Strict Wife of the ’70s Manages the Household

Chapter 104: The original protagonist


The next morning, when the children returned from their morning exercise, Lin Lan was humming a song, "Our hometown, on the field of hope..."

This was what she thought of when she saw the compositions of Mai Sui and Erwang. Their compositions were full of vigorous and upward power, which made her think of it when she felt it.

Sanwang's eyes lit up.

When Lin Lan saw them coming back, she had to open a small kitchen for Dawang and Sanwang to inspire them.

"We always have a purpose in writing articles. The teacher asked me to describe my hometown. In fact, I want you to introduce the general scenery of my hometown to strangers with emotion. Where is the most beautiful? What is the style and customs of my hometown? Development and change? Do you have something to celebrate through these…”

Since it is the school's request, it must be politically correct, "Praise the working people's spirit of pioneering and forging ahead."

As for those who are under the leadership, how, how, thanking our great leaders, etc., the teacher will tell or add these clichés to them, she will not say much.

After such an explanation, Dawang and Sanwang are also a little enlightened, just write about the scenery, and then write about the people, and then express their feelings and praise.


They hurry up and revise, and when the last Chinese class in the morning has been written, they will be handed over to the teacher for the first correction.

Seeing the compositions of Mai Sui and Erwang, Han Qingping praised them repeatedly, "Looking at the compositions written by Erwang and Mai Sui, the words are beautiful and fresh, the descriptions are picturesque, the characters are vivid, the emotions are full of nature, and the momentum is harmonious in one go. You have to study hard." He asked the two of them to read it separately for everyone to follow along.

There are two of the other students' articles that are just enough, and the others are basically unsightly. Let them rewrite them after they have talked about it.

When he saw Dawang, Han Qingping nodded, "Well, this is not bad. It's an emotional explanation, and it's detailed. If you edit the village chronicle, it can be included in the file. It's just that you can make these explanations a little less and add a little more about your hometown. description, or extend the story of the folks here.”

Sanwang saw that his eldest brother was praised, he raised his hand excitedly, "Teacher, I also wrote it."

Han Qingping looked overjoyed, "Sanwang is so fond of learning, congratulations." He took it over and looked at it, and applauded at the first sentence, "What a great article!"

Sanwang was overjoyed.

Han Qingping said: "Our hometown, in the field of hope, is full of soybeans and sorghum, and filled with large barns... Our ideal, in the field of hope, this is the ocean of knowledge, with wings of ideas... We Our party, in the bright east, sows bright hope and leads the giant ship to sail... Our motherland is our hometown, our hope, our ideal... "

Han Qingping kept saying yes, Sanwang was complacent.

Han Qingping: "Student Sanwang, how did you write such good prose?"

Sanwang: "..." I don't even know what I wrote! I don't even know how I wrote it! My mother sang a little song, I just followed my feelings, walked around and dreamed, and wrote it out.

"Student Sanwang?"

Sanwang thought about it and decided to use his mother's words to fool the teacher, "Teacher, just write about the scenery, write about the feelings, praise it, and follow the party..."

"Very good, you have captured the essence of writing the article." Han Qingping frowned, "The classmates are learning a little bit. Although Sanwang's grades are not outstanding, he is very thoughtful."

Mai Sui and Erwang exchanged looks, they are very helpless, why don't they know that Sanwang is so flattering

Dawang looked at his own, and silently added two sentences, which finally became: I love my hometown, and I love our party.

In the afternoon, Lin Lan knew that she was going to laugh like crazy in the future, but she still had to pretend to be very serious and praised, "Each has its own way of writing, don't force it to be the same, you must use your own personality while maintaining the format."

As long as political correctness does not make mistakes, she still hopes that the children can maintain their own personality.

In the afternoon, the children handed in their compositions, and Han Qingping kept complimenting them. Dawang and Sanwang were also highly praised, and they had to submit them together with Maisui and Erwang to participate in the competition.

In the evening, Lin Lan and Han Qingsong gossip about the children's compositions, and they can't help laughing.

Han Qingsong's usual indifferent eyes will become extra soft as long as he sees her. At this moment, he suddenly said, "I'll be a referrer for you, do you join a party?"

Lin Lan was stunned for a moment, then said seriously: "Of course it's good to join the party, but... you have to pay the party dues, why not... talk about it later?" Third brother, you can't do it on a whim.

She doesn't have a serious job now, and she doesn't mention what to do or not. If she joins the party, she has to pay party dues, which is not worth it. In fact, as a member of the public in his previous life, he was used to being free and unrestrained. After joining the party, he always felt that he was very tall.

However, Han Qingsong obviously never worried about that. That night, he forced Lin Lan to write the application for joining the party, introducing Han Qingsong and Han Yongfang. After submitting the application, the branch will be determined to be an active member, and she needs to report on her ideological work every month and every quarter.

If there is no accident, you can officially become a glorious party member in about two years.

After staying for two days, Dawang sent Xiaoxin back.

In the past few days, Han Yongfang adopted Erwang's suggestion, and led the commune members to dig drainage ditches in the village. They dug several ditches from east, west, north and south to the river outside the village. The residents of each hutong dug a public one to the street. In the ditch, whoever owns the lot will maintain it to prevent siltation.

This is without work points, because it is not farming or repairing water conservancy, but the convenience of living in the village, which requires members to be proactive. As a result, some people are unwilling to move. For them, the work is done for the brigade, and they must have work points.

Who does not give work points

And it hasn't rained for several days. The sun is hot every day. Where does the heavy rain come from

Also fill the bag, don't die.

Because no work points are given, they all rely on voluntary work, and at least one-third of the people do not like to move.

Han Yongfang didn't lose his temper, but only led those who were willing to work to dig the collective drainage ditch on the street, and then let each family dig in front of their own door.

When the collective drainage ditch was dug, Han Yongfang held a meeting of the cadres of the brigade and decided in a unified manner, "There is no work point for digging the trench, and no work point for digging the trench will be deducted."

Lazy people are in a hurry now, why do you have the final say? Who says we don't dig? You didn't let us dig.

Unfortunately, it is useless to make trouble in Shanzui Village.

Immediately after that, it rained for three days in a row, and it was pouring like a roar. Many people's houses are low, and the heavy rain cannot be drained out, so the water from the yard is poured into the house. This is good, no need to call for digging drainage ditches anymore. Everyone actively dredges the ditches in front of the door and the side of the house in the rain, and must not block the silt.

In the past, I used to maintain this kind of shared facilities in the village, but I always couldn't do my job well. After this incident, everyone was more active than anyone else, because not only the deduction of work points, but also the possibility of suffering. Sometimes losses are more motivating than gains.

Han Yongfang was very happy afterwards.

Although he is powerful, the members are afraid of him, but he is reasonable and follows the rules. If the members didn't break the rules, he wouldn't be able to use the whip. Because it is a collective economy and collective labor, big and small matters are arranged by cadres. The members of the commune have no autonomy, and over time they have developed the habit of not wanting to use their brains and do not want to take the initiative to work. Everything must be led by cadres, and all labor must be given work points, otherwise it will be wasted labor. It seems that labor is done for the collective, for the brigade, and for the cadres, not for oneself.

In this case, it is very difficult to carry out voluntary labor, after all, the law does not blame the public.

It's good now, I'll be at a disadvantage if I don't listen to the old man's words, I only know how to dig ditches and maintain them after being irrigated one by one.

Han Yongfang asked them to maintain the road near their house, to repair and flatten it in time after the rain, and to pick up stones in their slack time to pave the way for their yard and the road in front of the door. Now the members are more happy and respond as soon as they say it.

There are also people who have touched the smell, who is so bad, knowing that it is raining and not saying a word, they have to hold back their strength and drown them.

Of course, it's classmate Erwang. He listened to the radio and knew that there were heavy rainstorms all over the place recently. Although they haven't here yet, it will be a matter of time according to the direction of the summer monsoon. The probability of heavy rain is very high, so he and Han Yongfang suggested digging drainage ditches and repairing the riverside. It can't be like in previous years. When it rains, the whole street can't be stepped on, right

Especially those at the back of the village.

Han Yongfang and him hit it off, not only can he cure those selfish ghosts who don't want to work hard and just want to sit back and enjoy the success, but also teach them a lesson.

Erwang directly became Han Yongfang's party secretary advisor, and he would talk to him from time to time. Sometimes I even let the old woman fry two eggs and peanuts, he drinks small wine, Erwang drinks sweet water, and the two chat with each other. Even the captain looked hot, the old man for many years, actually left him to play with the young man, hey, it was extremely melancholy.

Han Yongfang gave Erwang his best pen and encouraged him, "Son, study hard, there is one in ten brute force, smart brains and good learning are one in ten thousand."

Erwang naturally agreed, Uncle Qingyun had been eyeing this pen for a long time, but he never thought that grandpa would give it to him.

Erwang said goodbye to Han Yongfang and went home happily with a pen.

Lin Lan was talking to Huo Yuan at home.

Teacher Huo and Han Qing usually visit their homes. She is for Xiaowang, and Han Qingping is for Dawang and Sanwang. Seeing Erwang, Huo Yuan also praised him, "Mai Sui and Erwang are really good children."

Lin Lan has never been stingy when it comes to praising children, especially in front of outsiders. "These two children not only save my worries, but they can also help me manage the house. If it weren't for them, I wouldn't have time to go out."

A family of seven, eating, washing, washing, cleaning, inside and out, would have to work alone from morning to night. If you don't pay attention to the mess, it's fine, but Lin Lan couldn't help it. Therefore, Lin Lan really felt that her children were very capable and helped their parents a lot.

Erwang was a little embarrassed. The more his mother praised him, the more he paid attention to keeping a low profile. After saying hello to Huo Yuan, he went to Dongjian to find Mai Sui to do his homework and read books.

Huo Yuan said to Lin Lan, "Captain Lin, do you want to name the child?"

After all, he is in the senior year, so in the future, if he goes to the commune to study in junior high school, he must not be called by his nickname.

Lin Lan thought for a while, "They have big names, Wangguo, Wangjun, Wangmin, Wangjia, and their daughter is called Mai Sui. If they don't like being older, they can change their liking."

Anyway, now the interpersonal relationship is simple, and it is easy to change the name. Lin Lan felt that if she wanted to change, it would be easy to change it before high school or college. This is not a problem.

Lin Lan considered that the child's name was given by the original owner. As long as there was no malice or ambiguity, it would be fine to keep calling it.

Huo Yuan saw that and thought about it.

After chatting about the children for a while, Huo Yuan talked about the workers, peasants and soldiers.

She couldn't contain her surprise, "Captain Lin, my application has been approved. It's a real surprise."

Lin Lan smiled and said: "What's the surprise? Our brigade reported three at the time, but the commune's meaning may not be selected. This requires a multi-condition review. If you can pass, it means that you have worked hard to improve. Thanks to you and the team."

Huo Yuan still can't believe it. A while ago, Han Yongfang handed her the application form. She had the mentality of filling it in casually. After all, it doesn't matter if her family is ordinary. Going to the countryside can only farm the land, not even the teacher.

Unexpectedly, it was her turn to go to college.

She couldn't figure it out herself and asked Han Qingping, "Mr. Han, do you think Captain Lin helped me?"

Han Qingping told her not to think too much. If they had a good relationship, wouldn't he have a better relationship with Lin Lan? If you want to help, help him first. He told her not to have any burdens, just study hard.

Huo Yuan wasn't rich either, and she didn't have anything, but she still wanted to express her gratitude. She walked around the brigade cadres, and then came to Lin Lan in the name of a home visit.

Lin Lan asked her not to have any burdens, "If you have any difficulties, just tell the brigade, and come back here after graduation. Everything is easy to talk about." Lin Lan thought about Huo Yuan after graduation, and naturally she would not teach the village primary school and go to the commune. Teaching elementary school is fine.

Huo Yuan was a little ashamed. In fact, if he was serious, it would be the next two years. After the children of Lin Lan's family entered school, their school was in full swing. In the past, children didn't study hard, and teachers didn't bother to teach them seriously. Anyway, when they had time, they would go home and work.

Especially after Xiaowang went to school, Huo Yuan found it very interesting, and some people were willing to learn music and art.

Lin Lan asked again, knowing that Huo Yuan was assigned a biology major, and the school was a provincial-run university of workers, peasants and soldiers, with a two-year schooling system. At this time, the Workers, Peasants and Soldiers University were all training specialist talents for political and production needs. There was no art major, and biology majors were also good.

She knew that Huo Yuan's family's conditions were not good, and there was simply not enough food to go to college, so she needed the help of the brigade. Fortunately, the selected workers, peasants, and soldiers are subsidized by the government. They go to school and pay 18.5 yuan a month, and the brigade subsidizes 30 catties of rations a month. However, the rations subsidized by the brigade need to be repaid by Huo Yuan after graduation and returning to work in the commune.

Going to study is of course a good thing, but Huo Yuan was a little worried about Xiaowang, so she discussed with Lin Lan, "Captain Lin, I have a cousin who specializes in music and works in the art troupe. She also needs to go to the countryside this year, so I want to invite her over. Be a primary school teacher."

Lin Lan naturally agreed, "The relationship is good, people are willing to come, we are afraid of grievances."

Huo Yuan smiled and said, "How can you be wronged? Since we have to go to the countryside, we are better than some places here."

Of course, Han Yongfang is also happy. With Huo Yuan as a teacher, it is very interesting for the children in the village to go to school.

So Huo Yuan wrote a letter and asked his cousin Huo Hongzhen to follow this group of educated youths to Shanzui Village.

In late July, Huo Yuan went to the provincial capital to study with the blessing of Shanzui Village when he signed up for the university, and a new batch of educated youth also went to the countryside to come to Shanzui Village.

Lin Lan went to Lin Mei's house on a bicycle today to see the weaving point of their brigade. Yanyan did a good job there. She lived in Lin Mei's house every day, and it was better to live with Qiaoqiao. Qiaoqiao and a good man also go to school, and Qiaoqiao weaves while reading. Even Zheng Yaozu is diligent and gives simple patterns to the designs. The weaving girls are simple and good-looking, and are very popular among the members of the community. Now the supply and marketing cooperatives are starting to sell their fabrics on a trial basis, and textile mills in the county are also approaching to cooperate with them.

The only problem is the production limit. After all, raw materials, labor, and policies are all limited, but Lin Lan feels that it is still good until the end of the Cultural Revolution.

When she went home and passed the brigade, she was stopped by someone, "Captain Lin, come here!"

Lin Lan saw that it was the captain, so she turned around and got out of the car, "Captain, what's the matter?"

Captain: "Our village's new educated youth has arrived. This time, there are more people coming down. There are eight or nine in total."

Lin Lan was surprised: "So many?" In previous years, there were only two or three, but three or four at most.

Lin Lan remembered that Huo Yuan's cousin Huo Hongzhen was here, and she wanted to go see it.

She went to the brigade and found that there was a lot of chaos, with a dozen people crowded. Some were talking there, some were laughing easily, some were crying silently, and some were holding their faces with a lifeless expression. She can understand all these. If you are ready to go to the countryside, you will be happy to see people you know. If you are not ready or have to go to the countryside, you will naturally feel aggrieved and unwilling. It is okay to cry twice. These are young people of sixteen or seventeen.

In the corner was a young man in white clothes and black trousers, with handsome eyebrows, a warm temperament, and a bookish style, which was very conspicuous in the dim room.

Lin Lan couldn't help but take a second glance. Just as she was about to ask who Huo Hongzhen was, she was pulled over by Dong Huaihua.

Dong Huaihua and the team leader are responsible for receiving the educated youth and arranging accommodation for them. She is very tall. There are no educated youth spots in Shanzui Village. The educated youths all cut the queue to live in the homes of fellow villagers. The local brigade receives educated youths basically like this. Those who don't have educated youth spots are all arranged in the villagers' homes.

Living in a member's house, one dollar a month is considered rent.

In fact, many members are very jealous. After all, if an educated youth lives at home, he can get a housing subsidy of one yuan a month. If you entertain educated youth for dinner at home, there will be a pound of food stamps plus eight cents subsidy a day. Moreover, the educated youth are knowledgeable and have a relationship with the city. They can get a lot of tickets that are not available in the countryside. It is convenient to ask them to buy something for marriage.

This time, if someone could host eight or nine educated youths, they would have to pay more than 100 yuan a year for just accommodation. That was a huge sum of money.

Too bad they don't have that ability. There are only two rooms in their house, one plate of kang, and the adults and children in the family can hardly sleep together, and they can't squeeze outsiders at all.

And I also learned that Qingyi is willing. After all, some members’ homes are dirty and smelly. The whole family is crowded on a kang, and the educated youths do not have a separate room when they go there. If they have to sleep in the same kang, ordinary people can’t stand it.

If there is no room for commune members, then arrange for cadres to accept them. At this time, most of the cadres have a high level of consciousness, and if they encounter difficulties or problems, they will come to the top first.

Therefore, the party secretary, the captain, Dong Huaihua and other families all had educated youths to live in, and they were all packed.

Lin Lan: "Then if there are educated youths coming next year and the year after, do we have to cover educated youths?"

In fact, there are subsidies for the educated youth to go to the countryside. Some are as much as a person per month, and some are paid at one time. In addition, a small amount of money will be given to the brigades who cut the queue, so that they can build educated youth spots. It's just that the educated youth in their villages have little subsidy, so the brigade will not cover it and give the money to the commune members, whoever has a place to live will let them live in it. But now that there are more educated youth, it is still possible to pool money to build two houses.

Dong Huaihua: "The party secretary and the team leader have also discussed it. They are nervous about money and materials."

Affected by Han Qingsong, there have been many young people who have separated their families in the past two years, and more people have applied to build houses. The materials such as wood and straw that have been lined up for each production team are very tight. In addition, Han Yongfang never arbitrarily mentioned the food reserved for the brigade. Generally, he reserved enough food for livestock and emergency food, and the rest can be distributed to the members. Therefore, there is no spare money in the brigade. Basically, a radish and a pit are all useful.

Even if it is covered, it can only be said in the next year, and it has to be borrowed at the member's house first.

Dong Huaihua arranged it. Sister-in-law Han's family received two educated youths, a man and a woman, her family received one, the captain's family received one, and there were five other people who really had nowhere to arrange, so she asked Lin Lan here.

The captain also expressed the hope that Lin Lan could help out, "Captain Lin, your family is broad, why don't you take in a few educated youths first?"

Lin Lan's husband and wife have one kang, two kangs in the east, and one kang for Mai Sui, which is quite spacious.

He felt that it would not be a problem to take in a few girls and two boys. "At most, we will live for half a year, and in the coming year, we will cover educated youth." The captain made the decision, and he had to agree with Han Yongfang.

Lin Lan was a little embarrassed. To be honest, she didn't want outsiders to live in her own house at all. It was like sharing a house with others. The roommate she met really depends on fate.

However, she also knew that the captain and Dong Huaihua had no choice but to ask her for help, so of course they had to help.

The key point is that she was forced by Han Qingsong to submit an application for joining the party, and she must keep up with her consciousness.

Lin Lan looked around, "Don't the brigade have two rooms?" There is also the kang, where the members of the commune are still gathering nonsense in the winter.

The captain was a little embarrassed, "It's been a long time and I owe it to repair."

There was a heavy snow last winter, and two heavy rains this summer, which collapsed two rooms. Although Xiu Xiu was barely able to use it, people would not dare to live there. Who knows if it will collapse while sleeping

Educated youths are precious, and if they are smashed and injured, it is hard to explain.

According to the people in the village, everyone has a kang for adults and children. If the Lin Lan family and the couple sleep with their children, at least one and a half of the kang can be vacated, so that almost all these educated youths can be arranged.

Lin Lan didn't immediately agree. She went to the school to ask the children, it didn't matter how many boys in Dawang, the parents agreed that they had no opinion, and even welcomed them because there were people to play with.

Mai Sui has no problem because a kang is big enough for him to sleep on.

Lin Lan replied that Han Yongfang could arrange five girls. In the end, three girls and two boys were arranged. The reason was that there were conflicts between the educated youths. There were two female educated youths who could not meet, and they would pinch them. There were also two male educated youths, one was fighting cocks , and cannot live together.


The captain handed the list to Lin Lan and said, "Shen Yu, Chi Fengshou, Huo Hongzhen, Gao Lu, Fan Xiao, you guys go..."

With a buzzing sound in Lin Lan's head, he immediately interrupted the captain, "Shen Yu?"

The captain immediately pointed to the boy in white clothes and black trousers, "He, a handsome young man, looks like your family Erwang is a few years older."

Lin Lan immediately frowned.

The captain whispered: "What's wrong?"

Lin Lan looked embarrassed, trying to find an excuse to change Shen Yu. After all, he is the original male protagonist and the original female protagonist Yan Yan should be destined to be a couple. According to the plot, he should live at Uncle Yanyan's house, and then they gradually developed feelings.

Of course, Lin Lan's first reaction was not for the great love of the original heroine and heroine. She was for her own daughter. She was afraid that there would be force majeure factors in the original plot that would cause Mai Sui to like Shen Yu again.

This is very troublesome.

The best way is to keep Shen Yu away from the wheat ears.

She pointed to Shen Yu's name and whispered to the captain, "Replace this person."

Captain: "Why?"

Lin Lan: "I don't like..."

Captain: "..." Why didn't I realize you came here so casually before

At this time, Shen Yu had already come over and was standing right next to Lin Lan. He was tall, and he looked down just to see Lin Lan pointing at his name and saying that he didn't like changing people. The smile on his face suddenly froze, he didn't understand how he had offended the prestigious Captain Lin without saying a word.

The captain looked embarrassed, coughed, and winked at Lin Lan.

Lin Lan stared at a white shadow standing beside her, and suddenly felt a little guilty. After all, she is not the kind of person who makes trouble without reason. This is the first time. She hurriedly put away the list, and looked at one of the general list at random, "Zhao Mingjie."

Zhao Mingjie over there heard it and ran over immediately and bowed to Lin Lan: "Captain Lin."

Lin Lan looked at the boy's baby face, and smiled jubilantly, like a well-behaved child. The first impression was good, and it was him.

Shen Yu stood there without saying a word, and silently took his luggage and changed places with Zhao Mingjie. When Lin Lan led a few people away, he raised his eyes to look at her.

I can't figure it out, how can I offend people inexplicably? She didn't like him at first impression, or what

At this time, Cauliflower ran over panting, and she shouted to the captain: "Captain, my father said that we can add someone to my family and share a room with my grandfather."

Her grandfather is He Laosan.

The captain was also afraid that He Laosan would be buried by other educated youths. After all, an old widower sleeps on a small kang by himself, and it is not so hygienic to speak meat.

Cauliflower smiled and waved to Shen Yu: "Are you Shen Yu? Let's go."

Shen Yu frowned slightly, why is Captain Lin disgusted with him, but this little girl is so enthusiastic about him

None of this makes sense.

The captain was also in a daze, hoping to be fine, he said: "Shen Zhiqing, then you can go."

Shen Yu took his luggage and followed the cauliflower.

Cauliflower took the initiative to help him carry a box and said happily: "Shen Zhiqing, you don't have to worry, it's just like your own home here. If you have any problems, you can come to me. My grandfather has a lot of problems, it doesn't matter, I'll scold him for you."

Shen Yu nodded and didn't speak, but he was still thinking about why Lin Lan rejected him so much. She is very warm and easy-going to others, and the cadres of the brigade also speak highly of her.

Lin Lan led the five educated youths home, and the captain sent someone to bring their luggage there.

One of the five educated youths was Huo Hongzhen, Huo Yuan's cousin. She was fair-skinned and had a quiet personality. Her eyes were neither shrinking nor arrogant. She didn't come forward to contact Lin Lan in public because of Huo Yuan's introduction.

One Zhao Mingjie was the one that Lin Lan ordered casually. He had two dimples when he smiled and looked very cute. Lin Lan had a good impression of him.

The other two greeted Lin Lan, but didn't say much. There was also a female educated youth who was crying so hard. She was the most beautiful, with snow-white skin.

When they got home, Lin Lan led them to the East Room. The east room has now been perfected. There is a high wall in the middle, which is sandwiched between sorghum stalks and bamboo mats, which can block the sight but not hinder the ventilation.

The position of the door is hung with a paddy field-style door curtain given by Lin Mei.

On the waist kang is a large bookshelf, which is full of books, all bought by Lin Lan and the children, and Han Qingsong helped bring them back from the commune and county.

Lin Lan said: "Boys sleep on the south kang, girls sleep on the north side, put your salutes on the middle waist kang."

They brought their own bedding and boxes, especially the crying girl who brought several boxes. Lin Lan didn't like the mess at home.

Several educated youths originally thought that Lin Lan's house must be the same as the shabby house of the members in the legend. When the time comes, when they wait for others to enter, it must be full of brilliance. But when I came in, it wasn't like that. The windows of Lin Lan's house were clean. Although there were no glass windows, they were still neat.

The kang is covered with semi-new but complete mats, and the quilts are clean and intact even without patches.

The educated youth who was worried about lice at first breathed a sigh of relief, thinking that there should be no lice.

The girl who had been crying suddenly said aggrieved: "Why do you want to share a room with the man? Don't you have another room?"

Lin Lan: "That's our husband and wife's room."

Why don't you just move in and sleep with your daughter? Your family anyway. The female educated youth snorted and sniffed, "It's inconvenient for a girl to share a room with so many men."

Zhao Mingjie joked, "Fan Xiao, what are you afraid of, there are so many people, there is a wall in the middle and no one is peeking at you."

Fan Xiao cried even more aggrieved.

Another female educated youth who was not tall and had dark and yellow skin sneered: "Just you squeamish? You finally found a place to live, and you are still picking and choosing. Captain Lin's house is the best condition for the entire team. If you are not satisfied, you go. Someone else's house."

Zhao Mingjie also said: "Other educated youths jump in the queue, many of them are on the same kang with their husbands and wives and children, which is very inconvenient. This is really good and very good."

Fan Xiao did not speak, but his expression was extremely aggrieved, wiping tears on the side, feeling that the future was bleak.

Lin Lan ignored their open and secret fights, and arranged for them, "My classmates, there is no requirement to live in my house. The only thing is not to disturb your own things, so that you can worry about me."

Some people couldn't help but pouted, whoever wants to touch your tatters, just leave mine alone.

"Captain Lin, how do we eat?" Huo Hongzhen asked proactively.

They came with subsidies for going to the countryside. One person had more than 180 yuan, and they also brought food stamps. It was said before that when they go to the countryside to cut the queue and live in the house, whoever manages the meals, they only need to hand over the food stamps and food money to them.

If you add one or two, you can talk about adding a pair of chopsticks, but at the moment they come in five people, five young people aged 16, 17, 17 or 18, it is estimated that they eat more than the rest of the family. It's a hassle to cook extra.

So Huo Hongzhen asked.

Lin Lan saw that so many people naturally didn't help them cook, and didn't care about giving money. Not only is it tiring to cook, but it is also difficult to adjust. Who knows what they like to eat and what they don't like to eat, it will be thankless when the time comes.

She said, "I'll go to the brigade to ask, and I'll set up a team for you educated youth in the brigade. You can do it yourself, or you can use work points to entrust communal members to do it."

Some people were originally worried that she wanted them to eat at home, and took the opportunity to deduct their rations, but now seeing her push it out so happily, she felt a little more comfortable, and felt that she was afraid of trouble.

Lin Lan introduced them to the toilet and bathroom. They can use it, but they must keep it clean. Some people disagreed, they came from the city, couldn't they compare to the country bumpkin

Lin Lan added: "There is a river to the west. Educated youths who can swim can go there to swim and take a bath. Female educated youths are at home."

After the introduction, she saw that it was almost time to cook, and asked them to clean up. In fact, there is nothing to clean up. At this moment, I should go to the brigade and ask how to eat.

But they stood there one by one, no one said anything and no one took the lead, as if they were waiting for someone.

That Fan Xiao packed up a few bottles and jars, and piled them on the desk without his own place. After a day's journey, she is now disheartened. She wants to wash her face and feet first, but she doesn't bring a washbasin.

When the educated youth went to the countryside, some thoughtfully brought their lunch boxes, tea jars, washbasins, towels, etc., while others didn’t. Fan Xiao, on the other hand, was carrying too many other things, and he didn't have the strength to take things like a washbasin, so he thought he could buy it locally. She saw that there were several basins outside Lin Lan's house. One of the white porcelain basins was clean and she used it to wash her face.

After washing her face, she took off her sandals to wash her feet.

Lin Lan stopped her immediately when she saw it, "Fan Zhiqing, this is because my washbasin cannot wash my feet."

Fan Xiao's face was innocent. She felt that her feet were not dirty. She was cleaner than the faces of many villagers. When I watched in the brigade just now, the faces of many members and children were dirty. And doesn't it mean that the countryman's basin and foot basin are all one basin

Lin Lan pointed to another tile basin, "This foot wash, it's not cold, it doesn't matter if you wash it with water."

Fan Xiao looked at the tile basin. Although it was clean, it was someone else who washed her feet, so she felt dirty. In the end, she held the scoop aggrievedly, and looked at the water tank even if it looked clean, but she always felt dirty everywhere.

After all, the yard grows vegetables and raises chickens, ducks and dogs. Who knows if there is chicken poop in it

After hesitating for a while, she could only endure the discomfort by scooping up a ladle of water to flush her feet, and then throwing the ladle into the jar when she was finished.

Lin Lan's house has two water tanks, one is for cooking and drinking, and the other is for washing and washing.

Gao Lu couldn't stand her, and started talking to her again, "Fan Xiao, why did you throw the water scoop into the tank, didn't you see that they put it on the tank cover? You throw the water scoop directly into the tank, and others want it You have to put your hand in it, how inconvenient is it?"

Fan Xiao was unhappy at first, her family suddenly changed, and she was forced to go to the countryside again.

Can't they just accommodate her? Well, no one will ever come to terms with them again. She was sad and aggrieved, and Chi Min was targeting her all the way. Now Gao Lu was mocking her again, and she was angry and pushed back, "I didn't know it the first time, why not remember it next time?" Take out the scoop and put it on the lid.

"You know how to clean yourself. If you go to work tomorrow to pick up bugs and hoe the ground, you will know what it means to be clean!" Gao Lu sneered.

Zhao Mingjie smiled and smoothed things out, "Let's stop arguing. It's not good. We'll have to take advantage of it in the future."

Fan Xiao was angry that Gao Lu was not looking for trouble, and said in his mouth, "What kind of cadre is a pig's nose!"

Gao Lu became angry when she heard it, "What did you say?"

Fan Xiao snorted, but did not pick up, looking disdainful of quarrels.

Zhao Mingjie was childish and couldn't persuade the two of them at all, just to see Huo Hongzhen and Chi Fengshou.

Late harvest, with pimples on his face, he is relatively silent and doesn't like to talk much, and he doesn't seem to care about himself.

Listening to the noise outside, Lin Lan doesn't care for the time being. Strangers will definitely need to get used to each other. Let them bump into each other and get to know each other for a few days. If she is still like this after a few days of familiarity, then she will be rude.

Huo Hongzhen went over to help Lin Lan when she saw that Lin Lan was going to cook. By the way, Huo Yuan's letter.

Lin Lan smiled and said, "Mr. Huo recommends you, and you can take over."

Huo Hongzhen smiled, "My sister said that she can't worry about classmate Xiaowang, but it's a pity that the conditions are not good now, otherwise, she should take him to a big city for apprenticeship."

Lin Lan: "Indeed."

Huo Hongzhen added: "Captain Lin, after I received a letter from my sister, I contacted a music professor at our place. But he was sent to the May Seventh Cadre School and I don't know when he will be able to go back. If there is a chance, I can ask him for advice. "

Lin Lan just asked the professor's name, and where it was assigned, etc.

As they were talking, Gao Lu and Fan Xiao pinched again outside.

It happened that the children were out of school, and Sanwang and Xiaowang ran home first, Erwang Maisui chatted about their studies, and Dawang followed slowly.

He has tall legs and long legs. He has grown rapidly in the past two years, and is already a piece taller than Lin Lan.

As soon as they entered the room, they saw the two girls fighting, Fan Xiao was taller than Gao Lu, but Gao Lu was stronger than her, and the two were pushing and pulling each other's hair.

Sanwang and Xiaowang stood aside and watched curiously. Sanwang's eyes flashed with excitement: "It's not right for you to fight like this."

Everyone thinks that the two of them are not as sensible as a child.

Sanwang immediately put on a stance and made a fistful gesture, "You have to do this, that way... fight hard!"