Strict Wife of the ’70s Manages the Household

Chapter 124: Suspended & First


Wang Hongtu has liked swimming since he was a child, and there are no children around him who are better than him. In particular, if the university does not enroll fresh graduates, he has to go to the countryside, and the children of relatives and friends are disgraced, and he entered the provincial sports school at the age of 11 because of his excellent swimming and enjoyed favorable treatment, which became the pride of the family.

He is a very strong and stubborn person in his bones. He is still a good hand at sticking, catching sparrows, and poking hornets' nests, and he is better than others. When he was eight years old, he discovered that a wasp sting was painful but would not die. He learned it immediately, and quietly used this method to sting a little classmate who did not deal with him. Later, he used this method many times to deal with people who were at odds with him, relatives, children, classmates, and even his own sister, but no one found out that he did it! He was very proud of it, and used it as his secret trick.

A while ago, he discovered that there was a swarm of hornets in the school. When he was angry, he would go to the hornet's nest to vent his anger.

This time in the autumn swimming competition, he has already regarded the junior group as something in his pocket, and he must be the champion. Who would have known that a black duck was killed in the rush. Although he was only 10 years old, he was more powerful than himself! This made him in a trance to see that when he was a child, he also loved swimming like this and worked so hard.

If Sanwang and him are not in the same group, then he may want to be good friends.

It's a pity that Sanwang is also best at 50 and 100 meters.

He originally wanted to steal an anesthetic from his aunt, who is a doctor, to deal with Sanwang, but the anesthesia needle is easy to leave behind, so despite the time constraints, he quietly grabbed a few wasps and put them in the medicine without hesitation. bottle.

He even thought about it thoroughly, not to use too violent methods to deal with Sanwang, neither to let Sanwang's injury cause others to suspect and attract the police, nor to let Sanwang lose consciousness and not be able to participate in the game, because that might delay the game.

He wanted to be the first, and let Sanwang be the second.

So he repeated his old tricks and wanted to use this method to deal with Sanwang. His purpose was to reduce Sanwang's speed so that he could not compete with himself.

Going back 10,000 steps, even if it is discovered, it doesn't matter! Because a wasp sting will only affect Sanwang's speed, neither injury nor death.

Before playing today, he only kept one wasp, and the others were released to create the illusion that there were wasps in the arena, and he threw away the bottle. When he played, he wrapped his fingers with tape and quietly buckled the last one. He had already simulated it in his mind, so many people blocked his sight. He quickly shoved the wasp into the Sanwang Swimming by passing by. Just under the pants.

That kid from Sanwang is a big one. He always walks with his head raised and never looks down.

And the wasp had been tortured to death, and at the first moment of freedom, it instinctively shot out a sting of anger, and it stabbed Sanwang at once.

People do not know ghosts!

Wang Hongtu applauded secretly for his perfect plan.

In the stands, Lin Lan's family had been staring at him since Sanwang appeared. Seeing that he and the referee had two more words than others, Lin Lan couldn't help sitting up straight to see what was going on.

However, when Sanwang and Wang Hongtu passed by, someone blocked others from seeing. Now that Sanwang has stepped into the take-off position, she sat back again.

Han Qingsong sat on her left, and Lu Jinxiu also changed into ordinary clothes and sat on the side watching the game.

Lu Jinxiu: "Sister-in-law, you are amazing."

Lin Lan smiled, "Jinxiu, don't make fun of us country people."

Lu Jinxiu: "Sister-in-law, if you say this, I'll have to slap my mouth. I'm telling the truth. Look at your children, they make me jealous."

The eldest son is sensible and stable. If he gets into the army and trains him well, it will definitely be amazing.

The twins are good-looking and study well, and they will definitely be good seedlings if they are recommended to go to university in the future.

The cute-looking little son in his arms is also very talented, well-behaved and beautiful, and he can play the harmonica and paint. If this is his own son, he must make the whole army jealous!

As for the following three boys who are said to be bad at studying and play mischief all day, he is also a swimming genius. Lu Jinxiu was already stunned by the semi-finals.

If you were to give yourself one of these children, which one would you choose

He made a common mistake, assuming an environment to decide whether to go to Peking University or Tsinghua University.

As soon as the starting gun rang, the audience on both sides of the strait went crazy again, shouting desperately: "Black duck, black duck..."

After listening to it a lot, Lin Lan actually felt that the title was very cordial.

They watched Sanwang jump into the water, and for some unknown reason, he stumbled a little. Although the movements were very small, the family knew him so well that they put all their thoughts on him, and immediately saw that something was wrong.

Lin Lan: "Third brother, what's wrong with the third kid?"

Han Qingsong: "Look at it again."

In the past, Sanwang was like a thawed fish as soon as he entered the water. He could swish forward without any effort. His arms and legs were the most handsome, and he had a powerful aesthetic.

But at this moment, after he entered the water, one leg seems to be unsafe? I almost lost my balance and flipped in the water.

The audience also felt that something was wrong, and the scene fell into a moment of silence, wondering what happened to this child

Not only did Wang Hongtu surpass him, but even those behind him surpassed him one after another.

what's wrong

They are anxious to death, some people care and they are confused, and some people feel that they are truly let down.

I put so much expectation and care for him, but he actually lost the chain at a critical moment.

They all stood up:

"You big fool, what are you doing? It's more than you!"

"Are you sleepy? Sleepy home to sleepy, don't come here to be ashamed!"

"A hillbilly is a hillbilly and can't be on the table!"

One person scolds, and someone follows.

Sanwang couldn't hear the abuse in his ears, his right leg was numb and tingling, there was only one thought in his mind, I want to be on the radio, I want to be on the radio...

He felt weak in his legs, and his arms seemed to be bound by water, unable to move. He wanted to sink down and cry.

But he still tried his best and would never admit defeat!

The 25-meter track is fleeting, and it all happens in an instant.

Suddenly, a clear voice of mixed boys and girls broke through the noise, "Sanwang, you are a big black goose, swim!"

"Little third brother, come on!" That was Xiaowang's voice.

"Son, let's cheer you on!" That was the mother's voice.

"Keep going, ranking doesn't matter." That was the voice of father and brother.

These voices came out at the same time, but he heard them all.

how can that be possible

Sanwang feels that he is dreaming, how can he hear the voice of his family? Are radio stations that powerful? Did you pass the family's voice over

"Sanwang! Come on!" This was a mixed voice, shouted by Lin Lan's family standing up with their hands folded to their mouths, and it was clearly sent to his ears.

"Mother!" He raised his head sharply and saw his family members standing in the stands.

Although there were hundreds or thousands of people standing there, he caught the mother's tearful eyes with just one look.

My mother is here!

My dad is here!

My brothers, sisters and brothers are here!

I can!

He suddenly came to life, and a powerful force burst out from his body, the same strength that he used to lift Xiao Wang from the water to shore.

The legs are not easy to use, so he uses the arms and the upper body!

Freestyle does not need to rely on the legs!

He reduced the number of times his legs beat the water, and his arms rowed as quickly as if they had been injected with great power.

The audience in the surrounding stands were stunned again, this kid... he... is incredible!

They found that his leg still didn't work, and that after he cut down on the number of kicks with his legs, he went faster!

"come on!"

"Sanwang, come on!"

At this time, the other runners had already turned their heads and rushed to the finish line. The 25-meter track was only a matter of ten seconds.

Everyone shouted along, as if winning or losing was no longer important, the power that burst out from this child was the most touching.

The voices of the audience converged into a torrent, all cheering him on.

Sanwang is like a ferocious fish, rushing towards the opposite bank. When approaching the opposite side, he used the angle of the numbness of his right leg and the leaning angle of his body. He pushed his left leg a little harder on the pool wall, and the whole person jumped out of the water at once. !

Just like the big goose chasing him in the river, he spread his arms, and his body was smashed out of the water so far.

He fell into the water, and the water waves rushed out to the sides at once, forming resistance to the other players, catching up with the little players behind!

When you put your hands into the water, it is like turning into the wings of a swimming fish, and it is like a water wheel passing over the water.

Lin Lan and the others stood on the viewing platform, clenching their hands tightly, holding their breath, and staring at the players in the pool without blinking.

And Wang Hongtu, who is leading the first, is about to reach the end!

You can start counting down: 5, 4, 3…

"I'm a fish, I don't have legs and I won't hurt, I'm going to rush forward... rush... rush rush!"

At this moment, Sanwang felt that he was possessed by his younger brother, the melody reverberated in his mind, and his arms were fast.

The final tune in his head had not even begun, and his hand had already reached the finish line.

He was a little confused, why is the track so short

He hasn't started yet, how come it's over

Although he has a lot of mental activities, in fact, it didn't take more than a minute from the beginning to the end.

The judges on the shore reported the time: "Player No. 5 and No. 33 tied for first place!"

The whole place is boiling! Thunderous applause!

No matter what reason Sanwang was behind at the beginning, he then presented the audience with a wonderful turning method of jumping over the dragon gate, which is wonderful!

The announcer went crazy, shouting incoherently: "This is an unprecedented way of turning, the No. 33 black duck actually flew like a fish leaping over a dragon gate! He is a fish, a flying fish! It's wonderful! It's amazing! It's amazing!"

Lin Lan's family couldn't wait, Dawang Erwang and Mai Sui rushed down the stand and ran to the front.

Lin Lan also asked Han Qingsong to hold Sanwang, and they hurried down.

At this time, Sanwang had just come up from the water. His right leg was still numb and unfavorable. He climbed a bit and didn't get up. The two referees who pinched the watch quickly leaned over and pulled him up.

Chu Yunfeng, Fu Zhengyuan, and Wan Fubiao, who had been waiting there for a long time, immediately rushed up and picked him up.

"Han Wangmin, you are amazing!"

Sanwang was so happy that the corners of his mouth were grinning to the base of his ears, struggling to get down, "Me, my mother, my father... they are all here, I have to find them!"

He spread his feet and limped to the side, he was going to find his mother, his father, his brother, sister and brother!

Wang Hongtu looked at him in disbelief from the side, his eyes were red with anger, he did not expect this kid to be so powerful, even if he was stung by a wasp, he could still be tied for the first place with him!

Knowing this earlier, he should have used anesthesia needles!

He didn't think he was wrong, the first thought was that he was too kind, but he was soft-hearted.

He subconsciously wanted to block Sanwang.

Sanwang suddenly saw his twisted face with jealousy, hated him for blocking his way to reunite with his family, jumped up, and gave Wang Hongtu a fist.

Wang Hongtu immediately grabbed Sanwang's neck, but was stopped by Teacher Chu and Fu Zhengyuan.

"do not fight!"

"What's the matter?" The referees also rushed over to persuade them to fight.

Sanwang pointed at Wang Hongtu and showed the bag on his leg again, "When he entered the arena, he took advantage of the crowd and stuffed a wasp on my swimming trunks!"

Wang Hongtu's face was swollen after being beaten by him, and he said bitterly, "You spit out blood!"

Without evidence, it is useless to say that you are breaking the sky.

In the blink of an eye, the Lin Lan family rushed over, "Sanwang, what's wrong with your legs?"

They rushed forward to see Sanwang's legs first.

Han Qingsong immediately knelt down on one knee and put Sanwang's leg on his knee for emergency treatment. He grabbed the red and swollen bag, and with skill, he squeezed out the poisonous needle at once. Fortunately, Sanwang is in good health, not allergic, and the sting time is not long, and the toxicity has not spread.

Lu Jinxiu turned her head and scolded, "Where's the medical staff, why aren't they standing by?"

Over there, Wang Hongtu was about to leave, but Dawang pinched the numbness and knelt on the ground all over.

Sanwang was all right. All the negative emotions before had turned into ecstasy without a pause because of the arrival of the family. With a bang, the heart rushed to the sky and began to jump up and down.

"Mother!" He hugged Lin Lan, "Why are you here? Hearing your voices, I thought I could generate waves!"

He was so surprised and happy!

Lin Lan hugged him tightly and kissed his forehead loudly, but her throat was blocked and she couldn't speak, she just hugged him harder.

Mai Sui and Xiao Wang also squeezed over to hug him and kiss him, "Little third brother, you are really amazing, you are a big hero in our family."

Erwang also stepped forward and touched his head, "Good job."

Chu Yunfeng called the medical staff, they saw that Han Qingsong was handling it well, and Sanwang's constitution was not allergic, so there was no danger, and then put ointment on him and take some allergy prevention drugs.

The staff maintaining order came to understand the situation.

In order not to affect the competition of other players, the staff first took them to the rest area to solve the problem.

In the rest area, several teachers of Wang Hongtu surrounded Chu Yunfeng and the director of public security of the competition committee, accusing Sanwang of talking nonsense without evidence and slandering Wang Hongtu, but Chu Yunfeng said that Sanwang would never lie, and it was noisy for a while.

The director waved his hand: "Calm down, calm down, say one by one, don't be in a hurry, don't mess up, what's going on?"

Lin Lan looked at Wang Hongtu, but he didn't even mean to repent at all, and immediately became angry, "You vicious, your teacher and parents didn't teach you the basic morals of being a human being?"

Wang Hongtu twisted his head, as if he was too lazy to pay attention to her, he was sure they couldn't do anything to him.

Are you okay with hurting people? Lin Lan raised her hand and slapped him, "You uneducated bad thing, you harmed my son, and your education was taught by dogs?"

Wang Hongtu had never been humiliated like this since he was a child, and he stretched out his hand to push Lin Lan, "Shrew, get out of here!"

Before he could push Lin Lan, he was kicked by Dawang first, and then fell to the wall.

"You are bullying others!" Wang Hongtu's eyes were red and his face was resentful.

Lin Lan: "You are vicious first, and you are very prosperous, beat him up for me!"

The two children had been on fire for a long time. When they heard Lin Lan's words, they were afraid that they would be beaten slowly, so Xiaowang also went up and kicked several times.

Wang Hongtu's teachers hurriedly turned around to negotiate, and stopped him from fighting, "Why are you unreasonable? I haven't checked it out yet!"

Wang Hongtu's classmates stayed aside and did not come together.

The teacher was indignant: "The matter has not been found out, how can you beat people? Is this unreasonable?"

Lin Lan said coldly, "You don't know the virtues of your own students? If you are so narrow-minded and can't afford to lose, you can still come out to participate in the competition? If you can't afford to lose, don't go out! There are heavens, there are people outside, and there is always someone better than you!"

Wang Hongtu's teacher is also a formidable teacher, clamoring for the Public Security Bureau to deal with it, "You foreigners, you are too bullying!"

Lin Lan: "Shut up, if he intentionally harms others, you, the teacher, can't escape the responsibility! Don't say you don't know!" One-to-one teaching, the teacher knows the child better than the parents, how could he not know

The teacher was furious, "Ignorance women, why don't you justify..."

"Shut up!"

"Shut up!"

Han Qingsong and Lu Jinxiu scolded him together.

Han Qingsong's face was as deep as water, and his indifferent and cold eyes reminded people of some kind of emotionless beast, which made the teacher wince.

Since Sanwang said that Wang Hongtu put it, he must have put it. When he played, he deliberately leaned on Sanwang, which was obvious to all. Even if the line of sight was blocked and no one could see it, he was the one who blocked it, but he was the most suspicious. It was very easy to posit that he was guilty.

Han Qingsong asked Wang Hongtu a few questions. Wang Hongtu either denied it or messed with it. Anyway, he didn't want to answer it properly.

He determined that Han Qingsong could not find any evidence.

He asked Wang Hongtu questions, not directly to answer, but to observe the details, and then ask his teachers and classmates based on clues.

Then he found a brown medicine in Wang Hongtu's rest area, unscrewed it and looked at it. There were many traces left by wasps in the medicine, small fluff, small wings, broken wasp feet, pollen, etc. .

He screwed on the lid, put the medicine bottle on the table, and looked at Wang Hongtu coldly, "Deny?"

That medicine bottle is full of evidence!

Wang Hongtu gritted his teeth and looked angry, "Don't falsely accuse me, you just pick up a broken bottle and tell me about it?"

Han Qingsong's eyes were cold and stern, and he glanced at Wang Hongtu's classmates, "Whose?"

Someone immediately said: "It's Wang Hongtu. He has a toothache and needs to take painkillers."

"Bullshit, bullshit, not mine!"

"Your aunt is a doctor. You can take medicine easily. You said that day you wanted to ask your aunt to get some painkillers."

Han Qingsong pointed to the medicine bottle: "Call the police, this is the evidence."

Lu Jinxiu pulled his face aside, those originally natural smiling eyes narrowed slightly at the moment, a cold arc was drawn from the corner of his mouth, the whole person was a wolf who seemed to be able to laugh but was caught off guard and shredded the other party and swallowed it in his belly!

Wang Hongtu couldn't bear it at all, and he was sweating profusely. He was able to deceive teachers, classmates and even the staff, but where are the opponents of people like Han Qingsong and Lu Jinxiu

The eyes were facing each other, and the whole line of psychology collapsed, unable to hold it for a second.

He couldn't stand and leaned against the wall, mumbling, "No, it wasn't me... I, I didn't mean to... I just... just wanted him to slow down."

Lu Jinxiu grabbed Wang Hongtu's neck and grabbed his feet off the ground, as easy as grabbing a chicken. He looked down and smiled, "Boy, you're pretty good at using your brains."

He's so smart and talented, and he can't compare to Sanwang and can practice other sports.

So smart, but not learning well, how bad it is to grow up and specify!

He hated and hated this kind of bastard who was smart but didn't follow the right path, relying exclusively on clever people behind the scenes! Why do you have to highlight yourself by getting rid of others!

Lu Jinxiu's eyes were all red, and the blue veins on his hands burst out. The next moment, he seemed to be able to tear Wang Hongtu alive.

Knowing that Lu Jinxiu was in love, Han Qingsong reached out to hold Lu Jinxiu's wrist and asked him to put Wang Hongtu down.

As soon as Lu Jinxiu let go, Wang Hongtu collapsed on the ground like a boneless rag.

Han Qingsong put one arm around Lu Jinxiu's shoulder and patted him soothingly on the shoulder.

Lu Jinxiu knew that he had lost his temper, so he quickly restrained himself, rubbed his face with both hands, and smiled at Lin Lan, "Sister-in-law, I'll make you laugh."

Lin Lan hugged Sanwang the whole time and smiled at him, "What have you done? You are so handsome and handsome, it's too late for me to like you."

Chu Yunfeng is apologizing, "It's all my fault, I didn't take good care of the child."

Sanwang: "Teacher, it's not your fault, I didn't tell you on purpose."

Chu Yunfeng said sternly: "Sanwang, you have to remember that the body is the first, so you won't be afraid of running out of firewood if you stay in the green mountains. This time, even if we don't get the first place, there will be a second time. Besides, if someone else hurts you You, you tell the teacher, the teacher can protest with the competition committee and ask for a rematch. There are many ways, you know?"

Sanwang nodded and scratched his forehead embarrassedly, "Teacher, I'm sorry, I'll remember it later."

At that time, my head was hot and I couldn't care about anything, and now I feel very embarrassed.

Lin Lan touched his short stubble, and said with pity, "This hairstyle is really good for swimming, and the water resistance is much less."

Everyone laughed.

Sanwang communicated with his brothers, sisters and brothers again, "Is it bad for black ducks? Or you know me, I'm obviously a big black goose. Haha."

Four roommates Fu Zhengyuan and Wan Fubiao also came to see him after the game.

Wan Fubiao shouted, "Brother Sanwang, are you alright? You scared us to death?" After all, he couldn't call his grandfather, so he called Sanwang brother, Sanwang shamelessly agreed.

Sanwang said that he was fine, and he jumped for a while, "It's just that the hornet took a bite. It's still a little numb now, and it doesn't hurt anymore. It's not as bad as a bajiamao."

He has nothing to do, only all kinds of happiness are left. Since seeing his family, his mouth has not been closed, and he has been smirking.

He took his roommate to introduce him to his family.

Lin Lan looked at them happily, "Sanwang is a little naughty, but please help take care of him."

Fu Zhengyuan smiled and said, "Auntie, he just doesn't sleep well, but everything else is fine. We have been helped a lot by him."

Wan Fubiao scratched his head and said embarrassedly, "Auntie, I'm not good at writing, it's embarrassing."

Sanwang: "Hey, you... why did you poke it out for me?"

Lin Lan poked his finger, "Do you think we don't know? That word is well written, it must be classmate Fu Zhengyuan."

The others were also right, and several roommates laughed.

Sanwang: "By the way, brothers, I suddenly discovered that our freestyle posture needs to be improved."

He told them the secret of not splashing his legs too often and paddling more with his arms, and asked them to try it too.

Yao Guanghong: "It's not your opponent anyway, you can do whatever you want, haha."

Li Wendong smiled and said, "It's useful, Fu Zhengyuan is still participating in the 200-meter freestyle."

Fu Zhengyuan said with a smile: "I can still expect good results before Sanwang grows up and can participate in the 200 meters."

Everyone laughed.

After Sanwang said this, the afternoon game was even more interesting, because Sanwang mastered the new secret of freestyle and taught his roommates, so everyone's performance will improve.

Soon Lu Jinxiu brought in the big leaders of the competition committee, and he must deal with this matter openly and honestly, and don't try to be sloppy.

This matter is not complicated at all, Wang Hongtu is just a bad boy, there are loopholes everywhere, and the bottom line will be revealed as soon as he investigates.

The idea of catching wasp stings is good, but it's not so secretive. When he was staring at the hornet's nest, some students saw it. Although he didn't see him grab it, he was the only person on the field who paid attention to the hornet's nest.

Facing the evidence cited by Han Qingsong, Wang Hongtu's teacher was speechless.

His teacher scolded: "Wang Hongtu, you said that friendship comes first and competition comes second. Why are you so ignorant? It's really childish!"

Another teacher quickly reminded: "It's not too soon to apologize to others."

Although Wang Hongtu didn't want to admit his mistake, he couldn't deny it. He bowed his head and apologized to Sanwang and Chu Yunfeng, saying vaguely, "I'm sorry."

Chu Yunfeng said angrily: "I'm sorry, what's the use? This is Sanwang classmate who is not allergic? What if he has a special allergy? He couldn't compete on the spot, and his life was in danger! The competition committee, we do not accept the apology!"

Wang Hongtu's teachers did not expect that Chu Yunfeng looked so kind and person, but he was so stubborn, they were anxious.

"Mr. Chu, Han Wangmin, parents, please be more considerate to this child. Wang Hongtu, like Han Wangmin, is a child with great talent for swimming. We should take care of such a good seedling and grow together. He committed a crime. The mistakes that children make are too naughty and impulsive, and everyone can understand it. In short, we must educate him well.”

It doesn't matter to Sanwang, he doesn't hate Wang Hongtu. After all, he is still young and doesn't think so long-term. He thinks it's like fighting with children in the countryside.

But he didn't decide on his own, he turned his head to look at his parents and listened to them.

Han Qingsong ignored them at all.

Wang Hongtu's teacher knew that Lin Lan was in charge of their family.

They had to negotiate with Lin Lan patiently, "This sister-in-law, Wang Hongtu is indeed wrong, but he is still young, children make mistakes, we adults should educate them well..."

Lin Lan sneered: "I'm really curious about how you usually educate, do you force your child too hard? You force him to take the first place every moment? As a teacher, you can't see the state of the students you get along with day and night? He's narrow-minded, you guys. I don't know? Why didn't he warn him beforehand? If he knew that he would be suspended from the competition or even be unable to engage in this industry in the future for engaging in other players, would he still dare to face such a huge price? Dare?"

Lin Lan's remarks blocked several teachers from retreating, unable to refute for a while.

"I, we... we don't know..."

They are really wronged. Where can a teacher encourage students to make small moves and use unfair means to compete

After all, competition can only improve yourself, because your opponents are endless, and there is still another.

So you can only improve yourself.

Wang Hongtu finally realized that Lin Lan was trying to make things worse and wanted to retire from the competition.

He couldn't help but said loudly: "I was wrong, what do you want? I have already apologized. I know I was wrong, and I will never do it again!"

"If Han Wangmin is allergic and can't compete, will your apology help?" Fu Zhengyuan was very angry, "If you succeed, you will also hurt his family, Teacher Chu, and our sports school. You will hurt the entire conference. Rules and ethos! If you let go of you easily, wouldn't it bring bad ethos, and will players still have safety guarantees in the future?"

Fu Zhengyuan hit the nail on the head, and suddenly frightened Wang Hongtu until his face turned white.

Why can't they forgive him

He burst into tears and thumped his chest, "I was wrong, I was wrong! I really like swimming, I don't want to quit the competition, please forgive me. I don't dare any more. I just want to prank him and let him swim. Slow down, never meant to hurt him."

Lin Lan was not softhearted when he saw how he was crying bitterly. If something happened to his son, his family would not know how to cry.

The victim, after the incident is exposed, always weeps bitterly, pretending to be the weakest and begging others to forgive. If you don't forgive, then the victim is not being stingy.


Back then, she did not easily forgive Xingfu and Dawei, and she will not easily forgive Wang Hongtu today.

If we don't set an example and put an end to this kind of thing, once a precedent is set, more people will follow suit.

It is to let people who do bad things see that the price of doing bad things is too high, so that they don't dare to make a move.

"I'm sorry, I don't forgive, I can't accept that you continue to stand by my son's side." Lin Lan said firmly.

"You, you, are you going to drive me out of the game?" Wang Hongtu looked at him in disbelief, blaming her with red eyes, "You have so many children, and you also want your children to be promising, why can't you be more forgiving? You Do you know how much I like swimming, do you know how difficult it is for my parents to train me? How can you be so vicious!"

Lin Lan stared at him, "When you hurt my son, did you ever think about this? Not only will I ask you to withdraw from the competition this time, but I will also appeal to the competition committee to suspend you!"

"Vicious, vicious! Bad people, you bad people! You bully people!"

Wang Hongtu wanted to fight Lin Lan like crazy, he was desperate, he likes swimming so much, he has a great future!

He is number one, he has been number one since he was a child!

He will not lose!

Will not!


Before he could kick his feet out, he was kicked back by Dawang, and the pain made his face pale.

Lu Jinxiu looked at the teachers coldly, "The hemp toys taught by your provincial sports school? Are they all so virtuous?"

He glanced at some of the other students, who immediately stepped forward to draw a line.

They shouted: "We demand that the bad guy Wang Hongtu be removed from our team!"

"We are ashamed to be with him!"

Originally, the competition committee was also very optimistic about Wang Hongtu. In the future, he and Sanwang could recommend the national swimming team. Maybe when the international situation eases, he is also expected to participate in the World Championships, the Asian Games and the Olympic Games.

It can win glory for both the country and the province.

How do you know that Wang Hongtu is like this.

They thought about whether to keep it safe and let him cancel the game this time. If it is a big deal, they will let Wang Hongtu withdraw from the game this time, and we will talk about it next year.

In the end, looking at the meaning of Han Wangmin's parents, it was clear that he didn't want to be kind. Not only did Wang Hongtu retire this time, but he also wanted to apply for a suspension in the future.

The concept of suspension is not yet mature at this time.

The leaders of the provincial sports school were also disheartened. Although they didn't want to show their faces, they had to wipe their butts to deal with the aftermath.

Lu Jinxiu glanced at him and smiled, "Director Cheng, can a student like this win glory? Who would dare to compete with him in the future? If he is better than him, he will be tricked."

Director Cheng has really suffered from blood mold for eight lifetimes. He originally thought that Wang Hongtu could win glory for the school, and he was also honored. How could he know that he was so embarrassed.

Although Wang Hongtu's family has connections in the sports school and the provincial education department, this matter has to be properly handled in order to quell public anger.

The audience outside did not know how to get the news. Knowing that Wang Hongtu actually shot at the black duck, they were angry and demanded that the murderer be severely punished.

"If you don't punish it severely, you won't have to watch the game in the future, it's up to whoever's tactics are bad!"

"That's right, it must be severely punished!"

The crowd was so excited that the competition committee had to pay attention.

In the end, the competition committee made a decision, and the conference notified the criticism. Wang Hongtu's results in this competition were all invalid, and he was suspended for three times after that!

This is just an attitude. The Provincial Swimming Club banned his competition because of his harm, so other competitions will naturally receive news and will not let him participate.

Even if his family is related, he can protect him from being beaten as a bad element, but don't think about the future of the swimming track.

Moreover, the provincial sports school had to make a decision to expel Wang Hongtu. As for how to implement it, let’s talk about it. Anyway, let’s deal with the immediate trouble first.

If it is not dealt with seriously, Han Wangmin's parents will not agree, the teachers and the school will not agree, the audience will not agree, and there will be Lu Jinxiu from the military.

Wang Hongtu's lesson is unforgettable.

After all, what he cares about most is the competition. Now that he is suspended from school and suspended, the best years of his swimming career are over. If he can't arrange for a unit, then he has to go to the countryside to jump in the queue.

The price is not without pain.

Even if his family wanted to give him activities, they couldn't do anything about it. The influence was too bad, so many people were staring at him.

Although the punishment was severe enough, Lu Jinxiu refused to give up, and wanted to send him to a forced labor farm for two years.

Although stinging people with a wasp in life is not a crime, it is at most a prank, and it is good to apologize. But this is a competition. He stings people with wasps as a means. If he has the conditions, will he use poison to harm people? What if Sanwang has a special constitution and is stung by a wasp and is life-threatening

He let Han Qingsong and Lin Lan leave it alone, and handed it over to him. Even if this kid has something to do with his family, it's not that he can't get him.

Don't forget, military rule everything now!

Han Qingsong left Lin Lan alone, why did Lu Jinxiu want him to do it? He is a measured person, and when it comes to dealing with conflicts between the enemy and ourselves, there is no idea of bullying the small to win.

Lu Jinxiu wanted to arrange a meal for them, but Han Qingsong refused, and told him to just go and not worry about it here.

After the noon break, Chu Yunfeng invited them to the canteen of the Provincial Sports School for dinner.

During the meal, Director Cheng of the Provincial Sports School came to express his concern again, vaguely revealing that he wanted to recruit Sanwang to the Provincial Sports School.

They are really optimistic about the seedling of Sanwang. When they start talking, they can't stop. They paddle like a flywheel and turn like a dragon gate. This is enough for them to talk about.

Someone joked: "Han Wangmin is so good, he really deserves glory for the province. He will come to the provincial sports school to study in the future."

It is not easy for students from the county, district, and commune to enter the provincial capital for further education, unless it is recommended to go to university.

Entering the provincial sports school, in fact, even if the provincial team athletes, enjoy preferential treatment.

Sanwang said without hesitation, "That's not possible, I have to follow our teacher."

Chu Yunfeng was moved to tears.

The leader of the provincial sports school laughed, "Then come with the teacher, our provincial sports school also needs excellent teachers to join."

In a word, Chu Yunfeng's work has been raised two grades.

At this time, the qualifications of teachers are also very strict. Teachers in regional schools cannot enter provincial schools unless there are special circumstances.

After dinner, Chu Yunfeng discussed with the leaders of the provincial sports school about Sanwang. He preferred to let Sanwang stay at the regional sports school for two years, and then go to the provincial sports school for further studies.

But during this period he can represent the region and the province in competitions.

Provincial sports school leaders also feel that this arrangement is more reasonable.

After dinner, there is still time, the family accompanies Sanwang back to the dormitory for a rest.

Lin Lan: "Son, does your leg still hurt? Can you play in the afternoon?"

Sanwang doesn't want to quit. He can hold back if his family doesn't come. If they come, he has to behave better.

He was very excited, "Mom, I'm fine, you wait, I'll show you my new tricks at 100 meters in the afternoon."

Big goose pounces three prosperous!

In the afternoon, the game was still in full swing and extremely enthusiastic.

At the beginning of the 100-meter freestyle, the audience gave an extremely warm welcome, and some people called the big black goose, the black big goose...

Sanwang's turn in the morning left a deep impression on them, but it was still possible. If he hadn't had a bad leg, they really doubted he was going to fly.

Many viewers can't wait to watch Sanwang play that twisting action, it's so handsome.

The announcer has given it a new name: Flying Fish.

Fancy turns also have a name: flying fish over the dragon gate.

From black duck to flying fish, it is always better.

However, Sanwang still insists that he is a big black goose, because he learned this trick when he escaped from the mouth of the goose.

The group of big white geese spread out on the water, their huge wings flapped on the water surface, their feet lightly tapped on the water surface, their necks stretched out, and they chased and pecked him hard. Thinking about that scene, I still have lingering fears, but fortunately he has learned it too.

In the afternoon's 100-meter freestyle final, Sanwang was once again eye-popping - on the 25th track, he didn't need to breathe like others! Chong Chong Chong rushed to the end, turned around and flew a Chong Chong Chong and reached the end...

Everyone in the stadium was stunned, seeing his unbridled appearance in the water, this kid didn't come to compete, he came to enjoy it!

The pool's eight tracks seem to be his own stage.

Audiences have speculated on how long the child held his breath, which is unbelievable.

Enter the water and turn into a fish, and it will fly when you turn!

This is the audience's impression of Sanwang, an amazing kid. During the two-day competition, he kept breaking the provincial record of the junior group—basically his own record.

When the Provincial Autumn Swimming Meeting finally awarded the prize, Sanwang went up twice, and the 50m and 100m junior gold medals.

He bit the gold medal and smiled at his mother and family, his dark eyes filled with stars.

[From then on, the legendary prologue of the young flying fish dominating the short track in the swimming pool was opened. 】