Strict Wife of the ’70s Manages the Household

Chapter 110: Erwang's suggestion


Chi Min wanted to help him, but she was too hungry to speak. Although she ate two bites at Sister Han's house, it was of no use.

Hunger is the most direct and unbearable feeling.

Chi Fengshou also wanted Wu Wenyi to help him get food rations, "Why not give it to me?"

Wu Wenyi: " go by yourself, I'm exhausted."

The bar doesn't move.

Everyone else went to get the bugs and turned over the sweet potato vines. For some reason, he was arranged to dig the ground. He felt that the hoe weighed twenty pounds, and he couldn't even move it. He felt that someone must be targeting him, and he was still shouting in the ground at the time, but no one paid him any attention.

How could he still have the strength to take care of others at this moment

Chi Fengshou went to find the captain himself, but the captain didn't wait all day to find him, so he didn't find it.

Chi Fengshou was annoyed: "You deliberately targeted me!" He couldn't find the cadre in charge, so he had to go back to the educated youth point, looking ashen and watching Shen Yu and Huo Hongzhen cook.

No one paid any attention to him.

He suddenly burst out, "I warn you, don't bully honest people, don't let me eat, and you don't want to eat!"

He suddenly overturned Shen Yu's living face to the ground.

Everyone was dumbfounded.

For a moment, the air was terribly quiet, and no one spoke.

Then, as if someone had pressed the start switch, screams and roars erupted together. Shen Yu and Huo Hongzhen went to rescue the food on the ground, and Wu Wenyi, Xu Dongxing, Zhao Mingjie and others went up to beat Chi Fengshou.

Although they were all starving, their anger made them burn until Chi Fengshou was beaten until his nose was bruised and his face was swollen to the ground.

Chi Fengshou wanted to resist at first, but he had no strength, so he could only rebuke.

In the chaos, I don't know who kicked Chi Fengshou's mouth so hard that he couldn't make a sound with a groan.

Completely stopped.

When the children came home in the noon, they found that Chi Fengshou's luggage was no longer on the kang. They looked at each other and said they were very happy, but they didn't mention Erwang's search for the captain.

Lin Lan is making spicy seasoning for Dawang, and also making eggplant boxes for them. He is reluctant to fry them, but deep-frying is still ok.

There is no pork at home, but Lin Lan stocked up on some lard. Chop the leeks, mix them with lard, add a little soy sauce, then put them in the eggplant box, roll them in the batter and fry them in the pan until cooked. The softness of eggplant mixed with the deliciousness of chives and the crispy fragrance of fried batter are very tempting to children.

"Wow, I'm so happy to have an eggplant box." Xiao Wang took a happy breath, "It's so fragrant!"

Lin Lan smiled and said, "With your help this year, the vegetables in the vegetable garden are growing better than in previous years, even better than other people's homes. The eggplants can't even be eaten."

Mai Sui brought a large bowl over, "Mother, pick out a bowl for my father."

Lin Lan smiled and said, "No, you just eat it. The eggplant box must be made fresh to be delicious. Mom will make it for Dad at night."

Han Qingsong ate at the work unit at noon. Since the weather was cool and delicious, he saved bringing it back for extra meals and ate something casually at the work place. Although he doesn't have a strong appetite for food, it seems that it's okay if he doesn't want to be greedy. Lin Lan still cooks something delicious for him in the evening. As long as she gives him, he will eat it and never waste it. He is better than a child.

During dinner, the children asked about the late harvest.

Lin Lan said: "He will naturally be punished if he makes a mistake."

The children looked at each other and nodded, "Mother, you know."

After dinner, someone from Shanshui Farm brought materials for two carriages, saying that Director Han bought it on behalf of the Shanzui Village Brigade.

Lin Lan and the children went over to have a look, Han Yongfang and the captain also came over, seeing so much material, they were overjoyed.

The brigade captain waved his hand, "Hurry up, organize a few members to come and repair the two rooms of the brigade, and let them sleep and cook there."

The room of the repair team has work points. Generally, the masons in the village are skilled. Four or five people can repair it in a few days.

Seeing the children, Han Yongfang rarely showed a smile on her always serious face, and waved her hand, "Er Wang, come, talk."

Erwang greeted his eldest brother to go to school late and let them go first.

"Grandpa, are you annoying these days?" Erwang said with a smile.

Han Yongfang held his short tobacco pouch in his mouth, blinked his dry old eyes, and sighed deeply from the depths of his lungs.

Erwang: "Grandpa, it's nothing to be bothered about, anyway, just open your eyes to go to work and close your eyes to sleep." He laughed.

"It's such a thing, but it's not a good thing to have your forehead on fire." Han Yongfang squeezed the cigarette bag and pot in his hand.

Erwang: "Grandpa, actually, I think... Look, these educated youths are all fine-skinned and tender, and they're not meant for manual labor."

"Who doesn't tell me? If it hadn't been forcing people to go to the countryside and just come to play, wouldn't we be able to serve them well? But I don't know when to go back, and we don't have any surplus food to feed them." Badly, once a drought or flood hits, you will have to starve.

Han Yongfang is calculating every year, a little bit.

Erwang: "Grandpa, our team is really tight. Look, we can't make enough money to build two houses."

You have to pay on credit, and every penny of the brigade has already been used.

This is not good.

Han Yongfang is a strong person, usually the captain listens to him, what to say and what to do. Because he bears everyone's shoulders, he won't worry about it. Anyway, the sky is falling and the tall man bears it, so Han Yongfang is not a person to discuss things. Sometimes he is extremely stressed, but he doesn't like to talk to people, and he never complains. , basically holding back.

But there is a second Wang who can talk about it.

Han Yongfang babbled a few words, but he didn't feel embarrassed, but he was happy.

Erwang: "Grandpa, I... have an idea, can you listen?"

Han Yongfang: "You said."

Erwang: "Then don't be angry."

Han Yongfang smiled, "You child, when did grandpa get angry with you."

Erwang: "Grandpa, look, other teams have side jobs, let's..."

"We have them too." Han Yongfang said, "We make seats and grind tofu."

"Grandpa, this is not the case. This sideline business is for our own members. I mean... to communicate with people outside the team." He knew that Han Yongfang was a bit rigid, and now it is very powerful to cut the tail of capitalism. If you let him directly make a sideline business , then he certainly disagrees.

Han Yongfang is domineering and strong, and the policy does not allow it, or the policy he understands is this and that, and he rarely listens to others.

And the captain and others didn't know much about him.

Furthermore, the most important point is that since the mutual aid group, the junior, intermediate and senior cooperatives, and then to the people's communes, from the Great Leap Forward, the Great Steel Smelting, the Cutting of the Tail, the Small and Small Four Cleansing, and the Cultural Revolution, Han Yongfang has a deep-rooted understanding after coming here again and again. -Cultivation, don't be useless.

The top of the fruit tree may not be pleasing to the eye. If it is cut down, the chickens, ducks and geese are the tail of capitalism. They will be killed, but the crops will not be planted at any time.

Therefore, he has never been keen to make other extra money, and others dare not advise him.

Now that Erwang brings up this topic, he is not angry, but rather surprised, "Sideline, what can we do?"

Erwang looked at his thoughts and laughed, "This is easy to do, you can do anything. Grandpa, look, you need to use your brain to start a side business, you need knowledge and talents, we now... don't have a ready-made group. What a waste of their physical work, one of our members does nine of them."

Han Yongfang's thoughts moved, "Hey, it's really true."

Erwang: "Grandpa, why don't we make soap first, that Shen Zhiqing is very good, he understands." His mother was worried about the lack of soap at home all day, and she had to buy it while she was aching.

Han Yongfang: "Soap? We country people don't need this stuff."

"Grandpa, there is no need to use it. If you have it, you can use it? Besides, we can sell it to the people in the city."

Han Yongfang: "...It's really bad to cut the tail now. I went to a meeting a while ago and said, 'I would rather have socialist seedlings than capitalist grass'."

Erwang: "Grandpa, soap is the grass of socialism. The seedlings of capitalism have long been... high-grade soap, high-grade washing powder."

He heard the washing powder from Lin Lan and borrowed it for use.

Some things are not allowed this way or that, but if you put it another way, there are valid reasons and there is no pressure.

Han Yongfang scratched his head, "I think about it."

Erwang: "Grandpa, think about it slowly, don't worry, let's train these educated youths first."

If they are not trained to obey the management, even if they are engaged in a side business, they will be arrogant and disobedient to the command, and the crowd will be more chaotic.

Seeing that Han Yongfang was thinking, he first went to Lin Lan to see who repaired the house.

Han Yongfang figured it out, her mind was active, and her steps became brisk.

The captain looked at him, "What's wrong? Is there a happy event?"

Han Yongfang: "Almost."

Captain: "Then you paid for the materials first?"

Han Yongfang glared: "Is that money still serious? I owe it first." After that, he walked away with his hands behind his back.

Captain: "..."

Let's say that Dawang led his younger brothers and sisters to school. Before he got to the door, he saw Fan Xiao going around in circles.

"Brother Xiaosan, Brother Wang, go to school." Fan Xiao looked weak.

When they saw Fan Xiao, they laughed, "Sister Fan, what are you doing?"

Fan Xiao: "Can we discuss something?"

Da Wang and Mai Sui also came over and looked at her.

Fan Xiao: "In the future... Can I buy your family's meals to eat? Just give me a pancake the size of a palm for one meal, add a chopstick and some pickles. I'm not picky eaters, really, I can be hard and simple. One day I I'll give you a pound of meal tickets, and give you 15 cents, okay? In this way, you can save money to buy books and basketballs."

Several children look at Dawang.

Dawang: "Does this count as speculation?"

Fan Xiao looked righteous: "Why is this speculation? It's better to save a life than to build a seven-level pagoda."

She also talked about the tragic incident of the educated youth. Because of the late harvest, she didn't have breakfast, and the lunch was thrown into half by the late harvest, and the rest of Shen Yu was rescued, but it has not been done yet. It is estimated that everyone can be alone. Evenly two mouthfuls.

She was going crazy with hunger.

Lin Lan's way is not available, she can only go the children's way.

Xiao Wang couldn't bear to see her so pitiful, "Sister Fan is so pitiful."

Fan Xiao immediately nodded in cooperation, and the circles of his eyes were red.

Mai Sui: "What if other people come to buy it when they know about it? We don't have enough food."

Fan Xiao: "Who dares to imitate me, I will fight with him!" Originally, he thought it was not good for the educated youth to order food, but now he has nothing to eat, and he will starve to death. She has left the past a hundred thousand miles away, it is useless to miss the past, the most urgent thing is what is in front of her.

Mai Sui: "Actually, if you want me to tell you, don't cook your own meals. It's better to find a partner by yourself. It is estimated that others will be happy." If you can give money, others will definitely be happy.

Fan Xiao: "I don't go to other people's houses except to partner with yours. Their cooking is unpalatable, but it's not as good as yours."

The party secretary, the captain, and Dong Huaihua’s family already have old educated youth as partners. Other ordinary members of the family eat coarse grains throughout the year, and occasionally eat fine grains, and some people are still not full. In the past, Huo Yuan and others had partnered with ordinary members' families. As a result, their rations were deducted to subsidize their own children, starving the educated youth, and finally had to break up. The old educated youth warned the newly arrived educated youth that unless they partnered with the cadres, they would rather cook in shifts at the educated youth point, and they could decide what they wanted to eat.

Sanwang: "You don't have lard. My mother has saved lard."

Xiaowang: "Because my mother has love, my mother cooks for us, but if there is love, it is delicious."

Fan Xiao burst into tears: "Brother Wang, I also have love."

Xiaowang: "…"

The children just look at the big brother and let him make up his mind.

She wiped her tears and looked at Dawang pleadingly: "Brother Dawang, do your best, have pity on me."

Fan Xiao also went out of his way to leave home with no one he knew, begging children to be free from burdens, not afraid of shame, and don't feel self-esteem hurt. What is self-esteem compared to starving to death, besides, there is nothing shameful about interceding with such a beautiful group of children, not shameful, she is very happy.

In particular, Brother Xiao Wang is so sympathetic that he can't wait to take her to dinner.

Dawang finally let go: "Okay."

"Savior!" Fan Xiao clenched his fists, "Thank you, thank you. Then I'll make a reservation for a year." She pulled Xiaowang back to get the meal tickets and money.

Dawang: "You... don't worry. Let's try it the day before." Both parents said that there is no rush to do things, so you have to try first.

Although Fan Xiao was disappointed, he had to agree to pay for one day's money and tickets first. Dawang only needs four or two food tickets for a meal plus five cents, and dinner is another matter.

Sanwang volunteered to go home to cook food for her, but she hadn't had class yet, and the children went home together again. Passing by the brigade, they saw Erwang talking to Han Yongfang, and Lin Lan was there watching others repair the house.

When he got home, Sanwang went to get two large two-piece noodle cakes, and then used the new lunch box Fan Xiao bought to make shrimp, onion, stewed eggs, and eggplant box, which filled half of the lunch box in total.

Fan Xiao only wanted a piece of cake, "I am very hard and simple, one piece is enough, thank you." She said goodbye to the children, and then hid the lunch box and sneaked to the river to eat, so as not to be seen by other educated youths.

The children stood at the door and looked at Fan Xiao's back, speechless for a while.

Xiaowang: "He is so pitiful."

Dawang: "If there is no father and mother, we are more pitiful than her." She still has money and food.

Xiaowang: "Then, why didn't her parents want her?"

Dawang: "Go to the countryside."

"Why go to the countryside?"


"Who ordered it?"

"Let's go to school."

Xiaowang: "School rules let you go to the countryside?"

Sanwang took it over, "Well, but my mother said that you go to school to learn knowledge for yourself, not to go to the countryside. If you have knowledge, you are not afraid of going to the countryside."

Xiaowang: "Then they... also have knowledge, why is that?"

They can’t get work points, they can’t do farm work, they can’t eat, and even their parents don’t want them.

The children were suddenly confused.

Yes, educated youth from big cities are more literate than them, so why go to the countryside

Going to school just to go to the countryside

The mother and the teacher said that learning culture is for yourself, and it will be better to cultivate the land with culture. But... It's not better for educated youths who are more literate than them to farm the land. It's better that the uneducated community members can farm the land.

So... is reading still useful

Dawang doesn't care. He has his own goals. Going to school is going to school. These issues won't take him any extra thought.

Mai Sui is the most tangled, and even Sanwang and Xiaowang are also entangled.

If they can't figure it out, they go to the teacher.

Han Qingping has been upset because of many things in the past few days, and he is confused and haunted by the children.

Sanwang: "Teacher, you said that learning culture is useful, and farming is better than those without culture, but you can see that educated youths have culture but lack the strength, and they have to rely on strength to go to the field. It's useless."

Mai Sui: "Shen Zhiqing is very good. He keeps those who can go to university, but he is not allowed to go to college. He is very literate, but when he comes to our brigade, he has to farm the land. Culture doesn't help. Why is this?"

Han Qingping's mind was in a mess, and he couldn't stop to think. He was at a loss for words at the moment, and he didn't know how to answer, "'s getting late, let's go to class first, and then we'll talk about it after class?" He had to resort to Dafa in class to escape.

The children also had to go to school.

When Erwang came over, seeing Mai Sui's listless look, he still wondered what was going on.

The first class was taught by Huo Hongzhen. She was so hungry that she lost her energy. Moreover, she was also very nervous, for fear that she would not behave well, and tried her best to activate the classroom atmosphere, but the children's response was not enthusiastic.

Most children will inevitably compare the new teacher with the old teacher, and at first always miss the old teacher and reject the new one.

Mai Sui's classmates were originally active in class and cooperated with the teacher, but now she is struggling. Erwang didn't want to listen to the class because he cared about Mai Sui. Dawang didn't care, but he didn't actively answer questions in class.

Sanwang is also tangled, but he is just a fool to join in the fun.

Because he was not actively studying, he went to school for his mother, and he didn't want to go to any university. He felt that he would just go home and farm in the future. But he was worried about the educated youth, so many beautiful sisters and brothers, so excellent and literate, and knew more than the teacher, but he had to go to the countryside to farm with the uneducated members, so he was worried for them.

Xiaowang is thinking about love. Why did the educated youth go to the countryside? Why did their parents not want them? Are they bad? Do you not love them? What is the reason

In the end, the only one who really struggles is Mai Sui.

They were the most active in the big classroom. Mai Sui and Erwang were not active, and the word Sanwang was lost. The other children were too embarrassed to raise their hands to answer questions, and were ashamed to sing in public, so the class was really boring.

After class, Huo Hongzhen was also a little dazed, standing on the campus staring at a rose in a daze.

Mai Sui ran out and asked her, "Sister Huo, you said, why do you study?"

Huo Hongzhen was taken aback, and subconsciously said, "In order to learn knowledge."

"Then why learn knowledge?"

"For... um, building the motherland..." Huo Hongzhen took out what the thought teacher said.

"How does the motherland need us to build? Farming?" Mai Sui thought for a while, "Students from big cities come to the countryside to farm after studying?"

Educated youths such as Huo Hongzhen were originally young, and they had little experience and comprehension, so they were not good enough to teach others. Moreover, because of going down to the countryside, he himself was at a loss and felt sad, and being asked by Mai Sui also evoked his sadness, and some were speechless.

"The country has many jobs and needs different talents..." Huo Hongzhen reluctantly said: "The best ones can go..."

Mai Sui scratched his head: "But you and Shen Zhiqing are both excellent, why can't you go?"

Huo Hongzhen's eyes turned red.

Mai Sui asked again: "You won't be allowed to take university entrance exams, and you won't go to the countryside to recruit workers in the city. Only the educated youth from the city will go to the countryside, and no rural students will go to the city."

"No...Isn't there still a recommendation for admission to a university? Your parents are both cadres, so you can definitely recommend." According to her experience, even if the city recommends admission to the university, they are all the children of cadres, and the remaining places will be available. to advanced molecules.

"But I have to come back after being recommended for college." Mai Sui still couldn't figure it out. The more the teachers talked about her, the more confused she became. She decided to go home and ask her mother.

She greeted Huo Hongzhen and ran away.

Huo Hongzhen stood there thinking about her future, thinking about the problem of wheat ears, she couldn't help shedding tears, she couldn't help but find a corner to cry.

Erwang saw that Mai Sui didn't go back to the classroom but ran out, and said hello to Dawang and ran after him.

Lin Lan had already gone home and was sewing a cotton-padded jacket. When she saw her daughter come back with red circles around her eyes, she was startled, "Daughter, what's the matter? Come and tell my mother if you can't think of anything."

She pondered that her sons were all in the class, her daughter would definitely not be bullied, and Erwang made Mai Sui even less angry with her, so she must be embarrassed to tell the boy if she had something to worry about.

Mai Sui couldn't figure it out, so she became anxious. The more anxious she became, the more she couldn't figure it out. Tears were like beads with broken threads. She threw herself into Lin Lan's arms, "Mother."

Lin Lan stroked her hair without speaking, let her calm down first, and after a while, "Tell me, what's going on."

Mai Sui said the tangled question, and then looked at Lin Lan tearfully.

Lin Lan couldn't help laughing, looking at the pretty and bright girl with tears on her eyelashes, her heart was sour, and she wiped the girl's tears with a handkerchief, "Silly girl, we can't go to the horns at any time, come back with your parents if you have any problems. Say, you know?"

Maisui nodded.

"Mother, what's going on? All the educated youths who study in big cities go to the countryside to farm, and the culture they learn doesn't rely on their strength to earn work points. If this is the case, they might as well not study and work with strength from the beginning. A little stronger."

Lin Lan is very pleased, the children will be able to think when they are older.

She said softly: "I don't want to lie to you about the things in front of you, the reality is like this. Country people can't enter the city, and they go home after reading. There are too many people in the city who can't arrange their jobs, so I choose a batch of graduates. Townships relieve the pressure on cities.”

Mai Sui suddenly looked at her with blinking eyes, and felt that this statement was very novel, and no one else said it.

Lin Lan smiled and continued: "Aren't we listening to the radio? Difficulties are temporary. The eight years of the Anti-Japanese War are the most difficult and darkest days, aren't they also over? The three years of the disaster were so difficult, we also In the past. After the catastrophe, there will be blessings later, and our country will get better and better."

She paused, "It is precisely because there are not enough backward jobs that the educated youth have to go to the countryside. This just shows that all walks of life are accumulating strength, and the society needs a large number of capable talents. When the accumulation reaches a certain level, it will form a kind of It is an inevitable law of the development of things in a state of vigorous eruption and a hundred wastes waiting to be rebuilt. At that time, the whole society will undergo earth-shaking changes, barriers will be broken, barriers will be broken, and knowledge will be power. At that time, as long as you go out, it will be an opportunity. For those who have read books and culture, they can go directly to the city or stay in the countryside to build a new world. If you don’t read and have no culture, can you go out well?”

Mai Sui's tearful eyes flashed with flames, pressing brightly, "Mother, you mean the future is bright, right?"

Lin Lan nodded, cupped her delicate cheeks, and smiled: "Of course, the future is bright. If the reality doesn't seem as good as you think, you have to quietly accumulate strength and quietly arm yourself to the teeth. Those who are addicted to Those who dare not change the reality will always only complain that they do not want to make progress. Even if the opportunity comes, they can only blame others, complaining that social injustice makes them miss the opportunity. And you, those of you who are prepared, can one, Fly, soar, and sky, ushering in a new era."

Mai Sui suddenly hugged Lin Lan, "Mother, you are looking forward to that day too, right?"

Lin Lan said seriously: "For my mother, the moment is the best, not to be attached to the past or greedy for the future, every day that comes is the most precious."

Because today is the future of the past, and today is the past of the future.

Mai Sui looked up at her, imprinting this sentence firmly in her mind.

Lin Lan hugged her and shook it, "We must remember that there are no obstacles that cannot be overcome, and we must not go to the top of the horns. There are always more solutions than difficulties."

"Mother." Mai Sui burst into tears, "I remember."

"Go, think about it for yourself." Lin Lan wiped her tears and patted her on the shoulder, "It's not over yet."

Mai Sui nodded, only to see Erwang standing in the main room, she couldn't help but smile: "Oh, why are you back?"

Erwang: "I've eaten the eggplant box and it's salty. Come back and drink some water."

Lin Lan asked them a few words and let them go to school.

Mai Sui and Erwang went out, the haze in her heart was completely dissipated, her footsteps were very brisk, and she couldn't help but hummed a little song: "We are the successors of communism~~"

Erwang smiled, "Aren't you going to be bullshit?"

Mai Sui was embarrassed, "What kind of horns are there, there's no such thing."

Erwang smiled without saying a word, went to school with her, first went to apologize to the teacher and then sat back to his seat to go to class.

After Han Qingping finished the class, he called Mai Sui out and cared about her, "Mai Sui, do you... understand?"

Mai Sui smiled sweetly, "Yes, my mother told me, and I figured it out."

Han Qingping was very curious, "How did you figure it out?"

Mai Sui said: "Teacher, it's what you said. We learn for ourselves. Learning can make me happy, let me know more, and let me know how people came and how the earth turns. So, even if Studying doesn't allow me to go to college or come back to farm, and I'm also very happy. Because I know what the world is like, and I'm not alone."

Lonely? Han Qingping laughed, a child actually said loneliness, but deeply said their heart.

Mai Sui smiled, "So, teacher, hope is ahead, we are always ready, when hope comes, our knowledge can really play a role, right."

Han Qingping looked at her, hoping to come? What does hope look like? What gesture? advent

"Your mother taught you that?"

Mai Sui nodded, "I think my mother is right, I'm still young, and there are infinite possibilities in the future!"

Han Qingping nodded, "Yes, good boy, your mother is right. You are still young, and the most invincible thing in this world is time, so keep going."

"Thank you, teacher."

After Mai Sui and Han Qingping finished talking, they went to Huo Hongzhen again, and found that her eyes were red, and quickly apologized, "Sister Huo, I'm sorry, I made you sad."

Huo Hongzhen smiled and said, "No."

Mai Sui shared with Huo Hongzhen what she had told Han Qingping, and finally said, "Sister Huo, don't be discouraged. My mother said, hope is ahead, and opportunities are for those who are prepared. So, don't be discouraged. Oh."

Huo Hongzhen had actually heard what she and Han Qingping said, and was thinking about it in her heart. She never expected that Lin Lan, a country woman, and Mai Sui, a country girl, would have such insights and thoughts.

It's really not that simple.

She said sincerely: "Mai Sui, thank you very much. When you said it, my heart suddenly opened up."

"That's good." Mai Sui took her hand and encouraged her, "Let's do our best!"

Because of the wheat spikes, Lin Lan went to the intersection to wait after school in the afternoon, wanting to see the children earlier.

Soon, she saw the children go home as usual, with Sanwang and Xiaowang chasing them in front, throwing their tangled issues into the air. Mai Sui and Erwang were talking behind, Dawang walking beside them, not speaking but not disobeying the harmony.

Lin Lan waved at them.

"Mother!" Xiao Wang took the lead in running forward and threw himself into Lin Lan's arms.

Lin Lan took his little hand and went home with the children. After asking, he realized that the children felt that emotion because of Fan Xiao.

Erwang: "Mother, Fan Zhiqing should be a very proud person, but she did that for a meal... It's really very emotional. I think her parents must love her very much. If they knew that she was living such a difficult time, only I'm afraid I don't know how to feel bad."

Lin Lan took the opportunity to brainwash her child: "If I were her mother, I would be worried, regret, and blame myself now. I shouldn't spoil the child in the past and let her do nothing. Parents can't give you a future, but they can make you Learn to wash and cook, take care of yourself, and when you leave your parents, you can take good care of yourself and not worry about your parents."

The children are all thoughtful.

Xiao Wang said seriously: "Big brother, little third brother, so it's really for your own good that Dad beat you."

Dawang: "..." Why can't we forget!

Xiaowang: "Big brother, little third brother, from now on, please learn to cook, come on!"

Sanwang: "...Ah, brother Xiaowang, you are getting worse and worse."