Strawberry Kiss Mark

Chapter 60


The voice echoed in the classroom.

The students who were far away might not have heard it, but the people at three or four tables around heard it, and everyone looked in the direction of the sound source in unison.

Lu Xingyan was ill and his voice became hoarse.

With just such a low voice, no one else could tell it was him, but Zhao Langming felt strangely familiar... It seemed to be Lu Xingyan's voice, which he had heard just now.

It seemed to be coming from behind. He turned his head to look at Shen Xingruo's group, but he wasn't sure who was playing it.

But Shen Xingruo was actually looking at him.

Zhao Langming was puzzled, and then he slowly realized that other people were also looking at him. ? ?

No, what do you look at? What does this mean? !

Zhao Langming was at the same table as a boy. Seeing everyone looking at Zhao Langming, he thought it was Zhao Langming who was playing outside just now.

He moved to the side vigilantly, thinking whether he should call Wang Youfu to apply for a seat change, Zhao Langming's sexual orientation seemed wrong.

The seats of Li Chengfan and Bian He are far away from the scene of the incident, and the only thing left in their ears is the reposted version——

"Huh... Zhao Langming is flirting with a man!"

"It's so disgusting to even ask my baby if he misses me this afternoon..."

Li Chengfan and Bian He were stunned for a while, and they all bubbled up in the group

Li Chengfan, Fuck Master Ming, you really don't show your face, you, I've lived with you for so long in the dormitory and I didn't even know you were a zero!

Bian He may also be 1's...

Li Chengfan, do you think he looks like 1

So is Bianhe.

Zhao Langming? ?

Zhao Langming, what nonsense are you talking about

Lu Xingyan also asked what was going on, so Li Chengfan told it again vividly. When he heard the man across from him say "Did you miss me this afternoon, baby", he thought it sounded familiar, but he didn't seem to say baby.

Zhao Langming finally understood why everyone was staring at him, and explained while vomiting blood.

Zhao Langming, fuck it... it's really not me!

Zhao Langming's voice came from behind me obliquely. I was thinking that the voice sounded like Brother Yan. I was turning my head to look, but they all looked at me. What the hell is this!

Lu Xingyan probably understood what was going on.

Zhao Langming is still frantically clearing himself up, wishing to see a big stone in his chest to prove that he is a pure straight man.

Lu Xingyan said lightly, "I don't care what your orientation is, anyway, don't drag me into the water, I am innocent."

Zhao Langming "..."

Lu Xingyan was innocent.

very good.

Three minutes later, this innocent male high school student wanted to flirt with his future girlfriend again.

But as soon as the message was sent, I found that there was a red circle next to the message, and there was a small exclamation mark inside.

By the way, a line of small gray words is attached—you are not his (her) friend yet.

Lu Xingyan "..."

If Shen Xing went home in the evening, Lu Xingyan took advantage of the tutoring time to add back to WeChat, and promised that he would never make any more awkward flirtations.

Resting at home for two days, Lu Xingyan finally recovered from his cold.

—Anyway, Wang Youfu won't grant him leave if it doesn't go well.

When returning to school for class, Wang Youfu was still holding his red thermos cup, his nose was not his nose and his eyes were not his eyes. He sized up Lu Xingyan, and said brokenly, "Lu Xingyan, you are quite precious, you, you have to ask for two days off for a cold. The teacher of the science class, she persisted in her pregnancy until the last moment before going to the hospital, and she came back to class in less than a month after giving birth."

"Isn't it impossible for me to give birth?"

Lu Xingyan smiled a little.

"A 488 in the test will give you the ability!"

Wang Youfu blew his beard and glared at him, and after thinking about it, he was too lazy to argue with him, so he waved his hand and sent him back to class.

Last night, Shen Xingruo was doing self-study at school. He had nothing to do, so he went to the barber shop to wash his hair, and then asked the barber to trim his hair, emphasizing on creating a fluffy, natural and refreshing handsome effect.

Now he came out of Wang Youfu's office, flicked his bangs, and walked lazily to the classroom.

Those rumors that he was persuaded to quit studying abroad and so on, finally disappeared with his appearance.

However, these rumors are meaningless, and Lu Xingyan didn't take it seriously at first. Some people said that he spent 30,000 yuan to buy a girl's first night, and he almost died of anger on the spot.

The truth of the matter is clearly that a particularly weird girl in No. 12 Middle School fell in love with him at a certain party, and then chased after him crazily.

I don't know what's going on, the teenage girl is very oen, she just said that it's okay to communicate in bed first and then emotionally.

He also boasted that there was a boy in their school who wanted her for the first time, in order to get the donkey brand bag that she was willing to buy her for 30,000 yuan in the first night, and said that she was willing to sleep with him, and he had to be grateful.

Lu Xingyan ignored the sand sculpture. At that time, I was thinking that you would give me 30,000 fucking dollars, and I still didn't want to. I am innocent and a virgin.

I don't know what happened, but then the rumors became that he paid 30,000 yuan to buy the girl's first night, and the girl acquiesced to it when she was still around.

Later, I heard Xu Chengzhou say that there really was a more shady one in their twelfth high school, and he paid 50,000 yuan to sleep with that girl once.

In short, Lu Xingyan was most angry with this rumor.

If he hadn't transferred to another school and left Star City, he really wanted to come and beat him up

In any case, on the third day of the third year of high school, the appearance of Lu Xingyan marked the arrival of all members of the first class, and also marked the smooth opening of the senior year life.

The third year of high school started relatively early, and the campus was extremely deserted. In addition, make-up classes began on Saturdays, and it seemed like a year.

Lu Xingyan felt that almost a century had passed, but it turned out that it was only two weeks past.

Entering the third year of high school, the atmosphere in the teaching building is obviously much duller and more serious.

Art students have all left school to participate in training;

Some people in the class next door have scored more than 1900 or even 2000 in the SAT of the sophomore exam, but they are still not satisfied. They plan to do it again in November this year;

Martial arts training is also carried out in an orderly manner every day at noon and evening after school...

Everyone is working hard for their own future.

At the beginning of September, the first and second graders finally started school, and the campus finally became more lively.

In the past, the boys who were in the second and third grades of high school watched the excitement, and devoted themselves to finding fair-skinned and beautiful elementary school girls.

This year is different, this year it has become a bustle of girls going to see their elementary school students.

There is no other reason - among the freshmen in this class, there is a second-generation star, Pei Xiyan.

Pei Xiyan's mother is the well-known actress Su Cheng, and her father is a mysterious jewelry tycoon.

In the year when the parent-child variety show was just set sail, Su Cheng brought him on a parent-child interactive show when he was six years old. With his outstanding appearance and rebellious and cold temperament, he quickly gained a large number of sister fans and mother fans.

In the next few years, he didn't appear on any shows, only occasionally guest-starred in some film and television dramas, and shot some commercials, so he wasn't really a member of the entertainment industry.

But in the first half of this year, the movie "The Last Time", in which he played the male protagonist's boyhood, was a hit at the box office.

It is said that he is playing the boyhood of the male protagonist, and the credits at the beginning and end of the film also classify it as a special performance, but his actual role is more than that of the female protagonist.

Because what runs through the whole movie is the contrast between the hero's youth and middle age.

The character design of Pei Xiyan in the movie is really attractive. After the variety show that year, he once again became a fan of the geosphere.

From the day I learned that Pei Xiyan was enrolled in Mingli, the school's discussions have never stopped.

Looking left and right, I finally look forward to the start of the first year of high school.

The school also understood the students' thoughts very well, and specially arranged for Pei Xiyan to speak on behalf of the freshmen at this week's morning meeting.

There is no need to attend the morning meeting in the third year of high school, but many people bravely skipped the morning self-study on Monday and went to the playground to watch stars.

When we came back, everyone discussed with satisfaction

"Pei Xiyan is so handsome, he is not disabled."

"Yes, yes, many child stars have grown disabled. Hey, I watched "The Last Time" during the summer vacation and also watched the variety show he recorded when he was a child. He was cute and cute when he was young, super cute! Although he is not cute now Yes, but it's super handsome!"

"I watched that variety show when I was young, but when I watched the movie, I didn't recognize him as Pei Xiyan at all. He was the Prince Charming when I was young!"

Shen Xingruo and Lu Xingyan also watched this movie during the summer vacation, but they watched it on a video website after the movie's schedule ended.

At that time, Shen Xingruo also praised Pei Xiyan for being handsome and good at acting.

Lu Xingyan criticized him coldly from head to toe.

Unexpectedly, he became their apprentice in the blink of an eye.

When the class was over, the classmates were discussing the big star, and Shi Qin specially took a photo to show Shen Xingruo.

Shen Xingruo glanced at it a few times, as if he wasn't very interested, and only focused on brushing the English test papers.

Lu Xingyan asked indifferently, "Don't you think that someone is pretty handsome, why didn't you go to see them together?"

Shen Xingruo didn't speak.

Lu Xingyan spoke teasingly, and continued to ask, "Have you suddenly realized that this kind of young boy is not attractive, or is it more handsome and masculine like me?"

Shen Xingruo glanced at him, "You think too much."

"When I went to Teacher Wang's office to pick up the test papers last week, the grade leader happened to be there too. The grade leader said that he would go and get me an autographed photo of Pei Xiyan. The first grade reward."

Lu Xingyan "..."

The grade leader kept his word and got Shen Xingruo a signed photo in the afternoon.

to Xingruo Senior Sister

I wish, Pengcheng thousands of miles, happy every day.

Percy banquet.

Lu Xingyan cast a sideways glance, and said lightly, "You are a peacock with little wings and you can travel thousands of miles. Can this little brother speak? I wish the girl will be more and more beautiful and find a good husband. Otherwise, it should be the future. It's like a brocade. You can fly thousands of miles, and you won't die if you fly."

Shen Xingruo didn't listen to what he said, so he looked at the handwriting, and then commented, "The handwriting is pretty, and the blessing is also good, I like it."

Lu Xingyan was upset, so he asked the girl at the next table to ask for a postcard, and with a swipe of the pen

to my future girlfriend Shen Xingruo

I wish you more and more beautiful, sign for your at ATM as soon as possible, have a bright future, there are houses to live in all over the world, Iceland and Greece are ok, and Lake Geneva is no problem.

Signed, your future boyfriend, Lu Xingyan.

After finishing writing, Lu Xingyan held it for Shen Xingruo to admire for a while, "How is it?"

Zhao Langming didn't know what they were doing, so he wanted to come over and have a look.

Lu Xingyan moved quickly and cut the man open.

Then he stuffed the postcard into Shen Xingruo's book.

Shen Xingruo "..."

Sand sculpture.