Strawberry Kiss Mark

Chapter 22


Shen Xingruo just looked at him while drinking milk, his eyes were straight, quiet, and slightly interested.

It seemed that he was waiting for some exquisite and earth-shattering explanation from him.

Lu Xingyan met her gaze, his mind went blank.

one second.

two seconds.

three seconds.

He suddenly turned back with a blank face, kicked Zhao Langming, and said in a cold voice, "I don't know if you still go to Baidu? You have a good time doing the fucking party."

Hearing this, Shen Xingruo choked on half of the milk, "cough cough cough..."

The glass-hearted Young Master Lu turned his head subconsciously.

I saw Shen Xingruo frowning and coughing, with a little bit of milk still on the corner of his mouth.

It was rare to see several expressions on Shen Xingruo's face, and he somehow thought of the words "cute spitting milk".

Immediately afterwards, I gave myself goosebumps from shock.

Got it.

Shen Xingruo has a fart relationship with Meng.

After a while, the class bell rang, and everyone rushed to their teams for physical education class.

Mingli's physical education class is optional.

If Shen Xing transferred to another school, the popular categories of yoga, badminton, and taekwondo would already be full. She listened to Ruan Wen and chose comprehensive training and rehabilitation.

Comprehensive training and rehabilitation, at first glance, sounds like a training course for walking ability after being beaten into a broken bone and sitting in a wheelchair for half a year.

When the elective course was announced, most people were discouraged by the name of the course.

In fact, this class is very easy, as long as you do exercises and run, you can move around freely.

Moreover, the comprehensive training physical education teacher and Wang Youfu are in the same line of gentleness and kindness. They speak slowly, don't call names, and only allow one lap every time they run.

Lu Xingyan chose basketball.

Their basketball teacher is different, he is full of tendons and looks fierce, the men's basketball team and the women's basketball team are divided into classes, and he has no scruples about practicing boys alone.

Every time I go to class, I start with three sets of push-ups, then I run three laps, and after that I have three sets of squats.

Classes in the same playground, the fate can be said to be completely different.

When Shen Xingruo and Ruan Wen were chatting and speeding forward on the track, Lu Xingyan had already reached the second lap.

Ruan Wen: "Xing Ruo, did you come here with He Siyue just now?"

Shen Xingruo: "Well, he came to me to talk about the school celebration..."

Before she could finish speaking, a hand suddenly passed over her head—

"Why are your legs so short?"

His voice was a little frivolous and playful, and his palms were slightly warm.

By the time Shen Xingruo came back to his senses, he had already run more than ten meters away.

When Lu Xingyan walked away, Ruan Wen asked cautiously, "Xingruo, is Lu Xingyan on good terms with you?"


"He is usually indifferent to girls, but he took the initiative to joke with you just now. Maybe it's because you helped him this morning. He is very grateful to you..."

Ruan Wen thought seriously, never turning back on the wrong train of thought.

It wasn't until Lu Xingyan ran to the third lap, passed them again silently, and easily passed over Shen Xingruo's head again by taking advantage of his height, that she closed her mouth nervously, for fear that the boss would come to trouble her.

Shen Xingruo didn't listen carefully to her since she said thank you, because she didn't think that Lu Xingyan would thank a "culprit" who spread rumors that he had a bad waist and made him lose his base of fans.

And whose way of thanking you is to wipe the ashes from your hands on the person's head without washing your hands after doing push-ups.

he died.

The days passed by neither too fast nor too slow, and soon it was Thursday, the day for the selection of school celebration performances.

After just two or three days, Shen Xingruo didn't have time to practice hard, so he finally chose "Dream Wedding".

These days, Lu Xingyan has a strong desire for knowledge.

Not only did Baidu publish the two first months of 2262 because of the leap first month, but I also listened to Shen Xingruo and the front seat He Siyue talk about the selection of songs, and Baidu also downloaded what kind of song "Dream Wedding" is.

The class bell rang, the teacher came in, He Siyue turned back.

Lu Xingyan asked casually: "Aren't you very good at the piano, I remember "Dream Wedding" is very simple and very bad, so I just play this?"

Shen Xingruo looked at him for a long time, and finally said four words, "What do you know?"

Shi Qin had learned the piano for a while, and when Shen Xingruo said he was playing Dream Marriage, he was also surprised, "Ah, just play Dream Marriage? I heard that the judge for this show is Teacher Liu Fang."

She thought that Shen Xingruo could play Chopin, Liszt, etc., but in the end, there was Richard Clayderman, the favorite of the adult instant

And playing this in front of Liu Fang, isn't that the same as reciting goose goose in front of the Chinese teacher

Shen Xingruo just said "um" without further explanation.

The selection of the program is during the lunch break on Thursday, and the programs of singing, dancing and musical instruments are all displayed in the music lecture hall of the Science and Technology Building.

At noon, Lu Xingyan and Xu Chengzhou and the others from the third shift had dinner together.

After dinner, Lu Xingyan said that he would go back to bed and sleep.

But Xu Chengzhou and the others insisted on dragging him to the music classroom to see beautiful women, and even moved Chen Zhu out, saying that Chen Zhu could sing, so they had to support her no matter what.

Lu Xingyan was quite sleepy, unmoved, and still walked towards the dormitory.

Before Xu Chengzhou and the others came to a conclusion, Li Chengfan and Zhao Langming bought water just in time.

Li Chengfan immediately put his arms around Lu Xingyan's shoulders, and said very naturally, "Why are you still hanging around here, let's go."

Xu Chengzhou: "Where are you going?"

"Music classroom," Li Chengfan took it for granted, "If Shen Xing wants to play the piano, Brother Yan has to sit at the same table with him no matter what, and support the goddess of our class, right?"

Xu Chengzhou had a face of what.

Lu Xingyan didn't know whether he was annoyed by them or what, so he stopped and said in a dispirited voice, "Okay, let's go."

Xu Chengzhou was stunned, and there were more expressions on his face.


This is not right.

The last time we met was at the playground, the sisters ran over aggressively and dumped a lot of trash on the playground, and the atmosphere between the two was tense. The fucking progress bar is so fast, it has reached the point where it has surpassed Chen Zhu to support her? !

The amphitheater is very large, the teachers and candidates are sitting in the front row, and there are already many onlookers sitting in the back row, half male and half half male.

When Lu Xingyan and his gang walked in, many girls gasped in surprise, saying that Lu Xingyan had actually come.

Lu Xingyan seemed uninterested, leaning on the back of the chair like the second uncle, chewing gum one after another.

Sitting there, it's eye-catching.

They peeked back and discussed in low voices:

"Come and see Chen Zhu."

"That's for sure."

"No, there are still a few from class one, who should come to see Shen Xingruo."

"He Siyue is here too, He Siyue must have come to see Shen Xingruo."

"Looking at it this way, it seems that Lu Xingyan is more handsome."

"The handsome guy must be Lu Xingyan, otherwise why so many girls like him. But He Siyue is really nice. When I was out of school last time, I saw someone who threw rubbish in the trash can and didn't pick it up. Throw it again and leave, He Siyue walked behind him, and then He Siyue went over to pick it up and threw it into the trash can, I really liked it!"

"Yes, I feel that dating and talking with Lu Xingyan are relatively simple, but if you want to be together all the time, it is more reliable to find He Siyue."

"Hey, it's alright you guys, it's as if someone else will fall in love with you."

There were rustlings in the classroom, some people came to the stage to perform and sing, and they didn't stop after singing. The teacher couldn't help but shouted back, "Come and see, don't talk, or get out!"

The classroom was instantly as quiet as salted chicken.

Lu Xingyan seemed to be playing with his mobile phone boredly, but actually listened to other people's discussions for a long time.

— Well, no one is talking about his waist.

The discussions at this meeting were silent, and he also put away his mobile phone and moved on to watch the show.

Singing, dancing, playing the erhu, playing the guzheng and playing the saxophone...

Most of the Mingli students are from wealthy families, so it is normal to cultivate one or two specialties.

Lu Xingyan looked at it for a long time, and began to think about a question in his mind-what the hell would I order, is there still time to learn it now

Forget it, it looks difficult, don't embarrass yourself.

After he went through a series of tortuous mental activities, it was finally Shen Xingruo's turn to perform on stage.

Liu Fang glanced at the program list in the newspaper and frowned slightly.

And Shen Xingruo had already walked to the front of the stage, and said generously: "Hi everyone, I am Shen Xingruo from Class 1, Grade 2, and today I am performing the piano piece "Dream Wedding"."

After she finished speaking, she bowed.

The touting team headed by Li Chengfan began to cheer.

Shen Xingruo didn't look back, walked straight to the piano and sat down.

The piano in the school is a very ordinary Pearl River, far inferior to the Steinway that Pei Yue moved upstairs, but when the fingers cover the keys, there is an inexplicable familiarity and kindness.

Liu Fang thought this was another little girl who started to show off without learning anything, so she put down the pen in her hand for grading.

Suddenly hearing a string of musical notes flow out from Shen Xingruo's finger, he was a little surprised.

Li Chengfan and the others were still talking, but Lu Xingyan suddenly kicked to the side, "Shut up."

Shen Xingruo played the piano, he had seen the jpg version once at Shen's house, and it was the first time he had seen the gif version.

The cold and detached temperament on her body seemed to stand out when she was sitting in front of the piano.

This song "Dream Wedding" already has a touch of sadness.

It's just that for a while, it was regarded as a ringtone for incoming calls by the operator, which made people tired of hearing it.

Coupled with the fact that Xiaobai, who has never gotten started, often dreams of marrying Carlodia, for a long time, many piano classical music lovers are very fond of this piece, and some popular and popular songs represented by this piece. Piano pieces are physically boring.

Liu Fang has taught many students.

There are also many adults among them, some of whom are not short of money, just to learn one or two simple and accessible pieces.

This song "Dream Wedding" is often singled out by this group of people to name and learn.

It can be said that she has heard countless versions.

Frankly speaking, it is very easy to play Dream Marriage fluently, but there are very few people who play it with emotion and beauty when they calm down.

This girl's piano skills are very proficient, and the difficulty of being able to control it is obviously far above that of a dream marriage.

But what is very interesting is that this song fits the temperament of this girl very well.

Unconsciously, she listened to God.

It wasn't just her, the whole classroom was quiet.

The piano was next to the window, and the midday sun fell on Shen Xingruo, reflecting the light shadow of the pane.

Her side face is soaked in the corner of light and shadow, half-bright and half-blind, it is a picture of quiet years, but the notes jumping out of her fingertips add a bit of melancholy to her.

Lu Xingyan suddenly understood why she insisted on playing this piece.

When she played the climax, he thought of the lawn wedding that day.