Strict Wife of the ’70s Manages the Household

Chapter 127: Remarried & beat him up


From then on, Dawang took his younger brother and sister to junior high school, and went to school together as usual.

Xiaowang made a new partner.

The two children come to Xiaowang every morning to go to school together, send him home after school, or do homework together. Playing with his peers and singing together, Xiaowang has become more and more cheerful and popular, and he has become more and more energetic with the children.

There is a unique feeling about him, which is very attractive. When men, women and children see his smiling, bright eyes, it is as if they see pure spring water.

Many people say that as long as they see Xiaowang smiling, their hearts will melt.

During this period, he also composed several nursery rhymes for children to play together, and taught them to sing while playing games at school. Huo Hongzhen thought it was amazing.

The days passed so unhurriedly, when the first snow fell, the winter in the Northland really came. The cat winter season is lazy and quiet, and time seems to stand still.

Sanwang trains and competes at the sports school. He goes to the radio station every once in a while to chat with the audience and friends about the fun of swimming, and by the way, he greets his family with good morning, good afternoon and good night. Although he was not at home, his voice still echoed in the house.

During the Spring Festival, Sanwang came back to live for a month, and after the fifteenth day of the first lunar month, he went back to continue training and participating in competitions.

In the blink of an eye, the 1974 wheat harvest ended and summer came.

Village cadres are elected every three years, and they have not been re-elected for so many years, but Shanzui Village is special, and Han Yongfang's voice is loud, so he is still in front of him. He also began to promote young people, and let those in their thirties become production captains, and later they could become brigade captains and party secretary.

Lin Lan joined the party with honor at the beginning of the year.

Today she went to the commune meeting to vote.

A few days ago, Deputy Director Yang of the County Revolutionary Committee announced a piece of news: The commune will expand the propaganda department, and select 2 people from the publicity staff of the lower brigade to work.

One of the places was reserved for the son of a martyr, and everyone had no objection. There is another place where everyone competes, and now the two candidates are Lin Lan and Yu Xin.

Many people think that this quota must be Lin Lan's. After all, she has the most outstanding work and has been commended by the county. The man is also a commune cadre, so she has no problem with it.

However, Deputy Director Yang asked everyone to vote by secret ballot, and he personally presided over it. Some people could not form small groups, otherwise they would not be able to convince the public.

Lin Lan knew that this was aimed at Han Qingsong and herself, but she didn't care, she just voted, and she naturally had more supporters than Yu Xin. Sitting in the conference room, Lin Lan held the list with her name on it. She did not choose herself, let alone Yu Xin, and abstained.

Yu Xin sneered proudly, the director has already arranged for her, this time she can definitely pull back a game and embarrass Lin Lan.

After Yu Xin and Fang Bisheng got married, their identities were different, and she was bound to get this publicity position. If you don't let her go to college, then she will be a cadre!

Fang Bisheng was dealt with and lost his post in the commune, and he was still an accountant in front of the brigade of the anti-US brigade. And Yu Xin lost her mind of going to college after marrying Fang Bisheng. She believed that Lin Lan made her look like this. He wanted to compete with Lin Lan to the end.

At the end of the voting, some people counted the votes, and finally Yu Xin was selected.

Those who supported Lin Lan were shocked, and felt that there was a cat in it, because they had already negotiated to choose Lin Lan, so why was Yu Xin elected instead? They all counted, and there were only five or six people who could collude with Yu Xin, and it was impossible to have more supporters than Lin Lan.

Yu Xin watched everyone whispering, afraid that they would say something unpleasant, she immediately stood up, smiled and thanked the people around her, "Thank you comrades for your love and choice, I will work hard."

Only a few people were particularly enthusiastic about her, and most of them did not respond.

Someone couldn't help: "Do you have to check the ticket?"

Deputy Director Yang snorted coldly.

Everyone knows that he actually decided on Yu Xin for a long time, and the vote is just to look good and hide people's eyes, for fear of being said to be using power for personal gain. This kind of thing often happens, and the voting is also done by pre-determined personnel, and then everyone behaves.

However, it is estimated that today's vote is wrong, and the person who called the vote must be cheating. Otherwise, why didn't Deputy Director Yang let someone check the vote

After the meeting, Lin Lan and the others said hello and went to the supply and marketing agency first.

After Lin Lan left, Yu Xin was very proud, she finally pulled back a round! It's a pity that Lin Lan didn't accept the move, which made her feel uneasy.

Deputy Director Yang glanced at her, "Little, come to my office..."

Just as he was talking, he saw Han Qingyun brought in a police officer.

Deputy Director Yang frowned: "What's the matter with you?"

Han Qingyun laughed, "Deputy Director, let's supervise." He ran over and put the notes for the votes into the cardboard box, "Come on, supervise, let's see if my sister-in-law has the right number of votes."

"What are you doing! This is the work of the Revolutionary Committee, what does it have to do with you?" Deputy Director Yang was so angry that his fingers trembled, and he wanted to grab it.

But he came late, and he was demoted again. Many people in the Revolutionary Committee, especially the Public Security Bureau, did not respect him at all.

The reputation is too bad to convince the public.

Someone pretended to persuade Han Qingyun, but Han Qingyun smiled, "What am I doing? Is it wrong for me to check the votes?"

He read another person to draw orthography.

Yu Xin listened to the name of Lin Lan recited over and over again, her face was ashen, "Stop, stop!"

Han Qingyun was not used to her, "Don't think you're a woman and I won't beat you, I'll beat you up as if it were a problem."

A total of 25 people voted, Lin Lan 16 votes, Yu Xin 8 votes, one of which was cast by herself and the other by Deputy Director Yang. Lin Lan abstained from voting.

Han Qingyun slapped the table and laughed loudly, "It's really fun. I've heard it a long time ago... I didn't expect it to be like this in our Shanshui Commune, Deputy Director, this can't convince the public."

Deputy Director Yang was so angry that his face was blue and then red, and finally turned into a pig's liver. He pointed at Han Qingyun, "You, you have no leader, you..."

Han Qingyun: "As I said, my leader is the Korean Bureau."

The policeman asked, "Captain, do you want to post this on the bulletin board?"

Reverse, reverse! Deputy Director Yang was furious.

Yu Xin was angry and ashamed, "Han Qingyun, you are really deceiving people too much. You are too flattering!"

Han Qingyun: "Who would flatter you? I'm doing justice."

Saying that, he clapped his hands and turned away.

Hmph, you took the opportunity to vote and bully my sister-in-law when you thought my third brother was not in the bureau.

no way!

In the end, Deputy Director Yang couldn't afford to lose that person, so he still compromised with Han Qingyun and told him not to make it public. The big deal was to recruit Lin Lan as well, so it would be better to expand the recruitment of the propaganda department. Anyway, he was missing a confidential secretary from the office of the director of the Revolutionary Committee, so he would let Yu Xin be his secretary.

Han Qingyun also had room to spare, so he wouldn't really tear his face, but he couldn't do it. Why would you say that Lin Lan was a special move, as if she was in a relationship, and it was clearly chosen by the serious children.

In the end, the deputy director had to say that the propaganda department recruited Lin Lan, and Yu Xin went to the office of the director of the Revolutionary Committee to ask for a secretary.

Han Qingyun thinks this is okay. As for voting becoming a farce, there are many such things anyway, and everyone laughed and pulled it down.

Han Qingyun went to the training ground a mile away.

Han Qingsong was wearing a uniform and girdle. He had just finished teaching fighting skills and was supervising team training.

Han Qingyun ran over to Papa to report, "Third brother, you can bring your sister-in-law to get off work together in the future."

Han Qingsong stood with his hands behind his back, glanced at him, saw his third brother, you're quick to praise me, and nodded, "Yes."

Han Qingyun was so happy that he could make the third brother say something good, that's pretty good.

Han Qingsong looked at the team, then motioned to Han Qingyun to raise his hand, and looked at the time, "Okay, you lead the team, I'll go back first."

Seeing him walking so fast with strides, Han Qingyun: ... This is different for people who have a daughter-in-law. "Third brother, chief director, you can buy a watch." It is estimated that there is no such simple director as the third brother.

When Han Qingsong went back, the staff posted a notice on the bulletin board. His eyesight was very sensitive to a few words, and he caught a glimpse of Lin Lan's name.

It was written that, after voting, Comrade Lin Lan, the propaganda leader of Shanzui Village, was selected to work in the Publicity Department of the Revolutionary Committee of Shanshui Commune. After voting, Comrade Yu Xin of the Anti-American Brigade was selected to serve as the confidential secretary of the Revolutionary Committee Office.

He passed by without expression.

After a while, Lin Lan came back. Seeing that Han Qingsong was already there, he waited for him to go home after get off work.

Han Qingsong: "In the future, I will give you a bicycle, or buy another one." Sometimes she goes to the county for a meeting, and it is inconvenient to not have a bicycle.

Lin Lan: "Let's talk about it." She was saving money to buy a watch for Han Qingsong.

The industrial coupons and money needed for local bicycles and watches are similar, more than 150 yuan and 60 industrial coupons. Since the end of last year, Han Qingsong has had four industrial vouchers every month. She will save up and borrow some more at the end of the year.

But even if you have money and coupons, you may not be able to buy them, because the county supply and marketing cooperatives are often out of stock. So many people took money and tickets to the educated youth who went back to the city to help them buy it. Fortunately, Han Qingsong is also a cadre. If there is any stock, he will basically give it to him first.

Originally, if I came to work in the commune myself, I would have a salary of 18 yuan a month, 28 pounds of food stamps, other tickets and an industrial voucher.

At this time, the head of the propaganda department came over and said with a smile, "Comrade Lin Lan, welcome, you will be a member of our propaganda department in the future."

Lin Lan looked at him in surprise, "Minister Zhuang, isn't it Yu Xin?"

"Oh, the vote decided that Yu Xin went to the director's office. You are welcome to our Propaganda Department."

"Thank you, Minister Zhuang." Lin Lan's eyes were curved. After Minister Zhuang left, she looked at Han Qingsong and said happily, "Third brother? Can you help me?"

Han Qingsong: "Qingyun."

Lin Lan rubbed her hands together: "Then I have to thank him."

Han Qingsong held her hand and stared at her with black eyes, "Thank me."

He picked up the things she bought, "Go home. You have time to thank me all the way."

Lin Lan: "..." When he hinted at her in a serious manner, it was quite terrifying.

The sun is still high, and it's only 3:30 when we return to the team.

Lin Lan was afraid that he would go home now and thank him, so he jumped out of the car and left, "Third brother, I'll go and talk to the secretary."

Looking at her back, Han Qingsong said, "..."

Lin Lan went to Han Yongfang first and told him that he had been selected by the publicity department of the commune and would go to work in the commune in the future.

Han Yongfang was happy for her and coughed a few times, "Good thing, there are so many people in the team, you don't have to worry about it, just concentrate on the work on the other side."

Lin Lan smiled and said, "Of course I have to worry about things in the team, anyway, the work is more casual." They are not the kind of secretaries and officials who squat in the office on a regular basis, and their time is relatively free.

Han Yongfang coughed again and wanted to smoke a cigarette, but was afraid of choking her, "Zhong, go ahead."

Lin Lan: "Master, stop smoking. If you're coughing, look at the doctor."

Han Yongfang: "Old problem, bronchitis."

Lin Lan: ... You know, that's how you smoke.

She persuaded Han Yongfang a few more words, knowing that he would resign from the propaganda team if he didn't listen to the advice.

She wanted Xiuyun to be the propaganda captain first. Xiuyun has grown rapidly in the past two years. She taught herself knowledge and followed her to learn publicity experience. Because he was not a cadre and had never gone to school, he followed Lin Lan's imitation like a blank sheet of paper. He was good enough, and Lin Lan's guidance would not be a big problem in the future.

It's just her marriage... Lin Lan looked like she didn't want to get married. Before, her second sister-in-law had some opinions. Later, Xiuyun was able to earn more work points than her sister-in-law, and she could subsidize the family. The second sister-in-law didn't say anything.

At this time, late marriages had become popular in the cities, and many people got married in their early twenties, and those with jobs in the countryside also began to be affected. Anyway, few people get married at the age of fifteen or sixteen, and there are even those who are over twenty-five.

When Lin Lan passed by, Chang Fuyu, Liu Chuncai, and Xiuyun were all there, and they all said hello when they saw her coming.

"Sister, must be chosen?" Liu Chuncai was confident in her honey juice.

Lin Lan nodded, "You guys have to make up your mind."

Liu Chuncai: "I can't."

Chang Fuyu: "I'm here for a short time."

Xiuyun: "Let the director."

Lin Lan: "Sister-in-law still has a lot of work as the women's director. It's up to you."

Xiuyun blushed: "Auntie, I can't do it, I haven't read a book."

Lin Lan smiled and said, "Didn't I never go to school?"

Xiuyun: "How can I compare with my aunt?"

Lin Lan: "That's it."

She began to explain some things. Anyway, she lives in the village and will come back to guide her if she has nothing to do. After talking for a while, the meeting was dismissed, and Chang Fuyu ran away first.

Liu Chuncai winked at Lin Lan.

Lin Lan: "Is there something wrong with your eyes?"

Liu Chuncai came over and smiled: "Sister, gossip."

Lin Lan glanced at him, "I see you as a big gossip."

Xiuyun laughed.

Liu Chuncai: "Do you know who Chang Fuyu is dating?"

Lin Lan looked at him, Chang Fuyu's wife had been gone for two years, now the second spring has come? The man really couldn't hold it, she hehe. Immediately, I felt that I was nosy. At this time, many men and their wives are just living together, and it is really impossible to talk about feelings. Although it is not so good when you have a wife, without a wife, life is deserted and flustered, and without a wife to take care of the house, the average country man is really not good.


"Wu Caixian!" Liu Chuncai said mysteriously, "Sister, as far as I know, others don't know."

Lin Lan frowned, "Why do you want to be sneaky, if it's interesting, do it well, don't let people gossip."

Widows and widowers, even if people gossip through normal procedures, let alone sneak, but they are also suitable, after all, they were husband and wife in their previous life. It seems that the original heroine's line will not be changed at will, but Yanyan suffers less and learns more knowledge. Now that she is independent, it doesn't matter if Wu Caixian remarrys.

Liu Chuncai: "I'm afraid the child will know."

"I'm afraid you'll know."

Liu Chuncai: "Then let me talk to him? Let him be generous with the proposal."

Lin Lan: "I'm not involved in other people's affairs. I have to go back beforehand, you guys are busy."

She turned around and left to go home. She had something on her mind, so she walked slowly.

Xiuyun glanced at her back worriedly, "Aren't my aunt unhappy?"

Liu Chuncai: "Nonsense, what is wrong with my sister? She has nothing to do with Chang Fuyu and Wu Caixian."

Shen Yu came over by bicycle, and when he saw Lin Lan was in front of him, he was about to say hello, but found her absent-minded, "Team leader?"

Lin Lan heard the voice, "Ah, Shen Yu."

"Is something wrong?" It was rare to see her like this, so Shen Yu got down and pushed the car.

Lin Lan shook her head: "No, are you back from the factory?"

Shen Yu nodded and glanced at her again, she didn't speak, he pushed the car and walked silently beside her.

Lin Lan: "Shen Yu?"

Shen Yu looked at her, "Huh?"

Lin Lan smiled at him, "Have you been to a textile factory recently?" He was talking about Zhengjiazhuang, and they had also turned into small textile factories.

"Come on, I was there two days ago."

Lin Lan: "Yanyan is okay."

"Okay, she is eager to learn and strong. Now she is knowledgeable in both study and weaving. She is grateful to the team leader for helping her." Shen Yu smiled openly.

Lin Lan nodded slightly, "She's a good boy, you gave her more help."

Although Lin Lan didn't look different, Shen Yu still felt sensitively that something must have happened. It was as if she was alienated from him for the first time when he came. Now he also has an inexplicable feeling that he can't tell.

He thought about what troubles Lin Lan at work, and said, "Team leader, if there is any problem, it's always good to have one more person to find a solution."

Lin Lan laughed, "It's alright. By the way, Yan Yanniang may..." She turned her head to see that no one was around, and lowered her voice, "Maybe remarrying, you have the opportunity to give Yan Yan a message and let her have a relationship. Be mentally prepared, so as not to be caught off guard and feel sad. Little girls, it is easy to get into trouble."

Shen Yu: "Okay. In fact, it's okay to remarry. Yanyan should be considerate when she is sensible."

He felt that someone on the opposite side was looking at him, so he looked up and found Han Qingsong standing in the alley in front of him, so he said hello. Lin Lan turned her head and saw Han Qingsong approaching. She probably went to Liu Gui's fortune just now.

Shen Yu: "Leader, then I'll go first."

Lin Lan waved his hand, "Go."

Han Qingsong glanced at him, then looked at Lin Lan again, then went home with her, took her hand on the way to the front of his house, and said with a little force, "You run quite fast."

I was talking about the time before.

Lin Lan angered: "Third brother, do you want to compete with me?"

When he entered the house at this time, he lifted her up with his arm under her armpit, and kicked the door with his foot.

Lin Lan: "...Third brother!" The husband and wife agreed to respect each other as equals, and it was like picking her up like a child at every turn.

With his arms, he slapped her across his chest, "Let you try your hand strength."

Lin Lan hooked his neck, her eyes were as soft as spring water, she deliberately teased him, "Third brother~~"

The coquettish voice made his scalp numb, his eyes darkened, and his voice became hoarse, "Call another one."

Lin Lan: ... You think I'm stupid, so I won't continue. She turned to him, "Oh, it's time for the kids to get out of school and cook."

But he refused to let her go, took two steps forward and placed her on the waistline of the wall, his body slightly backed up.

The waistline protruding from the wall was not wide enough for her palms. Without his support, she could not sit still, so she had to hang her hands and feet on him. His body heat was amazing, making her dry like a fire all of a sudden.

At this time, the sun was slanting west, and the hot wind was still rolling in her face. She faced the light, her cheeks were white and delicate, there were tiny beads of sweat on the tip of her nose, and her pupils were a transparent brown color reflected by the sunlight.

He's been watching her!

Lin Lan was embarrassed by him, and her cheeks were flushed. Just as he was about to speak, he bowed his head and kissed her, with a bit of punishing force, very domineering.

Han Qingsong kissed her for a while, pressed his lips to hers, and said in a low voice, "Isn't that the case with my boyfriend?"

Lin Lan: Why do you still remember this meme

As a counterattack, she stubbornly pinched his waist with her legs, and said softly, "Boyfriends can't come for real~"

In an instant, his breathing became heavier, and he stared at her with dark eyes, "It's okay, we have proof."

He carried her straight into the house and directly pressed her on the kang.

"Stop, stop..." Lin Lan panicked, "You can't really come, the child is going to leave school."

He refused to get up, and Big Hand began to do whatever he wanted.

After a while, Xiaowang said goodbye to the children outside, "Goodbye, we will go to school tomorrow morning." Then his crisp voice came, "Mother, I'm back!"

Lin Lan tensed nervously and pushed him hard.

Han Qingsong looked up from her, pulled her up, and kissed her on the lips before straightening her messy top.

Lin Lan's legs were still a little weak, and she quickly rubbed her face to greet him.

Xiaowang took his test paper, "Mother, the test teacher said that I have made progress."

Lin Lan brought it over to take a look. The score was 80 in Chinese and 95 in mathematics. Xiaowang's grades are very unstable, sometimes more than 90 points in the test, sometimes 70 points.

Lin Lan observed and found that he could not correctly understand some of the questions that were mixed with politics or other topics that needed to be detoured. For example, if he is asked to write an essay, he can play very well on intuitive topics, but if he is given a sentence, he is asked to distill the arguments, and then combine quotations and current events to play, then he will not.

His little brain was either beating notes or vivid pictures, and the others were not easy to show.

Lin Lan naturally wanted to praise her son, "I have made progress again. I answered all the questions very well this time. The writing is getting more and more beautiful!"

Xiaowang's calligraphy has a style unique to him, not the beauty of practicing calligraphy, but... Mengmeng

Xiaowang was praised by his mother so much that he showed it to Han Qingsong, "Dad, look at my test paper."

Han Qingsong looked down at him, a pair of black grape-like eyes embedded in the little boy's slender fleshy face, long eyelashes flashing suddenly, and a face begging for praise.

He rubbed his son's hair with his big hands, "It's good."

Not one more word.

Xiao Wang was also very happy, and kissed his test paper, "Mom, my parents have praised you."

Lin Lan laughed and rubbed his head.

Han Qingsong helped Lin Lan cook.

Xiaowang practiced his keyboard. Although there was no sound, he could squinted his eyes and synchronised the rhythm, as if he could hear the melody. Lin Lan thought it was really surprising.

When the meal was ready, she and Han Qingsong went to the vegetable garden to water the vegetables and weeds.

"Third brother, the eldest son and they haven't come back yet." She looked at her watch, and at half past five, she was usually home.

They leave school at 4:50, and even if they delay a little time at school, they usually arrive home at 5:30 at the latest.

Han Qingsong didn't lift his head, and took out the grass from the vegetable border, "I can't lose it."

If you lose it, you can't lose it, but it's just that you're fighting with someone right now.

This matter is still a beam that was forged last year.

The three of Dawang went to junior high school and happened to be in the same class as Yang Zhiqiang, the son of Deputy Director Yang.

Yang Zhiqiang has been a man of the school since elementary school. He likes to bully his classmates, ask others to help with work, pick up firewood and so on.

In school, he especially likes to bully female students, throwing worms, earthworms, and cockleburs on their heads, and laughing when they see them screaming and running around. Teenage boys, who take pleasure in bullying girls, like to see their faces change and scream in horror, stimulating adrenaline soaring, especially cool!

If a male classmate dared to come forward and criticize him, he would let his classmates beat others, and the classmates dared to speak out against him.

After he transferred to Shanshui Commune, he still did not restrain himself. After entering junior high school, he became even more aggressive in order to establish his prestige. In the school, he walked sideways, and the teachers did not dare to care about him.

Originally, he felt that he had made up his mind, but how could he know that there were three people in the class who didn't buy it.

Mai Sui and Er Wang came first. The two twins looked like seven, the pretty girl and the handsome guy caught everyone's attention at once. In particular, the two have good personalities, Mai Sui is cheerful and generous, Erwang is gentle and humble, and they are serious in their studies. Teachers and classmates like them.

Yang Zhiqiang was unconvinced, and he did not show signs of anything with the two of them. From the beginning, he was just like a primary school student.

When Dawang came back, Yang Zhiqiang wanted to win over Dawang to hang out with him, so that he could show off his strength, but Dawang didn't look at him!

As soon as Yang Zhiqiang got angry, he smeared the three Dawangs openly and secretly, but the students didn't listen to him at all. Although some people flattered him, some were afraid of him, some envied him, but no one really liked him.

On the contrary, it was Dawang. Although he seemed indifferent to anyone, he didn't know why, but his classmates liked him.

Within a month, someone pretended to be a chance encounter and followed him to school. They said they liked to see Dawang walking in front of him with his schoolbag in his pockets and his hands in his pockets. That slender back is really indifferent. I wish he could look at me, I wish he was different in his eyes. .

Hehe, think too much.

He was thinking about his own training all day long, but he didn't pay attention to it, and it was only a glimpse at a glance.

But the more he is like this, the more people he encounters, both men and women, most of which are caused by the strange mind of a teenager. Anyway, Dawang inadvertently managed to steal the attention of most people, which was a huge blow to Yang Zhiqiang.

Although everyone hates Yang Zhiqiang, in Yang Zhiqiang's own imagination, he should be handsome and enviable.

Think about wearing a grass green military uniform, wearing a military cap, sewing a five-pointed star, carrying a military schoolbag, stepping on Jiefang shoes, and riding a bicycle. How many people are envious, jealous, and hateful! Especially a few good-looking female classmates in the school, who doesn't stare at his green uniform and bicycle

Now I'm going to see the three brothers and sisters, damn it! I can't stand it.

So Yang Zhiqiang got angry and wanted to give some color to him. He decided to start with wheat ears first. Girls are always easy to bully.

When Dawang went to the area that day, Erwang and several male classmates were called by the teacher to help.

Yang Zhiqiang watched Mai Sui and several female classmates kicking the shuttlecock on campus. She was slender and light-footed. She was like a deer when she kicked the shuttlecock. Especially when she raised her head, her slender and white neck was exposed, which was completely different from the surroundings. temperament.

He couldn't stand her bourgeois enchanting attitude!

He instigated his three servants to pick a lot of cocklebur, and also caught some bugs and put them in the wheat ear pencil case. They hid at the edge of the classroom, and when the girls entered the room, they threw cockleburs on the girls' heads.

Mai Sui felt something on her head, so she subconsciously touched it, but it was fine if she didn't touch it. When she touched it, all the cockleburs ran into her hair.

The classmate reminded her, "Don't arrest Han Maisui, they are all Cangzi."

A few good female classmates came up to help her pluck it. Xanthium is the nemesis of hair. When plucking, it will pull off the hair and it will hurt very much.

Odd trouble!

Mai Sui hurt so much that tears rolled in her eyes, "Thank you, let's do it after class, the teacher will be here later." She was hurt so much by others that she wanted to wait for Erwang to come back.

She sat down at the table, and when she opened the pencil case, there were several large squirming bugs, and even a few bajia hairs.

Bajiamao is also called tree spice. It is the larva of the moth, and it is also something that people especially hate. If it sticks to the hair, it will be stinged, and the thorns will hurt and itchy. It will not be good for several days.

Wheat ears grew up doing farm work, how could they be afraid of bugs

She stood up, "Who did it!"

A classmate quietly pointed at Yang Zhiqiang and several others.

Maisui rushed out.

The classmates thought she was going out to cry, and a few who were with her quickly went to coax her.

Yang Zhiqiang's group laughed proudly, a stinky girl can't handle you.

After a while, the teacher didn't come, but Mai Sui rushed back from the outside, she rushed to Yang Zhiqiang, "Did you lose me?"

Yang Zhiqiang said triumphantly, "You know how good I am."

Mai Sui looked at him like that, and gave him a slap in the face, "What are you so good at? You know the bastard who bullies girls!"

The entire classroom fell silent.

The classmates were stunned. They didn't expect that Mai Sui, who usually smiles slightly, would be so powerful, let alone that she would dare to beat Yang Zhiqiang! Only Yang Zhiqiang has always beaten others, but no one dares to beat him!

Yang Zhiqiang's tablemate jumped aside in fright, for fear of being affected.

"You motherfucker, who are you hitting!" Yang Zhiqiang stretched out his hand to hit her as soon as he stood up.

Maisui shoved the desk and squeezed him, took out a large amount of cocklebur from his pocket, slapped him on the hair and face, and slapped him again.

"Bah! You bastard, if you dare to provoke me again, I will kill you!" She kicked on the table and hit him with a stomachache.

Yang Zhiqiang's nose was crooked, "You guys are watching the fun, so hurry up and beat her up! Smelly girl!"

It's okay for his followers to bully other female classmates, how dare they bully Mai Sui? Mai Sui's father is the director of the Public Security Bureau. Yang Zhiqiang can't be moved by then, so she can't take their anger out of them? So they just shouted and didn't make a move.

At this time, the teacher and Erwang came over with a smile, and they immediately ran in when they heard the movement in the classroom.

As soon as Erwang entered the room, she saw Mai Sui's hair in a mess. She was confronting Yang Zhiqiang, thinking she was being bullied. Without saying a word, he rushed up and punched Yang Zhiqiang, causing Yang Zhiqiang to plop and sit on the ground, causing his stool to fall to the ground.

Although he is two years younger than Yang Zhiqiang, he has been exercising with Han Qingsong since he was a child. Even if he is not as powerful as Dawang, he is much more powerful than ordinary children.

The teacher was stunned all of a sudden. He never imagined that Han Wangjun, the most gentle and amiable student on weekdays, would be so fierce!

The teacher also forgot to pull the frame.

Before the students were bullied by Yang Zhiqiang, they dared to be angry and did not dare to speak out.

Yang Zhiqiang got up in a hurry, "Mom, Han Wangjun, you are dead!"

He threw a fist at Erwang, but Erwang didn't dodge. He raised his arm and received a hard punch, and the other hand clenched a fist and hit back harder, breaking Yang Zhiqiang's mouth with one punch.

Soon Erwang pressed Yang Zhiqiang to the ground between the desks, pressed his knees on his stomach, punched twice, and scolded: "Trash, if you dare to bully my sister in the future, I will kill you!"

Mai Sui: "Let him know how powerful he is, and he dares to bully girls!"

She pulled Erwang up and saw that the back of his hand was broken, so she quickly wrapped her handkerchief around him, "Why do you use so much energy, and kick it with your feet in the future."

Erwang returned to his seat, saw the bugs and Bajiazi in her pencil case, and threw them out of the window.

Yang Zhiqiang went back and cried with his father and mother, asking his father to support him. But his father had just been demoted because of Fang Bisheng's incident, how could he dare to challenge Han Qingsong? So this can only be tolerated.

Because of this, Yang Zhiqiang hated the three even more. It's a pity that he can't beat others, no one is good at studying, and he has a father and a father.

It's no longer the time when they bullied classmates before. When they were dumb and didn't dare to say a word, they held back Yang Zhiqiang for a year and didn't grow taller!

Here comes the opportunity.

In March of this year, he met a few bastards, two of whom had a good relationship with him. A tall, tall man with five muscles and three thick muscles. Although one is short, he is very agile and can climb walls and pick locks. The two had been in the military, but they were not conscripts for three years, and they were sent home in less than two years because they did not obey the military regulations.

After they came back, they didn't do their job properly, they were speculative, petty thieves, and thugs for crooked cadres. Anyway, they were not afraid of having a protective umbrella.

They got on the line of Deputy Director Yang through Fang Bisheng, and they were also very proud, and they had to compliment Yang Zhiqiang. In private, the college students shouted, but they held Yang Zhiqiang in the air, and even bowed to them and asked them to help deal with the three Dawangs.

A few days ago, Yang Zhiqiang made an appointment with them. Today after school, he gave the signal to stop Dawang and beat him three times.

Although he felt that he was well concealed, it was difficult for someone who was used to being domineering to bear his temper, especially when he was winning the ticket, his smug tail was cocked to the sky.

The three Mai Sui knew for a long time that Yang Zhiqiang was with the two bastards. Looking at Yang Zhiqiang's smugness today, Erwang immediately judged that something was wrong. When he told Dawang, Dawang said he knew.

When school was over, Yang Zhiqiang hid outside and stared, planning to deliver the letter as soon as they left.

The three Dawang didn't rush to leave. When the classmates were all gone, he stood up and said to Mai Sui and Erwang who were doing their homework, "Let's go."

The three packed their bags and went to school.

After leaving the classroom, Dawang turned his head and saw Yang Zhiqiang who were peeping at the corner. He walked over and blocked them in the corner. He is now 180, half a head taller than Yang Zhiqiang, and he feels oppressive.

Yang Zhiqiang swallowed: "Han Wangguo, what are you doing?"

Dawang: "Are you looking for someone to beat us?"

Yang Zhiqiang: "Don't talk nonsense, we don't make water from the well." Of course, he couldn't admit it.

Dawang didn't listen to him, he raised his foot and kicked at him, Yang Zhiqiang ducked to one side and sat on the ground.

"You bully people!" Yang Zhiqiang got up angrily, but he didn't dare to fight Dawang. He couldn't even beat Erwang, and his friends didn't dare to join him, so they only protected him from retreating.

Mai Sui and Erwang blocked their way, Mai Sui: "What are you running, aren't you looking for someone to beat us?"

Yang Zhiqiang began to cheat, "Don't bully people just because your father is from the Public Security Bureau."

Dawang: "Let's go, go and meet your people."

Yang Zhiqiang: "Who, no one!"

Dawang kicked him again, but he still didn't exert any serious force, but Yang Zhiqiang slammed into the wall, and several servants hurriedly shouted, "Don't bully people."

Dawang stared at him, his eyes cold, "Don't force me to shoot, name!"

A few followers: co-authoring your footsteps doesn't count, right

Yang Zhiqiang couldn't even run, and he didn't have time to deliver the letter to the two of them. He was so anxious that he lay on the wall and scratched, "Bullying people, bullying people!"

Another student was too frightened to hold back, "One is called Wang Dapan, and the other is called Hou Shugen."

Dawang: "Where are you from?"

"Yes, it's from Houniutou Village in the back."

Dawang: "Thank you." He said to Mai Sui and Erwang, "You two go home first."

The two naturally refused, and Dawang didn't say anything.

He knew that this kind of country bastard wouldn't be so powerful, otherwise Luo Haicheng would have cared about it a long time ago. But Yang Zhiqiang found someone to deal with them. If he didn't solve it at one time, he would be more energetic in the future, delaying the study of Mai Sui and Erwang.

Dawang didn't want to keep them overnight.

Yang Zhiqiang was overjoyed when he heard that Dawang wanted to be brave, "It's not that I'm looking for someone to beat you, it's you who come up and be beaten yourself."

Dawang tilted his head towards him, "Lead the way."

Yang Zhiqiang immediately walked in front of him with arrogance and arrogance, hehe, I can't beat you to death! As a result, before leaving the campus, Wang Dapan and Hou Shugen were seen standing on the side of the road.

The two of them were gearing up for each other, "Boy, you're quite good."

Dawang: "Go outside."

Yang Zhiqiang did not say that he was not looking for the person, and immediately rushed over to cheer, "Let's go!"

Mai Sui and Erwang have confidence in Dawang.

Dawang went to the regional army. In the first few months, he was injured every time he came back. After the new year, the injury will be less, especially in the past three months, there is no injury at all.

They have also seen Dawang and Dad fight. In the past, he couldn't go for a round under Han Qingsong's hands, but this year he was already in good shape. Of course, Han Qingsong had to keep half of his strength.

At first, Mai Sui and Er Wang didn't know how powerful the eldest brother was. They wanted to try, and when Da Wang was stomping horses, they went over together and wanted to bring him down. Who knew that when Dawang dealt with one hand with one hand, he could push the wheat ears down without any effort, and Erwang fell to the ground without holding on for five seconds.

They knew that the eldest brother was really powerful. Not only was he extremely strong, but he also practiced his skills well.

Mai Sui was holding his elder brother's schoolbag, and the two stood not far from each other.

Yang Zhiqiang and the others stood proudly, "Brother Wang, you're welcome." He quietly gestured, and if he wins Dawang, he will give him five yuan.

Wang Dapan tore off his waistcoat and threw it on the ground, revealing his thick chest and firm abdomen, and beat his chest with his fists. Although he is about the same height as Dawang, he has big arms and a round waist, like a big wooden stake, twice as thick as Dawang.

"Boy, don't say that I bullied you, don't find your father if you can't beat me!"

Dawang rolled up his sleeves, revealing his smooth and beautiful forearms. His forearms were more slender than ordinary people, "I don't need my father to hit you."

Wang Dapan snorted and took a pose.

Dawang knew that he was a soldier, and although he didn't care on the surface, he was on guard in his heart.

Wang Dapan was pounding his chest like an ape just now, and suddenly he punched Dawang's head like the wind. He moved fast, and Dawang moved faster than him. He bent his left arm to block, and kicked his right foot to the opponent's bottom plate. The two fought together in an instant.

Punching back and forth, Dawang's movements are fast and ruthless, Wang Dapan is not so agile, but his fists are heavy, and his rough skin and flesh are not afraid of pain.

To defeat him, you can only attack vulnerable points.

Although being a soldier is more powerful, it is easy to be touched by Dawang. After all, he came out of one place.

In the blink of an eye, after more than a dozen strokes, Da Wang saw a loophole and kicked Wang Dapan's ankle. Wang Dapan groaned in pain, grabbed Dawang's belt, and hugged Dawang's leg, trying to lift him up and throw him out.

For fast-moving opponents, he naturally wants to limit the opponent's speed.

Dawang didn't panic, he jumped up suddenly, his hugged foot kicked Wang Dapan's knee, and the other foot flew and kicked. "Bang" hit Wang Dapan's face door, and kicked Wang Dapan away with one foot.

Then he dropped down nimbly, tapped the ground on one knee, and swept Wang Dapan a few steps away with one more leg sweep.

"Um... ow—" Wang Dapan's nose was sore for a while, and two nosebleeds came out immediately.

As soon as he wiped it, he saw blood on his hands, "Ah - I fought with you!" He rushed towards Dawang.

Dawang: "Stop!"

Wang Dapan was stunned for a moment, "What do you want to do?"

Dawang: "Go and wash your blood." The blood cannot be washed off the clothes, and the shirts his mother made for him should not be soiled.

Wang Dapan roared angrily, he couldn't beat a hairless boy, why would he still use it? He rushed over at Dawang, deliberately wanting to smear his blood before giving up.

Dawang rolled on the spot, dodged his attack, grabbed Wang Dapan's vest, and when Wang Dapan came to grab it, he directly wrapped his hands, a stumble under his feet, and his hands took advantage of the trend, pulling Wang Dapan back and folded it.

"Plop" Wang Dapan fell to the ground.

Dawang took his hand and rubbed it on his nose, rubbing the nosebleed away, then pulled off the thong and wrapped Wang Dapan's neck. In order to save the fabric, the vest was divided into two pieces at the front and back, and he was wearing hemp ropes on the shoulders and armpits, which was just convenient for Dawang to tie him up.

Wang Dapan struggled and roared.

Hou Shugen hesitated for a moment and wanted to come over to help, but he changed his mind when he saw Dawang's sharp eyes.

Dawang glanced at Hou Shugen and knew that he did not dare to come forward, so he put the knife with his left hand and slashed Wang Dapan's carotid artery, and said coldly, "You are dead."

Wang Dapan actually shivered, as if he had been slashed.

Dawang got up and looked at Hou Shugen over there, "It's your turn."

Hou Shugen smiled and waved his hands again and again, hurriedly clearing it up, "Misunderstanding, our brothers heard that you are great, brother, and came to know each other. You are the child of Director Han, who dares to beat you. It's nothing, don't listen to it. People are talking nonsense."

He hurried over to untie Wang Dapan, but he couldn't untie it, and finally had to break the hemp rope.

Wang Da climbed up, "You kid..."

Dawang: "Don't play tricks, come!"

Wang Dapan shut up.

Dawang turned his head to look at Yang Zhiqiang, "You."

Yang Zhiqiang: "What's the matter with me? I'm just watching the fun!"

Hou Shugen dragged Wang Dapan and hurried away, "It's nothing, we didn't want to trouble you in the past and now, let's go first."

The two ran away in a hurry.

Yang Zhiqiang also wanted to run, but was stopped by Mai Sui and Erwang, "What are you running for?"

Yang Zhiqiang: "I really..." He suddenly burst into tears, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I don't dare anymore."

Dawang raised his foot, but before he could move, Yang Zhiqiang sat on the ground. Dawang knew that he was afraid, and would not dare to trouble Mai Sui in the future.

"Don't bully your classmates again." Dawang said coldly.

Yang Zhiqiang: "...I see."

Da Wang turned around and walked towards Mai Sui and Er Wang, and took the schoolbag back from Mai Sui's hand.

Mai Sui: "Brother, you are getting better and better."

Erwang gestured, "Big brother, how did you tie it?" He thought it was incredible, how could he wrap his hands and neck together with such a piece of clothing and couldn't break free.

Dawang: "I will teach you another day."

Mai Sui looked up at the setting sun in the western sky, "It's broken, the sun is going to set!"

This season, the sun was setting nearly half past six, and they had gone home an hour later than usual.

As soon as Dawang heard that Mai Sui's schoolbag was being carried for her, he ran away, and Mai Sui and Erwang quickly followed.