Strawberry Kiss Mark

Chapter 74


For a top student of Shen Xingruo's level, making a mistake is really only an event that may occur with a very small probability.

The three-mode exam is also a mock exam that is closest to the difficulty of the college entrance examination, and the paper correction is also relatively strict, so it can be said that there is no release.

Shen Xingruo returned to the first place in the grade with a super high total score of 711, and left the second place in the grade by 18 points.

At this stage of going to the battlefield, in Mingli, a top school in the province, with such a big gap between him and his opponent, Shen Xingruo is indeed only one step away from being the champion.

Lu Xingyan's three-mode score was stable at more than 520, which was not bad.

He has already quietly searched for several secondary schools near the university, as well as international schools that are jointly run with foreign countries.

early june.

The summer wind brings waves of heat into the classroom, the ceiling fan above the head squeaks and turns, and the sweat drips down the forehead and into the eyes, which will be sore and unbearable.

But everyone didn't even have time to wipe off their sweat, and they were all hurrying to review at the last minute.

On Thursday, everyone had their last history class and last geography class in high school.

On Friday, everyone finished the last class of Chinese, mathematics, and English in their high school career.

The last section on politics belongs to Wang Youfu.

Holding the report card of the last quiz, Wang Youfu hummed a ditty and got up, ready to go to the classroom.

It happened that another political teacher, Mr. Xia, who was also the head teacher of Class 7, came back. Seeing her red eyes and blowing her nose, Wang Youfu asked what was going on.

Teacher Xia blew her nose again, then took off her glasses, and said in a choked voice, "Don't mention it, the last quiz, the whole class failed."

Wang Youfu was amazed, and he felt a sense of superiority when he remembered that the average score of the class this time was 89, which is really super-level performance.

Teacher Xia continued, "I haven't lost my temper yet. What did they say to me? If you fail, you can repeat the grade. If you don't want me, let me do that!"

Saying that, Teacher Xia wanted to cry again.

Wang Youfu "..."

On the way to the classroom, he reflected on how unpopular he was as a head teacher. Even Li Chengfan and Zhao Langming, who had been failing for a long time, worked hard to get sixty or seventy points in the exam.

When he arrived in the classroom, he yelled in bewilderment to go to class, and the monitor, He Siyue, also yelled to stand up as usual.

Everything is so normal that it seems that the pictures of hundreds of days in the past are being replayed.

In the last class, he first analyzed the scores of the quiz, and then talked about some of the more difficult questions in the quiz. The rest of the class was devoted to some points that would definitely be tested.

In fact, what should be said has been repeated countless times before, but after hearing Wang Youfu's emphasis, everyone did not feel drowsy or impatient.

When get out of class was about to end, Wang Youfu checked the time and reiterated the exam arrangement with everyone.

"Give me this ID card if you have to get up! I absolutely don't allow any student in our class to do such a stupid thing as not bringing an ID card! Whoever didn't bring it, don't say it is my student of Wang Youfu when you go out!"

"You can never go wrong in the exam room. Just take the exam in our school. After staying in one place for three years, a pig can know its way."

"As for the mentality of the exam, you can handle it yourself. This is really emphasized too much. If I say too much, you will find it annoying."

"I know that nervousness is inevitable, but I still hope that you can maintain a little sense of normalcy in a state of nervousness. Isn't the college entrance examination the only way out? Yes, don't be too concerned about gains and losses. As long as you have a clear conscience, All the best!"

When the bell rang for the end of get out of class, Wang Youfu, contrary to his usual habit of feeling a loss if he didn’t delay for more than ten or twenty minutes, announced on time, “get out of class is over!”

But the students below quietly waited for the bell to finish ringing for a while, and then bustling with each other, saying

"Mr. Wang, please talk about the last big question of the three models. I don't think the answer is very clear."

"Yes, yes, Mr. Wang, I still want to listen to the currency part. I choose the wrong question every time."

"Mr. Wang, Mr. Wang, tell us about the exam arrangement!"

Wang Youfu stood on the podium holding his red thermos cup, looking at the familiar faces under the podium.

The summer wind passes through the hall, carrying the fragrance of flowers, plants and trees outside the window, and the small beams of the setting sun in the evening pass through the gaps between the branches and cast on the podium, bringing a slight warmth.

He didn't know why, but suddenly smiled, then his eyes turned red, wiped his face again, quickly picked up a piece of chalk, turned around and wrote six words on the blackboard—

Class One, Senior Three, get out of class.

He didn't turn around in the end, walked straight to the door of the classroom, and stopped again.

His voice was still as slow and choked as before, "Mr. Wang is here to wish everyone a bright future and a bright future."

The whole class suddenly stood up collectively, silently towards the front door of the classroom, and saluted.

Shen Xingruo stayed for a long time while saluting, so long that she saw a large piece of handwriting on the test paper on the table.

That summer evening was very magical, the sun was halfway down the mountain, no longer scorching, only warmth remained.

The classroom is very quiet, the other classes are crying, but the students in the first class are silently packing their schoolbags, and when they leave the classroom, everyone is smiling and saying goodbye tacitly as usual.

It was as if we would see each other again tomorrow.

Walking out of the gate of Mingli School, in the alley of Dongmen Antique Street, Shen Xingruo suddenly paused, looked back, and then tears burst out of his eyes without warning at that moment.

She was also very quiet when she cried, her eyes were open, and she kept wiping her hands.

Seeing her crying, Lu Xingyan subconsciously took her into his arms. When he closed his eyes, tears fell on the back of Shen Xingruo's school uniform.

In fact, the one and a half years since he transferred to Mingli was the happiest time Shen Xingruo has ever lived since his mother passed away.

She even remembered that on the first day of coming to Mingli, Wang Youfu wore a bright red woolen cardigan with a blue shirt, and an unbuttoned jacket outside, with a round belly and a triple chin when he laughed.

Because Lu Xingyan said she was pretending, she bought a lot of pencils by mistake, and then found a pencil on Wang Youfu's desk to fill in the information.

On the other hand, Wang Youfu was holding a thermos cup, explaining to her how good etiquette is, how high the salary is, and dissed them that the principal of Huize was a little trash in the dormitory next door to him.

This year and a half is vivid.

Some are warm, some are touching, some are funny, and some are indescribably sour.

She thought that in her whole life, she would never meet such a lovely class teacher again, nor would she ever meet such a lovely classmate again.

After delaying for a while, Lu Xing wiped his face, exhaled again, patted her on the back, and comforted her, "Shen Xingruo, if you get a provincial champion, you can earn more bonuses for Wang Youfu. Traveling to the Maldives with my wife and children."

Shen Xingruo closed his eyes, then nodded lightly

After all the teaching in the third year of high school is over, there will be two days off for everyone to review freely, after that there will be inspection of the examination room on the 6th, and exams on the 7th and 8th.

Shen Xingruo's menstrual period is not very accurate. In order to prevent her from losing the chain at a critical moment, Aunt Zhou gave her some traditional Chinese medicine to help her postpone her menstrual period.

Pei Yue returned to Star City early and prepared red college entrance examination uniforms for the two of them.

She is also very superstitious, Nike is prepared from head to toe.

After urging the two of them to change their clothes, Pei Yue beamed and said to Shen Xingruo, "Ruoruo, my friend's daughter will also take the college entrance examination next year. She heard that you have good grades, and she probably can pass the exam. She has already made an appointment with you." The clothes, said to be happy, will be worn by her daughter next year!"

Turning her head to look at Lu Xingyan, she said again, "Lu Xingyan, you have to play steadily and take the second line or something, so that you can be worthy of the new outfit I bought for you."

Before pulling off the clothes tag, Lu Xingyan looked at his own, then at Shen Xingruo's, and suddenly asked, "Mom, why is hers twice as expensive as mine?"

"I didn't say it just now, someone ordered Ruoruo's clothes." She looked Lu Xingyan up and down, "You can't wear this bright red, and no one wants it. It would be unlucky to donate it if you don't pass the exam. Yes, it can only be burned, why buy such an expensive one."

"... You are really a real mother."

The more Lu Xingyan wanted to get over it, he wondered, "No, I'm going to take the college entrance examination soon, can you say something nice to flatter me?"

Pei Yue looked at him with a look of "Is there something wrong with you", "If I don't flatter you, why do you flatter you? Do you have a chance to be admitted to the university or the provincial champion? Stop arguing, arguing What should I do if I am confused! You can go back to my room and memorize the ancient prose now! Maybe you can get two more points in the exam!"

As she said that, she pushed Lu Xingyan twice, wishing she could just stuff him into the room and let him out after the exam.


Now Lu Xingyan really wants to go to the hospital to check the files after the exam, and see if he and Shen Xing were really wrong at the time.

The college entrance examination on the 7th and 8th came as scheduled.

The weather is beautiful, it is two cloudy days, neither rain to set off the tense atmosphere, nor scorching sun.

Lu Shan and Shen Guangyao also took time to rush to Mingli to send Lu Xingyan and Shen Xingruo to the exam.

The one-way street in front of Mingli was blocked. It wasn't a traffic jam. The traffic police kept the cars outside the one-way street. The traffic jams were the parents of the students who were taking their exams.

Shen Xingruo and Lu Xingyan were dressed in bright red, and they looked like a fashion duo of Fuwa in the 21st century.

At first, the two felt awkward, but after entering the school, compared with the two rows of teachers lined up, the two felt that it was nothing.

After all, the two rows of teachers not only celebrated, but also performed a live square dance skewer. Lu Xingyan stepped forward and hugged Wang Youfu, and laughed and teased, "Mr. Wang, you danced well in "Little Apple". If the aunts in the community behind teach you to yell and don’t listen to persuasion, you can go dance with people, and you will definitely put them down!"

"Hey Lu Xingyan, I see that you have a good mentality, you, give me a line to see, it will be the same as Shen Xingruo giving me the whole champion back."

"Stop, stop, I'm going to take the exam right now, don't pressure me!"

Wang Youfu laughed and cursed, "What pressure do you have? If you fail the exam, you will fail the exam. Go back and inherit the family business! You are the most stress-free person in the school, you little bastard!"

Shen Xingruo followed behind, and waited for the two of them to finish speaking before stepping forward to hug Wang Youfu.

Wang Youfu really didn't dare to put pressure on her. He tried to make her relax in various ways, treating it as a monthly exam.

After explaining, Shen Xingruo and Lu Xingyan walked to the examination room together. They took the exam in different teaching buildings and stopped at the intersection. Shen Xingruo suddenly took Lu Xingyan's hand and hugged Lu Xingyan.

"Lu Xingyan, come on together."

Lu Xingyan smiled and nodded, "Okay."

Everyone was most nervous when the first Chinese test was started.

The title of the composition this time has changed from previous years when Yunshan Mist provided an ambiguous story or material for everyone to comprehend by themselves, and the title is particularly concise and clear-floating and sinking.

Shen Xingruo has read a lot of books, and he has always been sharp in solving topics. He can say that this kind of composition can be said to be at his fingertips.

Strangely, Lu Xingyan also wrote smoothly this time.

In fact, in the college entrance examination, the teachers will focus on teaching argumentative essays, and they don't teach nor recommend candidates to write narrative essays, but this time Lu Xingyan just wrote a narrative essay about his father, Lu Shan.

Lu Xingyan actually had no idea after writing it, because Zhang Jiao always said in Chinese class that she should try not to write narrative essays, and it would be difficult to get points.

But this time he wrote the composition very sincerely. In short, he wrote everything he wanted to write, and the rest didn't matter.

I don't know why, Shen Xingruo and Lu Xingyan both took the exam peacefully during the two-day exam. Although some students in the exam room they were in had emotional breakdowns and left midway, it didn't affect their calm mood at all.

As Wang Youfu said, take it as a monthly exam.

After the test, you can check the answers with your classmates.

It is best to do well in the exam, and it doesn’t matter if you do not do well in the exam. If you are criticized by the teacher, we will start again next time.

What most people lack is never the glory of reaching the top, but a calm heart and the courage to start again after failure.

At the end of the last English test, He Siyue, Ruan Wen, Shi Qin, Li Chengfan, Zhao Langming... and even Li Ting all ran over to ask Shen Xingruo how he was doing nervously.

Shen Xingruo thought for a while, "It seems to be okay."

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

The face of the first class seems to be stable.

When Lu Xingyan arrived, everyone also asked him, "How did you do in the exam?"

Lu Xingyan touched the back of his neck, and said lightly, "It seems to be okay."

Everyone looked at each other and smiled, then chatted and made a fuss and walked outside the school.

The setting sun pulled long and crowded figures behind them, and at the school gate, everyone looked back at the same time.

Goodbye, Mingli.