Strict Wife of the ’70s Manages the Household

Chapter 105: please


Everyone: "… "

Fan Xiao and Gao Lu were embarrassed to fight again when they heard the words, and they each pulled their hands and turned to look at the little brothers.

Fan Xiao was about to scold who was so annoying, but when he saw the two beautiful children, his eyes lit up. She looked tall with slightly shorter hair, slightly darker tanned skin, a stubborn head, thick eyebrows and dark eyes, and she looked in high spirits. The shorter one is more beautiful, with snow-white skin, long eyebrows and big eyes, and a pair of eyes that seem to be filled with starry sky and glittering, pure and pure, which makes people feel good.

Fan Xiao was no longer angry, and immediately straightened her hair that was caught like a chicken coop, "Wow, what a cute child." She reached out and touched Xiaowang's face.

Xiaowang responded politely: "Sister, you are also very beautiful."

Fan Xiao was happier and liked beautiful children the most, "Hello, my name is Fan Xiao."

She shook hands with Sanwang first.

Sanwang: "Hello, my name is, my name is..." He turned to look at Big Brother, what's my name? Big name!

Dawang rolled his eyes and went straight into the house.

Xiaowang laughed, "Little Third Brother, your name is Sanwang."

San Wang whispered: "… Da Ming, oh yes, my name is Han Wangmin."

Xiaowang scratched his head: "What's my name?"

Sanwang: "Your name is Hanwang's family, didn't my mother say that you are the most prosperous family?"

Fan Xiao was already smiling with frowning eyes, clapped his hands and smiled and said, "What a cute name."

Gao Lu put the corners of her mouth to the base of her ears. What are you pretending to be? Who said just now that people in the countryside are rustic, and they have a dirty look and a dirty name? She also introduced herself to the brothers.

Sanwang and Xiaowang also shook hands with her politely, but Zhao Mingjie couldn't help it, so he ran over and laughed, "Wangwangwang."

Xiaowang said seriously: "Yes, Wangwang is making a fortune." As soon as he said Wangwang, Xiaobai and Wangwang ran over, banging twice.

Girls are inevitably afraid of dogs, so Fan Xiao hid behind Sanwang.

Sanwang: "Wangwang and Xiaobai don't bite, Wangwang is Xiaobai's mother."

The three educated youths were attracted by Sanwang and Xiaowang, and listened to them chatting about their dogs, chickens, ducks and ducks.

Mai Sui and Erwang went into the house to help Lin Lan cook and greeted Huo Hongzhen.

Lin Lan smiled and said, "You two have a chat with your brothers and sisters, I'll do it."

Dawang called Sanwang and Xiaowang: "Mow the grass."

Sanwang immediately invited a few Zhao Mingjie, "Go to the mallard, it's cool to wash."

Xiaowang nodded and carried his harmonica on his back.

The two of them went to say hello to Lin Lan first, and Xiao Wang ran over to kiss Lin Lan, "Mother, bye."

Sanwang looked at Fan Xiao and Gao Lu, and shouted, "You have to fight hard!" He laughed and ran out.

Zhao Mingjie looked at Dawang's back and opened his mouth, "He's so cool." A farm boy, who was not at all restrained, nodded and said nothing when he saw them. This is not the kind of shy and embarrassed, it is clearly the cool person who doesn't care about people casually.

Zhao Mingjie went after him when his heart was hot, but he didn't look back when Gao Lu called him to go to the brigade for dinner.

After being interrupted by Sanwang and Xiaowang, Fan Xiao and Gao Lu stopped quarreling. Fan Xiao went to pack up, while Gao Lu was flipping through the books on the shelf.

Fan Xiao took out her own pillow cloth. In order to save space and strength, she emptied the stuffing inside. At this moment, the two layers of cloth naturally couldn't be used as a pillow. She came out and said to Lin Lan, "Captain Lin, I only have pockets for my pillow, can you help me decorate the buckwheat husks?"

Gao Lu curled her lips aside, "Buckwheat husks? You can pretend to be soiled then."

Lin Lan smiled and said, "Fan Zhiqing, we don't grow buckwheat here, and we don't have buckwheat husks."

Fan Xiao immediately changed his words: "Then no matter what the decoration is, it will be a pillow."

Wheat ears: "We are all loaded with bran, which is the husk of wheat threshed."

Although Fan Xiao resisted in his heart, he still smiled, "Then trouble little sister to do me a favor."

Lin Lan was quite restrained when she saw that she was not crying. It seemed that she was accepting the reality

Mai Sui took her to find wheat bran, and when she got it, she would put it in the pillow.

Fan Xiao looked at it in surprise, "This, this, this can be a pillow?" Don't you panic

Mai Sui smiled and said, "We all sleep on this."

Fan Xiao was about to cry, "Little sister, is there any... um, be softer?"

The ears of wheat thought for a while, "Then the chaff, the skin from the millet. I have to ask the brigade for this. It may be there for the livestock."

Although Fan Xiao was prepared for the poor conditions in the countryside, it was too bad.

In the end, Mai Sui said, "Would you like to use bran? But bran attracts bugs, especially in summer, and it will bite your pocket in a few days."

Fan Xiao's face turned pale, and he quickly said, "Then, let's be this chaff."

Mai Sui smiled and motioned her to put it inside.

Fan Xiao also thought about letting Mai Sui put it on himself. After thinking about it, he squatted down in resignation, grabbed a handful of wheat bran and put it in a cloth pocket, his eyes started to get sore while he was putting it on, and he couldn't help but start humming, "Little cabbage! , the ground is yellow..."

Mai Sui: "...Sister, your mother?"

Fan Xiao immediately cleared his throat and said, "... Haha, just sing a few sentences. My mother is okay, so she sings about my auntie, and the auntie is also a mother, right." She found a reason for herself, and began to sing His voice was full of emotion, "little cabbage, yellow in the ground... auntie, auntie..."

Maisui: "..."

After the pillows were installed, Fan Xiao thanked Mai Sui, and the two returned to the house. Fan Xiao was surprised that Erwang could cook, "Brother, you are amazing!"

Erwang glanced at her, "The poor's children will be in charge early."

Fan Xiao nodded, feeling the same: "I also think, it's like I... three or two years old, no more... "

Erwang thought she had lost her mother, and was about to sympathize when she heard Fan Xiao sing: "Auntie..."

Erwang: "…"

Lin Lan checked the time and asked Mai Sui and Erwang to cook. She took the educated youth to the brigade.

As a result, the brigade was also in the lead. It was really surprising that so many educated youths came all of a sudden. Originally, there were nine out of three results, and Han Yongfang was so angry that he scolded his mother.

The captain discussed with Lin Lan, "Would you like to let them eat at your house for two days first? The food stamps are given, and the food or other items can be paid for with money, and one person per day will be subsidized by 12 cents." , If ordinary dishes can be eaten for three cents. The subsidy of two cents a day was definitely embarrassing for the captain to give Lin Lan more.

But Lin Lan didn't care about the money. He had no place to live and had to host him, so he didn't need to eat. She said: "Captain, you are too embarrassing for me. Look at my family of seven, who can barely cook one pot of food, plus five young people who have to cook two pots, how can there be such a skill?"

She doesn't want to do anything else

The captain is also very embarrassed: "Other educated youths are cutting the line at each house to eat by the way..."

"Captain, the team also has a stove, make a pot and cook for them. They can do it themselves or ask the members to help." Lin Lan suggested.

Captain: "It's common to see flower work, but if it really doesn't work, the family members of cadres take turns to do it for them."

Lin Lan: "It's better to spend some work points and let others do it. If it's free to let people cook, they'll have to pick up the slack if they don't have two meals. Of course, it's best if they can do it themselves."

Those educated youths are all charming, and they are new arrivals, so how can they stand the food in the countryside. It must be picky, whether the pot is clean or not, whether it is well cooked or not, all kinds of thorns have to be picked.

Lin Lan couldn't come together.

The captain was also a bit unable to catch it, but Han Yongfang was too lazy to care about it, so he let him do it.

As he was talking, Shen Yu came over, and when he saw Lin Lan walking up to him, he greeted her and the captain.

Although Lin Lan didn't want him to live in her own home, and she didn't want him to have a relationship with her daughter, she didn't have any problem with him and smiled at him.

Shen Yu murmured again, wanting to say that she had an opinion on herself, but now it looked normal, "Captain, Captain Lin, are you talking about cooking? We educated youths can start their own gang, but we can't always be troublesome. members."

Lin Lan breathed a sigh of relief. It's enough to have someone who can pick things up. She smiled and said, "Shen Zhiqing can be alone at a young age, which is very good. Did the captain arrange a squad leader for them so that they can take the lead."

She looked at those people as if they were scattered. If no one was in charge, what would happen to them.

The captain looked at Shen Yu, "How about you..."

Shen Yu said with a smile: "Let's invite the senior brothers and sisters who came first to be the monitor."

There are several educated youths in the village.

The educated youth who came before have already been educated. The captain said: "Then you can be the new monitor, bring them to work and eat together." Pulled off at work.

At this time, several educated youths came together, one of them was tall and thin, and kept pulling his hair, and the other was bulging like a cockfight, and kept saying that something was wrong here. There is also a beautiful female educated youth named Chi Min. She and Fan Xiao do not deal with each other, and they ignore each other.

I couldn't start a party today. Han Yongfang sent the children to say that he had already done it, and later let the educated youths go to make dinner.

The brigade leader hurriedly found someone to clean up the stove. He first paid dozens of catties and better food for them to cook at the brigade headquarters in the morning.

Lin Lan said goodbye after making arrangements, but Fan Xiao caught up, "Captain Lin."

Lin Lan looked back at her, "Is something wrong?"

"Captain Lin, can I have dinner at your house in the future?"

When he first entered the village, Fan Xiao was so worried about crying. Now that he doesn't cry, he also has the mind to look around at once. At a glance, he can see that Lin Lan's family is in the best condition. Other people's houses are adobe houses, but her house is a brick house. Others' houses are dirty and messy. Her house is clean and tidy and has a bathroom.

Then she came to the conclusion that Lin Lan's family's cooking must be the cleanest and most delicious.

Lin Lan shook her head, "Fan Zhiqing, I'm sorry, your educated youths also have rules, so you can't do anything special."

"I can give more food stamps and money." Fan Xiao stared at Lin Lan sincerely, a beautiful girl who is always very moving when she is serious.

Lin Lan pondered that her squeamishness and nitpicking might have something to do with her family background, and she had no prejudice against her.

But the rules are the rules, she was unmoved, "Go get some food."

Fan Xiao felt a little aggrieved when she saw that Lin Lan was not accommodating at all. When she went to the countryside, she said that the villagers were simple and warm and would help them as much as possible, but she found that they were not so welcome.

There was nothing she could do. After all, Lin Lan didn't want to earn her money, and she couldn't force others to earn it.

She reluctantly looked at Lin Lan's retreating back.

Chi Min stood not far away with her arms crossed, and said sarcastically, "You think everyone in the world loves your money."

Fan Xiao rolled her eyes, "I'm sorry, it's more than you."

"So what, why don't we go to the countryside together? If you have money, try hiring someone to help you work."

Fan Xiao is not stupid. If he hires someone, he will be beaten as a landlord and bourgeoisie. Is there any way to survive? "I don't think I'm afraid of you if I don't recognize you in the same way."

"Who will your eldest be afraid of? It's a big deal to grab another man."

"I said that I have nothing to do with Wenliang. It's your problem that he doesn't like you. If you continue to talk nonsense, I won't stop with you!"

At this time, Chi Fengshou came out and persuaded them to go back.

Lin Lan didn't care when she heard the quarrel between the two girls behind her. Whatever kind of grievance they had, that was their problem. When he got home, Han Qingsong had already come back and wiped his face with a towel, so Lin Lan took him and told him about the educated youth's borrowing.

Han Qingsong turned to look at her, "Captain let you live in our house?"

Lin Lan smiled coquettishly at him, "Yes, they really can't make arrangements, let us help, say at most half a year, and the educated youth will be covered in the next year."

Han Qingsong didn't care much at first, but it was interesting to see her flattering smile. "At most half a year? If you don't build a house at this time, it will be almost a year before the wheat harvest in May at the earliest of next year."

Third brother, don't be so serious.

Lin Lan immediately hugged his arm and acted coquettishly. Afraid that the children would laugh at her, she dragged Han Qingsong to the west corner.

Han Qingsong simply pulled her into the bathroom, pushed the door and pushed her against the door panel.

Lin Lan: "...Why, close the door." His body was terribly hot, especially when he was emotional.

He lowered his head, "...I suddenly felt that it was not suitable for them to live here."

He opened his lips and bit her earlobe gently, causing her to tremble, and raised his hand to his chest.

He held her earballs, which had already warmed up, and rubbed against the sensitive skin at the bottom of her ears, making her body weak and almost unable to stand.

"… What do you think?"

Lin Lan was speechless, "...Third, third brother, big, big daytime..."

He didn't let go of her, but instead kissed her, making her dizzy and weak. Feeling that she was sliding to the ground, he lifted her up and hung her on his body, kissing her body even more domineeringly.

Lin Lan wrapped his neck around him, trying very hard to regain his sanity, "... Then, that, Director Dong, ask for help..."

Of course she knew that Han Qingsong built two bedrooms for her own convenience, not to help others, but sometimes it was not so easy to refuse. Others said that she naturally ignored it, but the captain and Dong Huaihua... They also represented Han Yongfang's intentions, so she wanted to help.

After all, he is a cadre, and she is also an activist. She thought he didn't mind at all, so how could she have ignored this.

Han Qingsong originally just took the opportunity to tease her, but the more you tease, the more addicted it will become, and he also feels that it is not suitable for a few young men and women to live here.

He said slowly: "If I don't go to work tomorrow..."

Lin Lan's heart thumped, "...Third Brother..."

When there are outsiders at home, you must restrain yourself. Sometimes he is so unrestrained and violent, and it takes a long time. In the dead of night at night, if he is heard too much... Even if he can't hear and think that there are outsiders in her, she will not dare to let him do that...

Thinking of this, she felt very ashamed, her body curled up involuntarily, absolutely not!

Han Qingsong felt the change in her body, put her down, kissed her lips again, and instantly made a decision, "Leave it to me."

Lin Lan breathed a sigh of relief, Han Qingsong is willing to come forward, it's best, "The team really can't do this. If you have already promised to refuse, will it affect you..."

She doesn't care, but he is a cadre, and his consciousness cannot be low.

However, Han Qingsong thought that if his family agreed, they would have no choice.

He helped Lin Lan straighten her clothes and put his lips to the bottom of her ear, "You know I can't stand it for a few days."

Lin Lan's cheeks were hot. Only when she was on her period would he be willing to hold it back. In the days when she had a cold, he used the excuse to sweat for her to cure her.

"Then, tell the captain." She hardly dared to think how others would guess the real reason for their rejection, whether they would guess... It's so shameful.

However, Han Qingsong was addicted to her and even teased her. He bit her ear and asked wetly, "Or... you can't hold back your voice?"

Suddenly, Lin Lan was about to catch fire.

She found that he was getting worse and worse since the uniform game, and he was still serious and cold in front of others, with an ascetic style, as if he never involved lust except for work.

But in private, he became more and more unrestrained, shameless, and ashamed with her. In the past, he was more restrained and forbearance, only doing things and not talking. After that, he started talking while doing things. As long as he could tease her, he would never get tired of it.

He deliberately brushed the tip of his tongue lightly in her auricle and breathed in a hot breath, and then half of her body was numb, and she couldn't help groaning.

Lin Lan was so frightened that she quickly covered her mouth, it was so scary!

"Third brother, go to the captain and make it clear."

She felt that she could not risk offending Director Han. When the children were not at home on weekdays, he either kissed or hugged them, and sometimes it was easy to discuss at night. If there are outsiders, these benefits will definitely be deprived. If that's the case, it is estimated that he will have to toss her hard at night, and she is really a little scared.

Han Qingsong helped her straighten her clothes. She had returned to her usual expression, and patted her waist, "Leave it to me."

Lin Lan opened the door and went out.

It happened that Sanwang and Xiaowang were looking for her. Seeing her and her father come out of the bathroom, Xiaowang said happily: "Hey, mother, you are at home, I thought you were out."

Sanwang is now big, and even if he sees his mother's mouth turning red, he won't ask what delicious food he ate.

He chuckled and said, "Father, there are so many educated youths in the village, why don't you train them in the morning?"

Han Qingsong: "They belong to the brigade, not me."

Sanwang is a little disappointed, and wants to pull a team up and have swimming, wrestling and other competitions from time to time. The fights of girls are so amazing that they don't know how to throw their fists and kick their legs, they are pulling their hair.

So funny.

While eating, Chi Fengshou, Zhao Mingjie, and Fan Xiao came to borrow bowls again.

"Captain Lin, I'm sorry, we... we forgot to bring a lunch box." Zhao Mingjie looked embarrassed, but still smiled.

Generally, educated youths go to the countryside to bring their own washbasins, tea jars, and lunch boxes.

Lin Lan gave them a bowl and chopsticks alone.

Fan Xiao saw that they had two aluminum lunch boxes, and was very moved, "Captain Lin, can I buy that lunch box? I originally had it, but... I forgot to bring it." The family even forgets. In the past, someone had to clean up everything, but now she has to do everything herself, and she can't figure out the point at all.

Sanwang: "Sister Fan, that's what my father used for work, so I can't sell it to you."

As soon as Zhao Mingjie and Chi Fengshou came in, they noticed Han Qingsong sitting there, with a stern expression and a tall figure, which made them quite stressed.

Even Fan Xiao subconsciously put his feet together, straightened his shoulders and stood properly. The three greeted Han Qingsong, "Hello, Uncle Han."

Han Qingsong looked at them. The girl glanced at them, focusing on the two boys, who were probably sixteen or seventeen years old. He nodded, "Don't be restrained."

The three borrowed the bowls and chopsticks and hurried away, Fan Xiao was so nervous that he forgot to scoop up the water, so he took it and went to make rice.

After going out, Zhao Mingjie patted his chest, "Aren't you afraid? It made me nervous."

Fan Xiao sneered at him: "Didn't you laugh happily?"

"I-I was nervous."

Chi Fengshou didn't say a word, the three of them went to get food. After walking for a while, Zhao Mingjie smiled and said, "Where are we going to get food?"

Fan Xiao: "I don't know why you are giggling?"

After the meal, they were even more depressed. One person and two people didn't know what to make of black noodles, and they cooked melons and vegetables in a bowl of water.

After taking a bite, "Ah bah," Fan Xiao almost vomited, but it's nothing to have a late harvest, anyway, it's enough to eat.

Fan Xiao wanted to go to Lin Lan's house for dinner. She glanced at it just now. There were vegetables, eggs and oil on the table. Look at your own bowl of dishes, even if boiled in water, it's unpalatable, you don't need two cents, right? And this wowatou, black, shouldn't it be fine noodles

Fan Xiao wanted to convince Lin Lan to let him eat at their house, even if he gave him more money.

Zhao Mingjie didn't have that much money, Chi Fengshou was going to find Chi Min, and Fan Xiao went to Lin Lan's house with the food by himself.

While Lin Lan's family was still eating, Sanwang talked about being chased by the big white goose, "You say, why is the big goose chasing me when there are so many of us? I never dared to chase big brother. This big goose only bullies those who are easy to bully. Woolen cloth."

Xiaowang: "It didn't bother me either."

Everyone laughed.

Sanwang pretended to be surprised, "Oh, brother Xiaowang, do you think you are easy to bully? Big Goose is the most sensible, and he knows at a glance that you are the worst to bully."

Xiaowang immediately looked at his little hand, "Am I very good? I don't even know it myself."

Sanwang laughed and hugged Xiaowang's shoulder, "Of course, you are our baby, who dares to bully you and flatten it together, can it be afraid?"

Lin Lan smiled and said, "Don't bully the big goose in the future, and the big goose won't chase you." As she spoke, she saw Fan Xiao who came back with a bowl.

It's not good for her family to stand aside, so she invited Fan Xiao to sit down.

The seven people sat on four sides in total. Lin Lan was on his side, and Sanwang Xiaowang was small, and he could also sit next to him.

Fan Xiao did not go to sit next to Lin Lan, but sat on Xiao Wang's side, and smiled at Da Wang on the other side.

Dawang: "..." He glanced at her and ate his own.

Fan Xiao has always been more tolerant of good-looking people, Dawang doesn't care about her indifference, she greets Mai Sui and Erwang, and starts to get close to Sanwang and Xiaowang.

Although she is squeamish and has a bit of an eldest temperament, when she first came, she could not understand the situation and complained, but she is a smart person. After all, since childhood, everyone can act like a spoiled child in front of their mother, but in a big family, you must know the rules, otherwise you will be punished. After going through the two links of allocating housing and getting meals, and seeing it at someone else's house, she quickly realized the reality—it was necessary to have a good relationship with Lin Lan's family.

Xiaowang invited her, "sister, please eat with us."

Sanwang also looked at the dishes in Fan Xiao's bowl and frowned: "Who made this? Let my second brother teach them."

Fan Xiao immediately followed the words and looked at Erwang: "Brother Erwang is very good at cooking, he's amazing."

Erwang smiled, "Do it blindly."

Fan Xiao tasted the food on the table, and wanted to throw out the food in his bowl. The pickles and stewed sauce on the table were better than the dishes that were brought in.

She quickly got full and put down her chopsticks, "By the way, I brought a gift, I don't know if it's broken." She got up and ran into the house, picking up her things, taking out a small tin box of chocolates and running out , open one person and divide it into one piece.

Lin Lan: "Fan Zhiqing should keep such a valuable thing by himself." At this time, there was no chocolate to buy in the county, it was very expensive.

"If you keep it, you will eat it. It's not good if it takes a long time. Let's help me eat it." Fan Xiao must have them take it, as if he would be sorry for her if they didn't take it.

Lin Lan didn't stop her anymore.

Sanwang and Xiaowang were very curious, "What is this?" It was dark and looked a little scary.

Fan Xiao stuffed a piece into his mouth, "Chocolate, it's sugar."

At this time, chocolates were all imported from abroad and were only sold in high-end stores in the city. They belonged to high-end commodities that did not require tickets. Most people would never see them, let alone buy them.

A few Mai Sui were not curious when they saw Lin Lan, but they were curious, "Mother, have you ever eaten it?"

Lin Lan: "..." I'm tired of eating! So high in calories, a weight loss killer.

Everyone looked at her, and Fan Xiao was also very curious. She was used to it, so she forgot to introduce chocolate for the first time.

Lin Lan immediately said: "What is chocolate? Not sour plum paste? I'll try it." She put the pure and silky chocolate into her mouth, chewed it, and deliberately shouted bitter, "Oh, it's not sweet." The chocolate and Coffee is a must in film and television dramas where Chinese and Western cultures collide, and she naturally knows how to react.

Sanwang saw that Lin Lan said it was so unpalatable, and immediately put it in his mouth, "Wow, I think it's delicious."

Xiaowang handed it to him, "Then you can eat it." He felt that the third brother lied to himself, and if the mother did not lie, it would definitely not be delicious.

Mai Sui and Erwang glanced at each other, and they both took a small bite and thought it was delicious.

Lin Lan saw that her performance was a bit exaggerated, so she said to Xiaowang: "It's delicious, eat it." She smiled at Fan again: "Fan Zhiqing, this is very expensive, I'll pay you."

Fan Xiao immediately pressed her hand, "Captain Lin, you are too polite, I didn't buy this with money, and I can't take it if you give it to me."

Lin Lan just smiled, "Except for dinner at my house, if you need help, just tell me." For example, you can help arrange a lighter job.

Fan Xiao was about to ask if I could be a partner at your house, but now he was choked back all of a sudden, and he was very wronged immediately. She quickly adjusted her mood, "Captain Lin, when I first came, I was in a bad mood and was a little rude. Please accept my apology."

She was talking about using a washbasin to wash her feet. When she saw a black and dirty tile basin in someone else's house, and there was not even a ceramic basin, she quickly understood the significance of the ceramic basin in Lin Lan's house.

Lin Lan smiled, "You have just come from a big city, you are definitely not used to it, I understand. The matter of eating is not aimed at you. If I let you eat and not let others eat, others will be unhappy. But if I let you all. Eating, we are too busy. The brigade has set up the stove, what you want to eat is the same as the cook. "

Fan Xiao was still struggling, "Captain Lin, how could it be the same, their cooking is not as good as yours."

At first Lin Lan thought that Fan Xiao was a squeamish person with a tough temper, but she didn't expect people to be able to bend and stretch, and to recognize the reality so quickly. Thinking about it when he first wore it, he was probably in a similar situation as Fan Xiao.

So... She still can't agree, can't start trouble.

Especially thinking that Han Qingsong didn't like them coming in and living in, Lin Lan didn't want to be soft-hearted anymore.

"Then..." Fan Xiao didn't stalk us, "Captain Lin, can we invite you and brother Erwang to help us... No, guide us to cook?"

If you let the educated youth learn both hands, it probably won't be so bad. Everyday she engages in relationships, such as buying a meal from Lin Lan's house to eat in the brigade, she still thinks very well.

She suddenly looked at Lin Lan with a pair of black and white eyes. She was very sincere and pleading in her eyes. She really didn't want to eat such unpalatable boiled melon slices.

Lin Lan nodded, "That's fine."

"That's great!" Fan Xiao clasped his hands together, "Thank you, Captain Lin, for not disregarding the past."

Lin Lan: "Sit down, what's there to be suspicious of? We are poor and poor in the countryside, so I will ignore you."

Fan Xiao looked at Mai Sui's clothes, "It's not dirty at all, sister's dress is so beautiful."

Mai Sui: "I designed it myself."

"Really? Can you help me design in the future?" Fan Xiao immediately became interested, and the two girls started chatting about clothes.

At this time, Huo Hongzhen and Gao Lu came back together. Seeing Fan Xiao chatting and laughing with Lin Lan's family, Gao Lu's expression changed suddenly, and she couldn't help pouting.

The family chatted and laughed with Fan Xiao, and there were expensive-looking chocolates on the table. It seemed that they had been bought by Fan Xiao.