Strawberry Kiss Mark

Chapter 107: 107 Episode 1


It is said that before couples get married, they must go on a trip together.

Shen Xingruo and Lu Xingyanlian haven't traveled together for two years, and they went out twice in one go during the summer vacation when they were sophomores and juniors.

It was the first time to go to Thailand, accompanied by Pei Yuelushan, which is called a warm and family tour.

In fact, Pei Yue has no interest in Southeast Asia, but she opened a travel agency for Lu Shan's driver in her early years.

They did not forget Lu Shan's generous treatment at the beginning, and immediately sent Lu Shan a set of luxury family tours in Thailand for seven days after the operation stabilized.

No matter how you say it, it's a good intention, and it's really hard to refuse.

Before going, Pei Yue took Shen Xingruo to the shopping mall, prepared enough sunscreen lotion, and several sets of swimsuits.

I have to admit that a good-looking person can wear anything well.

On the beach, if Shen Xing does not go into the water, only wearing a swimsuit and wrapping a shawl, it is also a beautiful scenery.

She has a good temperament, and her skin is so white that it is dazzling in the sun, and it seems that she can't justify it after a few glances.

Some girls from China noticed her and discussed in private whether this is some kind of celebrity.

But seeing that there is no photographer accompanying him to take pictures, it feels strange.

Discussing and discussing the direction of the topic is crooked.

"Why do you think she doesn't take off her shawl all the time? Isn't it hot?"

"Maybe it's the chest, hahahahaha."

really not boobs

The shawl was wrapped at Lu Xingyan's strong request. After all, except for cuckolds, probably no boy would like other men to keep looking at his girlfriend's figure.

And Lu Xingyan knew Shen Xingruo's figure best. It's not something eye-catching and d, but it's not so much a airport, and it's in good shape and feels great in the hand

At the beach, Lu Xingyan had his eyes full on the custom-made version, but due to the presence of two heavyweight chandeliers, Pei Yue and Lu Shan, he couldn't do anything.

Coupled with the hot weather, he was very dry.

But that's not the worst.

The itinerary along the way is very appropriate and thoughtful, romantic and fresh, and the ladyboy show on the island is also very pleasing to the eye.

But when I transferred to Pattaya in the next two days, the style of painting changed suddenly.

The characteristics of Pattaya are world-renowned. It is obviously not a place suitable for bringing families. However, domestic travel agencies arrange this itinerary in order to make money. Therefore, in this bustling sex city, you can often see 40-50-year-old aunts. The uncle took his son, daughter-in-law, grandchildren and grandchildren to wander around with the tour group.

When the private tour guide arranged by Lu Shan's former driver took them to the adult show, he introduced them in a more tactful way, so everyone including Shen Xingruo, who had the highest IQ, subconsciously thought that the adult show was the same thing as their previous ladyboy show, at most it was sexy a little.

But when they entered the show, Pei Yue was dumbfounded, and so was Shen Xingruo.

This is really, really quite adult.

Lu Shan has a very strong mental capacity. Apart from the strange feeling of being with his wife, son and future daughter-in-law, he is still very calm.

Lu Xingyan couldn't calm down anymore, he subconsciously covered Shen Xingruo's eyes, "No, it's nothing, I'll take you out."

Shen Xingruo didn't say a word, just nodded, blushing.

When she turned around, she accidentally touched Lu Xingyan's lower body. She froze for a moment, then closed her eyes again.

The trip, which was supposed to be perfect, ended silently with embarrassment and speechlessness after the four of them enjoyed an adult show together.

All the way back, the four of them were still trying to pretend nothing happened.

Lu Xingyan felt that this trip was too aggrieved, so he and Shen Xingruo made a plan for two people to travel alone.

The second time the two went to Shucheng in a neighboring province.

Shucheng is located in the southwest and is famous for its delicious food. From Star City, it takes more than an hour to arrive by plane.

But Lu Xingyan didn't know what to do. Originally, Shen Xingruo was already booking air tickets, but he suddenly said that he wanted to travel by car and took her there.

"It only takes about ten hours to drive. We get up at seven in the morning, have breakfast, go out at eight, arrive at eight in the evening, and have a hot pot."

Lu Xingyan said it lightly, as if it was true, so Shen Xingruo believed it.

Shen Xingruo took the driver's license test during the winter vacation of the first semester of her freshman year. She got full marks in everything from the questions to the practical exercises. It's not too hard to think about driving occasionally on the road with Lu Xingyan.

When the two said they wanted to travel alone, Pei Yue agreed with both hands and feet.

The night before going out, she still had an old mother's smile on her face, knocking sideways at the dinner table and asking about their itinerary and hotel.

Both Lu Xingyan and Shen Xingruo knew what she actually wanted to ask.

But Shen Xingruo definitely wouldn't open this mouth to help her clear up the confusion, while Lu Xingyan deliberately didn't say anything, and made a lot of miscellaneous things. He was very happy to see that Pei Yue didn't hear the important point, and he looked calm on the surface but was actually very anxious.

It wasn't until the meal was over, when Shen Xingruo went to the kitchen to put the bowls, that Lu Xingyan raised his eyebrows, and said lazily, "Mom, stop pretending, don't you just want to know if we sleep separately or together?"

Pei Yue glared at him, and retorted righteously, "What nonsense are you talking about, you bastard?"

Lu Xingyan disagreed, put down his chopsticks, and signaled Pei Yue to come closer.

Pei Yue glanced at the kitchen, twitched for two or three seconds, put aside her righteousness, and approached cautiously.

Lu Xingyan lowered his voice, and said mysteriously, "Mom, in fact, I and Shen Xingruo"

"what? What"

Pei Yue was nervous.

Lu Xingyan "I haven't booked a hotel yet."

Lu Xingyan got up lazily and smiled.

Pei Yue reacted, suddenly furious, got up and grabbed his ear and stuffed it into the kitchen, "It's been three days since you've been able to register with Fang Jiewa, you're so proud that you even forgot your last name, don't you dare play me?" After I wash the dishes and mop the floor, you son of a bitch is as virtuous as your father, if the upper beam is not upright and the lower beam is crooked, you will both sleep on the sofa tonight."

Lu Shan, who was still busy with the meeting in the company, sneezed inexplicably.

He had a bad idea, so let's forget about not going home tonight.

Although Lu Xingyan didn't find out the current progress of the two people's relationship, Pei Yue lay on the bed at night thinking about it, and still felt that the man and the woman were out of the house, and it wasn't like a family who went out together and could supervise it. , something must happen

Pei Yue didn't mind what happened to them, but the children were ignorant, in case of "human life", they would only be in their junior year next semester, so the timing was not right.

She thought about it all night, and early the next morning, she quietly asked Aunt Zhou to buy something and come back.

After breakfast, Lu Xingyan and Shen Xingruo were ready to go out. Pei Yue deliberately grabbed Lu Xingyan and stuffed something into his pocket.

Lu Xingyan didn't know what it was, and was about to take it out, when Pei Yue held his hand, "Let's go out."

After she finished speaking, she paused, and then said in a breathy voice, "Avoid Ruoruo."

Seeing her mysterious, Lu Xingyan became more and more curious.

After driving the car out of the villa area, Lu Xingyan held the steering wheel with one hand and fumbled for the mysterious box in his pocket with the other.

One, smiled.

He waved it before Shen Xingruo's eyes in a particularly arrogant manner, "My mother is absolutely amazing. She just pretended to be a ghost and stuffed me with something. What did I think? It turned out to be this stuff. I used up just one box in one night. She Who is to blame for this?"


Shen Xingruo confiscated the mysterious box expressionlessly.

This time, Lu Xingyan did not drive the peripheral products he bought. Regardless of the high fuel consumption, the oil products in the service area are often difficult to meet the demand, and the chassis is low and hard. It is terrible to pass the speed bump. Whoever has money can't make it like this Yes, relatively speaking, long-distance trail running is more comfortable.

Lu Xingyan explained the above theoretical knowledge to Shen Xingruo, and he was very experienced.

Shen Xingruo also thought it made sense.

But entering the boundary of Shucheng in the evening, Lu Xingyan's wonderful off-roading broke down on the highway.

At this time, the two of them took turns driving and took a break, and they had already stayed on the road for more than eight hours.

Although Lu Xingyan was driving most of the time, Shen Xingruo did not dare to slack off, and his energy was always highly concentrated.

It was getting late, and both of them had been educated by the long drive, and they were planning to go to the next service area to have some food and have a rest, but they broke down.

After the inspection, Lu Xingyan confirmed that it was a flat tire, but the car was not on the emergency lane.

If you are not in the emergency lane, you cannot change tires by yourself at high speed.

When the insurance company came and repaired it, I drove to Shucheng to find a hotel. It was already one o'clock in the morning in the middle of the night.

The two of them were hungry, tired and sleepy, even if they ordered a takeaway for supper, it was inexplicably unpalatable.

Shen Xingruo was already in a bad mood. Seeing that Lu Xingyan was still bringing road rage back to the hotel, his mind was buzzing, he suddenly pushed open the glass door of the bathroom, frowned and said to him, "Can you stop talking, it's not you If you want to drive by yourself, there will be so many things.”

Just as Lu Xingyan took off his shirt, he turned to her, "Then can you stop being so fierce, I am willing to break down, I have been driving for so long and I won't let you talk."

Shen Xingruo ignored him and slammed the door coldly.

Lu Xingyan was stunned for two seconds. He didn't seem to hear the sound of water coming from the bathroom. He went straight to open the door, wanting to have a good argument with her.

But as soon as the door was opened, Shen Xingruo had also taken off his shirt and was about to unbuckle the beige underwear.

He subconsciously let go and let the door close.

But in the next second, he pulled away again, and before Shen Xingruo could react, he hugged her from behind and pushed her onto the sink.

"You let me go"

Lu Xingyan ignored her, pulled off the buckle on her back, and threw his hands forward.

Shen Xingruo turned on the water switch before, but after a while, the bathroom was foggy.

Originally, both of them were tired tonight, and Lu Xingyan didn't plan to ask for it, but Shen Xingruo's ability to pick things up is world-class, and she hooked up the fire in her heart in minutes.

While moving, he panted behind her and said, "Can you lower your demands on me? I'm not a saint, so I can't even complain."

Shen Xingruo couldn't stand anymore, his legs trembled and he wanted to slide down.

Lu Xingyan lifted her up a bit.

Her face was flushed, and she groaned occasionally, her voice intermittent, "You talk so much nonsense, mother-in-law, you don't look like a man."

"You say this now, do you know that you are looking for a date or you are doing it on purpose?"

Lu Xingyan paused, his voice lowered.

Before Shen Xingruo could explain, the mist in the bathroom became even more sticky.

When returning to bed after taking a shower, Shen Xingruo didn't even have the strength to move. Lu Xingyan is as good as a genius, but now he knows how to admit his mistake in a low voice, and the words of his promise are better than Hua'er, why will he never complain in front of her like a resentful husband, and he will definitely not let her Tired, make any decision first to make sure everything is safe and not to be impulsive

If Shen Xing didn't say anything, it was mainly because he didn't have the energy to say anything.

But she wasn't really angry anymore.

Timing is needed for many things, including quarrels. When I want to explode most, I don’t explode. After a meal of exercise and afterward show weakness to appease, the anger that was not much will naturally dissipate quickly.

She got into Lu Xingyan's arms in a daze, and even started to reflect. She felt that she was too much. Lu Xingyan was tired from driving, but she just said a few words. If he couldn't help complaining, she couldn't help but tell Lu Xingyan Complain

The next second she wondered, did Lu Xingyan secretly learn new tricks from his cronies, or signed up for some love class, why is he making such great progress now

After careful calculation, the roommate quarreled with her boyfriend to break up every now and then, but she and Lu Xingyan didn't really quarrel twice.

She thought about it and fell asleep.

Lu Xingyan also fell asleep, and before going to sleep, he was still thinking that Li Chengfan's forced words still had a few useful explanations, and we'll talk about it later.

Except for some unhappiness caused by these failures on the road, the eating, drinking and playing in the next few days were quite happy.

They didn't come here for the sights, and they didn't intend to suffer the crime of queuing in the fairy tale again during the trip. They were eating and shopping all day long, or getting bored in the hotel, and they were content.

At the same time, Lu Xingyan finally realized how great it was for Li Chengfan to go to Tibet to show his grace in the circle of friends every day.

In the past few days, he has been as active as a mask seller, and he seems to have never seen the world. He even wants to take a close-up of the rot that is everywhere on the streets of Star City.

If Li Chengfan’s showy grace paired with chicken soup was a coquettish show before, he was so upright and shameless, the accompanying text is concise and clear

My girlfriend, one word, beautiful; two words, very beautiful; three words, very beautiful; four words, beautiful as a fairy.

Kiss Jiugongge, straight out of 1080 Blu-ray HD

Please pick up today's dog food.

I bought a new couple hat, and you are allowed to blow it for ten minutes, and you will be given red envelopes if you blow it ingeniously.

Pei Yue lived on her son and daughter-in-law's dog food for a few days, and she was in a good mood. She was always smiling when she went out to play cards and go shopping.

She had been a thumbs-up party for five days in silence, and seeing that the two of them were coming back soon, she finally couldn't hold back her curiosity and knocked on Lu Xingyan.

Have you used the things Pei Yuema gave you

In the hotel, Shen Xingruo lay on the bed while Lu Xingyan heaved behind her.

When Shen Xingruo glanced at the new WeChat with his mobile phone and hid it under the pillow as if it were hot, he asked in a low voice, "What are you hiding, I'm here."

Shen Xingruo held back his silence.

Lu Xingyan asked again, "Aren't you tired if you still have a kung fu phone?"

Shen Xingruo struggled for a while, and found that he was like a fish on a chopping board, and soon gave up struggling, and just said, "Hurry up."

"How fast is this?" Lu Xingyan's fingers penetrated into her messy hair, "You give my mother back one, just say, it will be used up in the first night."