Strict Wife of the ’70s Manages the Household

Chapter 129: Crush & Kill


When they were sleeping, the children were still discussing what Sanwang said, "Swimming in a short pool of 25 meters for 800 meters is like a donkey pulling a mill."

A good night's sleep.

Recently, Lin Lan just went to work in the commune. In the evening, Director Han promised to fall asleep before 10:30, so he woke up refreshed in the morning.

On the day of the meeting, Han Qingsong took Lin Lan out early in the morning and took her to the county.

"Third brother, I can go by myself."

"I'm going to do business." Han Qingsong also went to the county party committee from time to time for meetings. After all, he was still the deputy director and was carrying out the task of strengthening cooperation among the communes to fight against evil forces.

"That's right." Lin Lan asked Director Han to be the driver with peace of mind.

His legs are long and strong, and he can ride a bicycle much more easily than her.

After entering the county seat, he first went to the compound of the Revolutionary Committee. At the door, Han Qingsong put down his bicycle and let Lin Lan down. He also pushed the car in.

The guards standing guard at the door saw Han Qingsong coming, and immediately saluted. Han Qingsong didn't need to return the salute, but nodded.

When he met some acquaintances to greet him, Lin Lan went to the Propaganda Department to report first.

"Lin Lan, here." Someone called her.

"Officer Qi, you're here too." Lin Lan greeted Qi Fengbo and other people she knew.

"Lin Lan, do you know the content of today's meeting?"

Qi Fengbo was very happy to see Lin Lan. He and Lin Lan kept writing letters, so he felt that he knew her very well.

To be honest, he sent letters to Lin Lan quite frequently, which made Han Qingsong upset several times. Although he didn't want to check his letters, he was very sensitive to the name.

But he only discusses the work and some policies, opinions, and insights at a time, and there is nothing out of the ordinary, and his words are well-intentioned, although enthusiastic but not offensive. What's more, other people also wrote to Lin Lan, so there was no problem.

Lin Lan shook her head, "You know?"

Qi Fengbo: "I vaguely ask." He motioned Lin Lan to go to the seat and take a seat.

He took out his notebook, opened a page and handed it to Lin Lan. Lin Lan glanced at it and saw that it said "Criticize Lin Piao Kong".

Lin Lan understood immediately and smiled, "Officer Qi is well-informed."

"That's what it should be. We must be allowed to write various articles. I have refined opinions and clichés here. You can take a look first, and don't be in a hurry." Qi Fengbo took out a few pieces of paper and gave them to Lin Lan.

Lin Lan found that Qi Fengbo's work ability is really good, he is very organized, and he is very good at preparing materials and comprehend the spirit, which is indeed worthy of experience.

She read the article attentively.

"Lin Lan, why didn't you wait for me and came by yourself?" As soon as Cao Guangrong entered the conference room, he saw Lin Lan and Qi Fengbo sitting together and was very dissatisfied.

Lin Lan looked up at him, "Officer Cao, I came with Director Han."

Cao Guangrong pointed to the seat next to him, and said to Lin Lan, "Let's sit here."

Although Lin Lan originally wanted to find a lesbian to sit with, Cao Guangrong's bossy appearance made her very unhappy: Why should I sit with you? You are not my leader. I'm sitting here!

Cao Guangrong insisted that she sit together, everyone from a commune, of course, must be together. Mainly he can't understand, and he can't take notes. He had to ask Lin Lan to come along, so that when the time comes to discuss or write something, he can let Lin Lan do it, he just picks up the ready-made ones.

If you sit with the officers of other communes, you will inevitably expose your shortcomings, which will make people laugh at that time.

Can't afford to lose that person!

Lin Lan ignored him, how old are you

Cao Guangrong glared at her, "You—this is individualism!"

Qi Fengbo: "This comrade, how can you talk to Comrade Lin Lan like this? In this world, no one can point fingers at us working people! You force Lin Lan to listen to you, it just shows that you have committed individualism and the hegemony of American imperialism. !"

Cao Guangrong immediately stopped talking, "We came together, I want you to take care of it? Don't get too close to our commune."

Qi Fengbo: "Haha." He said to Lin Lan, "Should we go over there and sit?" Change places and stay away from Cao Guangrong.

Lin Lan: "The minister is here."

The propaganda minister of the county revolutionary committee was a man in his early fifties. Because he was bald, he also wore a forward hat in the summer. He is a loud voice trained in countless propaganda campaigns. He is cadenced and impassioned. No matter what he says, he has a gnashing expression on his face trying to block the bayonet.

"We must be vigilant and always be ready to fight for the great proletarian revolution, to prevent those with ulterior motives from restoring and retreating, and preventing them from denying the great Cultural Revolution! Rightists, we must resolutely criticize! Severely criticize!"

This ethos was passed down from the top at the beginning of the year, but it was only one level down. It was Lin Lan's turn to come to the meeting and it was almost over.

Lin Lan sat there, thinking about the children, especially Sanwang going to the provincial team this year, and Dawang going to the army next week. The minister's speech was almost overwhelmed by stroking it one by one.

Soon the minister asked the delegates to speak, the more impassioned the better, and then some became more explicit.

Lin Lan: ... There is no shortage of keyboard warriors in any era.

"Lin Lan, it's your turn." Qi Fengbo pushed her.

Lin Lan didn't want to get involved in this kind of slogan shouting at all. She didn't want to criticize anyone, and she couldn't raise such a passionate emotion. In her opinion, it was a speech model of successful learning and pyramid selling.

Lin Lan turned to look at Cao Guangrong: "Cao Guan, you are the representative of our Shanshui Commune, you can go."

Cao Guangrong's face suddenly flushed, "You, you go!"

Lin Lan: "I'm not the representative, it's you!"

Cao Guangrong stood up, gritted his teeth and went up. He couldn't believe that he wouldn't turn around without Lin Lan. He walked to the podium and began to repeat the few words from elementary school. His father sacrificed for the revolution, so the leaders and the cadres of the brigade took good care of them. Whenever a meeting was needed, he and his mother would be invited.

After going over and over again, he has also memorized such a set of words, just say it over and over again.

He took out this set, and also added a paradoxical restoration and retrogression.

Everyone said it with impassioned enthusiasm. They were waiting for someone to push it to another climax. Who knew that Cao Guangrong would pour a pot of cold water to the end.

How can you start talking about your family's credit!

The ministers were all resentful, a little annoyed, and muttered to others: "Why is there such a person in Shanshui Commune? Isn't it enough to have Director Lin? What a nonsense."

After Cao Guangrong finished speaking, he felt that he had played a long way and applauded himself, but the applause below was sparse and not enthusiastic.

Cao Guangrong was a little embarrassed, so he had to get down quickly and glared at Lin Lan fiercely.

Lin Lan was as if nothing had happened.

What a good condition, if he is willing to study hard, why would he really embarrass his parents!

In the end, she naturally did not escape. She was a red flag bearer for the county's propaganda. Of course, she had to come to power, otherwise others would not agree.

Lin Lan is also prepared. She will start with Lin's rebellious actions, treason, and feudal remnants who want to restore. Anyway, this is what everyone is shouting, but the way of Confucius and Mencius and some of the big leaders who were insinuated, Lin Lan Without mentioning a word, she added some slogans and naturally overfulfilled the task.


"Comrade Lin Lan said it well!"

The applause was very loud.

Meetings are basically these things. Classes are held in the morning and afternoon, and symposiums are held in the evening. Comrades open their hearts to each other and express various opinions, in other words, all kinds of sprays.

The person who sprayed the head, sprayed others, sprayed Su, sprayed beauty, sprayed feudalism, and then started to cross the border and started spraying the people around him, spraying the people sitting here.

And then start spraying people you don't like.

The distant enemies are misty in the clouds, and the near ones are the thorns in the eyes, so no matter what the subject is criticizing, they can eventually involve the opponents around them.

For a while, the symposium became a fight.

Cao Guangrong sprayed Lin Lan several times, arguing that she was special, small groupism, individualism, revisionism, intellectual capitalism, and whether she could use all the words she had learned.

"It's not right for you to be so clean. Haven't you heard that the dirtier the body, the cleaner the revolution?"

"Secretary Cao, first memorize and apply the quotations, and then discuss with me?" Lin Lan really didn't like to pay attention to him.

What he said was topsy-turvy and messy, and no one responded to him. The scene where he imagined that he would be able to pull Lin Lan out to criticize with a hundred responses did not appear, but instead he was spat out.

The next few days are about the same.

Lin Lan got along well with Qi Fengbo and Wang Fengxia. They held meetings, discussed, copied each other's notes, and ate together after meetings.

The meeting this morning was dizzy, and someone outside came to look for Lin Lan.

Wang Fengxia: "Lin Lan, someone is looking for you."

Lin Lan turned her head to look, and found that it was Yang Han who was outside. She checked the clock and it was about the same time, so she was too lazy to continue listening to their nonsense.

Qi Fengbo: "Lin Lan, let's have dinner together at noon."

Lin Lan: "Mr. Qi, you eat with Wang Fengxia and the others. I have something to go out for."

Qi Fengbo took her book, "Then I'll bring the book for you, you just go."

Lin Lan thanked Wang Fengxia, and went out.

Yang Han was not wearing a white coat, with black pants underneath and a really good white shirt on top, leaning against the wall and looking at her with a slight smile.

Lin Lan laughed, "Oh, Fatty Yang, how did you know you came to see me?"

She and Yang Han actually met quite a few times. As long as she went to the hospital, she would definitely say hello to Fatty Yang.

"If you don't come to see me, I will come to see you." Yang Han walked side by side with her, "Please eat."

Lin Lan: "How can I always ask you to invite me, I invite you to go to the cafeteria."

Yang Han: "Lan Huahua, you are too stingy, you finally invited me to a meal and went to the cafeteria."

Lin Lan: "Hey, Chubby classmate, you have to be simple and not inflated. You are a staunch proletarian revolutionary fighter, and you cannot be corrupted by capitalism. Restaurants, etc., do not conform to our proletarian consumption concept."

"Stop, stop, I'm convinced, you're promoting your lip service, and I'm willing to bow down." Yang Han quickly surrendered.

Qi Fengbo watched the two go out from the window, and couldn't help but ask Wang Fengxia in front, "Who is that? You have a good relationship with Lin Lan."

Wang Fengxia laughed, "Mr. Qi, I said something inappropriate. How long have we known Mr. Lin? She must have a better relationship with her friends than us."

Qi Fengbo was a little embarrassed: "If you see you, I will ask, why do you compare us to us?"

Wang Fengxia: "I'm not afraid that you will think too much."

Qi Fengbo smiled and said nothing.

Lin Lan didn't have to eat in the dining hall of the Revolutionary Committee. She and Yang Han walked to the hospital. The county town is not big, and the Revolutionary Committee is not far from the supply and marketing cooperatives, movie theaters, and hospitals, and there are flour mills and textile factories on the edge.

On the way, Lin Lan glanced at Yang Han and said, "Yang Panpan, you are too old, and you don't have a partner yet? Your parents are worried." Well, the old lady was about to die but couldn't control him.

"Me? Why am I so young and anxious? Don't you know that you are getting married late now? Orchid, hurry up if you want to have a baby, and plan your family in a few years." Yang Han put his hands in his trouser pockets, slowly walking.

Lin Lan looked at him in surprise: "How do you know?" She probably remembered that the family planning was 80 or 78 years old? Because she had relatives who were planned as a child, so understand a little.

Yang Han kicked a small pebble, "I'm a doctor. I went to the provincial capital for a meeting. It started two years ago in the big city. We are remote in the countryside. I think it will be similar in a few years or two years."

Lin Lan snorted, disapprovingly, "I have five children, so the plan has nothing to do with me. Hey, Chubby, it has a lot to do with you. You see we are about the same age, I have five children, and you are not married yet. If your family planning becomes stricter when you get married, wouldn't you be too passive?" It's okay not to have children, but if you want to have children, it will be very painful.

Yang Han: "..."

"I'll tell you the truth, you can't be a bachelor or a monk for the rest of your life anyway. You'd better find someone to marry early, or your parents won't have to talk about your ears getting calluses."

Lin Lan really regards Yang Han as her best friend, and I hope he is well.

Yang Han rolled her eyes at her, "It's not too old to worry."

Lin Lan's expression suddenly changed, and she turned to look at Yang Han, "I see..."

Yang Han was startled when he saw her expression, "What are you doing?"

Lin Lan: "Don't you like it..."

Yang Han immediately became nervous, "What nonsense?"

Lin Lan lowered her voice, leaned closer to him, and whispered, "Fat, it doesn't matter if you like it, I understand you." Even if men in the 21st century like men, it is not so easy to be forgiven. people know.

Seeing her approaching, Yang Han was so frightened that he quickly put his hands in his trouser pockets and leaned back.

Lin Lan smiled knowingly, "I won't discriminate against you, don't worry."

Yang Han looked at her with a wicked smile and breathed a sigh of relief, "If you know anything, just talk nonsense."

"Then, you asked me to say it." Lin Lan: "If you don't get married, do you like men... drop?"

Yang Han originally looked at her nervously, but now her face turned red and white and finally turned green, she gritted her teeth, "You don't want to buy condoms from me in the future, we've got a better batch."

Lin Lan and the doctor didn't wait to blush at all. "One yardage is one yardstick. As a doctor, you must have professional ethics, and you can't avenge your personal revenge publicly."

Yang Han was very helpless, "You said that you and I are so thick-skinned, you are not shy at all."

Lin Lan: "Did we play together while wearing open-crotch pants? Why am I shy with you? You're not Director Han of my family."

Speaking of Director Han, the smile on her face was rippling, and her cheeks were stained with a blush, revealing a girlish brilliance.

Yang Han: "'re really not shy."

Lin Lan: "Let's go, go to the hospital, and eat the nine-turn colon from your hospital."

Yang Han: "Didn't you invite me to dinner?"

Lin Lan: "What's the relationship between us? It's the same for anyone who invites you. I'll give you meal tickets and money."

"By the way, buy a new package from our hospital, right?" Yang Han snorted.

"Pangpang, do you know why you can't find a daughter-in-law? You can't tell if you don't understand or understand. To be a doctor, you must have the professional ethics of a doctor. You must remember it well. You can't expose the patient's privacy, and you can't laugh at the patient's behavior. ."

"Where are you sick? Besides, I don't want to find a wife, it's not that I can't find it, thank you."

"Who said that I'm not sick, I can't leave my third brother if I have a disease, you're a single dog who wants to live on his own without a daughter-in-law will not understand. Hurry up, Momo Haw is like an old lady. "

Yang Han finally accepted her fate, she was really not ashamed in front of her, was she not ashamed, or she didn't treat herself as a man!

The two went to the hospital talking and laughing, with Cao Guangrong following behind with contempt.

Lin Lan had a meal at the hospital, then went to say hello to Dr. Liu and several other acquaintances, and then returned to the Revolutionary Committee with the new model.

She first went back to the dormitory to put things down, and then went to the conference room.

As soon as she entered the room, she found that there were a few people staring at her strangely, especially Cao Guangrong.

Cao Guangrong used to think that she was in the publicity department of the commune because of her connections, but now she thinks that she is indiscreet and hates her even more. Although he did not see any outrageous actions of Lin Lan and Yang Han, nor did he see them going to a place where no one was alone, but as long as they spoke, it was evidence of a crime to him.

When Lin Lan walked past him, she heard him snort coldly, she couldn't help but glance at him, did this neuropathy take the wrong medicine? When did you offend him again

She ignored it and went back to her seat to sit down.

Qi Fengbo: "Don't pay attention to him, there is something wrong with him."

Lin Lan: "It's fine."

She didn't want to talk to Qi Fengbo about anything other than work. After all, she and Qi Fengbo weren't very familiar with each other, they were just working in a meeting.

Qi Fengbo looked at her with a complicated expression, "Have you eaten yet?"



Qi Fengbo thought about what Cao Guangrong said a while ago to slander her there, and didn't know whether to tell her, after all, it was really ugly. If it weren't for Cao Guangrong's lack of power, and Lin Lan's backing was strong enough, if this was left behind, she might have been bullied by people with ulterior motives.

Cao Guangrong said:

"She's arrogant, she's just an immoral woman."

"What's the matter, you still don't believe it, I saw it all, she went out with a man."

"What? What? What can they do on the road? Can't hide? If you have a brain, you will know what they are going to do. It's nothing more than men and women."

"Don't be deceived by her. She's not as serious as she looks. In our commune, hmph, who doesn't know?"

"In order to enter the commune for the election, she even teased me, and I ignored her."

At that time, Qi Fengbo was angry and found Cao Guangrong's theory, why did he slander other lesbians.

But Cao Guangrong blocked him with one sentence: "Are you injustice? You dare to admit that you are not interested in her? I think you just want to have sex with her! Humph!"

Qi Fengbo's heart was up and down. He really admired and admired Lin Lan very much. From the first time he saw her, he felt that she was different, the kind of woman he dreamed of.

He has a sense of loneliness that everyone is drunk and I wake up alone, and it is hard to find a soulmate after reading thousands of mountains. His requirements are a little high, and he doesn't want to marry a woman casually. And I want to find a like-minded and tacit understanding of a wife worthy of my appreciation.

Looking for it, he has not been able to find it for so many years, but he thinks that he would rather be lacking than waste, and never make do with it.

At the meeting that year, he heard Lin Lan's speech for the first time, and he felt that he had found it.

At that moment, he had a shocking feeling of looking for him thousands of times in the crowd, and suddenly looking back at the man in the dim light.

But he didn't dare to say anything, after all, she was already a wife. He could only approach her to write to her by discussing work.

How he hoped that she could also feel this way, that he was a man with whom she had a common heart. He really wanted to find a soul mate, not to be dead all day like everyone else.

He always felt that he was covering it up well, how could Cao Guangrong see it? Will she know? What will be the reaction? Despise yourself or... maybe have a crush on yourself too

Lin Lan felt his gaze and smiled, "What's the matter?"

Qi Fengbo shook his head: "No. I was angry when I heard someone say bad things about you."

Lin Lan smiled and rolled her eyes, "Thank you, Mr. Qi, but don't be angry, your mouth is on others."

The smile that flowed from the bottom of her eyes made Qi Fengbo's eyes flash, but she felt that there were stars shining in her eyes.

Lin Lan didn't pay attention, but talked to Wang Fengxia.

Qi Fengbo suddenly had an urge to say something. I don't know if it was stimulated by Cao Guangrong's words, or... Anyway, he suddenly couldn't hold back.

However, he never found a chance, because although Lin Lan has a good relationship with him, she has a good relationship with Wang Fengxia, everyone is together, and he has no chance to say anything alone.

He wondered whether to continue writing letters.

Blink of an eye to the last two days.

In the afternoon meeting, the quarrel was too intense, and dinner was delayed when the meeting was over, so after the meeting, no matter how noisy the meeting was, everyone swarmed to the cafeteria to eat.

Lin Lan panicked and told them to go first, and she went to the toilet.

When she came out to wash her hands, she found Qi Fengbo standing outside.

"Officer Qi, why don't you go to dinner?"

Qi Fengbo smiled and said, "Wait for you."

"It's just a few steps away, what are you waiting for?" Lin Lan motioned for them to hurry up and grab a meal, "I'm really tired from the meeting, I'm hungry."

The food of the county revolutionary committee was better than that of the commune, and the food was acceptable.

Qi Fengbo: "Hey, Lin Lan, slow down, what's the hurry?"

Lin Lan: "It's too late, there's no more meat."

There were too many people at the entrance of the cafeteria, so she had to slow down and look at the sky, "Today is a bit slow."

The meeting will end tomorrow morning, and she and Han Qingsong have made an appointment to pick her up at noon. To be honest, she really missed him. I don't feel like being together every day, but sleeping on the wooden bed in the dormitory by myself is really uncomfortable.

I never knew what insomnia was when I slept with him before, but now I can't fall asleep when I lie down for a long time.

She even thought about going home tomorrow night. If he had any requirements, she would just follow him. Thinking of this, a smile appeared on the corner of her lips.

Qi Fengbo looked at her for a while, and suddenly felt a little sad. He didn't know why, but he wanted to get to know her more and more. She was so good. As soon as she appeared, it attracted his attention and made him always want to say something to her.

At this time, someone came out of the cafeteria and was having a heated debate. They made a big move and accidentally bumped into Lin Lan.

Qi Fengbo hurriedly stretched out his hand to protect her, "You guys also pay attention, you've bumped into someone."

"Haha, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, Secretary Lin, it's okay."

Lin Lan waved, "It's alright, Director Qi, I'm alright, let's go eat." She felt that Qi Fengbo's gesture of supporting her was a little ambiguous, and she quickly kept her distance and walked into the cafeteria first.

At this time, Wang Fengxia greeted her a few times, "Mr. Lin, Director Qi, here, I'll wait for you for a long time."

Lin Lan went to make dinner first.

Qi Fengbo, who was behind, suddenly felt like a awn on his back. He turned his head to look over, and saw a tall and stern man under the plane tree not far away. He recognized Han Qingsong, but he couldn't open his mouth to say hello, so he turned around and went to have dinner.

Lin Lan and Han Qingsong made an appointment to pick him up the next day. They didn't even know that he had arrived. After dinner, they went to find friends for dinner.

The few people were almost finished eating, so they sat chatting and waiting for them.

Qi Fengbo came over for dinner and smiled at a female clerk: "Let me do it."

The female clerk sat in, and Qi Fengbo sat opposite Lin Lan.

"Mr. Lin, do you have a mission when you go back?" Wang Fengxia asked.

Lin Lan nodded: "Yes, all kinds of meetings are indispensable."

Qi Fengbo smiled and said, "I think we can communicate and discuss between our communes and communes, just like connecting with each other."

Some people think it's good, "Yes, Secretary Lin, you are working in the commune now, and we would like to see it more."

Lin Lan: "What do I have to look at? I think your work has its own characteristics and is worth learning from."

Qi Fengbo: "Lin Lan, why don't you come to our commune for two days?"

Lin Lan: "I really don't have time. I've been out for a week, and I still don't know how my home is going. Our Director Han doesn't have children at work every day. There's a little clingy guy who doesn't see me for a week, and sleeps well at night. I'm crying. I'm so sick of thinking about it, I can't wait to go back tonight."

Hearing that she didn't miss her at all, she wanted to go home instead. Qi Fengbo just lowered his head to eat, concealing his loss, and for a while, he didn't tell her that Director Han was here.

Someone laughed and said, "It's weird to say that. We've only known each other for a week. We have dinner together and have class together. We stay together every day.

Qi Fengbo glanced at Lin Lan.

Lin Lan laughed, "This shows that we are emotional people. It's not easy for everyone to talk together."

"It's not that bad. I didn't speak to anyone at home. It's not that they didn't understand what I said, or that they deliberately misinterpreted me, and I'm not happy to listen to them." Wang Fengxia said.

Someone else suggested, "Let's do our own activities at night, don't go to any symposium, and you will be so angry."

"Yeah, it's not necessary to go tonight."

Lin Lan: "Since you're here for the meeting, let's stick to it until the end."

The light in Qi Fengbo's eyes dimmed again, and he couldn't even swallow his food.

After Lin Lan finished eating, "You guys talk first, I'll go back to the dormitory."

Wang Fengxia said to go back with her.

In the summer, Lin Lan has the habit of washing clothes every day, which is just right after dinner.

Wang Fengxia went to wash her clothes when she saw her.

Lin Lan: "Don't take soda noodles, use soap with me."

Wang Fengxia: "Thank you so much. I usually can't bear to buy soap, so I might as well save money and buy a hairpin."

Lin Lan laughed, "Our brigade has a daily chemical factory, and we made it ourselves."

When Wang Fengxia heard it, she said, "So good? Your brigade is really capable, our brigade... everything, those people will quarrel and choose."

Lin Lan didn't say anything about other people's brigade, "If there is a chance in the future, you can go to our brigade and give you those defective products."

"Then how can I send it? It's cheaper." Wang Fengxia laughed.

The two washed clothes together and talked.

At this time, Qi Fengbo came over again, "You two love labor. Let me wash it too."

When he went back to the dormitory to get his clothes, Wang Fengxia approached Lin Lan and whispered, "Mr. Lin, Director Qi, he..."

Hearing her hesitating to speak, Lin Lan asked, "What's the matter?"

"Is he..." Wang Fengxia said a little embarrassedly, after all, this matter is no trivial matter, unless the relationship is close, saying it will offend people.

Lin Lan: "He made a mistake?" Lin Lan asked in a low voice.

Wang Fengxia looked at her calmly, she was all concerned about her comrades, and there was nothing unusual. She knew that she was not interested in Qi Fengbo, and she didn't even know Qi Fengbo's thoughts.

"That... I said, don't be angry."

Lin Lan laughed: "You see how angry I am."

Wang Fengxia: "That... He, he seems to be treating you," Wang Fengxia blushed first, "a bit of that."

Lin Lan has been washing clothes, but she didn't hear much: "What do you mean?"

At this time, Qi Fengbo came over and said, "Comrades have a class, eat and work together, it's really fun."

He walked to Lin Lan's side and put the basin in the long pool made of cement.

Wang Fengxia: "Mr. Qi, this place is so spacious, why do you have to squeeze the clerk in the forest?"

Qi Fengbo's expression was a little unnatural, and he said with a smile, "Isn't this trying to get closer to Lin Lan?"

Lin Lan glanced at him, this look was different from the past, her eyes were scrutinized, and she looked straight into Qi Fengbo's eyes.

At first, Qi Fengbo was able to stare at her without any incident, but after two seconds, his face turned red, and he hurriedly lowered his head to wash his clothes, but his hands were shaking uncontrollably, and his heart was pounding.

He felt dizzy, guilty, and weak in his legs. Did she, she know something? Will she, will she... Of course she won't, she has always been an ordinary comrade to him. His heart was sweet and bitter, and he didn't know what it was like. Would you like to express it further

He wrote a lot of letters to her, and later he wrote two letters each time, the first one was on the paper to express his uncontrollable thoughts, and the second one could only write normal work letters.

Now he still has a newly written letter in his pocket, and he can't help but want to confess to her.

His heart was beating fast, his head was dizzy, and he felt that her eyes were as deep as the vast night sky.

When he came back to his senses, Lin Lan and Wang Fengxia were long gone, and the surrounding sky was dark.

He was like collapsed.

At this time, a person across from him came to wash his hands. He was wearing a white police uniform and no police cap. He was tall and strong. When he bent over to wash his hands, he felt a strong sense of oppression.

Qi Fengbo peeked at him, but Han Qingsong raised his eyes and glanced over as if he knew something, which made him groan in fright.

Han Qingsong's face was very stern, and his dark eyes had a compelling light, reminding Qi Fengbo of the cold light on the bayonet, and he couldn't help shivering.

He wanted to walk away, but his feet were pinned and unable to move. He knew why, because the opposite Han Qingsong watched him, like a ferocious beast staring at its prey, the prey did not even have the courage to escape.

He had a sense of oppression that Han Qingsong was going to kill him, and it became difficult to breathe.

His throat was dry, and he made a swallowing motion unconsciously, trying to squeeze out a smile to say hello, but dryly, "Han, Director Han."

Han Qingsong nodded slightly, "Qi Fengbo."

Qi Fengbo: "Yes."

Han Qingsong: "Relax."

Qi Fengbo: "Yes."

"My wife is a very good person." When Han Qingsong said this, his eyes were subconsciously soft.

Qi Fengbo's pressure dropped sharply, "Yes, Lin... clerk, is a very good person."

Han Qingsong: "You, you have vision, but unfortunately you are not qualified." He took out a handkerchief and wiped his hands, ignoring Qi Fengbo, and turned away.

Qi Fengbo suddenly felt the pressure dissipated, and his body shook and quickly pressed down on the pool.

Looking at Han Qingsong's tall back, he felt relieved and inexplicably painful.

Han Qingsong's meaning couldn't be more obvious: My daughter-in-law is very good, but you are not qualified to like her, because I don't, allow, allow!

He knew that it is really, really difficult for people to find someone who is worthy of admiration, interesting, chatting, and compatible in their whole life.

It was too late to meet, but missed, so he could only secretly... He used to be ashamed and excited, but now his enthusiasm was frozen into ice by Han Qingsong's words.

He shivered and took out the letter in his pocket, unfolded the letter, slowly stuffed it into his mouth, chewed with his salty tears, and swallowed it desperately, the bitter taste of paper and ink was no better than his own Bitterness is stronger.

Not only did he miss out, he didn't even have the qualifications for Xiao Xiang.

His great love died of power without expressing it.

In the evening, Lin Lan went to the conference room for a walk. It was noisy and many people went freely. She knew what Qi Fengbo meant, so she naturally refused to contact him again, so she told Wang Fengxia to go back to the dormitory to sleep.

The dormitory area is quiet at the moment, no lights are on, but there are street lights in the distance, so it won't stumble.

Passing a room, the door suddenly opened and a large hand dragged her in. She subconsciously wanted to shout, but someone covered her mouth, and her hot lips were branded on the bottom of her ears.

She trembled all over, "Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu..." She struggled to get Han Qingsong to open her mouth.

When she bumped into his arms, she was enveloped in a strong masculinity. She knew who it was immediately, but she didn't expect him to come tonight!

He moved his hand away from her head, she was about to speak, but he put his lips on her and sucked her, domineeringly and forcefully not giving her a chance to speak. He pushed her against the wall, and his body that was so hot almost hurt her. The sound of someone walking outside, but he didn't mean to stop, but started to pull on her clothes.

Lin Lan: "!"

When he let go of her mouth, she bit her lip and didn't dare to make a sound.

His breathing was heavier than before, like a rope in her heart, making her feel weak and surrender to him, but he no longer held back his movements so fiercely that she had nowhere to escape.

"Three... Third brother..." Lin Lan's voice trembled, there is no sound insulation here, this is not a home, please calm down...

It's a pity that I said it myself in my head, and the sound that came out was low and soft, and it was broken and unintelligible.

He naturally understood her worries, picked her up and bit her ear, "I am the only one, the door is locked."

Lin Lan has a feeling that she is a sheep entering the tiger's mouth, and he is the only one, closing the door and locking it, how can she still run? She had a feeling she was going to be torn down tonight.

In the end, it turned out that her hunch was right. The bed in the dormitory would shake and make noises. In order to reassure her, he used the best possible posture, except that he was not on the bed.

When she was taken to bed for an unknown amount of time, she felt that her consciousness had drifted away and her body had fallen apart. Fortunately, Han Qingsong thoughtfully brought her the bed sheets at home, so that she could rest assured to sleep to death.

But the dorm beds are really uncomfortable.

It was fine to have him hug her at night, but when he was away early the next day, Lin Lan unconsciously arched and arched, wanting those sturdy arms to wrap her around her.

At this moment, she was still drowsy, unable to sleep, and felt uncomfortable.

From last night to the end, she had unconsciously begged him to spare her, and she didn't understand why he was so fierce and domineering. She was very aggrieved.

At this moment, she must be in a comfortable position, but when that person is not there, she is uncomfortable and even more aggrieved.

Finally, the "thump" arched to the ground...

Lin Lan was a little stunned by the fall, but she didn't wake up. Finally, she found a comfortable position, hugged the pillow and pulled the sheets on the ground and slept very sweetly.

Han Qingsong went to the morning exercise to have breakfast by the way, and came back to open the door—the door was locked when he left. As soon as he entered the room, he stayed for a moment, then immediately put the lunch box on the table and strode forward to retrieve Lin Lan from the ground.

Nestled in his firm and elastic embrace, Lin Lan finally found a more comfortable position, wrapping his arms around his neck and burying his head in his arms, groaning and sleeping more soundly.

Han Qingsong: "..." I can't ask you for leave like this.

Han Qingsong put her on the bed, "Dear me, I'll go and ask for leave for you."

Lin Lan held onto his arm and muttered, "I'm so sleepy, I'm so tired, so angry..."

Han Qingsong gently took her hand away and turned to go out.

Lin Lan suddenly hummed and cried, "Woooo... bullying..."

She was sleepy.

Han Qingsong's heart suddenly melted.

He remembered that last night was really unrestrained, and he lost control later. He didn't pity her too much, and suddenly felt guilty. He turned around and patted her. He walked to the door and saw a staff member not far away, beckoning people to come over.

"Korea Bureau."

"Go to the Propaganda Department to ask Director Lin for a leave, she has a headache." Han Qingsong lied with his brows fixed.

The staff immediately ran away.

Han Qingsong closed the door again, took off his clothes and went to bed, serving as a humanoid pillow for Lin Lan.

This time, she finally slept comfortably.

By the time Lin Lan woke up, it was already noon.

When she opened her eyes, she felt that she didn't know where and when she was, and she turned to see Han Qingsong's face. He held her in one hand, rested the other behind his head, closed his eyes, his long and dense eyelashes were exceptionally good at this time, and his expression was soft and quiet, not as cold and serious as usual.

She leaned in and kissed him on the lips, but he pressed harder.

"When?" she asked.


Lin Lan: "...Third brother, why didn't you wake me up? How embarrassing!" It's humiliating to sleep in at home, go to the dormitory to sleep.

Han Qingsong: "I'm calling." He didn't wake up, he was still crying like a child, and he couldn't bear it.

Lin Lan hurriedly got up, she really didn't want to be old-fashioned, and by the way, she didn't want to be old-fashioned, it was so sore that it was like being lost.

There are also marks on the chest, waist, abdomen and thighs. Those who didn't know it thought she went to a fight last night.

She quickly got dressed, washed her face, and asked Han Qingsong to have lunch. She went back to the dormitory to wash and tidy up.

Wang Fengxia is still in the dormitory, and most of the others have left.

"Mr. Lin, you have a headache."

Everyone knows what happened to Han Qingsong.

Lin Lan: "...Also, it hurts a bit."

Wang Fengxia: "It must be the window of our dormitory that is broken here, you are blowing through the wind."

Lin Lan didn't change her expression, "Definitely."

Wang Fengxia returned Lin Lan's notes that Qi Fengbo had borrowed to her, "Mr. Lin, your notes are really good. I read and learned a lot. In the end, nothing was said in this meeting, but everyone chatted and made an appointment to go back. Write letters to contact each other and go to the commune to learn in series.”

Lin Lan thanked her and said with a smile, "I'll go to our commune when I get a chance, and I'll give you soap."

"Thank you. Oh, by the way, Director Qi also asked me to give you a message."

Lin Lan: "He's gone, what are you talking about?"

"He said thank you for studying these days and then said sorry for causing you trouble."

Qi Fengbo is also a smart person. Although he wanted to see Lin Lan before he left, but found that Lin Lan would not open the meeting, he thought that Han Qingsong would not let him or that she wanted to avoid suspicion, so he had to ask Wang Fengxia to send a message.

He knew that Lin Lan would understand, and hoped that Lin Lan would forgive him.

Lin Lan laughed, "Officer Qi is also very interesting. Let's study together, what troubles can you have?" She packed her luggage and Han Qingsong came to pick her up.

Lin Lan said goodbye to Wang Fengxia, "I'll contact you later."

Wang Fengxia also saw Han Qingsong outside, and her heart became clear. Although Qi Fengbo was a good person, she couldn't compare with the Director Han outside, and it was too out of line to secretly like married women.

Fortunately, Qi Fengbo knew the seriousness and didn't reveal anything, so as not to cause trouble.

Thinking of Cao Guangrong's oath last night that Lin Lan would definitely go out with some man, Wang Fengxia felt ridiculous. When other men come, of course, they are with their own men. And there is such a man, I am afraid that other people will not be noticed.

Lin Lan and Han Qingsong went to dinner, and quickly asked the children if she was homesick these days.

Han Qingsong: "Everything is business as usual."

Lin Lan: "..." What else can I say, you never want him to be as vivid and colorful as you tell him about family affairs!

"Go home." Lin Lan stood up happily, "Hurry up, I can't wait."

Go home and pack up, the kids should be out of school too.

Han Qingsong went to the old director's office, took the documents that should be taken, went to talk to Liu Jianyun, and then said goodbye and took Lin Lan home.

When I walked to the door, I met an acquaintance.

"Officer Han, Secretary Lin." Sun Yaowu greeted the two of them.

Han Qingsong nodded and said nothing, but Lin Lan stopped to say a few words to him.

Sun Yaowu was married, married to the niece of a minister, and got what he wanted.

When he was about to say goodbye, Sun Yaowu said, "Mr. Lin, your comrade Han Qingshan..."

"She's already married," Lin Lan said.

Sun Yaowu: "I know, I mean that Liu Haozhe..."

"What's wrong with him?" Lin Lan asked casually.

Sun Yaowu said in a low voice, "I heard that he doesn't have a proper relationship with other women." Although he didn't catch the rape in bed, he could see them all looking at each other!

Lin Lan raised her eyebrows, "If that's the case, then it's time to arrest and punish a hooligan."

Sun Yaowu glanced at Han Qingsong.

Lin Lan said lightly, "Our Han Bureau doesn't care about the county's affairs."

She said goodbye to Sun Yaowu and went home with Han Qingsong.

Where do you know, people don't talk about it, only to say that Han Jinyu and Liu Haozhe met on the road.