Strawberry Kiss Mark

Chapter 50


In the summer night wind, there is the heavy panting when running, the plucking long hair, and the fragrance of a girl mixed in with the smell of barbecue seasoning, which the two of them inadvertently smell when they approach.

It was about the fifteenth day, and the moon was shining brightly in the sky.

Shen Xingruo took Lu Xingyan and ran all the way to the subway entrance where Shi Qin and the others had just been sent away.

The two quickly got off the elevator, then bypassed the security check, and got out from another subway exit at an intersection.

Looking at the opposite side across the intersection from a distance, red and blue police lights can still be seen faintly flashing on the other side of the barbecue stall.

After running for a while, Shen Xingruo's breathing was blunt and painful, but he still pulled Lu Xingyan to turn into the side one-way street without stopping, half running half fast, and looking back from time to time.

Lu Xingyan said, "They will definitely not catch up, they have already run so far..."

"Shut up."

Originally, Shen Xingruo also felt that it was safe, but when Lu Xingyan opened his crow's mouth, she felt worried, and pulled Lu Xingyan to run out of the one-way street and onto another main road.

Just in case, Shen Xingruo deliberately dragged him across the zebra crossing and waited for a taxi across the road.

In fact, Lu Xingyan was wronged. These policemen really didn't come to arrest them.

The Public Security Bureau received a report from enthusiastic residents that in the residential building near the barbecue stand, someone was doing business as a pimp to provide sexual services for nearby college students, so they quickly dispatched the police when they caught the raper in bed.

The fight between the two middle school boys just happened to coincide with the time for the police to be dispatched.

Of course, Lu Xingyan and Shen Xingruo will never know.

It wasn't until he got in the car that Shen Xingruo breathed a sigh of relief.

"The grandson..."

Lu Xingyan got into the car and wanted to explain the sudden fight to Shen Xingruo.

But as soon as he opened his mouth, Shen Xingruo gave him a cold look, "Shut up."

Lu Xingyan "..."

If Shen Xing didn't want to know the ins and outs, after all, from the conversation between Lu Xingyan and the boy, she vaguely sensed that the matter seemed to be related to her.

But she was afraid that the taxi driver would be self-defeating, so she sent them directly to the Public Security Bureau.

This is not without precedent. Brothers in Star City love to be chivalrous. It was broadcast on Star City Satellite TV's noon news before. One brother sent a passenger suspected of being a drug addict to the police station.

Surprised after the investigation, the passenger not only took drugs, but also took drugs.

It was quiet all the way, and when we arrived at Luoxing Lake, Shen Xingruo gave Lu Xingyan permission to speak.

In fact, it happened by chance tonight.

Star City is not small. It has six jurisdictions with a total area of more than 10,000 square kilometers. It is not too big. You can meet people you know near the university town after eating a barbecue.

After Lu Xingyan and his party went to the barbecue stall and sat down at a table, they heard a table behind them drinking beer and white wine and bragging.

No one took it seriously at first, until He whispered at the table, "That seems to be Chen Tao from Class Six."

Xu Chengzhou and Zhao Langming followed Bian He's voice and looked over.

Before Xu Chengzhou could smell it, Zhao Langming changed his face and cursed, "Damn it!"

Without him, Chen Tao and his brothers were discussing girls, very vulgar and indecent.

One of them was too drunk, and he also mentioned that he touched a girl's buttocks twice when he went to the bathroom, and it felt very **** or something.

Unfortunately, that man was talking about Zhao Langming's ex-girlfriend.

Immediately afterwards, two or three boys laughed obscenely, and also mentioned that this woman was Zhao Langming's ex-girlfriend, and then followed Zhao Langming to talk about the girls in their class.

When Lu Xingyan pulled his attention from the phone screen to listen carefully, Chen Tao happened to be talking about the meeting of Shen Xingruo during the first monthly exam.

After scolding Shen Xingruo for pretending to be lofty, cold outside and coquettish inside, he even boasted that one day she would not be able to get out of bed.

When Lu Xingyan heard this, without saying a word, he swung a beer bottle and got up, smashing it on their table full of anger.

Zhao Langming and the others also took advantage of the opportunity to stand up and fight. Although the others hadn't figured out the situation yet, they were all excited for a moment, and rolled up their sleeves to beat them up.

Chen Tao really didn't want to mess with Lu Xingyan.

But it's unlucky, you can meet him if you brag outside.

Besides, people slapped me in the face involuntarily, and I still have so many brothers here, so I can't lose face. When I yelled to stop, the two gangs started fighting.

When Lu Xingyan and Shen Xingruo recounted, they skipped the obscenities.

But when he recounted the whole incident, the anger that he had finally calmed down along the way couldn't stop rising again.

"I told you that if someone hadn't come, I would have taken off his two arms and knocked off his two front teeth, so that his mother can't lock his mouth all day long, and I owe him a lesson."

Shen Xingruo "..."

Sure enough, they were a group of sophomores.

Lu Xingyan and his cousin took strict precautions, probably never thought that going out of the hotel to have a barbecue could cause so many things.

But how can I put it this way, they fought because of her, so it's not good at this time, and it's cheap to teach them to abide by the law.

So she listened quietly, listening to him talking about entering the villa area, and then suddenly stopped.

Lu Xingyan "What?"

Shen Xingruo, "You lower your head."

Lu Xingyan was suspicious, but still leaned slightly.

The two stood on the cobblestone path, next to the English-style garden street lamps, the lamp shadows were fragmentary.

Shen Xingruo stood on tiptoe and helped Lu Xingyan straighten Lu Xingyan's messy hair and collar.

Suddenly, she paused her hands, and sniffed again, and asked, "How much wine have you drank, why do I smell white wine?"

"I don't have any," Lu Xingyan sniffed his t-shirt, and said disgustedly, "I only drank a few bottles of beer, and the baijiu was drunk by those mentally retarded people. I really didn't drink it."

That's what got on it during the fight.

Shen Xingruo said again, "Later, if you see Aunt Pei in the living room, don't talk or get close. Anyway, after I finish greeting you, you can go upstairs with me."

Lu Xingyan gave an "um" and nodded perfunctorily.

Shen Xingruo's idea didn't come in handy.

Pei Yue wasn't in the living room at all, but was watching a foreign movie in the multifunctional theater on the second floor.

The theme of the film is relatively heavy, it talks about human trafficking.

Pei Yue watched with runny nose and tears, and silently vowed in her heart to be nicer to the children.

When Shen Xingruo went to say hello, Pei Yue was still wiping tears with a tissue.

Seeing Shen Xingruo coming in, she hurriedly took out two tickets from her bag and stuffed them into Shen Xingruo's hands, then said with a twitch, "Ruoruo, Auntie Pei went shopping today, and the mall gave away two tickets for fairy tales, you and Lu Xingyan went to play, it was fun."

She spoke in a crying voice, with tears in her eyes, and even Shen Xingruo had the illusion that the playground was a place where wolves, tigers and leopards could never return.

After leaving the theater, Lu Xingyan put his shoulder on Shen Xingruo's shoulder quite naturally, looked at the ticket in Shen Xingruo's hand, and asked, "What is this?"

"The amusement park ticket given by the mall," Shen Xingruo said, and patted his arm, "Release."

Unprepared, Lu Xingyan suddenly let out a soft "hiss".

Seeing that his face was full of pain, Shen Xingruo pressed the place he had just photographed, and Lu Xingyan gasped after "hissing" this time.

Shen Xingruo, "Are you injured?"

"What nonsense are you talking about?"

The dead chicken has a hard mouth.

Shen Xingruo was too lazy to listen to his excuses, "You take a bath first, I'll come to you later."

Lu Xingyan looked at her suspiciously, "Why are you looking for me, I just have summer vacation and I have to go to tutoring again."

Or to sleep with

If Shen Xing ignored him, he went upstairs first.

Twenty minutes later, after Lu Xingyan took a shower, Shen Xingruo knocked on the door as promised—

"Boom boom boom."

Lu Xingyan walked over, put the towel for drying his hair on his neck casually, and freed one hand to unlock the door.

Shen Xingruo also took a shower, changed into a light yellow nightgown, and carried a medicine box in his hand.

It was not the first time for Shen Xingruo to enter Lu Xingyan's room. He walked to the bed in a familiar way, and then motioned him to come and sit down.

Before Lu Xingyan could ask anything, Shen Xingruo gently pressed down on the place where Lu Xingyan was hit.

Lu Xingyan frowned subconsciously.

Shen Xingruo asked, "Besides this, are there any other injuries?"

"No, I said it's okay, but it just hit... Hiss!"

Before Lu Xingyan finished speaking, he was pressed on a bruise on his back again, and couldn't help but gasp.

Shen Xingruo didn't bother to press around anymore, first rolled up his short sleeves, applied ointment on the bruise on the back of his arm, and then asked Lu Xingyan to open his clothes so that she could apply on his back.

Chen Tao was tall, majestic, and vicious. According to visual observations, his volume was 15 times that of Lu Xingyan. He was beaten up by Lu Xingyan like that. It is really unreasonable to leave some injuries on Lu Xingyan's body.

But Lu Xing Yannenggang, to put it bluntly, was more able to pretend, and he didn't even frown for a long time.

Shen Xingruo applied ointment to him, but he kept defending himself, for fear that his tall image would be damaged in her heart—

"Today is a venue restriction, otherwise it wouldn't be a problem for me to do five or six by myself."

"What kind of injury is this? I really don't want to avoid it. It's not serious at all. Those weak chickens."

After arguing that he didn't hear Shen Xingruo's voice for a long time, Lu Xingyan changed the subject—

"Hey, do you know the secret to winning a fight? Do you want to hear it?"

The secret is whoever poses more handsomely will win

Shen Xingruo was complaining in his heart, but Gu Nian was so angry that he became his tablemate, and said a dispensable "um".

Lu Xingyan said with great interest, "You've watched Romance of the Three Kingdoms."

Shen Xingruo paused for a moment, and then said "um".

Lu Xingyan, "Do you remember the round that warmed the wine and killed Hua Xiong?"

The famous scene, of course I remember.

The eighteen princes attacked Dong Zhuo, and Dong Zhuo ordered Hua Xiong to fight. The princes even sent several generals to fight, but Hua Xiong beheaded them all.

In the end, Guan Yu, who was only a pony archer at the time, took the initiative to invite Ying to fight. The princes were not optimistic about Guan Yu, but only the leader Cao Cao was optimistic, and warming the wine was his strength.

But Guan Yu didn't drink, he just waited for him to kill Hua Xiong.

When he came back with Hua Xiong's head in his hand, the wine was still warm, he beheaded Hua Xiong to warm the wine.

"...the ones they sent out in front, Pan Feng and others, they all drank, why do you want to fight with a bowl of wine? Only Guan Yu went out without drinking."

"Actually, there are four or five more mentally retarded people than us today, but they all drank white wine, and we didn't drink, so the secret to winning a fight is not to drink."


She didn't know for a while whether Lu Xingyan was comparing himself to Guan Yu, or showing off his culture, or whether he had devised such a theory.

Lu Xingyan "Why don't you speak?"

Shen Xingruo "..."

"I just didn't expect that one day, you would be able to demonstrate to me the secret of winning a fight from a literary perspective."

Lu Xingyan "..."

The medicine had already been applied, and Shen Xingruo wanted to get up to throw the cotton swab, but Lu Xingyan suddenly shouted, "Wait a minute, there are more here."

He pointed to the left waist.

Shen Xingruo originally only looked at his back and didn't pay that much attention, but now she looked over and saw a small bruise on the side of his waist. She changed a new cotton swab, dipped it in some ointment, and suddenly paused again.

The two of them were sitting at the corner of the bed, and if Shen Xingruo was on his right side, if he wanted to paint his left waist, he had to switch sides.

After thinking about it, Shen Xingruo got up and sat on Lu Xingyan's left.

The distance suddenly shortened, and just now he could only see Lu Xingyan's back. This will give him some medicine, and more importantly, he can see his lean abdominal muscles.

Shen Xingruo wanted to keep his eyes fixed, but he always passed by his lower abdomen inadvertently.

Shen Xingruo absent-mindedly applied the medicine to him, and Lu Xingyan picked up his phone again, and exchanged reports of safety with his friends in the harmony group.

Li Chengfan and the others were all speaking.

Lu Xingyan also sent a voice message, repeating the cruel words he and Shen Xingruo let go before, "If someone hadn't come, I would have to take off his two arms and knock off his two front teeth, so that his mother can't talk all day long. Lock and owe to teach... ”

Before he finished speaking, Lu Xingyan suddenly gasped again.

Turning his head to look, Shen Xingruo was staring at him coldly, his eyes seemed to say, "You disabled person, stop bragging."

The fox friends and dog friends could hear a slight mistake in the voice.

He hurriedly asked, "Brother Yan, what's wrong with you?"

Lu Xingyan turned his head and said calmly, "Oh, it's okay, I was pecked by my peacock."

Shen Xingruo was dazed when he heard this, and the cotton swab suddenly snapped off from her fingertips and fell into... between Lu Xingyan's legs.

After Lu Xingyan finished speaking, he wanted to say something to Shen Xingruo, but when he looked down at the cotton swab between his legs, he was startled.

At that moment, the atmosphere became ambiguous.

The WeChat group was still lively, but Lu Xingyan didn't open the message again.

He turned his head subconsciously, glanced at Shen Xingruo, and found that Shen Xingruo... seemed to be blushing a little.

He quickly remembered the last time the blessings came from the sky, and he acted faster than his brain, and without thinking, he followed the flow of the last time and said, "Shen Xingruo, you seem to be blushing."

By the way, I took a closer look.

But this time, Shen Xingruo didn't say "I'll kiss you when I watch it again", but said "um" very sincerely, and then explained, "I drank beer at the ktv, and now I'm a little dizzy."

Lie ghost.

How can beer have such a big effect.

It's not so red after taking aphrodisiac.

Although Lu Xingyan didn't really believe it, but when he got closer and saw that Shen Xingruo's face was a little flushed, and then she pretended to be calm and breezy, she lowered her eyes and wiped the medicine, and somehow felt that she was a little cute.

He feels that the effect of this beer is a bit strong, maybe it has been added or something, because he seems to be a little unclear now.

So he relied on his unclear mind and asked, "Shen Xingruo, let me ask you a question, have you ever been in a relationship?"

Shen Xingruo paused, "Why are you asking this?"

"Is it okay to ask?"

Shen Xingruo still lowered his eyes, applied the ointment, pulled down his T-shirt, and said two words with a blank face, "No."

"I knew it." Having said that, Lu Xingyan felt inexplicably relieved, and after two seconds of silence, he asked again, "Then do you want to talk?"