Strawberry Kiss Mark

Chapter 94


Lu Xingyan was confused when he received the package.

The handwritten posting slip was simple, separated by two layers of copy paper, and the handwriting was even shallower. Based on the size of the posting address, he deduced that the sender's solitary word was Shen, and the string of flamboyant mobile phones The number belongs to Shen Xingruo.

Inside the package was a brown scarf, and a messy bag of pills and health tea.

On weekdays, Shen Xingruo would also send him some food and clothing, but most of the orders were placed online, and the store sent them directly.

A package that arrived this time... really looks like it was misplaced.

Lu Xingyan opened WeChat to ask questions, but before typing, he caught a glimpse of the previous chat records with Shen Xingruo.

He belatedly picked up those medicines to check their effects.

—oc! That's right, it's for him!

Shen Xingruo thought that he really had a toothache, so he sent him medicine!

And this love handmade scarf! ! !

The corners of Lu Xingyan's lips twitched wildly, and his heart felt as if a pot of honey had been poured into it, it was so sweet.

Speaking of it, although the white peacock of his family has a cold face all year round, and his mouth is not forgiving, he is still very gentle and meticulous in his heart, and he is a proper actionist.

The last time Li Chengfan showed off that his family 34d was going to knit a scarf for him, he didn't care on the surface, but he felt a little sour in his heart, so he pointed it out in front of Shen Xingruo.

As if Shen Xingruo didn't understand, he just said "Oh" and said nothing more.

He paused, thinking about the scene of Shen Xingruo weaving the scarf... Forget it, he thought too much and never mentioned it again.

It's impossible to think that although Shen Xingruo didn't say anything sweet, but secretly weaved one for him! And there are patterns, obviously they have learned some complicated stitches seriously!

Unlike Li Chengfan's 34d, who said it nicely, he hasn't seen a scarf for three months.

Thinking of this, Lu Xingyan was so sweet that he almost fainted.

He quickly put on the scarf, occupying the one-acre three-point area with the best field of view in front of the full-length mirror and refused to give up an inch. From time to time, he fiddled with his hair, took selfies with two poses, and called Chen Du when he was done, and asked him to choose which one was better. handsome.

"What are you fussing about?"

Chen Du was puzzled.

Lu Xingyan adjusted the scarf, made a casual gesture on purpose, and said, "My girlfriend knitted it for me, how about it."

Chen Du "..."

"You saw my girlfriend last time. Don't look at her as aloof. In fact, she is cold on the outside and hot on the inside. She really has nothing to say to me. I just said a toothache, and she sent me medicine."

Chen Du "..."

He recalled the strong aura of Shen Xingruo when he came to Xingda University last time, and always felt that Lu Xingyan had been suppressed for too long and had fallen into self-obsession.

What about Miss Bingshan, weaving a scarf? Delivery medicine

It's almost the same as sending someone off to rank in the immortal class.

He only patted Lu Xingyan on the shoulder after hearing Lu Xingyan's babbling, and said earnestly, "Brother Yan, as long as you are happy."

Lu Xingyan looked puzzled.

Of course I'm fucking happy.

He watched Chen Du shaking his head and walking out sighing, and he didn't bother to care about it. Instead, he showed off in the friends group, hurt Li Chengfan, and then posted a Jiugongge circle of friends.

Shen Xingruo ignored all the meme emoticons he sent, but gave his circle of friends a thumbs up.

Those who like it together are Pei Yue and Lu Shan who have been unblocked

There was heavy snow in winter, and Lu Xingyan relied on the precious scarf sent by Shen Xingruo to continue his life, and survived the inhuman exam week of burning lights and fighting at night.

The big holiday was earlier than that of Xingda University. In mid-January, the final exams of all departments have been completed one after another.

Everyone packed their luggage and set foot on the journey home for the New Year.

If Shen Xing didn't want to affect Lu Xingyan's exam, and the school still had group activities that could be completed ahead of schedule, she simply stayed until Lu Xingyan's exam was over before returning to Star City.

Then he stayed in Xingcheng until the Chinese New Year was approaching before returning to Huize.

The time spent together in a long-distance relationship is limited, so every minute and every second is worth cherishing.

Lu Xingyan clung to her very tightly, but he didn't stop her from going home. After thinking about it, he simply went to Huize, which was called a trip, but actually he stayed at Shen's house.

The results of both of them were released a year ago.

Shen Xingruo still got the third place in major and the second in overall score in Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon University this semester.

Lu Xingyan lacked Mr. Shen's day and night encouragement, so his grades were not good enough.

Although there is no crane tail, and he has not failed a course, but with such a professional grade and comprehensive score, if he wants to apply for a major exchange student next semester, there is a high probability that he will not be able to do so.

Shen Xingruo didn't know whether to look away or what, he didn't say much when he saw his grades.

However, Lu Xingyan himself was very guilty and anxious about getting rid of his virginity, so he insisted on clocking in 50 words every day during the winter vacation and sharing them with his circle of friends

This winter was extremely cold, and I couldn't go out most of the time, but I stayed in the house, and the winter vacation passed unknowingly.

Although the holiday time is not the same, the start time of major colleges and universities is very close together.

Shen Xingruo started school on the fifteenth day of the first lunar month, and he was not even allowed to spend the Lantern Festival at home. Lu Xingyan was not much better, and it was only one day later, the sixteenth day of the first lunar month.

If the first semester of freshman year is used to adapt, then the second semester should be on the right track no matter what.

Seeing the class schedule, Shen Xingruo found that the professional courses of this semester will be three times longer than the previous semester, and there will be different elective module courses at different stages. When calculated together, the course load of the first semester is much heavier than that of the first semester. few.

And this semester, there are more and more extracurricular activities.

Just after the school term started, a director of UNESCO was going to visit the university, and Shen Xingruo and three other students were selected to participate in the reception.

Immediately afterwards, a famous Japanese linguist and a professor from the Department of East Asian Languages and Cultures of Stanford came to visit. These two times, Shen Xingruo was also selected to participate in the reception.

The most commendable thing about a school like this is that it can provide students with rich and precious resources.

These resources not only include education and teaching, but also focus on future development and opportunities.

There is a saying that is true, knowledge may not change destiny, but vision can change life.

In a miniature society like a university, every collision of encounters may be enough to change the trajectory of life in the next few years.

Star University is 985, a double first-class university, so it is not bad.

As soon as this semester started, the Faculty of Liberal Arts held four lectures by famous experts in succession, linking up a theme of "literary life".

Lu Xingyan was most annoyed by these things in the past, but it might be because he did not do well in the exams last semester. This semester he wanted to work hard, so he even went to several lectures that he never participated in before.

Not to mention, these experts and scholars who eat more salt than him have some reason in their words. After listening to a series of lectures, Lu Xingyan feels very rewarding, and he can summarize his experience and hand in a small composition to Teacher Shen when he returns to the dormitory.

After listening to a lecture this time, as usual, he forced Dadao to share a short composition with Shen Xingruo on the phone. After sharing, he realized that Shen Xingruo seemed...too quiet.

"Shen Xingruo, Shen Xingruo? What's wrong with you, I didn't see you make a sound."

"I'm fine."

Her voice sounded light and weak, and Lu Xingyan felt that something was wrong, "Are you feeling unwell? I heard that your voice is not quite right."

"It's just that Auntie is here, just sleep well."

Shen Xingruo's lips turned white, and large drops of cold sweat slid down his forehead, and he was curled up in a small ball under the blanket.

When Lu Xingyan heard this, he frowned tightly, "Why did you come to my aunt this month? Is anyone in the dormitory? Did you drink brown sugar water?"


Shen Xingruo was perfunctory.

But Lu Xingyan could hear it—

There is no one in her dormitory, and she didn't drink brown sugar water

There is no way, Shen Xingruo is busy receiving visiting scholars, professors and ambassadors during this time, and the reception is often accompanied by introductions throughout the reception, and everyone has to eat together.

In order to cater to the other party's eating habits, the school's tables in winter are mainly raw and cold food, and there are no two hot dishes.

As an accompanying person, she couldn't just eat a little without moving her chopsticks.

Moreover, they had to wear formal attire when they received the reception, and the lower half of the formal attire was skirts. Although they stayed indoors most of the time, they still couldn't avoid wandering outside for a short distance. After a few days, it was inevitable that they would be cold.

And because of the reception itinerary during this period, she even took medicine to delay her aunt.

It was too late, but when it came, it was extremely fierce, and it was accompanied by a persistent low-grade fever.

She asked for leave to rest, but her roommates had to attend classes, and the dormitory was unbelievably quiet

Because of her perfunctory, Lu Xingyan showed obvious uneasiness on the other end of the phone.

If Shen Xing didn't want him to hear the clues, he could only make excuses and hang up the phone quickly.

—Without Lu Xingyan's voice, the dormitory became even quieter.

She closed her eyes and endured the discomfort that she didn't know how to describe without saying a word.

Actually, today is a special day, it's...the two-year anniversary of her and Lu Xingyan's acquaintance.

Two years ago today, she traveled from Huize to Xingcheng, and met Lu Xingyan for the first time at the Lu family.

Oh no... According to Lu Xingyan, their first meeting should be on the high-speed rail.

It's a pity that she has an impression of herself borrowing water, but she has no impression of the person she borrowed water from.

Today is the anniversary of her mother's death.

Probably because she was immature when she was young, she always wanted to use a decisive gesture to say goodbye to the betrayer, so she specially chose Song Qingzhao's death date to leave Huize.

And in the middle of the night, he was still sitting on the bay window of Lu's house, playing with a lighter, childishly trying to burn the group photo of their family of three.

The loneliness of going to a strange city alone at the beginning has actually been gradually forgotten by her in the next two years.

But lying on the bed now, she recalled it after a long absence.

She suddenly missed Shen Guangyao, Pei Yue, and especially... Lu Xingyan.

At this moment, her mobile phone buzzed and vibrated.

Lu Xingyan sent a video invitation.

Shen Xingruo wanted to see him very much, but he didn't take this video because he didn't want him to see himself in a mess.

But Lu Xingyan was also determined, and kept sending it two or three times if he didn't answer once.

After a while, Shen Xingruo picked it up.

Seeing Shen Xingruo lying on the bed on the screen, with a pale face and thin face, obviously very weak, Lu Xingyan felt his heart was pulled.

He was very irritable, couldn't hold it back for a while, and said in a bad tone, "What are you doing? Make yourself into such a ghost."

Shen Xingruo's eyelashes drooped, and her bloodless lips were tightly pressed.

It's rare for Lu Xingyan to see her so low-browed and pleasing to the eye, and she's addicted to training.

Shen Xingruo did not refute from the beginning to the end, and only said softly after he finished speaking, "My stomach hurts, and there is no one in the dormitory."

"Lu Xingyan, I miss you very much."

In her pretendingly calm voice, there was a little bit of fragility and grievance that couldn't be concealed.

Just for a moment, Lu Xingyan's eyes turned red

At nine o'clock in the evening, Shen Xingruo's roommates went back to bed one after another.

Everyone cared about Shen Xingruo. Those who brought her meals brought her meals, those who brought hot water helped her get hot water, and some people helped her make brown sugar ginger tea and sent her class recordings.

Shen Xingruo got out of bed to wash, drank some hot porridge, and a little blood returned to his face.

She was still in pain, but not as bad as in the afternoon.

After talking with the roommates under the bed for a while, Shen Xingruo climbed onto the bed with the charged hot water bag in his arms, ready to continue sleeping.

But as soon as she lay down, Su Jiao, who was drying clothes on the balcony, looked back at her in surprise, and stammered, "Xing, Xing... Xingruo, your boyfriend seems to be downstairs, my God, do you want to come and see?" Next, could it be that I read it wrong?"

Shen Xingruo was startled.

Before she could go to see it, the other two roommates ran to see it.

It's just that the night is dim, and the two feel like it, but they can't be sure.

At this time, Shen Xingruo's cell phone vibrated.

Su Jiao turned her head, "He's on the phone, is he calling you?"

Shen Xingruo's eyes were glued to the phone's caller ID, and his movements froze for several seconds.

Suddenly, she quickly lifted the quilt, climbed out of the bed, put on cotton slippers and ran outside. The roommate behind her asked her to put on a coat, but she didn't respond.

In February and March in the imperial capital, the wind was cold and the snow was falling.

Lu Xingyan stood downstairs downstairs with the scarf Shen Xingruo knitted for him, calling over and over again.

After standing for a short while, a lot of snowflakes had already fallen on his head.

Just when he was wondering if there might be another oolong, Shen Xingruo was not in the dormitory at all, a familiar figure ran out from the dormitory door.

He maintained the movement of making a phone call, without blinking his eyes, looking straight at the person coming.

After several seconds, he put away his phone, just stood there lazily, stretched out his hands, and smiled suddenly.