Strawberry Kiss Mark

Chapter 66


Martial arts bonus points were considered in the grade before it was announced, but Zhai Jiajing's mother ran to the school to make a fuss, and said that if Zhai Jiajing got extra points, she would definitely be able to go to T University, and the school could not threaten her with punishment.

So it spread so unpreparedly.

At the same time, Zhai Jiajing chose to drop out of school.

According to rumors, it seems that he plans to transfer to another prestigious school in Star City.

In fact, her problem is a character problem. In fact, it has not caused any substantial visible harm to the school and classmates, and the school is not good at giving her any serious punishment.

In addition, her grades are still relatively good, T can't guarantee it, and she can get a 985 in the exam.

So the meaning of the grade is actually to give a warning, let her write a self-criticism, and then apologize to the person concerned.

But when she learned that the bonus points for martial arts were cancelled, Zhai Jiajing suddenly proposed to drop out of school on her own initiative.

This result did not surprise Shen Xingruo.

It is impossible for a person like Zhai Jiajing to stay in Mingli and let others criticize him.

After school in the evening, Lu Xingyan deliberately walked around from the front row to stand at Shen Xingruo's seat.

Ruan Wen was very witty, and found an excuse to go to the bathroom and got up in a hurry.

But before Lu Xingyan could sit down and say something, Li Chengfan waved to him not far away, "Brother Yan, let's go, let's eat!"

Lu Xingyan lowered his head and glanced at Shen Xingruo, "Aren't you going to eat?"

Shen Xingruo "I have no appetite."

Lu Xingyan rubbed her head smoothly, "Then would you like me to bring you something?"

Shen Xingruo patted his hand away, and thought for a while, "Then bring a cup of milk tea, or white peach oolong evaporated milk cheese, hot, only three parts of sugar today, I don't want to drink too sweet."

"Then an omurice without ketchup. Bring a bottle of instant, Nestle silky, I feel a little sleepy, and I may need to refresh myself at night."


"You don't have an appetite?"

Shen Xingruo pretended he didn't hear it, and said to himself, "I don't think you, a goldfish, can't remember, so I'll send you WeChat."

It's so sweet.

Lu Xingyan returned to his seat and picked up his mobile phone, and walked out with Li Chengfan and the others shoulder to shoulder.

When he went out through the back door, he inadvertently caught a glimpse of a familiar figure walking towards a class of classrooms.

He paused and retreated to the back door.

Then I saw Zhai Jiajing standing at the front door, shouting from a distance, "Shen Xingruo, I have something to tell you."

Shen Xingruo sat on the seat without moving, "Then you come in and say."

Zhai Jiajing "Come to the corridor, don't worry, I won't do anything to you."

Shen Xingruo was quiet for three seconds, then got up.

When she was walking out, she caught a glimpse of Lu Xingyan still standing by the back door, and she sent the things she was going to bring via WeChat, and added, "Go and eat, I'm fine."

Lu Xingyan thought for a while, it was sunny and there were still people in the school, Zhai Jiajing probably couldn't do anything, so he walked away step by step

During dinner time, the teaching building is relatively empty, only occasionally some students hang out.

Shen Xingruo and Zhai Jiajing stood side by side in front of the guardrail, overlooking the playground.

Zhai Jiajing didn't speak for a long time, but Shen Xingruo urged, "Just say what you have to say."

Zhai Jiajing turned to look at her, and suddenly laughed mockingly, "Shen Xingruo, do you have any emotional barriers, I will sleep with you for a semester anyway, don't you have any complicated feelings?"

Shen Xingruo "..."

Zhai Jiajing, "That's right. Back then, Li Ting, you could be so merciless and attack her in front of the whole class."

"I think you have an emotional disorder. I slept with you for one semester, and He Siyue was your classmate for more than a year. You framed him, but you didn't show mercy at all."

Shen Xingruo looked calm.

"What do you know, I've really had enough, do you know how uncomfortable it is to live in someone else's shadow?"

"Every time my mother calls me, she uses you two to pressure me. In my dreams, I hope that you will get out of my life as soon as possible."

"I don't understand, and I don't want to understand."

"Your logic is very strange. You are not good enough. You are not thinking about improving yourself, but blaming others for being too good. Then you will not be easy if you transfer to another school."

Shen Xingruo was already annoyed, "If you just want to talk about these things, then it goes without saying, I'm not interested in your mental journey."

She turns around.

Zhai Jiajing shouted "Shen Xingruo!" from behind

Shen Xingruo paused for a moment.

Zhai Jiajing "Do you know when did I hate you?"

If Shen Xing didn't look back, "It probably started when you copied my study experience, or earlier."

In fact, at first, she also felt Zhai Jiajing's kindness for a while.

So knowing that Zhai Jiajing was very likely to have copied her study experience, she also pretended not to know and didn't delve into it.

So when she helped Wang Youfu sort out the files, she found out that Zhai Jiajing and Yang Fang were classmates in junior high school, and she didn't want to speculate maliciously about what good things Zhai Jiajing did from it.

She knew what happened this time, and maybe someone would criticize her for being aggressive behind her back.

But before her aggression, there have been countless tolerances born of that little bit of kindness

Lu Xingyan didn't know whether he was afraid that Shen Xingruo would be bullied or what, he bought things very fast.

As soon as Shen Xingruo finished speaking with Zhai Jiajing, he carried a bag of things into the teaching building.

Seeing Shen Xingruo's beard and tail, he felt a little relieved, "I bought them all, buy one omelet rice and get one free today, I also packed a bag by the way, let's go in?"

Shen Xingruo nodded, and took his portion of the meal, as well as milk tea and coffee from him.

Never looked back.

From the beginning to the end, Lu Xingyan only focused on Shen Xingruo.

Zhai Jiajing watched the two enter the classroom, then turned around and stared blankly at the playground in the distance.

If she had been braver before Shen Xingruo appeared, wouldn't many things go differently

She also had many opportunities to get close to Lu Xingyan.

It's just that until now, the only thing to be thankful for seems to be that in Lu Xingyan's heart, she is a despicable passer-by, not a despicable crush.

She quietly watched the last leaf drop from the bare ginkgo forest.

I thought winter was coming.

It's time for her to withdraw from Lu Xingyan's sight as a despicable passerby.

Maybe she never, never existed in his sight

The omelette, rice, milk tea and coffee were all in place, but Shen Xingruo really lost his appetite.

Lu Xingyan scooped a spoonful from her bowl, "Why don't you eat it, this egg tastes good, unlike the scrambled eggs that Aunt Zhou made, they are always old and not tender at all."

"It's also strange. Aunt Zhou's other dishes are pretty good. How come eggs are always so simple..."

"You're done. I'll tell Aunt Zhou when I go back at night. You think her food is not delicious."

Shen Xingruo withdrew her mind, inserted the milk tea straw, and warmed her hands.

Lu Xingyan: "Hey, you're pretty good at smearing black people. I'm obviously just talking shit."

Seeing that Shen Xingruo was holding milk tea but didn't intend to drink it, Lu Xingyan stepped forward to take a sip first.

Shen Xingruo turned to the side at the right time, his disgust was so obvious that he almost said "Put your dirty mouth away".

Lu Xingyan retreated reluctantly, without forcing it.

But the omelet rice in his own bowl is not tasty, he always scoops Shen Xingruo's, and he is especially good at making excuses, such as "yours is tastier" or "yours is tenderer", which sounds shameless.

There aren't many people in this classroom, but there are still a few little transparency sitting quietly in the corner.

The little transparent people have fully utilized their transparent potential, pretending not to see the close acquaintance of these two people, just lowering their heads and playing with their mobile phones, crazily complaining to their good friends—

"If Lu Xingyan and Shen Xing aren't in a relationship, I'll broadcast live the harakiri!"

"I did something wrong, I shouldn't have stayed in the classroom to eat!"

"Lu Xingyan is really erotic! He said that Shen Xingruo is more delicious and tender! Oh my god, I was really shocked! It's so erotic!"

"Is Shen Xing the child bride-in-law of the Lu family? Why don't their parents care if they report their relationship! A!"

Lu Xingyan and Shen Xingruo knew nothing about all this.

You quarreled with each other, and the omelet rice was eaten raw until most of the students returned to the classroom and hadn't finished eating.

It wasn't until Shen Xingruo caught a glimpse of Ruan Wen entering the classroom by accident, but it seemed that because Lu Xingyan was sitting here eating bitterly, she didn't dare to come back, did she realize that the meal was a bit long.

She poked Lu Xingyan's lunch box with her chopsticks, and said coldly, "Have you finished eating, pack up and leave quickly."

There is no use rolling instead of walking, it is already her last tenderness.

Lu Xingyan was dissatisfied, "Why are you urging, how can you have the strength to write the test paper if you don't have a good meal and study at night."

Shen Xingruo, "What strength do you need to write the test paper so well?"

Lu Xingyan realized in a second that she was mocking herself for being lazy a few days ago. She asked someone to borrow the answers to copy the test papers assigned by tutoring, but because she didn't pay attention to the copying, she copied the order of the big questions wrong.

Of course, he still pretended not to know, and just counterattacked leisurely, "I'm not as good as you, Sister Que. Less than a year after I transferred to another school, I lost two of them, and even made one autistic."

When Li Ting came back from dinner, he just passed by nearby, with a blank expression on his face, but he said in his heart that I am not autistic, I love to study every day and strive to learn without desire, my realm is not your grade ranking 1000 People who can only go home and inherit the family business without studying abroad can understand.

Shen Xingruo seemed to have eyes behind her back, and suddenly turned her head, "Li Ting, Teacher Zhang asked you to hand in the Chinese composition from the previous few days, and she will record it in the excellent composition of the next issue."

Li Ting was startled, "Oh, good."

Then he walked away quickly as hell.

After Li Ting took the test paper and left the classroom, Shen Xingruo spoke to Lu Xingyan, "Look at her, why is she closed to herself?"

"I think you owe a lesson to me. Now that I'm teaching you a lesson, I don't know if it will be too late to see your composition in the excellent composition selection next semester."

Lu Xingyan "..."

Shen Xingruo: "Forget it, why should I expect a person who writes argumentative essays and only knows how to use Edison's invention of the electric light and Sima Qian's torture as examples to be included in the selection of excellent essays."

"Oh, I remember you once wrote that Sima Guang was castrated."

Lu Xingyan "..."

"Shut up, Sister Maique, I'll pack up now and go back and rewrite the test papers."

As he said that, he covered the lunch box, stuffed the garbage produced by the meal into a plastic bag, and got up.

With her mouth alone, he shouldn't have worried that she would be bullied by Zhai Jiajing.

I don't know how deep a psychological shadow Zhai Jiajing left behind before leaving.