Strawberry Kiss Mark

Chapter 82


When Lu Xingyan first heard the absurd news that his college entrance examination results were false, he subconsciously thought it was funny, and when he saw the school post from Li Chengfan, he didn't take it seriously.

To be honest, posting this word sounds quite old-fashioned now, and Mingli’s homepage couldn’t post a new post in three or four days, saying that he relied on his family’s money to have the right to operate the college entrance examination in secret. But a dozen replies.

At that time, he was still angry, struggling in his heart whether to shamelessly buy a ticket and chase to Paris, or just to have a cold war with Shen Xingruo for a period of time, so he had no time to deal with these trivial rumors about pink eye disease.

Unexpectedly, Wang Youfu contacted him that night and talked to him about it.

—It turns out that there is a real idiot who reported him with his real name for the secret operation of the college entrance examination.

At the same time, the news that hit the headlines of the social media was the Jinsheng International Shopping Mall, a subsidiary of Jinsheng Real Estate, and another incident of jumping from a building!

Previously, Jinsheng spent a huge amount of money to build a new Jinsheng International Shopping Center in Star City. On the day of the opening ceremony, someone smashed the place.

A sixteen-year-old high school student was arrested for cheating and dared not go to school. He couldn't think about it for a while, so he jumped from the atrium of a shopping mall and died on the spot. He even injured innocent passers-by.

At that time, this incident received a lot of attention, and because the popular Xiaoxianrou was invited to participate in the opening ceremony, Xiaoxianrou's mother fan and girlfriend fan felt that their baby was frightened, and all kinds of diss Jinsheng's guardrails failed to pass the inspection, security measures Not in place, making this matter the number one hot search.

Fortunately, the public relations team hired by Jinsheng was of high standard, and they responded properly as soon as the incident happened.

Although there were very few people in the mall for a long time after its opening, it did not damage the foundation of the mall.

Up to now, Jinsheng International Shopping Center has become the leader of high-end shopping malls in Star City.

I didn't expect-

Someone actually jumped off a building in the mall again!

Moreover, the one who jumped off the building this time was a former employee of Jinsheng.

This incident has actually happened for several days. The man jumped off the building to seek death by himself, and no one else could stop him. In addition, jumping off the building is not a rare thing these days, so in addition to broadcasting a few local news in Star City , things did not spread outward.

For some reason, a small accident that Jinsheng didn't deal with as a matter of course was suddenly sent out several press releases and bought the headlines of the social page.

Followed by the quietly popular news is that the second generation of the rich operated the college entrance examination in secret, the dude turned into a schoolmaster in a second, and was originally the son of the chairman of the Jinsheng Group!

Originally, Jinsheng's public relations department thought that this wave of headlines came inexplicably and strangely, but after a little inquiring, they knew that behind the headlines of the draft was the handwriting of their Jinsheng's long-time rival, Shangju Real Estate.

But it's just jumping off a building, and helping send so many drafts and buying so many headlines will not have any impact on Jinsheng.

When combined with the latter piece of hot news, they realized later that the former was just an appetizer brought out by Shangju, and had the right to pave the way for the latter.

The son of the chairman of Jinsheng Group.

College entrance examination black box operation.

All words hit the red heart of public attention.

After becoming popular, the news quickly spread in all directions at an unprepared speed.

In just a few hours, major portals forwarded it one after another, and high-frequency news discussions broke out in forums and social software!

This is the first climax of this event.

Because things spread fast, but disappear even faster.

In the middle of the night that day, the relevant news disappeared strangely. In the early morning of the next day, if someone wanted to discuss it again, they would find that their posts had just been posted and went directly into the recycling box for no reason.

The people who eat melons understand it at once.

Jin Sheng's background is really unfathomable.

In fact, blocking the news had nothing to do with Jin Sheng, it was all done by Lu Xingyan's grandfather.

Lu Xingyan's grandfather, Lu Yanzhi, was from the military region. He has been retired for a while, and spent the past few years in the imperial compound to spend his life happily.

Lu Yanzhi and Lu Shan's son had always been at odds. When their bodies were strong, they wished they would die forever and never see each other. It was only when they were older that their relationship gradually eased.

However, Lu Yanzhi never got involved in Lu Shan's business affairs, even if Jinsheng went bankrupt, he would not even frown.

But this time their big fight in the shopping mall actually involved his precious grandson, he couldn't sit still at all.

His old man is iron-blooded, he has always been military and political, and he doesn't understand that the times are different, and the constant blockage will only lead to a greater rebound. He was so angry that he didn't even say hello to Lu Shan. .

It doesn't matter whether it's reasonable or not, it's all sealed.

The seal is sealed.

Lu Shan was so angry that he was hospitalized.

He called Lu Yanzhi in the hospital, and the two quarreled for another 180 rounds without any surprise.

In the end, Lu Yanzhi "If I didn't see that I could earn money for my grandson if I stayed with your life, you thought I would take care of you. I tell you that if you kill my grandson, I will kill you." Words, in fact, retreat is the end.

The news was lifted suddenly, and the public opinion was predictably rampant—

a "Jin Sheng is so awesome that he still dares to seal the news. If he can't seal it, he plans to retreat."

b "Now this society is so corrupt. If you have money and power, you can't go to any school. I wait for the ass to wait for the harvest."

c"I used to think that the college entrance examination was the only fair exam in life, it was too sile, it turned out that it was not)"

d "I was admitted to 985 when I was blinded. Others can read it every day until they fly. Magical reality, I am not surprised by any news."

e"I'll just sit and wait for Jin Sheng's Nie Li to give back, and sooner or later this kind of social garbage will take over the company."

f "Upstairs, you are too young. Maybe you have heard of a profession called a professional manager? And people earn more in interest than you in your lifetime."

g "The speech upstairs was too real and caused discomfort, so I reported it."

Discussions like this do not focus on the event itself but diverge thinking, which is considered kind to Lu Xingyan.

But more people scolded him and Jin Sheng directly.

People who live a depressing and humble life in real life are often able to scold invincible opponents all over the world with a keyboard.

Anyway, there are all kinds of ugly words.

In the past few days, Jinsheng's stock price has also fallen off a cliff, especially after the incident broke out and the Provincial Education Bureau announced its intervention, it collapsed all the way.

Because no one believed that things would be reversed, no one believed that Lu Xingyan's score on the first line was really obtained by himself, and Xingda's self-enrollment was also based on his ability.

The vast majority of people are not optimistic about this matter, and they are only waiting for the results of the investigation by the Education Bureau to give a convincing punishment.

In fact, in just three or four days, a rumor that was not worth mentioning suddenly spread into a college entrance examination accident that was watched by people all over the country. This was the first time in the past ten years that Lu Xingyan felt what it meant to be indisputable.

He found it extremely ridiculous. If Lu Shan really wanted to pave a golden road for him, would he still have to wait for the college entrance examination

He didn't want to believe it at first, but he just spread rumors out of thin air and compared his college entrance examination results with his previous results. Why did he easily convince everyone

After scolding, he began to doubt himself again.

I don't know if it's because being rich is the original sin, or because he is really that bad, so bad that no one wants to believe that he has put in a lot of hard work.

In the past few days, Lu Shan was so angry that he was hospitalized because of Lu Yanzhi, and he held video conferences in the hospital.

Lu Xingyan was also not allowed to go out, and the range of activities was only in the hospital and Luoxing Lake, two points and one line.

In an emergency, Lu Shan did not allow anyone to get close to him, and even dispatched a row of bodyguards to guard him at every step.

Pei Yue even forbade him to look at his cell phone, fearing that he would be mentally tortured after reading the comments on the Internet.

But he has several spare machines, he took one and got a second one.

He read a lot of those who scolded him and Lu Shan on the Internet.

It took only three or four days to go from disapproval at the beginning, to anger, and to gradually calm down.

He didn't bother to look at the back, and spent most of the time huddled in his room, drew the blackout curtains tightly, then turned off his phone, and fell into a drowsy sleep.

He felt that what Shen Xingruo said was right. He was a second-generation ancestor who was useless, ignorant, incapable of learning and would only spend willfully. He would only cause trouble, produce garbage and occupy resources when he was alive. At critical times, he couldn't help at all.

And he can't speak yet, because he can't speak at all, maybe a random response will cause countless waves, and Lu Shan and Lu Yanzhi will help clean up the mess behind his back.

I went to the hospital to see Lu Shan these days.

He found that the father and son were not alike at all.

Lu Shan is ambitious and capable. In the rise of Jinsheng back then, he didn't rely on Lu Yan. Now he is still vigorous and firm in the mall, and he can challenge the board of directors even when he is infused.

But he is only worthy of being a puppet who stays behind his parents and waits for things to calm down. Not causing trouble is the greatest help he can give within his ability.

Even his classmates who have been in the same class for three years anonymously posted on the Internet, saying how disgusting his demeanor in school is, and what he hated the most during the three years in Mingli was the gang of rich men headed by him. Brother Dai Gongzi, it's not surprising that he can manipulate the scores of the college entrance examination.

He's a really bad guy.

Every time he thought of this, he felt that he and Shen Xingruo were really not a good match.

No wonder Shen Xingruo wants to break up with him

It's two o'clock in the morning in Paris, and it's morning in China.

Shen Xingruo was packing her luggage while calling Lu Xingyan.

But Lu Xingyan's cell phone was always turned off, and Pei Yue's call was always answered by Lu Shan's secretary.

If Shen Xingruo didn't sleep all night, she booked a flight back home at 10:00 am. After 5:00 am, she dragged her suitcase and took a taxi to Charles de Gaulle Airport by herself.

That is, on the way to the airport, Pei Yue finally called her back.

Of course Pei Yue would not tell her how bad things were, but only comfort her and let her enjoy her vacation and have fun in Europe. Everything is fine on their side and everything will pass.

Shen Xingruo didn't bother, ended the call with Pei Yue, and kept in touch with the school and the classmates.

During this period, she would call Lu Xingyan from time to time, but Lu Xingyan's cell phone was still disconnected.

Finally, she left a WeChat message for Lu Xingyan

Things have been fermenting to the fifth day.

The scolding on the Internet has stopped a lot. Everyone is tired of scolding, and they are only gathering their energy to wait for the investigation results of the Provincial Education Bureau.

Sitting in the dark room, Lu Xingyan finally turned on his phone.

WeChat is densely packed with red messages.

He scrolled down, and suddenly found the 1 that popped out of Shen Xingruo's head.

Shen Xingruo heard Aunt Pei say that you stay in your room all day long and you are still youthful and painful. Lu Xingyan, aren't you usually quite capable

Lu Xingyan paused and stared at the message for a long time, but in the end there was still no reply.

Lu Shan was also discharged from the hospital today.

He took a shower, tidied up a little, and went to the hospital with Pei Yue to pick Lu Shan home.

Lu Shan seemed to be in good condition. On the way, he received a call, saying that the investigation by the Education Bureau had come out, and the news would be released in the afternoon.

Go home and rest for a while, and someone will come to the door soon.

Lu Xingyan heard the commotion and came down the stairs, only to see a woman in a white shirt and a wine red skirt enter the door, followed by staff members with briefcases.

The woman in the lead looked familiar, her long hair was tied into a low bundle, her appearance was elegant but capable, she walked up to Lu Shan, nodded slightly, and then stretched out her hand and said, "Hi Dong Lu, Jiabo Public Relations Co., Ltd." , zoe, it is a great honor to have the opportunity to serve the public relations of Jinsheng Group again."