Strict Wife of the ’70s Manages the Household

Chapter 103: problem


Han Qingyun ran forward and accused her angrily, "You are such a hateful woman. You dare to make up rumors behind your back. Do you know how important fame is to a lesbian?"

Yu Xin still wanted to make a quibble, saying that she didn't spread rumors, she just said it casually.

Han Qingsong said coldly, "Do you know He Guang?"

Yu Xin was dumbfounded, she never thought that He Guang would report her, he was her admirer. She suddenly came to her senses, "He Guang is deliberately framing me, his pursuit will not succeed and he will hate."

Han Qingyun didn't care, "Then go back and confront him."

Hao Liru was trembling with fright at the back. They were just ordinary girls who had done nothing bad. They were sent to the countryside after leaving the campus, and they had never dealt with the police.

"I, we, we just, just, just said it casually, it wasn't intentional, it wasn't intentional to spread rumors." Hao Liru burst into tears.

Yu Xin also hurriedly said, "I really didn't mean to spread rumors, I was just joking and joking." She not only said it in front of He Guang, but also other educated youths.

Han Qingyun said angrily: "You can eat rice indiscriminately and talk nonsense? You are still joking, there is such a joke? If people who listen to it take it seriously, wouldn't it have a very bad influence on Captain Lin? If there is a county investigation team I came down to visit and listened to your words. Wouldn’t it be serious? Besides, what would a lesbian’s husband and family think when they heard it? Broken relationship? It's just vicious!"

The two wept bitterly, bowed their heads, and kept apologizing and begging.

Han Qingsong: "Take them back to the bureau and let Party Secretary Ren pick them up in person."

Yu Xin and Hao Liru didn't take it seriously at all. After all, many people in life will speak ill of others behind their backs, or say how others are doing without any basis, sometimes out of jealousy, sometimes out of gossip, or even just casually saying that for no reason. Generally, it will not cause any direct consequences. No one will take it seriously if the parties do not know it.

But for the parties involved, it will still have an invisible impact, the impression on strangers will deteriorate, and even people who originally wanted to get close but don’t know much will make bad judgments, causing losses to the parties unknowingly.

This is also Han Qingsong's belief in Lin Lan. If it is a man who does not support his wife's work, for fear that his wife will cheat, he will immediately explode when he hears such words, and a family crisis will break out.

So, this thing can be big or small.

Although it is not necessary to commit a crime without re-education through labor, it is definitely necessary to hold a meeting to name and criticize and take demerit punishment. This is a very serious punishment for the two of them. In the future, if there are good things for advanced elements, they will never get their turn. Evaluation of advanced, college entrance examination, recruitment, and returning to the city are all subject to restrictions, but unfortunately the two of them can't understand it yet.

The two begged bitterly: "Director Han, we don't dare anymore, please, please let us go. We know we were wrong, give us a chance."

Yu Xin bowed to Han Qingsong again and again, hoping that Han Qingsong would be soft-hearted and forgive because of her beauty. If she was recorded as a demerit, then she would be finished. Not only did she have no chance to apply for college this year, but also next year.

But Han Qingsong obviously doesn't want to eat this way, and whether he is beautiful or ugly is no different from the tree stump at the door.

Han Qingsong pushed the cart in, Yu Xin suddenly knelt down towards him and said excitedly, "Director Han, please give me a chance, please leave some leeway, and don't push us to a dead end! "

Hao Liru was taken aback. She didn't expect that someone as arrogant as Yu Xin would kneel. She was a little stunned.

Yu Xin was about to grab Han Qingsong's clothes as she spoke.

Han Qingsong: "Don't move!" He has seen many people like this, so it's not surprising.

Yu Xin shivered with fright, and she didn't dare to move her fingers when they were still a little distance from Han Qingsong's legs.

Hao Liru turned her head and bowed to Lin Lan who came out: "Captain Lin, please let us go. We don't dare anymore, please raise your hand."

Han Qingsong put the bicycle under the gatehouse and waved at Han Qingyun, while he stepped forward to intercept Lin Lan and touched her forehead.

Lin Lan: "I don't have a fever again."

Hao Liru kept bowing and begging, Yu Xin also stood up, stood beside her and apologized and confessed, "Captain Lin, you are also a woman, and you know what happens if a woman is given a bad reputation. We, we are really It's over."

Next year, she also wants to continue to apply for admission to the University of Workers, Peasants and Soldiers, so she cannot be demerited.

Seeing them like this, Lin Lan wanted to teach them a lesson, let them know they were afraid, and let them go back if they didn't dare to spread rumors behind their backs.

Han Qingyun: "Now that you know that reputation is important, why don't you think about it when you spread rumors?"

"I, we didn't say that casually..."

"You talk about it, she talks about it, you just talk about it casually, do you know how important it is for women in the countryside? Three people become tigers, and everyone's mouth is full of money. It's not that there are no women who are forced to jump into the river." Lin Lan said coldly.

Yu Xin was anxious: "Aren't you all right? Why are you being so aggressive? Why are you so bad?"

Han Qingsong's face suddenly turned cold, "Qingyun!"

Han Qingyun also cared that he had to be able to move with the lesbian. He stepped forward and pulled Yu Xin's arm to tell her to leave quickly, "If you don't leave, you will be in big trouble."

Yu Xin was not relieved, she felt that Lin Lan had a small stomach, she was just saying something casually, and she didn't do anything to her, how could she be so unreasonable? He has to rely on his man as the director to punish his own sins. This is clearly jealous of myself for being beautiful!

"No wonder people say that you are stingy, jealous, and vicious, even beating your in-laws, uncles and aunts..."

Han Qingyun was stunned, mother, you really don't want to die? Originally, my third brother and third sister-in-law would at most scare you and send you back for Party Secretary Ren to criticize and educate you well, but you have to kill yourself.

However, Yu Xin felt that Lin Lan would not let her go, so she scolded her happily.

Hao Liru was also frightened by her, she didn't understand why she had so many opinions on Lin Lan.

Lin Lan laughed angrily, and she said to Xin, "Okay, since you expect me to be a bad person to get revenge on you, that's what you want. Hao Liru, your apology is sincere, and I forgive you. Go back and receive criticism, education, and reflection. Check Zhi Zhi and admit your mistakes. Yu Xin, just wait and remember your big deeds."

Hao Liru and Yu Xin cried with joy, and the other fell into an ice cellar.

Yu Xin: "Why, why are you! You still want to cover the sky with one hand, why are you so bad!"

Lin Lan smiled and said, "Bad people say I'm bad, right third brother."

Han Qingsong nodded and held her hand, "Go back to the house, the cold is not over yet." He embraced her waist, and half coaxed and half forced Lin Lan back to the house.

Han Qingyun: "Third brother, sister-in-law, I'll go first."

He said to Hao Liru, "Get her out quickly, so that you can make up for it."

Hao Liru was stunned for a moment, then immediately helped her and pushed Yu Xin out.

Yu Xin burst into tears, "Lin Lan, you are also a woman, why are you embarrassing me, you are just jealous of me..."

"Bah, bah, bah!" Han Qingyun was about to vomit. "What do you have to make my sister-in-law jealous? Are you dreaming? If you don't shut up, I'll tie you up."

He saw that there was a piece of cloth in her bag, and said to Hao Liru, "put the cloth in her mouth again."

Hao Liru took Yu Xin and went out.

Although Yu Xin struggled, she was not an opponent. When she was pulled out, she scratched Hao Liru angrily, "Bitch, you are satisfied. When did you curry favor with Lin Lan to do me wrong. Did you write the report letter?"

Hao Liru was also confused. She scratched her, and the pain brought her back to her senses and immediately began to fight with Yu Xin, "It's obvious that you are jealous of Captain Lin, and you speak ill of others all day long, and I was hurt by you."

Han Qingyun: "Don't talk shit, He Guang is waiting for you to confront each other in the brigade, and he left."

He pulled out a small stick from the wall to drive the two of them, lest they have to push them with his hands and be accused of taking advantage of lesbians. After following Han Qingsong, he was very careful.

When he passed the brigade, he shouted, "Director Dong!"

Soon Dong Huaihua ran out, and she was still wondering, "Qingyun, what's wrong?"

Han Qingyun: "Sister-in-law, you and I will send them to Yongxing Brigade to receive criticism and education. This Yu Xin..." He repeated He Guang's report, "Report with real name, never adulteration."

Dong Huaihua pushed Yu Xin angrily, "Okay, you are Yu Xin, you are too unreliable. Captain Kualin said in front of her that he wanted to learn from her, so why do you do this behind your back?"

Yu Xin also wanted to refute, "She didn't have a reputation..."

With a slap in the face, Dong Huaihua scolded, "No wonder people say what they say. My country wife knows that people's words and deeds reveal their upbringing, but you, a scholar, don't know? It's your turn to chew your tongue?"

Dong Huaihua finished venting, "Wait."

She ran to the brigade to get a gong and knocked it, which quickly attracted a lot of attention.

Dong Huaihua shouted: "members, pay attention, pay attention. Today I want to talk about a very serious question. If anyone will talk behind their backs and talk nonsense about things that have no basis and no shadow, the educated youth will remember the demerit, and the staff will deduct work points. , you have to go around the village to make compensation, not to admit your mistake!"

After she finished shouting, she said to Xin and Hao Liru, "It's up to you two."

The two of them were hanging their heads so hard that they wished they could die. No one knew that they could be punished like this for talking casually.

They also didn't dare to look up, mosquitoes hummed, "I'm sorry, I won't dare to speak ill of Captain Lin again."

Dong Huaihua: "What? Can't hear."

The two had to apologise loudly with their heads lowered in tears.

The members pointed and pointed, making them even more embarrassed.

Liu Chuncai ran over, "Oh, I'm going, it turns out it's the two of you. You two are really capable, and you dare to make up things when you don't have anything."

Dong Huaihua and Liu Chuncai supervised and asked Yu Xin and Hao Liru to call from the front of the village to the back of the village, and then go directly to the Yongxing Brigade.

When she went to the Yongxing Brigade, Ren Hongxia already knew from He Guang that she had to get angry and scolded He Guang first. She was already short-tempered and couldn't stand the voluptuousness, so she immediately held a meeting of educated youth and beat her inside and out. Finally, a member meeting was held, and Yu Xin and Hao Liru were asked to review, and the cadres discussed the punishment for the two.

Because Lin Lan said that Hao Liru would not be held accountable, she only needed criticism and self-criticism, but Yu Xin's last few words offended Lin Lan and Han Qingsong.

Han Qingyun is also feeling Han Qingsong's temper now, and naturally he will not help Yu Xin to relieve her responsibilities.

In the end, Hao Liru was recorded as a minor demerit, and she had to write an examination within half a year.

Yu Xin was recorded as a major demerit, and she had to write an inspection within a year. Her major demerit was recorded in the file. Unless she made a merit to make up for her demerit, she would not have her share in the evaluation.

Because this incident involves going through the back door and slandering people behind the back, after Yu Xin was dealt with, some people interpret it from various aspects. Those who want to leave the relationship must give up their thoughts, and those who speak ill of people behind their backs must keep their mouths shut and whisper at home. , but dare not talk nonsense in public like before.

After all, no one knows that talking nonsense and spreading rumors will also be punished.

A few days later, Laixi brought Xiaoxin a basket of precocious peaches to Lin Lan, and Tang Laoya gave it to Lin Lan and the child.

There is a peach forest in Tangjiaji. The peaches are not only large, but also have delicate flesh and sweet juice. They are the best among peaches.

The fat peaches in Tangjiaji are said to come from the authentic big fat peaches from Feicheng, which were cultivated by a businessman surnamed Tang during the Republic of China through grafting technology. At the beginning, he looked for several places in his hometown and found that Tangjiaji was the most suitable place to grow fat peaches, so he moved his family there. At that time, Tangjiaji was not called Tangjiaji. It was called Tangjiaji after the Tang family moved and developed slowly. Tangjiaji’s peaches are also well-known for a long time. After the land reform, they became collective. Members were not allowed to pick them casually.

After sending Laixi away, Lin Lan led Xiaoxin home and put away the clothes and food he brought.

Although Xiaoxin still has a small temper at home, he came to Lin Lan's house and became a good baby in seconds, and he seemed very sensible when talking to Lin Lan.

Lin Lan saw that he was a little short. He was only half a year younger than Sanwang, but he was so short. She was a little worried, "Xiaoxin, you didn't eat well?"

Xiaoxin was afraid that his aunt would ask things and say that he was not good, so he quickly took a few peaches and washed them. Xiaowang, give them a surprise.

Lin Lan shook her head and smiled. She was really not hungry when she was a picky eater in this day and age.

Xiaoxin rushed to the outside of the classroom and lay on the window, peeped inward, and moved towards Sanwang and Xiaowang.

Sanwang's eyes are easy to use, Xiaowang's ears are easy to use, and at the same time, he finds Xiaoxin outside the window. Ah? You're here! The two silently conveyed surprise at the same time. For small children, the sudden appearance of a friend is a big surprise.

Han Qingping is lecturing above, "Student Sanwang, pay attention to the lecture."

Sanwang immediately pressed Xiaowang, "Teacher, Xiaowang has a stomachache."

Han Qingping thought that Xiaowang wanted to go to the thatched hut, so he asked him to help Xiaowang out, Dawang, Erwang, and Mai Sui. They knew Sanwang was lying when they heard it, so they didn't worry, just glared at him.

Sanwang winked and helped Xiaowang go out. Xiaowang didn't dare to laugh even though he wanted to laugh.

The three children ran out of the school and hid outside by the haystacks. Xiaoxin gave them the peaches in the pockets of his clothes, "I washed them, and they are sweet."

Sanwang and Xiaowang are one each, and there are two more, "I'll go send them to the big brother."

"There are at home, you won't be able to come out if you go back." Xiaoxin doesn't want them to go back.

The three children chatted for a while and looked at the sun, it was still early before school.

"It would be nice if it was winter, and school is probably over now." Xiaoxin said.

"What's better in winter, when it snows and freezes, the freezing time is cut in half."

"Brother Xiaosan, let's go back to class and let Brother Xiaoxin come with us."

After Xiaowang finished eating the peaches, he threw the peach pit beside the haystack, wiped his mouth and hands with a small handkerchief, saw that Sanwang had eaten peach juice all over his clothes, and helped to wipe it.

Sanwang's handkerchief didn't know where to put it, so he borrowed Xiaowang's to wipe his mouth and stuffed it into Xiaowang's pocket, "Xiaowang, you go to class, and Xiaoxin Fushui and I will go."

Xiaowang held one in each hand and dragged them back to class.

Sanwang & Xiaoxin: ... no ah ah ah-

Fourth and fifth graders wrote essays, and Han Qingping asked Mai Sui and Erwang to also participate, "This time I will describe "My Hometown", with about 800 characters and no less than 600 words. You go back and write well, and I will give you suggestions for revision tomorrow morning. , I'll hand it in after I finish writing it in the afternoon. I'll take it to the county to participate in the composition competition, and there will be prizes."

In the past few years, the cultural movement in the countryside led to a very low emphasis on learning, and the enrollment rate plummeted. Therefore, the provincial education ministry also tried to encourage enrollment. Holding a composition competition, or studying Chairman Mao's quotations, spiritual competitions, etc., can also be regarded as promoting education.

Mai Sui and Er Wang are very happy, they are willing to participate in this kind of learning activities.

Dawang is not interested, he hates writing essays the most!

The more than a month of hard study last year did not include the composition. After all, the primary school was upgraded, and the composition was just as easy to write. But Dawang is not interested in what composition competition he wants to participate in now.

Seeing that the children were not enthusiastic, Han Qingping encouraged them, "Children, cheer up, learning is the career of a lifetime. Look at Comrade Lin Lan, who has grown from an ignorant woman who doesn't know big characters to an advanced comrade. The power of learning, she is an example for all of us. You should also study hard, throw away the straw sandals and wear leather shoes, and wear clothes with four pockets. "

Wearing leather shoes and clothes with four pockets is equivalent to a cadre, and eating commercial grain is very honorable.

Wangwangs: For your praise of my mother, I forgive you for saying that she used to be an ignorant woman.

"I also want to tell you a piece of good news. Since last year, colleges have started recruiting students. Every year, the army, communes, factories, etc. recommend college students to study. You study hard, and when you graduate from high school, you can also be recommended for college. ."

When Han Qingping said this, Mai Sui was overjoyed, and she whispered to Erwang, "We are going to college."

Erwang nodded happily, what Mother said was true.

After class, the children of Lin Lan's family would get together to chat, Xiaoxin gave Dawang a peach, Erwang and Mai Sui one, "There are still at home, go home to eat."

Dawang saw the lice head and drooled with gluttony, so he opened it and divided it into half, and Erwang also opened it and ate it with the wheat ears.

The last class is a big class for all grades—music class. As usual, Xiaowang sings "The East is Red" first, then reviews the previous class, and then learns the new content of this class.

The music class requires students to learn Cultural Revolution songs, and they can sing all kinds of songs, such as "Sailing the Seas Depends on the Helmsman", "Beijing Tiananmen" and so on.

Huo Yuan also knew that this was a task, so she didn't force the children to die, and let the children play on their own for half the class, while she led Xiaowang and the other two children to study alone, teaching them some musical scores and simple music. Music theory knowledge.

Xiaowang can learn it as soon as he learns it, and he can draw inferences from others. Huo Yuan likes him very much.

It was hard enough to endure until the end of school. When the teacher said that get out of class was over, some children had already rushed out.

Huo Yuan and Xiao Wang talked for a while, and asked him to use the harmonica to practice some of the pieces he taught. "Xiao Wang is obedient and skilled in playing. If there is a chance, he can play it when he takes it out."

Xiaowang naturally agreed, because his mother liked to hear him play, so he had to play it very skillfully.

Huo Yuan let them out of school.

"Goodbye, teacher." Xiaowang waved his hand and walked out.

Sanwang helped him carry his schoolbag. Brothers and sisters were waiting for him at the door. The children gathered and walked home together.

Sanwang Xiaoxin and Xiaowang are racing in front to see who can rush home first. Dawang is not in the back today and walks two steps to keep up with Mai Sui and Erwang. The two are talking about writing.

Dawang: "That..."

The two looked at him, "Brother, what's the matter?"

"… composition."

Mai Sui smiled and said, "Let's talk to my mother when we get home, and my mother can give us some inspiration."

Dawang: "I have a dollar, who are you..." Write it for me.

Mai Sui and Erwang glanced at Dawang, and said earnestly, "Brother, it's a lesson from the past." If they helped Dawang write essays, their mother would know that the three of them would definitely have no good fruit to eat. They can't take such a big risk for a dollar.

Dawang: "…"

Before they got home, they smelled a sweet smell of caramel, and Sanwang shouted: "Mother is ready to eat again, let's go!" The three children rushed into the house first laughing.

Lin Lan is making sesame and peanut candy that children like at home. First, use a little peanut oil to fry the peanuts. When they turn yellow, put them in a basket to let them cook by themselves. Then, put the sesame seeds in the hot pan a few times, and then pour them in. When it is almost cool, pour it on the panel, break it with a rolling pin, and put it in the tea tray. Finally, she took a long-handled iron spoon for boiling raw soybean oil, poured some peanut oil into it and boiled sugar, and poured it directly on top of the crushed peanuts when the sugar was boiled into a caramel color. Spread it out with a shovel and pat it flat, and spread it out into a cake to dry.

When the children came back, it was almost cold. Lin Lan took out the sugar cake and cut it into thumb-sized pieces with a knife.

As soon as she looked up, she saw the children lined up from tall to short, all looking at her expectantly, as if waiting to be fed.

Lin Lan smiled and stuffed a piece into Xiaowang's mouth, letting other children wash their hands and eat by themselves.

Sanwang: "Mother, I want too, ah—" He opened his mouth wide, and Lin Lan smiled and fed a piece.

Xiaoxin also opened his mouth immediately, and Lin Lan also fed a piece.

Mai Sui picked up a piece and said with a smile, "Mother's feeding is particularly fragrant."

Sanxiao nodded immediately, "Yes!" and chewed it crunchy.

Mai Sui and Er Wang helped prepare dinner at home, while Da Wang led his younger brothers to mow the grass as usual. Lin Lan picked a few small pumpkins from the vegetable garden and made pumpkin omelettes for the children.

It's hot and doesn't like to set fire on the kang, so Lin Lan cooks in the bathroom.

She shreds the small squash with a wiper, sprinkles some salt to kill the water, then adds some flour and two eggs and stirs it. When cooking, rub a little more oil, fry the squash pancakes first, and then stir-fry the pancakes. In addition, set up a small pot, use a casserole to boil millet porridge and drink, one person is a small bowl.

When Han Qingsong came back from get off work, and the meal was almost ready, Han Qingsong told Lin Lan about Han Qinghua, "The fourth child wants to apply for university, but the conditions are not enough for me to help me get a place, but I didn't agree."

He rarely came back to talk about the outside world, so every time he said Lin Lan, he was very supportive and chatted with him for a while.

Lin Lan: "He probably just tried it. He always thought that if you agreed."

Han Qingsong: "That's really a dream."

Lin Lan laughed, "You can be careful that the old lady comes to cry for you." Just as he was talking, Brother Han helped the old lady come in from outside.

Lin Lan: "..." When did I become a crow's mouth

Han Qingsong glanced at Lin Lan, squeezed her hand, and the two greeted the old lady and Brother Han.

Han Qingsong moved the dining table to the yard and invited them to sit and eat together.

Brother Han: "The family is ready to wait for Dad to come back for dinner. Third brother, you have been busy recently, and my mother wants to have a word with you."

Han Qingsong deliberately refused to pass. Because of the matter of applying for college, Mrs. Han and Aunt Han could take care of a lot of things, and they were guaranteed to let Han Qingsong help.

The old lady Han looked very weak, covered her head and said, "My body is getting worse every day."

Seeing her playful upper body, Lin Lan didn't say anything, just busy herself.

Erwang and Mai Sui were talking about composition, but they came over and asked, "Mum, why are you getting worse every day?" I thought it was funny.

The old lady Han glared at them, "It's not that I'm too old to worry about it." She looked at Han Qingsong, "The third child,"

Although she was scolding at home, she also understood that Han Qingsong would not be at her own mercy. He took the initiative to do the things he was assigned, and he didn't take care of the things outside. To force his son into submission by scolding and neglecting him.

Han Qingsong: "Mother, say it."

"You can go to college after this."

Han Qingsong didn't say a word, waiting for her to continue.

Old Mrs. Han: "You are in the position of this official, and people are bothering you all day long. It is not as convenient for others to take advantage of it as your own."

Han Qingsong: "Mother, no one bothers me, and no one takes advantage."

No one dares.

Mrs. Han: "You said so, but I know, aren't all cadres like that? Look, you can definitely get two places, right? The fourth and Jinyu..."

Han Qingsong interrupted her directly, "Mother, even if I own my son and daughter, I won't give them a quota. It depends on my own ability wherever I go."

Mai Sui and Er Wang on the side looked at each other, we had to work hard to go to university by ourselves.

The old lady Han was choked, she forgot what she thought, and she was speechless for a long time.

Brother Han couldn't bear to see the old lady like this, "The third child, you see that the fourth child is not married yet, so go to read a book, and you can work more actively on the farm when you come back."

Han Qingsong: "Brother, he is going to Laogai, not to work. Staff are eligible to apply, but not."

Brother Han was too choked to speak.

At this time, Sister Han came to deliver food to Lin Lan, knowing that Xiaoxin was coming, she made a cucumber mixed with eggs. Fry the eggs with oil, then pat the cucumbers, add soy sauce and garlic salad, and children love it too.

Brother Han saw his daughter-in-law come over, his face showed joy and wanted to speak, but Sister Han ignored him, and the light in his eyes dimmed again.

Sister-in-law Han originally wanted to say more without saying a word. She delivered the dishes and left quickly, but she made the old lady very angry.

Brother Han hesitated for a moment, "Mother, you talk here, I'll take a look." He chased Sister Han out.

The old lady Han had made Han Qingsong choke enough, but this time her face turned blue.

After a while, Big Brother Han didn't come back. Dawang came back from mowing the lawn. He was a little surprised to see the old lady here, so he washed his hands and prepared to eat after saying hello.

Mrs. Han looked at Xiaoxin with a bad expression, "Whose child are you?"

Xiaoxin saw that her face was not good, and was a little scared.

Dawang: "My uncle's house."

Mrs. Han snorted, "You have rations."

She was very dissatisfied with Lin Lan. She let the children of her parents and sisters come to live all day long, why didn't she say that the children of the eldest sister's family came to live? Before Aunt Han came back and wanted to have a relationship with someone, but Lin Lan kicked him out, Aunt Han cried for the old lady for a long time. Although the old lady doesn't look down on her eldest daughter, but now that the family is in disarray, she feels that the eldest daughter is not bad.

Erwang: "I brought it, it's all fine noodles."

Mrs. Han: "I don't want to let your aunt's brother come to live there."

Sanwang laughed and said, "Mum, who wouldn't let him come? My parents also said to let Brother Mantan come to live. Let him bring the rations and practice with us every day, as well as exercise."

Too bad I don't want to come.

Now, except for Lin Lan and Xiaowang, who sometimes get up late, others get up very early, and they can't stand the days when they are full.

Xiaowang is still talking to Xiaoxin about how to catch fish, Erwang and Mai Sui have already talked about composition, Lin Lan is cutting pickles, and Han Qingsong doesn’t like to talk at all. like a superfluous one.

She waited for the boss to come back, so she wanted to get some food and dry food from Lin Lan's house, so as to save herself a trouble.

As a result, when Erwang was setting up the meal, he put the porridge first, and let everyone eat the porridge.

The old lady Han left angrily, and Han Qingsong went to see them off, and when the old lady left, he went home for dinner.

As soon as she left, the children felt that the air around them was much better, and the atmosphere became more relaxed.

Lin Lan saw that Xiaoxin had finished his porridge, so he went to bring out the main food and handed him a piece of two-height noodle cake, "Xiaoxin, eat more food, children eat more to grow taller."

Erwang teased him, "The horse has no night and the grass is not fat."

Sanwang also patted Xiaoxin's head, "You eat more, you see that you are going to be caught up by Brother Xiaowang."

Xiao Wang immediately raised his small chest proudly.

Xiaoxin: "My parents are not tall, so I definitely won't grow tall."

Mai Sui said with a smile: "My nephew is with my uncle. Your uncle is so tall, you must have grown up, so you need to eat more."

Sanwang: "Sister, then our uncle is not tall, can we not grow big?"

Mai Sui: "..." You go away, I don't want to talk to you.

Xiaowang looked at Dawang and smiled: "Big brother is taller than mother, he will definitely grow up, at least as tall as father."

Lin Lan smiled and said, "Eating well when I was young is not lacking in nutrients, and I won't be short. I usually eat more vegetables and small shrimp." Calcium supplements such as shrimp skin. Lin Lan saves the malted milk essence, milk tablets and the like, basically let the children eat after dinner, brush their teeth and sleep on the kang to save nutrients.

Mai Sui told Lin Lan about the composition competition, "Participate in the competition, if you win, you can get prizes."

Lin Lan smiled and said, "There is still such a good thing, then you have to work harder." She glanced at Dawang, "Brother, come on."

Dawang's chopsticks almost fell off the cucumber. He felt that his mother saw through his thoughts that he wanted to give up

Sanwang is very happy because he doesn't have to write, haha, he doesn't like to write more than the big brother.

Xiaowang listened to them, "Is it difficult to write essays?"

Sanwang exaggerated: "It's hard, it's hard to die. The teacher said that writing about my hometown should be no less than 600 words, which is too difficult for people. I used to say no less than 300 words."

Han Qingping asked them to write a diary or a weekly diary, usually one hundred words, if writing an essay, it should be no less than three hundred words, and no less than six hundred words in the fifth grade. When Sanwang writes 100 words, he has to bite his pen, and when he writes 300 words, his hair can be pulled out.

Talk about writing discoloration.

Dawang ate silently over there, not speaking.

Xiaowang didn't quite understand, he said, "Is it really difficult to write a composition?"

Sanwang: "For example, how do I write about my hometown? My hometown is Shanzui Village, X County, X District, X Province. How many people, how many acres and how many animals are there in our village?" Second brother, then ask the secretary to see how much it is?"

Lin Lan: "..." Silly son.

Xiaoxin hasn't gone to school yet, so he doesn't know anything. He just looks left and right with a curious expression on his face.

Xiaowang: "My hometown has mountains, water, and villages. In spring, the grass sprouts, the ice and snow melt, and in summer, the sun is hot."

Sanwang immediately said that he was very good, he wanted to write it himself, and glanced at the elder brother, "Brother, don't be like me."

Lin Lan: "But what is the difference between this hometown and others? Does my hometown have a unique appearance? What unique things and feelings do you have?"

Xiaowang's eyes lit up: "In my hometown, I have my parents, and my brothers and sisters are all different."

Xiaoxin applauded, and Sanwang hahaha: "Yes, yes, you wait and I will write it down with a pen."

Lin Lan: "..."

She looked at Dawang again, "What are you going to write about, eldest brother?"

Dawang: "I haven't...planned."

Mai Sui and Erwang also shared their thoughts. Mai Sui planned to write from the face, dress, publicity and education of the eldest daughter and the daughter-in-law, as well as the colors of the four seasons, to reflect the changes in the hometown and the spiritual outlook of the people, and then put the finishing touches on himself. The feelings come to the point.

The focus is on love.

Erwang starts from the changes of the members' labor, life, mental outlook, etc., and also reflects the changes and thoughts, and finally expresses their own feelings with a topic.

The focus is on progress.

Lin Lan saw that Han Qingsong had been eating silently, not participating in a word, and even looking thoughtful, she deliberately teased him: "Third brother, what do you think of writing?"

Han Qingsong: "I... don't think so."

Lin Lan refused to obey: "Tell me." She suddenly wanted her third brother to write her a love letter to see how he would write it and what it would look like.

Han Qingsong thought for a while, and said, "My hometown, the most beautiful place."

Lin Lan: "And then what?"

Han Qingsong: "What and then?"

Lin Lan: "..."

Sanwang: "Father, is this the first sentence or the last sentence? At least eight hundred words!"

Han Qingsong: "...Eat."

"Hahaha" there was laughter at the dinner table.

After dinner, Lin Lan didn't let the children go to Chi Liaogui, and let them write essays at home, "Think about it."


Sanwang: "Mother, why do I have to write? The teacher said I don't have to."

Lin Lan smiled, "Little third brother, you won't be able to take off your writing sooner or later, so practice in advance now."

Xiaoxin is going to lead Xiaowang and the two to find the tortoise.

Lin Lan: "Wait a minute, I'll go with you."

When they went out, Han Qingsong also followed, and accompanied them to find Zhi Liaogui, the children ran in front, and the two walked in the back.

On the night of midsummer, the members all ran out to enjoy the shade and went to find Zhigui, and met acquaintances on the way to chat. When the two passed by the back of the village, they saw He Laosan scolding the street, "Who the hell stole my food? What's wrong with my own house?" Seeing Lin Lan and Han Qingsong coming over, he quickly turned around and left.

The pair also encountered someone arguing over a problem with the gutters.

Several families live next to each other, and the two ends can be discharged from the outside of the wall, and the people in the middle can only be discharged from the front of the house through the ditch of each house. But there are always people who take up the drainage ditch for their own convenience, either stacking haystacks or piling up some sundries, so that the waterway is blocked. The village has organized people to dig drainage ditches several times, but some people are always not active, thinking that this is a collective matter, and those who do not earn work points are not willing to participate.

Han Qingsong accompanied Lin Lan and walked around with the child. On the way, he met Han Yongfang and chatted for a while. He was not angry when he heard those people arguing, but he was happy.

Lin Lan was very curious, "Secretary, why are you so happy?"

Han Yongfang smiled mysteriously, "Your second kid gives me an idea to clean up these selfish things."

Lin Lan also laughed. She didn't expect Erwang and Han Yongfang to be friends with each other, and they often discussed things together.

She and Han Qingsong talked and took the children's house. Without her brothers and sisters, Xiaoxin and Xiaowang were not interested in finding Zhigui, so everyone went home together.

Mai Sui and Er Wang had already written the composition and took the initiative to show Lin Lan for guidance.

Lin Lan looked at it and said with a smile, "You two write very well, and you will definitely win an award." At this time, the quality of education is not valued, especially for children in the countryside. They were good at writing letters in the last elementary school, let alone writing any articles. She sees that Maisui focuses on love, and Erwang focuses on practical and economic aspects, and they are both well written.

Their compositions reminded Lin Lan of the lyric "Our hometown, in the field of hope..."

Over there, Sanwang's pencil tip was about to be bitten, and he scratched his ears and cheeks anxiously.

Dawang didn't scratch his ears or cheeks, but his face was serious and his brows were furrowed, showing that he was very entangled.

In the past, writing a composition was at most a weekly diary, writing about interesting things at home, or my father, my mother, my teacher, etc. It is easy to write if there are specific people.

But at this moment, I feel a little worried about writing about my hometown. The scope is too large. What should I write about

Lin Lan graciously presented fruits to the children, "Eat some peach, sweet mouth, sweet heart, and write a good article in a while."

Xiaowang also took a pen and paper to draw, and taught Xiaoxin how to hold the pen correctly, so that he could also draw.

Xiaowang's painting wind blows over the treetops, over the water, leaves are flying, chickens, ducks, geese and dogs bark, when the flowers bloom, bees flap their wings, when the smoke rises, birds fly over, grasshoppers hop At the time, there was a praying mantis by the side... Finally, I drew a house of my own, a big yard, the family eats around the table, the father and brother are sitting upright, the big smiling face is the mother, the middle smiling face is the sister and the second brother, see the teeth The third brother is the one who is blind, and the one who wears glasses is himself.

Although the painting is not realistic, it is all his own imagination, but the demeanor is there.

It gives the impression that the child is drawing sounds.

Xiaoxin paints his own house. He doesn't know how to draw it. It's just a box with a few circles in it as human heads. Then he draws rivers and trees, which is his hometown.

Xiaoxin took a look at Xiaowang's paintings. The same piece of paper is enough to draw a big house by himself, but Xiaowang painted so many things.

He suddenly found out: "Xiaowang, why is there no me?"

Xiaowang: "If I paint my grandma's house, I'll paint you."

Xiaoxin thinks about it too.

In the end, Dawang and Sanwang also finished writing, and then went to bed on the kang.

While they were blowing out the lights, Lin Lan quietly took out Dawang and Sanwang's notebooks to see what they had written.

When I saw it, I almost broke my stomach with laughter, they were really two brothers.

Sanwang wrote down what he said at the dinner table, and wrote them down in three hundred words in total, no more or no less, just right.

Dawang expanded the words on the table, for example, a certain province, a certain county, etc., and then wrote more specific points, what mountains and rivers, how many people, how many cadres, how many students in the village... … rain, snow, spring, summer, autumn, etc.

Finally, the golden sentence summarizes: Ah, my hometown is so beautiful, I love my hometown.

Lin Lan counted according to the grid, no more, no less, exactly 600 words, not a word wasted.


Han Qingsong put a mosquito net on the kang and saw her shoulders shaking with laughter, reminding her: "Go to sleep."

Lin Lan climbed onto the kang and showed him the book together, "Third brother, look, he's really his own son." Just like you.

Han Qingsong directly wrapped her in his arms and glanced at her hand. He had to admit: "… I can write better than me."

Lin Lan giggled. Just as he was about to learn what he said while eating, Han Qingsong had already lowered his head, and a scorching kiss fell on the side of her neck, causing her to tremble. The breath is surging.