can directly enter the final question sea battle."

The host paused, picked up the question card, "For the last question, please listen to the three categories of solo harmonica?"

Nancheng University was still trying to answer cautiously, but before the host finished speaking, Shen Xingruo pressed the answer button seamlessly.

There was an uproar in the arena, and the host also started to induce suspense, "Okay, the big classmate Shen Xingruo grabbed this question, so what is her answer, is it right?"

All eyes were on Shen Xingruo, and Shen Xingruo's teammates also looked over, feeling nervous.

They didn't know much about music, and they didn't understand the problems in this area. They didn't know if Shen Xing would really answer it or just rush to answer it.

Shen Xingruo helped the mic down, "Ten holes, chromatic scale, and polyphony."

The host nodded slightly, looked at the question card and said, "Let's take a look at the correct answer. The three major categories of solo harmonica are chromatic harmonica, polyphonic harmonica, and... blues harmonica."

He dropped his voice when it came to the blues harmonica.

Soon, he put down the question card again, and suddenly raised his voice to make a turning point, "The blues harmonica is also called the ten-hole harmonica. Congratulations to Shen Xingruo for answering correctly! Congratulations to the big team for directly entering the final round of the sea of questions!"

With the sound of the correct answer on and off the field, warm applause erupted at the same time, occasionally mixed with Li Chengfan and Zhao Langming, two idiots who shouted loudly, "Sister Ruo is amazing!"

After the rush to answer, the big team successfully won the first seat in the round-the-sea battle. For the next half an hour or so, they had nothing to do. Shen Xingruo was drinking milk in the background and chatting with Lu Xingyan.

The game is still exciting.

First, T University played against F University. The two teams did not give an inch and relied on guessing to answer. They scored more points and deducted more points. In the end, T University won the game with 87.

Then it was Nanda and f big k again, three difficult problems decided the outcome, and Nanda narrowly won in the end.

Dabi T was slightly higher by one point, and got an extra chance to ask for help outside the court in the last round of the game.

This opportunity was precious. During the backstage discussion, the team leader suggested that Shen Xingruo had the strongest ability to answer questions, and it would be best to leave this opportunity to Shen Xingruo. After the discussion, everyone had no objections.

How can a big team that wants to start strong and even have the opportunity to ask for help off the field will lose a player when the round of the sea is about to go to the third round. Immediately after the fifth and sixth rounds, Da lost two players one after another.

And every time the host asked whether to use the on-site help opportunity, they all chose not to use it.

At this time, only Shen Xingruo and the team leader were left at the University, and there were four other people from Nantah University, and all members of T University were online, and the atmosphere suddenly became tense.

When the forty-fifth question was stuck, the captain got stuck, and the 15-second time to answer the question was over. The host asked, "Your team still has an opportunity to ask for help on the spot. Do you need to use this opportunity?"

The captain thought for a long time, and finally chose not to use it with difficulty.

On the field, only Shen Xingruo was left to fight alone, and there were three people left in Nantah University and T University, which meant that each member of Nantah University and T University answered one question, and Shen Xingruo had to answer three questions.

Everyone felt that Shen Xingruo would soon be overwhelmed.

But her expression remained unchanged, anyway, she answered the questions as soon as they came, without any rush.

"What is the number one archway in China?"

"Shunfeng Mountain Memorial Archway."

"Who is called the father of the symphony?"

"Joseph Haydn."

"Who is the author of the painting "Brilliant Stars" sold at a high price in the Changdong Autumn Auction?"

Shen Xingruo paused, "Shen Guangyao."

Li Chengfan was dumbfounded and marveled, "What kind of auction is this, and who is this artist? I've never heard of it. Sister Ruo is too awesome, even such an unpopular person knows!"


Lu Xing cut off his head, "My father-in-law."

Li Chengfan "???"

The questions became more and more difficult, and the atmosphere of the competition became more and more tense. Shen Xingruo answered 13 questions in a row, and before he knew it, only she and Yu Si were left on the field.

Big t was originally the most advantageous, but he hit the blind spot for several questions one after another, and the players lost one by one, and they were the first to be eliminated.

In fact, Shen Xingruo thinks that she has made it this far because of luck. She is extremely bad at sports questions, but after answering all the way, none of the sports questions fell on her, and she didn't know all the questions that made T lose one after another. Won't.

She and Yu Si went through another seven or eight questions, and Yu Si was obviously a little bit overwhelmed. Several times, he got it right in the last few seconds.

"What's Xiao Qiao's real name?"

Shen Xingruo "... Qiao Wan."

"What is the longest epic in the world?"

Yu Si, ""Ramayana"?"

There was no prompt for the correct answer, and he was asked again, "Homer's Epic? "Mahabharata"?"

Prompt sound, yes.

He breathed a sigh of relief.

Compared with the current competition, it depends more on luck than strength.

It was Shen Xingruo's turn to ask the question again, "Who are the two sides in the so-called Ruhr Derby?"

Shen Xingruo "..."

sports questions.

finally come.

She doesn't know this question at all, and she doesn't even know whether the host is asking about basketball games, football games or other games.

The fifteen-second countdown is fast.

Lu Xingyan sat on the bottom in a daze for two seconds, Shen Xingruo didn't know how to do this

When the countdown ended, Shen Xingruo had no burden, and said directly, "I will use the opportunity to ask for help on the spot."

"Okay, Shen Xingruo uses the scene to ask for help!"

The director cut the screen to the auditorium, panned the camera slowly and slid past the audience in the front row. Someone wanted to search the Internet, but later realized that the signal at the scene was blocked!

The host asked, "Many people raised their hands, Shen Xingruo, which one do you want to choose?"

Without hesitation, she chose Lu Xingyan.

The microphone was quickly delivered to Lu Xingyan.

Lu Xingyan continued to be confused, he didn't raise his hand at all, how did Shen Xingruo know if he knew? !

The host saw that the passer-by he picked up was quite handsome, so he asked a little more, "Shen Xingruo, why did you choose him? Is he someone you know?"

Shen Xingruo "He is my boyfriend."

Lu Xingyan was still thinking about whether he should stand a little sideways so that he would look thinner in the camera, and whether it would be better to hold the microphone in his left hand so that the ring would be more obvious.

But he never expected that Shen Xingruo would arrange his status clearly for him in just one sentence!

Although he had already sung 300 sets of his inner drama in the few seconds he stood up, he was still very calm on the surface. He took the microphone and answered after a short pause, "Derby in the Ruhr area is played between Borussia Dortmund and Germany. Erke 04"

"Do you believe your boyfriend's answer?"


"Congratulations, the answer is correct!"