Strawberry Kiss Mark

Chapter 25


This meal, Lu Xingyan ate very quietly.

During the whole process, only Pei Yue and Aunt Zhou were chatting. Shen Xingruo didn't talk much, but occasionally answered a few words.

When she was about to finish eating, Pei Yue glanced at Lu Xingyan, a little puzzled, "Why, you were given dumb drugs?"

Lu Xingyan: "..."

He might have been given aphrodisiacs.

Seeing that he didn't speak, Pei Yue felt even more strange, and asked while picking up some food: "Did you cause some trouble? It's so quiet today, unlike you, why am I so worried."


What a peerless mother.

Lu Xingyan was speechless, took two bites hastily, put down the bowl and chopsticks and got up, perfunctorily said: "I didn't wake up, it's fine, I'll go back to my room first."

Pei Yue looked at his lazy back, thoughtful, and her chewing movements slowed down a lot.

When he completely disappeared at the corner of the stairs, Pei Yue suddenly put down her chopsticks, moved forward, and explained to Shen Xingruo in a low voice, "Ruoruo, Auntie Pei is going out this afternoon, please help me keep an eye on him at home, what's the matter?" , you call Aunt Pei."

Shen Xingruo paused and nodded.

Pei Yuezao made an appointment with her friends to go shopping and play cards. After dinner, she dressed up a bit and went out with her bag.

Aunt Zhou cleaned up the dining table and made a shopping list. When Uncle Liu came back after delivering Pei Yue, she went to the supermarket with Uncle Liu to do some shopping.

Shen Xingruo originally wanted to go to the supermarket with them, but he accepted Pei Yue's "trust" and decided to stay.

The afternoon sun in spring is warm but not scorching.

In her spare time after meals, Shen Xingruo used the watering can to water the flowers in the small garden, just to digest food.

After pouring the unknown white flower buds in front of her, she turned her head, raised her eyes inadvertently, and suddenly caught a glimpse of a head sneaking out from the window sill on the third floor.

She half-closed her eyes and looked at—

That head seemed to be confirming that Uncle Liu's car had left, and after confirming, he quickly shrank back.

She put down the watering can and went back to the house.

When Shen Xingruo went upstairs, Lu Xingyan just came down from upstairs.

One is a thief with a modest heart and absent-mindedness, and the other is light-footed and silent.

—The two bumped into each other at the corner of the stairs on the second floor, and both were startled.

Shen Xingruo looked Lu Xingyan up and down, saw that he was carrying a bamboo basket, and asked straight to the point: "Lu Xingyan, what are you doing sneakily?"

Lu Xingyan was startled for a moment, then turned his eyes away abruptly, subconsciously touched his neck, his eyes wandered around.

"What are you sneaking around... Be careful what you say, I'll just come down and do some laundry."

I was so nervous that I couldn't even speak completely.

Shen Xingruo's attention fell on the bamboo basket again.

On top is a school uniform jacket, and there seems to be something else underneath.

She didn't speak, but paused for a moment, and turned sideways to make way for Lu Xingyan.

Lu Xingyan didn't expect her to be so talkative, he stared at her for a few seconds and then continued down.

After walking a few steps, he turned his head, "Why are you following me?"

Shen Xingruo looked indifferent, "Who is following you, can't I go downstairs?"

Lu Xingyan: "..."


Sister Ruo can do anything.

Going down to the first floor, Lu Xingyan looked back and walked towards the washing machine.

Shen Xingruo didn't follow him all the time, and went to get milk from the refrigerator.

He heaved a sigh of relief, turned on the washing machine, and threw in a few dirty clothes as a cover.

When he just grabbed the bed sheet, he felt wrong, and turned his head to look—

I saw Shen Xingruo drinking milk, leisurely standing less than two meters behind him.

She had some milk on her lips.

Reminiscent of last night's dream, Lu Xingyan felt that he was completely trapped and unable to get out, and his movements were also very stiff.

Shen Xingruo glanced at the things under his basket, and immediately recognized that they were bed sheets.

Because the sheets in her room have the same pattern, but the color is different.

A bed sheet, concealing something.

Facing Shen Xingruo's scrutinizing eyes, Lu Xingyan was like a light on his body.

In fact, the soiled area is only a small piece, and nothing can be seen after taking it out and stuffing it into the washing machine. He kept building himself mentally, trying to pretend that nothing had happened—

"I... I am," Lu Xingyan closed his eyes, a little frustrated, and resigned himself to his fate, "Miss, I beg you, can you stop staring at me?"

Shen Xingruo didn't make a sound, just stood there for a while.

Suddenly, unexpectedly, he turned and left.

Lu Xingyan was still waiting to be crazily humiliated by her, but he left just like that, and he didn't recover for a while.

Seeing Shen Xingruo watering the flowers with a watering can through the floor-to-ceiling windows, he hurriedly stuffed the sheets into the washing machine.

But the next second, he was silent.

How the hell do you use it

Now this washing machine is too advanced, and the buttons are more complicated than mathematical equations. He studied it for a long time, but he didn't know where to start.

Five minutes later, he knocked on the French window.

Shen Xingruo looked up.

Lu Xingyan gestured for her to come in.

She thought about it and went in.

"What's up?"

Lu Xingyan coughed unnaturally, "Well, can you use a washing machine?"


Shen Xingruo didn't speak, just passed him, and walked straight to the washing machine.

Lu Xingyan didn't even think that she couldn't, after all, she seemed to know everything.

Shen Xingruo quietly stood in front of the washing machine and looked at it for a while, then pressed the start button on the touch panel.


no response.

Shen Xingruo thought about it for a long time, staring at a series of function keys such as soaking, rinsing, washing, cloth strong washing, cotton and hemp fiber, etc., and then rarely entered the difficult mode of selection.

Lu Xingyan was a little skeptical, "You won't either?"

Shen Xingruo glanced at him, his eyes were full of condescension "what nonsense are you talking about".

She pressed wash directly, and then the washing machine beeped three times in an embarrassing manner.

Both are silent.

Lu Xingyan thought of something, and asked, "Did you add water?"

Seems to be.

Shen Xingruo found the water volume button.

The washing machine finally started running after adding water!

Both of them secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

Just when Shen Xingruo was about to retire, Lu Xingyan thought of another question, "Is there no laundry detergent?"


He knows a lot.

Shen Xingruo searched around, but couldn't find washing powder and liquid detergent. Generally speaking, the things needed for washing clothes should be around.

Lu Xingyan also helped to find it for a long time, but couldn't find it.

Shen Xingruo had no choice but to study the panel again.

It was only after this research that she discovered that the laundry detergent was built into the detergent box, and she only needed to choose the dosage.

After finishing all this, Shen Xingruo felt like he had solved a big math problem, and suddenly felt an inexplicable sense of accomplishment.

But after Lu Xingyan's criminal evidence entered the washing machine and started to stir, he floated away.

He leaned aside, and suddenly teased, "I thought you were good at washing clothes just now, seeing how you were so superior."

"Isn't this washed?"

Shen Xingruo was expressionless.

Lu Xingyan: "If I hadn't reminded you to turn on the water and detergent, I think you were planning to do dry cleaning."


"How do I know that you didn't put in water or laundry detergent? You're really ungrateful, and you're pretty good at hitting back."

Lu Xingyan wanted to say something, but Shen Xingruo didn't give him a chance to argue at all. He looked over coldly and continued, "Isn't it just bedwetting? What are you hiding? It's not a shocking thing to wet the bed with your IQ. .”

"I'm here to help you do the laundry and you still mock me. There's nothing to be proud of when you fight over such meaningless little things every day."

"Can you win the test if you prove that I can't do laundry? Or can you get 400 points if you prove that I can't do laundry?"

"With this waste of life and wasted time, you might as well write two more proofs of similar triangles. Childish."


Lu Xingyan didn't recall it for a long time.

No, just a few words of ridicule, how did it rise to the level of wasting life and wasting time

He didn't feel proud.

No no no no!

Who the hell wet the bed? ?

Lu Xingyan regained his senses, walked forward, and subconsciously explained, "Hey, no, Shen Xingruo!"

Shen Xingruo ignored him and went straight upstairs.

"Fuck, I didn't wet the bed!"

Lu Xingyan was immersed in shock, and couldn't figure out how Shen Xingruo would wet the bed without saying a word.

But how the hell can this be explained? !

In the dilemma of "being misunderstood for bed-wetting" and "repentantly confessing the result, Shen Xingruo was pressed into the washing machine and hanged on the spot", Lu Xingyan finally chose to shut up.

The endless weekend finally came to an end in mutual ignorance.

On Sunday, the two returned to school.

For the past two days, Lu Xingyan didn't sleep well. As soon as he touched the pillow, he couldn't help but start thinking about his dream that night.

In the dream, Shen Xingruo was entangled with him and let him take it for him. When she cried, she was tender and soft, fresh and beautiful, and she was really much cuter than her aloof and arrogant appearance.

He couldn't sleep well at home, and Lu Xingyan was still wondering if he could sleep better at school.

But there are some night owls in the dormitory, and they are very turbulent when they return to school after the weekend.

Zhao Langming and Li Chengfan shamelessly hid under the covers after turning off the lights and began to watch the movie "Scientific Outlook on Development".

Even Bian He, the most honest person in the dormitory, said he didn't look at it, but leaned against Zhao Langming's bedside honestly.

The three of them watched and exchanged experiences of watching movies.

Lu Xingyan got angry, "Damn it, you guys are fucking enough, are you still going to sleep?"

"Brother Yan, come here! 1080p ultra-clear, this resource cost me 60 yuan!"

Lu Xingyan ignored them, put the quilt over his head, and fell asleep forcibly.

Although he could refuse to watch bad pictures, Li Chengfan and their discussions kept coming to his ears:

"The boobs are amazing!"

"It's just a bit fake..."

"No! It's very touching!"


Lu Xingyan seamlessly associated each of their key words with the dream that night.

Before he fell asleep, he suddenly had a bold idea. If this dream can continue to develop into the dream tonight, that would be great.

Immediately afterwards, his rationality returned, and he cast aside that he even yelled at that white peacock, which is simply shameless.

No, simply blind.

Shen Xingruo didn't know what this sentimental little virgin was thinking. In the new week, she had a lot of things to do.

I have to find time to go to the piano room to practice the violin for an hour every day, and I have to prepare for the midterm exam next week.

Mingli's practice is that the quiz is difficult and the major exam is easy.

After the mid-term exam, there is usually a parent-teacher meeting, and the parents come over full of joy, but they can't just give a failing grade, which makes people feel disappointed and embarrassed.

For most people, an easy exam is a good thing.

But it is not the case for top students, because it is too simple and it is difficult to widen the gap.

When Shen Xingruo wrote the questions recently, the steps to solve the questions were also written in a lot of detail.

Busy, although a little tired, but also very fulfilling, unconsciously, this week is the Friday class meeting again.

This week's class meeting is to share learning experience.

Starting from the tenth place, go forward in order.

This kind of experience sharing meeting has been done several times since the first year of high school.

People on the stage felt that there was really nothing to say, while those off the stage thought it was all clichés, which went in one ear and out the other, very formalized.

It wasn't until Zhai Jiajing came to power that this lazy and careless state changed.

Because what Zhai Jiajing said was very new, and some of them sounded very interesting.

Ten minutes later, Zhai Jiajing's sharing ended.

"... This is the learning experience I want to share with you this time, I hope it can be helpful to you, thank you."

Zhai Jiajing's voice was gentle and soft, and she bowed after she finished speaking.

The students in the audience gave a round of warm applause for their face.

Shen Xingruo also applauded.

But when He Siyue came to the stage, she looked down at her notebook.

Unfortunately, one-third of Zhai Jiajing's learning experience has crashed with her.

Soon it was Shen Xingruo's turn to take the stage, and she got up without a draft book.

Shen Xingruo is very popular in the class. She is beautiful and has good grades. She is friendly and brings honor to the class.

Before he even spoke on the stage, the applause and cheers from the audience were already very enthusiastic.

She straightened the microphone on the main stage, pondered for a moment, and said: "Actually, I was planning to share some learning experience, but some students have already said it before, and it is more complete than what I want to say, so I won't repeat it. .”

The audience was stunned.

Shen Xingruo also said: "I think that learning sensitivity is slowly cultivated in the process of immersive learning. It needs accumulation and exploration, and it is difficult to achieve it overnight. Just like when playing games, you buy the top equipment and have The richest strategy knowledge, but it doesn’t mean you are a master.”

"So I think we can change the form. Everyone can ask questions. I will say everything within my ability. If what I said is not suitable for you, you can also point out what is not suitable or unreasonable, and we will adjust it together. Try it in a way that suits you."

Everyone in the audience looked at each other in blank dismay.

After a while, someone raised his hand suddenly.

It is Ruan Wen who has always been quiet and delicate and doesn't speak much.

Ruan Wen asked: "Student Shen Xingruo, I want to know how you write English compositions. I always get dizzy when I see English composition topics, and I don't know where to start."

Shen Xingruo thought for a while and said, "When I write an English composition, I will first circle the key words in the topic, such as the composition of the last monthly exam..."

Shen Xingruo's answer to Ruan Wen's question was very detailed, and she really did everything she said.

After Ruan Wen asked the question, several students raised their hands one after another.

Lu Xingyan was also very uncomfortable seeing Shen Xingruo's friendly attitude.

After she finished discussing with a few classmates, she suddenly raised her hand lazily, and asked directly: "Student Shen Xingruo, how do you review history, I haven't passed history yet."

Hearing that Lu Xingyan was joking in the lively atmosphere, there was a rustle of laughter from the audience.

Shen Xingruo glanced at him, and said calmly: "Student Lu Xingyan, I don't think you need to rush to review, you can preview it first."