Strict Wife of the ’70s Manages the Household

Chapter 116: Nomination was rejected


Several production captains were unconvinced and wanted to get in.

Han Yongfang glared at them, "Didn't you join the production team? What does the technical team have to do with you? Are you literate or can you make soap?"

Han Yonglu was dissatisfied: "She can't either." He pushed Nu Linlan and was very unconvinced. Chi Zhiqing was also very good at it, so he wanted to give it a shot.

Han Yongfang: "She is literate, can write articles, and can publicize. When the time comes, our brigade will start a sideline business, and we will not be allowed to contact the outside world? Will you?"

Although Han Yonglu was not convinced, he had to shut up in front of Han Yongfang's spittle Xingzi.

Han Yongfang said to Lin Lan again: "Your team leader's task is very heavy, and you can't take it lightly. When the time comes, you will know everything about production and technology, and you will have to rely on you for publicity."

Lin Lan suddenly felt a great responsibility, she said seriously: "Please rest assured, I will work hard."

After making such a decision to disband, Han Yongfang asked Shen Yu to call a few educated youths for a meeting, and left the captain and Lin Lan behind.

Soon Shen Yu, who was helping to grow wheat on the ground, came over, as did the female educated youth who picked up cotton. Now there are only some scattered peaches in cotton, which can be picked up sporadically.

Seeing Lin Lan's presence, Shen Yu came over and sat next to her, saying a few common words.

After a while, Fan Xiao and a few came over, and she also ran to sit next to Lin Lan. It was a little cold in the room, and she rubbed her hands together, "Captain Lin, we want to go to Zhengjiazhuang to buy cloth in two days. Would you like to go?"

Lin Lan smiled, "I don't know yet, I'll take a look with you if it's all right."

A while ago, Shen Yu went to Zhengjiazhuang to help send Yanyan back to weaving cloth, and by the way gave an idea to solve the problem of the dyed cloth discoloring badly. But at that time there was still work in the fields, and Fan Xiao and other female educated youths did not catch them.

Lin Lan glanced at Fan Xiao. Work really trains people. After only a few days, the squeamish Fan Xiao can withstand the wind and the sun. However, she is really God's darling. Among the female educated youths who came with her, Gao Lu's skin was getting rougher and darker, and the beautiful Chi Min was a lot rougher, but Fan Xiao was still so white and tender.

It's nice to be young!

After Chi Min and Gao Lu came in, they sat opposite Lin Lan, just nodded and greeted, not enthusiastic.

They believed that Lin Lan's family was bought by Fan Xiao, and if something good happened in the future, they would definitely be partial to Fan Xiao, and there was also Huo Hongzhen. Anyway, it wasn't their turn, so they were not lukewarm towards Lin Lan, and were too lazy to be enthusiastic against their will. .

It doesn't matter to Lin Lan, after all, people and people are related.

Chi Min and Gao Lu were also very happy when they heard that the brigade was going to start a brigade side business. They had been thinking about doing something for the brigade to change their situation. Shen Yu helped to design a device for picking soybeans to get a reward. They were also envious and wanted to do something.

In fact, Gao Lu wanted to suggest to the brigade to make soap before. She saw that people in the countryside don't use soap. However, she was afraid that it would be bad to take the initiative to give opinions, because people in the village said that the secretary was not easy to deal with, and most hated people who said that they would make money by doing a side business. She was also afraid of being disliked and causing trouble, so she never mentioned it.

When she heard that the brigade was going to be doing a side business, she immediately said excitedly: "Secretary, I know some soap production processes, and I can help organize the technical team." She had been to a soap factory and learned some things, and she could write a letter for consultation , so that you can control the technology of the sideline of the brigade. She was very excited and felt that what she had learned could finally be put to use.

Han Yongfang said: "Don't worry, the brigade has two groups of side jobs. The production group is led by the brigade leader, the technical group is led by Captain Lin, and Shen Zhiqing is the deputy group leader. Anyone with skills can join in and contribute strongly."

Gao Lu's face turned red all of a sudden, she realized that she was too eager to recommend herself in public, and it would be too embarrassing to be rejected now. The enthusiasm that surged up her whole body retreated, and her fingers trembled a little with shame. She glanced at Lin Lan subconsciously, a woman who taught herself in the countryside, talking nonsense and deceiving people, what does she know about this kind of technology

She was a little unwilling.

Lin Lan is talking to Shen Yu to confirm with him how much he knows, then go to the bookstore to buy some related technical books, and then write a letter to the daily chemical factory in the city for advice. into production.

Lin Lan has also thought about soap for a long time, but before, I wanted to make it by hand at home, and I felt that the conditions were not suitable, and I was reluctant to give up on fatty oils. But if it is a sideline business of the brigade, it will be easier. They can contact the oil mill in the name of the brigade and buy those oil residues to make soap.

Shen Yu thought of going with her, "We can go to the countryside to collect some oil residue."

Lin Lan: "The village squeezes oil by itself, and the oil residue is kept for the livestock, so I won't sell it to us."

Shanzui Village eats peanuts and soybean oil. The oil is extracted by the brigade and distributed to the members according to the proportion. The members can also go to the grain management office or the supply and marketing cooperative to buy it if there is a ticket. The other is to squeeze oil at home. If there is enough food to eat, ordinary members are still willing to use peanuts to squeeze oil to improve their lives.

Shen Yu: "Cottonseed oil, we can buy cottonseed dregs. This animal doesn't like to eat it." During his time here, he also learned that some brigades would use cottonseed to squeeze oil.

Lin Lan frowned slightly: "Cottonseed oil?"

Shen Yu: "What's the matter?"

Lin Lan remembered reading a report that crudely refined cottonseed oil is toxic and easy to infertile if eaten. She thought for a while and said, "When I went to the bookstore, I don't remember seeing that in any newspaper, saying that cottonseed oil is not crafted at home, but it's actually poisonous and easy to eat... Well, I can't give birth to children."

A hint of red flushed on Shen Yu's cheeks, and he raised his hand and rubbed his eyes to cover it, "Really? If this is serious, I must remind you in time."

Lin Lan: "Well, this is compiled in our publicity plan." This is the next publicity content.

She thought about discussing it with the science and technology team of the county revolutionary committee, and asked them to do an experiment and issue an authoritative statement. She didn't know whether the county had this technology at this time, but as long as she said it, it could be spread paradoxically. It is easy to spread some unfounded claims among the people, such as my neighbors, my relatives, my mother's family, etc., and useful information can be spread like this.

Fan Xiao didn't know how to make soap, but she needed a lot, and whispered, "Captain Lin, if you can make soap, can you make some more vanishing cream for your face and hands?" Use it, the air here is too dry, and your hands and faces are chapped.

Lin Lan smiled and said, "When we've tested the soap, we'll test that one." Anyway, the formulas of the basic skin care products are almost the same.

Fan Xiao was very happy, and rubbed his hands together excitedly, as if he could use it tomorrow, "Captain Lin, I have collected a lot of secret recipes, and I will give them back to you." There are quite a few ancient recipes. very enjoyable? She is still looking forward to it.

Seeing how excited she was, Lin Lan whispered, "You can just give it to Shen Zhiqing. Actually, I don't understand either."

On the opposite side, Gao Lu and Chi Min were not happy. They just watched them muttering, thinking that it must be Fan Xiao who wanted to join the technical team to gain benefits.

After the meeting was over, the team leader used the room next to the infirmary for the technical team, and asked them to conduct experiments there. If they needed anything, they would report to the team leader. Lin Lan and Shen Yu each had the key.

Shen Yu: "Captain Lin, are we discussing a work plan?"

Lin Lan: "You decide, just let me know."

She looked at the time and wanted to go home. She knitted sweaters at home when she was not working. She felt that Han Qingsong couldn't wear the sweaters she knitted this year.

Shen Yu nodded: "That's good."

When Lin Lan went home, the children hadn't finished school, so she packed up and continued knitting sweaters.

When the sweater was stitched, Mai Sui helped her calculate it. Because Han Qingsong's body is wide at the top and narrow at the bottom, the waist should not be too fat, but the needles should be started from the ribs, so as to avoid insufficient elasticity and inconvenience.

Originally, she wanted to knit a simple reverse needle, but Mai Sui thought it was too ordinary and not good-looking, so she had to study some patterns. So she asked Dawang to help make a few stick needles with waste chopsticks, and asked Erwang and Shen Yu to help research new stick needle patterns together. A few people actually designed a simple and attractive pattern in their spare time.

Lin Lan looked similar to ingot needles, with more obvious stripes, simple and elegant, and very suitable for Han Qingsong.

However, she only knitted two inches high, and the progress was a little slow.

At noon, when the children were out of school, Lin Lan told the Erwang Brigade to set up a sideline group to start making soap, and invited him to join the group.

When they heard about making soap, the children were also very curious, but Dawang Sanwang and Xiaowang joined in the fun. It's just soap, there's nothing to do, and you can't play or eat.

On the other hand, Mai Sui was also curious and wanted to follow the research.

After dinner, Shen Yu came over. He took the book and listed the work plan he had made. "Leader, let me show you."

Lin Lan: "Shen Zhiqing's efficiency is really high." Look at this work enthusiasm.

"Thinking about getting into the experiment earlier." If there is a side business in the brigade, the educated youth can better display their strengths.

Lin Lan took it over and took a look. Shen Yu's words were beautiful, handsome and handsome, with his own style, and the plan was very detailed and well organized.

She smiled: "I thought about it for a long time."

Erwang and Mai Sui also came over to watch.

Shen Yu was a little embarrassed, "Er Wang said before, I have a rough idea, the team leader should give more pointers."

Lin Lan: "Very good, let's do it like this. Go buy the materials first." The materials are nothing more than oil residue, caustic soda, and table salt. They are all common, but the quantity is limited.

Lin Lan signed his work plan, expressing his approval, and Shen Yu could find the accountant to pay for it. The captain gave them a lot of autonomy, as long as it didn't exceed twenty dollars, they didn't need to ask him for instructions. At this time, all purchases are at a fixed price, and there are also lists. The prices are clearly written, and there is no fear of fraud.

After the negotiation was done, Shen Yu went to do it.

When the children were out of school in the evening, Erwang and Mai Sui went to the educated youth point and said to Dawang, "Brother, go home and help your mother cook."

Dawang: "!" I refused.

Sanwang and Xiaowang hold Dawang's hand one by one, "Brother, let's go."

Dawang: "I'll go by myself." His voice was a little heavy.

When the three of them got home, Lin Lan was still knitting sweaters. When they came back, they put down their sweaters and went to bed. "School is over, it's time to cook."

She looked at it, "Where are Sister Mai and the second brother?"

Dawang: "The educated youth."

Lin Lan smiled, "Okay, let's cook."

Sanwang: "Mother, eldest brother wants to help you cook."

Lin Lan's eyes crooked with laughter. She has taught her eldest son how to roll skins. Although he still can't make dumplings, the future is bright. Mai Sui and Er Wang are not at home today, so they are teaching the eldest son.

"Eldest son, what shall we eat tonight?"

Dawang: "..." You ask me? He thought for a while, "Boil sweet potatoes?" Cooking sweet potatoes is the easiest.

In autumn, sweet potatoes are distributed, and the members basically eat sweet potatoes in autumn and winter. Sweet potatoes are not immune to hunger. However, Lin Lan's family always cooks sweet potatoes mixed with pasta, and rarely eats sweet potatoes alone, because eating too much will cause heartburn. She will also process the sweet potatoes to make sweet potato powder or something else to eat. The variety and taste are good.

Dawang went to fetch some corn stalks, the corn stalks distributed in autumn, the leaves with the leaves on the top were left to feed the animals, and the bottom ones were distributed to the commune members to burn.

Lin Lan: "Little third brother, if you set fire to the fire, the elder brother will help me with the noodles and let's make pancakes."

Dawang: "..." I don't like making noodles. Although he was very resistant, he did not disobey her. Now as long as Lin Lan asked him to do anything, even if he didn't like him, he would cooperate. Fortunately, apart from going to school and cooking, Lin Lan didn't force him to do anything he didn't like.

Lin Lan instructed him to scoop a scoop of fine flour and a scoop of corn flour, mix them together, and then add water and stir the flour to form a dough. After the dough is ready, beat it hard to shorten the resting time.

Moreover, Dawang has great strength, and kneading the dough is like hatred, which can reduce the time for more wake-up.

After that, pull them into a single batch, roll them out, brush with a little oil and salt, add some chopped green onion, fold them up and continue to roll, so that it is a thousand-layer cake after two rounds, and then roll out a little thinner and bake it in a pot.

Pour a tablespoon of oil into the pan and spread it out with a rub.

"Little third brother, the fire is too big, it will burn out." She reminded Sanwang.

Sanwang is impatient, and the stove is stuffed with grass all of a sudden, either it will not burn, or the fire will be too poisonous.

Xiaowang, who was painting in the room, heard it and ran out to help Sanwang make the fire together. The little brothers sat in front of the stove muttering, and climbed into the cellar to find a few sweet potatoes to bury, so that they could eat burnt sweet potatoes.

Sanwang grabbed another handful of corn stalks and stuffed it inside, but was stopped by Xiaowang.

"Little third brother, mother said that the fire should be thinner, one is enough."

Sanwang also reluctantly picked one up and stuffed it in, "It's not enough to fit between the teeth."

Soon the aroma of pancakes came, and they began to sniff, "It smells good."

Lin Lan smiled and said, "Big brother made this for you. It's especially delicious."

Sanwang: "Brother Xiaowang and I are on fire!"

"Yes, the three brothers worked closely together to contribute a sumptuous and loving dinner to the family. Great!"

Lin Lan laughed, and so did the children.

No need to cook at night. When the pancakes are ready, clean the pan with a broom, add water directly to make a sea rice gourd soup, and stir an egg into it when it is ready. And then there are all kinds of pickles, so the dinner is not bad.

Lin Lan instructed Dawang again: "Brother, what about the introduction to the noodles in the future, I will eat the steamed pumpkin rolls tomorrow."

At this time, there is no yeast, and a dry noodle primer is used to make the old noodles, break them into pieces, soak them, leave them for a night, add flour the next day, and then let them rise for a while before they can be used to knead the noodles. The noodles that come out like this are extraordinarily delicious. However, it is not easy to control the heat. If it is too acidic, you need to add some alkaline noodles. If it is not enough, it is like adding some baking soda to the dead noodles. Anyway, there is always a way to deal with it. After mixing the noodles to make steamed buns and rolls, a piece of noodles will be left, and the flat bread will be covered with raw flour, and it will ferment and become sour after being thrown into the scoop for a few days.

Dawang broke the introduction with her, and he broke it with a single pinch, saving Lin Lan from breaking it.

Lin Lan: "Brother, no matter what you do, let's be a little more gentle, and we can't make people think we're not happy." From now on, we must not scare girls.

Sanwang and Xiaowang laughed and pulled the bellows loudly.

Da Wang glanced at Lin Lan, grinned, and took it as a smile.

Lin Lan: "..."

During dinner, Han Qingsong and Mai Sui Erwang came back together. The sister and brother talked excitedly about making soap, saying that they must participate in the experiment in person. Lin Lan listened to them talking about the principles and steps of making soap, and also participated in the discussion.

As a result, the three mothers talked in full swing.

Mai Sui: "Mother, this is what Brother Shen Yu taught us. Sister Fan also gave us a recipe with the secret recipe for making vanishing cream. We will make vanishing cream when we make soap."

Erwang took out the copied recipe and showed it to Lin Lan. Lin Lan saw it very amusingly, "It's quite interesting."

Sanwang sat at the table and Xiaowang held their cheeks and looked at each other, "Hey... Except for soap, it's Shen Yu."

Han Qingsong glanced at Lin Lan and saw that she was discussing issues with Erwang Mai Sui. The three of them were like digging up a treasure, especially Lin Lan's white face was bright in the dim room.

He quietly went to clear the table, and Dawang helped him.

Sanwang: "Mother, it's time to eat!"

Lin Lan responded, and took a pen to write some things she heard from her best friend in the past life on the recipe, to see if it was useful at that time.

They almost started to eat. After dinner, Mai Sui and Erwang went to the educated youth station, and they wanted Lin Lan to go, but Lin Lan had other things to do and let them play by themselves.

She told Han Qingsong about the brigade's sideline, "We have to contact a fixed oil mill so that we can have fixed and cheap raw materials."

Oil residue scraps are not expensive, but there must be a fixed supply point.

Han Qingsong: "This can be supported by the Ministry of Agriculture of the Revolutionary Committee of the commune." It's just that the commune's recent personnel changes, Director Jia was dismissed for investigation, and the new director of the Revolutionary Committee of the commune has not yet been decided.

He added: "You can apply directly to the county."

Lin Lan thinks this is feasible. Now that she is familiar with the county revolutionary committee, it is appropriate to apply.

"I'll write an application." She took the stationery and came out to write the application.

The letterheads of their brigade did not have the slogan of the Cultural Revolution printed on it, and they all had to be handwritten by themselves. Now Lin Lan wrote it at his fingertips and wrote: Long live the great proletariat!

Next, I will start to write the respected Ministry of Agriculture of the Revolutionary Committee, and write about the demands of their brigade and so on.

Write yourself and the Shanzui Village Brigade below the inscription, and finally start another line to continue to write quotations, express determination, and wish the great Chairman Mao a long life.

After writing, she showed it to Han Qingsong, "Third brother, please help me check if there are any omissions."

When writing a document, it is not necessary to write well, but to be free from mistakes, especially words and writing errors. Someone once wrote a slogan, long live the traditional Chinese character was wrong, and he was caught out and criticized, and he wrote a great leader. This kind of thing is usually done by someone who makes a fuss about it, or is a fanatical activist, but most people don't.

However, Lin Lan was used to being cautious and careful, so she naturally had to check it carefully.

Han Qingsong read it carefully, and there was no problem, "Very good."

Lin Lan teased him: "Third brother, please copy it for me."

Han Qingsong looked at her, "No."

"Why, I didn't let you use power for personal gain."

"Ugly characters are easy to be rejected."

"No, who would dare to refuse you!" Lin Lan laughed, afraid that the county revolutionary committee would have to speed up the instructions when it saw his words.

However, Han Qingsong didn't want to, and she didn't force him to copy it carefully. Now that she writes with her left hand is quite good.

Han Qingsong took the envelope, wrote it down, and handed it to her.

Looking at the words on the back of the silver hook and iron, Lin Lan silently took it and put his application form in it.

At this time, Mai Sui and Erwang came back. They closed the door to wash and sleep. Lin Lan went to see the children and said good night to the children, and then went back to the house to continue writing.

She also wrote a letter to the technical section of the county revolutionary committee, asking for technical support on whether cottonseed oil is poisonous.

Han Qingsong read what she wrote, "Poisonous?"

Lin Lan: "It seems, I don't remember where I saw it in the bookstore, but Shen Zhiqing also said it was poisonous."

Han Qingsong: "It's to be taken seriously." He still helped her write the envelope, then put the letter paper in it, and stuffed it into his schoolbag along with the previous one, "Tomorrow someone will help you send it to the county with the documents. "

Going through his channel, the speed is very fast, my team is submitting documents in earnest, and I will wait for the next year.

"Third brother, you are so kind." Lin Lan leaned in and kissed the corner of his lips.


Lin Lan nodded: "Of course, that's fine."

He looked at her and said something in his ear, Lin Lan's cheeks flushed all of a sudden.

"No, my back is sore!" She decisively refused.

He pestered her not to let go.

Lin Lan looked at him softly, "... I'm dizzy, I'm anemic, I can't stand strenuous exercise, and I need to rest."

Han Qingsong saw her ruddy complexion, her eyes rippling like a foggy lake, but his heart was warm, "Then... a protracted war."

Lin Lan: "!"