Strawberry Kiss Mark

Chapter 13


Shen Xingruo couldn't see any guilt-related emotions on his face, and spoke frankly as if it was true.

Lu Xing delayed for two minutes, always feeling that something was wrong, and wanted to say something, but facing Shen Xingruo's natural expression, he couldn't say anything.

At home, Pei Yue asked Aunt Zhou to cook a sumptuous dinner early on. Before they put down their schoolbags, Pei Yue asked them to wash their hands and serve the table.

The two sat down to eat, Pei Yue first asked warmly, and then asked about the monthly exam, "Ruoruo, are you exhausted after two days of exams?"

Shen Xingruo: "No, the exam arrangements are relatively loose."

Pei Yue: "Is the question difficult?"

Shen Xingruo: "Fortunately, it's not difficult."

Pei Yue nodded, "Oh... Then Ruoruo, what do you think of the exam?"

Shen Xingruo: "It should be okay."

Shen Xingruo was very patient and answered whatever Pei Yue asked.

Pei Yue wanted to ask again, but Lu Xingyan became impatient, "Stop talking, can we eat first?"

Pei Yue: "I didn't ask you again."


Lu Xingyan was choked by Pei Yue's eyes of "you don't need to ask to know that you won't pass the exam".

Pei Yue continued to talk to Shen Xingruo in a soft voice, "Ruoruo, don't put too much pressure on your studies. It's good that you can perform normally in exams and so on."

Shen Xingruo said "Yes", seeing that Pei Yue hadn't moved her chopsticks, so she said, "Aunt Pei, let me serve you a bowl of soup."

Pei Yue was thinking about how to lead naturally to what she wanted to say, she smiled absent-mindedly, and nodded again.

When Shen Xingruo filled the soup, she took the bowl with a smile on her face, and said casually: "Your Uncle Lu arrived in Huize today and met your father. Your father is relieved to hear that everything is fine here. Quite a few."

Shen Xingruo paused for a moment.

Lu Xingyan also felt that this was a bit strange, and subconsciously raised his eyes.

After a while, Shen Xingruo continued to pick up food, "Oh, are you ready for Dad's wedding? There are a lot of school classes recently, so it's probably not easy to ask for leave, so I won't be going back."

When Pei Yue heard this, the words she had prepared got stuck in her throat, and she swallowed them back the same way.

Lu Xingyan was drinking the soup well, but suddenly felt that something was wrong, he accidentally choked, propped his elbows on the table, and coughed a few times.

Shen Xingruo didn't even look at it, and just picked up and ate vegetables by himself, with a natural expression.

But it was, so fucking natural.

After dinner, Shen Xingruo went back to his room to put away his schoolbag.

Seeing her figure disappear around the corner of the stairwell, Lu Xingyan, who was still slumped on the sofa, suddenly sat upright, "Mom, what wedding, Uncle Shen is getting married?"

Pei Yue was in a state of desperation over this matter, so she gave Lu Xingyan a blank look, and said, "Don't be such a gossip, a man!"

Before he could answer, Pei Yue came up to him again and whispered to him for a while.

After listening, Lu Xingyan remained silent for a long time, and only looked upstairs.

This weekend passed quite peacefully, Shen Xingruo stayed in the room except for eating and going out of the room.

Pei Yue found an excuse to deliver milk twice, but Shen Xingruo did nothing else, just writing the test paper normally.

Pei Yue always felt uneasy.

As soon as Lu Xingyan said it, she suddenly realized that there is no one who frantically brushes the test papers just after the test.

Soon it will be back to school on Sunday night.

Because there is no need for evening self-study on Sunday night, Mingli's dormitory building is extremely lively.

Shen Xingruo brought the fried chicken wings prepared by Aunt Zhou.

Originally, she and Lu Xingyan each had a box, but Lu Xingyan was too lazy to wash the dishes, so when he got off the car at the intersection, he threw his box to her as well.

Shen Xingruo was not polite, and brought both boxes to the girls' dormitory.

Shi Qin had the most fun eating, lamenting that the world's delicious food should be like this, and at the same time being crazy anxious about tomorrow's grades.

Not only Shi Qin, but when Shen Xingruo walked through the corridor of the girls' dormitory, she could still hear some girls answering questions, and some girls wailing and saying things like "I have grades coming up tomorrow, how can I be so nervous?"

It's very strange, I don't know if it's because she has something more concerned about her heart, she can't mobilize any nervousness.

Sunny on Monday.

After listening to the court meeting for half an hour in the playground, everyone went back to the classroom, and most of them were discussing the monthly exam last week.

Mingli's efficiency is astonishing. When the deputy squad leader went to the office to look for Wang Youfu this morning, the results had already come out.

The corrected test papers are piled up on the desk, and the report card is also being printed, but Wang Youfu does not allow him to see the scores for the time being.

Throughout the morning, everyone was a little absent-minded.

Before class in the afternoon, the geography teacher passed by Class 1 with a stack of test papers in his hand. The old man poked around at the door, then called the class representative without warning, saying that the stack of test papers in his hand had already been corrected. , let her send it down.

The class exploded at once!

Immediately afterwards, both the Chinese teacher and the English teacher called the class representatives to go to the office to get the test papers.

The test papers for the three subjects were handed out, and there was a lot of chatter in the classroom.

"How much did you take?"

"127 is fine, it is already very high to be able to test so many Chinese!"

"Why is my geography 78?!"

Shen Xingruo also got the test paper, and she looked back and forth, without any emotional fluctuations, and quickly stuffed it into the table hole.

Her deskmate was in sync with her—looking blankly at the deduction marks on the test paper, and then stuffed the test paper into the hole on the table.

Next to him, Li Chengfan passed the Chinese language test for the first time, and shouted excitedly, "Damn it, I got 90 in the test! God showed me this! Brother Yan, brother Yan, how much did you pass?!"

Lu Xingyan gave him a look like a fool.

Li Chengfan's smile froze, and soon he laughed dryly again, pointing to Shen Xingruo next to him without giving up, and asked in a breathy voice, "Where is my goddess?"

This time, the eyes that look at a fool have changed to those that look at a dead person.

Lu Xingyan never spoke to Shen Xingruo.

After all, it was such a sensitive time for grades. If he didn't say a word well, he might be humiliated by the white peacock with his grades.

Shen Xingruo didn't talk to Lu Xingyan either.

To be precise, she didn't say a few more words to anyone today.

Seeing her sitting on the seat and writing the questions quietly, she exuded a cold aura of "I don't want to talk" all over her body. There were people who wanted to ask her how much she scored in the test, but they didn't have the nerve to approach her.

The first class in the afternoon was mathematics. When the mathematics teacher Liang Dong entered the classroom, he also had a stack of test papers in his hand.

Everyone was still looking forward to him asking the class representative to hand out the papers. Unexpectedly, when the class bell rang, he yelled, "Class!"

This familiar style of painting...

A class of students suddenly tightened their chrysanthemums.

Shen Xingruo didn't notice the change in everyone's expressions, but when she sat down, she heard the classmate in the back seat say: "It's over, it's over, Teacher Liang is going to hand out the test papers by himself."

So what.

Liang Dong: "The results of the monthly exam have come out. I will distribute the test papers first, and the students whose names are called, come up and get them."

"He Siyue, 142, not bad."

"Zhai Jiajing, 140."

"Xu Wei, 135."

Shen Xingruo seemed to understand something.

Liang Dong distributed the test papers according to the grades.

For those who do not do well in the exam, they can be regarded as serious and executed by Ling Chi.

"Li Jiaqi, 127."

"Zhou Yucheng, 120."

Lu Xingyan yawned, and seemed to glance at Shen Xingruo casually.

All the way to report to "Shi Qin, 108", I didn't hear the teacher report Shen Xingruo's grades. Now not only Lu Xingyan, but many people who have already got their grades began to discuss in whispers.

"Shen Xingruo, 90."

Shen Xingruo showed no expression, and got up to get the test paper.

But the whole class was stunned!

The full score of 150 points in mathematics, based on the conversion ratio of the 100-point system, 90 points is just a pass, and Shen Xingruo just passed the exam? !

Lu Xingyan woke up after dozing off.

Glancing at the test paper that Shen Xingruo brought back, it was indeed a bright red score of 90.

"Duan Jianghe, 74."

"Lu Xingyan, 68."

A line of words floated across everyone's hearts in unison: Even Lu Xingyan passed the exam with 68...

Many people in this mathematics class were absent-minded. As soon as the get out of class was over, Wang Youfu brought the report card over by himself, stood at the door, and asked He Siyue to post the result at the back of the classroom.

This means no points are counted.

All scores are out.

The class exploded again!

He Siyue originally wanted to ask Shen Xingruo, because he thought that Shen Xingruo would not only take this test, but since Wang Youfu came to him, he didn't have time to ask more questions.

When walking back with the watch, He Siyue quickly glanced at the watch.

As he thought, the first line on the first page is his grades, ranking first in class and second in grade.

It was obviously not the first time that he got the first place in the class, but for some reason, He Siyue was inexplicably relieved.

But when he looked back, he didn't see Shen Xingruo.

Turning to the second page of the form, he saw Shen Xingruo's name in the middle and back.

They are all very mediocre and even poor grades.

He Siyue glanced at the rankings by the way—


This is at most a middle class in a class.

Shen Xingruo transferred to this month, after all the teachers praised her and the students praised her word of mouth, everyone has spontaneously lifted her to a very high position.

Not just one class, but the top students in the other two experimental classes were also very curious about what shocking results this legendary model student could achieve.

As soon as the score sheet was posted, almost everyone would automatically look for Shen Xingruo's score after reading their scores.


This result is indeed quite good, shocking and weeping ghosts and gods.

"What's the situation? Why did you only take this test? Is there something wrong with the marking?"

"It's impossible for all subjects to have problems, and this is not a matter of one point and two points..."

"Didn't it mean that she was a top student in Huize No. 1 Middle School?"

"How can Huize compare with us at Mingli? I guess the whole school is inferior..."

"No way, Huize is also very good..."

The students in the class couldn't help but whisper after watching it.

If Shen Xing transferred to Mingli for a month, it could be said that she stole the limelight. In addition, she was easy to give people a sense of distance, and some girls had long been annoyed by her.

For example, her roommate Li Ting.

Sitting here not far from Shen Xingruo, Li Ting chatted with people without hesitation: "... I also thought she could get into the top three of the grade, she didn't review before the exam, see He looks very confident, probably thinking that the difficulty of our Mingli is about the same as that of their elementary school."

"I'm really convinced..."

A girl glanced at Shen Xingruo disdainfully, and said, "I usually look at her with a defiant look, and I thought she was some kind of real academic master, and her grades are too bad... Is Huize so bad? The ranking in the ordinary class is at most a dozen, which is too exaggerated."

"Yeah, it looks really embarrassing now..."

Shen Xingruo didn't get up after class, so she read a book in her seat, and the discussion not far away naturally drifted into her ears.

In fact, most of the people did not leave the classroom, secretly observing her movements.

—but she didn't move at all.

She didn't seem to hear other people's discussions.

Apart from those who watched her jokes, there were actually quite a few people who wanted to come forward to comfort her, but they felt that Shen Xingruo would not want to be comforted by others at this time, so they all just watched from a distance and did not pass by.

Even He Siyue turned back from the front seat to take a look, but hesitated to speak.

Lu Xingyan went to the bathroom, and when he returned to the classroom, there were many people around the report card. He didn't join in the fun, but just from the discussion of others, he also knew what Shen Xingruo did in the exam.

He chewed gum boredly, returned to his seat and played with his mobile phone.

Shen Xingruo ignored him, and he ignored Shen Xingruo.

But those girls in front were so fucking annoying, they kept nagging, as if they had humiliated Shen Xingruo and they were the brightest stars in the school.

After listening for two or three minutes, he suddenly dropped his phone in a dispirited manner, crumpled the test paper in front of him, threw it forward, and said lazily: "I said you guys, what shocking level are you guys? Is it over?"

His voice was not loud, but as soon as the words came out, all the students in the class looked over in unison.

The faces of those girls were not very good-looking, and they muttered a few words in a low voice, not daring to be tough with Lu Xingyan, returned to their seats, and quietly shut up.

The other discussions also suddenly stopped, and the classroom between classes was suddenly so quiet that it was a bit embarrassing.