Strict Wife of the ’70s Manages the Household

Chapter 136: Xiaowang is in charge


Because there is a leap month in April this year, the summer heat will pass in the middle of the fifth month of the lunar calendar, and the weather is getting hotter and hotter.

Lin Lan doesn't go to the commune these few days, but runs in the various teams. Fortunately, she has a special car and a straw sun hat, so she doesn't feel too hot when she is busy.

When she came home at 5 o'clock in the evening, she found that the door of the house was open and someone was cooking.

Dawang hasn't come home yet, Erwang and Mai Sui won't come back so early from school, Han Qingsong is very busy these days, and he won't come back so early.

Lin Lan entered the courtyard, and when she walked past the shadow wall, she saw Xiao Wang was drumming and pulling the bellows. Her hair was messy and grass was hanging, and her little face was all white and black.


Lin Lan's heart suddenly turned into water.

"Mother, are you back?" Xiaowang greeted her happily, "The meal will be ready in a while."

Lin Lan hurried into the room, crouched down and hugged Xiaowang, "Son, what can I do for us?"

By the way, she checked Xiaowang's hand to see if it was cut by a knife. not at all.

Xiao Wang smiled, "Yun Erhe Noodle Cake, Fried Oil Beans, Egg Stewed Sauce, all of which my mother usually makes."

Lin Lan kissed his dirty little face, "Mother's old son has grown up."

Xiaowang was happy to hear his mother call his old son, "Mother, you are so tired from work, you rest, I'll cook."

He started pulling the bellows hard again.

Lin Lan looked at it calmly. It was the first time a child was cooking. Don't think about Doriso in the house, it even looked a bit like a murder scene. On the cutting board and on the ground, there were various vegetables that fell, such as green onion, ginger, beans, and cabbage. Looking at the wreckage of the vegetables, the knife skills were probably a little off.

In addition, the table has not been cleaned up, and the noodles are covered with noodles. It is estimated that the noodles are a little too soft, and new flour is added inside.

Lin Lan glanced at it, smiled, and hurried to clean up.

Xiaowang was still embarrassed, "Mother, am I messing up too much? I only know how hard it is for my mother to cook. I have to wash and pick vegetables, I have to mix noodles, and I have to make a fire, so I'm busy. A little busy, do this and forget that.”

Lin Lan rubbed his head dotingly, "My old son is doing well."

She packed up neatly, then brought a sweater and knitted it. This year, she knitted a sweater for Sanwang, in navy blue.

"Son, tell your mother how you cook and make me happy." She felt that the process must be very colorful.

Sure enough, Xiaowang began to say, "I'll go get the grass first, and then I'll wash the pot. I'll go pick vegetables, cabbage, oil beans, and eggplants. I'm mixing noodles again, hey, mixing noodles is a bit unruly, always It sticks to my hands, but it's okay. I set fire to stir-fry, and then I add water. Then I start making pancakes. Mom, is that right?"

Lin Lan nodded and praised him, "Okay, very good, that's right. As long as the water is not too mushy, it's delicious."

Xiao Wang snapped his fingers, "Mother, do I think Big Brother is about to come back?"

Lin Lan nodded, "Almost."

The day before yesterday, they received several letters from Sanwang, some written by Fu Zhengyuan and some by Sanwang himself, explaining his recent life, training and competition. But that was before Dawang went, and they didn't know what happened next to Lin Lan.

Soon Mai Sui and Erwang went home, riding the black tiger bike they had assembled themselves.

Because it is made by myself, it is not as good-looking as the purchased one, but it has a lot of functions. The chassis is more stable and the rear seat is longer and wider.

Today, Erwang came back with wheat ears.

Lin Lan couldn't help laughing when she saw the black tiger, "Come on, Brother Wang will cook for us."

"Really?" Mai Sui and Erwang ran in, "Brother Xiao Wang, what are you cooking?"

Xiaowang told everyone again very seriously.

Erwang felt sensitively that if Xiaowang added too much water, the pancakes definitely didn't hold up. The dishes were not made separately, he put them all together! But he didn't say anything, and laughed and complimented a couple of good things.

Mai Sui is looking forward to it, although she often helps her mother cook, but in fact her cooking skills are not much better than Dawang, that is, it is not bad, not as delicious as Erwang's.

When Lin Lan felt that the heat was about the same, Xiaowang didn't need to burn the fire. There was still a charcoal fire under the pot that he could smolder for a while.

They went to the vegetable garden to clean up again, then cleaned the yard and prepared for dinner. When the children went out to work, Lin Lan quickly opened the pot to take a look, wanting to rescue Xiaowang. Sure enough, pancakes in various odd-shaped conditions were already soaked in the vegetables, and because the types of vegetables were different, it was naturally difficult to describe.

She tasted it, and it wasn't bad, it was quite fragrant.

Haha, it seems that Xiaowang's cooking is really full of love, and it is sweet when there is love.

At this time, Dawang came in from the outside with his bag on his back. Although he looked tired, his body was fresh and clean, and he was not embarrassed.

Lin Lan looked back and saw him coming in from the outside, and smiled happily: "My eldest son is back, he has suffered hardships along the way."

Dawang shook his head, "No."

Lin Lan asked Sanwang how he was, whether he was taller, thinner, or homesick.

Dawang answered them one by one.

He took out three blue stones of different sizes from his bag and placed them on the table, "Here are you."

Lin Lan's eyes are straight, oh my god, isn't this a dream? Is this true

The largest one is the size of an egg, and the small one is the size of a thumb belly. Although it has not been processed, it looks very clear. She picked it up and looked at the light, "Haha, haha."

Posted, posted.

When Dawang saw that she was as happy as a child, he felt that it was useless to run a few miles to pick up these stones. If he hadn't picked up these stones, he could have gotten home earlier.

Lin Lan grabbed him by the arm, her eyes twitching, "eldest son, where did you get it?"

I'm going to borrow a big truck to pull it!

Dawang: "No, just a few pieces."

He always walks that road, and sometimes he will go out for a walk to take a look. He is used to looking at problems with investigative eyes, and this kind of blue stone is special, so I have a little impression, but I was not interested in picking it up before.

Even if there are more than these pieces, they may have been picked up by others. After all, it is really pretty, and it can be used as a flint, so adults and children will pick it up when they see it.

Lin Lan was a little disappointed in her heart, but she still smiled happily and held up the stones, "Thank you eldest son, mother is happy to accept it." She took it and locked it in the big closet.

Dawang leaned against the door frame of the west door and looked at her, "Is this stone worth?"

Lin Lan shook her head: "It's not worth the money, it's just beautiful, and my mother cherishes all kinds of beautiful stones. Don't tell others, make a mistake." It's worthless now, but it will be worth in thirty years, hehe.

Dawang nodded, "Don't tell."

Lin Lan hurriedly washed her hands and took a cucumber to Dawang, "Eat some thirst-quenching pads first, go take a shower, and I'll set the meal."

Dawang went to the bathroom to take a shower and changed his clothes. At this time, his younger brothers and sisters also came back.

Everyone was very happy to see the big brother, and they followed up and asked about Sanwang first.

When they heard that Sanwang was going to the Provincial Sports School, they also thought a little bit, and Xiaowang was a little worried, "In the future, will I only be able to read letters and not listen to Xiaosan on the radio?"

After all, the provincial radio is not so good.

Erwang smiled and said, "Third brother is so popular, he can go to the province to get a bigger broadcast."

Mai Sui and Xiao Wang also felt that they had honeyed confidence in San Wang, and believed that no matter where he went, he could become a pistachio.

When everyone saw Lin Lan's rice from the pot, there was a collective silence for a moment.

Xiaowang burst into tears, "Mother, I've done something wrong."

Erwang immediately said: "Ah, my little brother is really amazing, this is steamed buns, we have eaten in the provincial capital, and braised fire, that's what we do."

Mai Sui: "There's still a recipe in the recipe. Where else in Shaanxi, there is a mutton steamed bun, but it's delicious. You're similar to that."

"It's braised pancakes, but they're delicious." Everyone quickly comforted Xiaowang.

Dawang pressed Xiaowang's head, took out his schoolbag, and took out a bunch of candy from it to give them three, "Ji Tingshen gave it."

Ji Tingshen was worried that he had no money to buy candy for his children, and finally got a subsidy. He would rather not spend it himself and have to buy a big bag of candy for Dawang to bring back for the children to eat.

Dawang didn't know the journey in his heart, and he didn't like to give in on weekdays, so he took it with him.

Xiaowang burst into laughter again, "Brother Tingshen is really good, and he looks good too."

Mai Sui and Erwang began to talk about Ji Tingshen, Zhou Shuguang and Luan Yaohui again, and asked Dawang how their training was.

Mai Sui smiled and said, "Is Luan Yaohui still in confinement?"

Dawang: "No, this time Ji Tingshen."

"He? Why?" Mai Sui was very curious, Ji Tingshen looked very shrewd, but he was also locked up

Dawang: "Fight."

Mai Sui pouted, "If you don't follow the rules, you won't be able to get through."

Dawang glanced at her and said nothing.

It's not his fault that Ji Tingshen fought this time. The recruits in the barracks stayed for a year and turned into half veterans. After the freshness passed, they started to be bored. Can find fun. It is common for girls to play cards in private or to lust after girls, especially good-looking female soldiers or female art troupes are the objects of their teasing and flirting.

Some people heard that Dawang has a younger sister, and they said that she must be very beautiful. He spoke with restraint in person, and when he left Dawang, he started talking nonsense about the door. He happened to be bumped into by Ji Tingshen, so he fought with them. Zhou Shuguang and Luan Yaohui were the ones who would help whenever Ji Tingshen was in trouble, right or wrong. As a result, a group of people fought hard. Dawang originally went to fight, but after hearing Ji Tingshen call that they miss his own sister, the four of them beat each other up to a dozen or so.

In the end, the company commander got angry and was locked up. Ji Tingshen took care of it alone. Dawang, Zhou Shuguang, and Luan Yaohui were fine. The dozen or so were all locked up. year!

Dawang is not a talkative person, so I won't talk about it.

Lin Lan also cared about the three children. The main thing was to ask Sanwang. It was really a matter of detail, and he had to ask Dawang to take a meter ruler to measure how many centimeters Sanwang was taller and how wide his shoulders were. She secretly worried that her son's shoulders would be thick, but his waist was too thin. If the proportion was out of balance, it would be affected by finding a daughter-in-law.

After chatting for a while, the food was finally cold and ready to eat.

Lin Lan: "Let's eat first, your father has to come back later."

Their commune is not a big deal, at most three animals were killed, and Han Qingsong arrested the perpetrators. It was only when the livestock in their commune was killed that there were cases of food theft in other communes. There was even a commune where the grain management office was first stolen and then looted by masked people, and the brigade warehouse was also stolen, etc. Anyway, all of a sudden There are many cases.

Because Han Qingsong was in charge of the actions of the communes in the county to cooperate with each other to crack down on bad elements, all cases of the commune were reported to him. In the past few days, he inspected various communes, and went to the commune that suffered the most food loss. He was sure to catch the food thieves.

But although he was busy, he would come back every night.

When eating, everyone thinks it tastes good.

Mai Sui smiled and said, "Sister Fan said that her younger brother in the Northeast wrote a letter saying that there is a dish in the Northeast that is stewed in disorder. Eggplant, potatoes, cucumbers and tomatoes are thrown in and stewed. It's delicious."

Erwang: "My little brother accidentally invented a new dish in our family."

Xiaowang was completely happy. It didn't matter whether he looked good or not, as long as everyone liked it.

Lin Lan: "This is the taste of our family, a meal full of love. Even if you don't know how to cook, as long as you have love, it's delicious. Right, big brother."

Dawang: "...Yes." That's why he always asks me out.

Xiaowang smiled and rolled his eyes, "I have spoken to and thanked them for every vegetable. They are very willing to be eaten by us and give full play to their value."

He bowed his hands towards the rice bowl, "Thank you for your gift."

Everyone followed his example, bowing their hands and thanking nature for the gift. This meal is very happy, and I can tell Sanwang, Fan Xiao and others.

While talking and laughing, Han Qingsong pushed the cart into the yard.

Lin Lan: "Third brother came back early today, have you found it?"

Han Qingsong: "I found two people who were robbing food."

Now it's not the time when people can't afford to eat, but there are still people grabbing food, and Lin Lan doesn't understand. However, Han Qingsong basically didn't discuss this kind of case at home, so Lin Lan didn't ask, and let him eat quickly.

Han Qingsong washed his hands, washed his face and sat down. As usual, he first asked Dawang a few things about the military camp. Knowing the fight, he didn't express his opinion. It was as normal as training.

Seeing that the eldest son was a little nervous talking to his father, Lin Lan said to Han Qingsong, "It's all cold, let's eat first." She brought him a small pot of cabbage and pancakes that she had served earlier.

Han Qingsong was stunned for a while looking at the various vegetable stewed buns in the big bowl, but didn't say anything, just ate it silently.

Lin Lan told him about Sanwang. After talking about Sanwang, Lin Lan asked Dawang, "Can you keep up with your homework these days?"

Mai Sui smiled and said, "Mother, and my second brother and I, I won't let the eldest brother miss his homework."

Dawang's homework is not bad or not, the middle class is certain, when it comes to the exam, he will use his energy to focus on the attack, and steadily enter the top ten.

Mai Sui and Er Wang Tie fought first and second.

Seeing that the children are so sensible, Lin Lan felt relieved.

When sleeping at night, Han Qingsong took out a few finger-sized stones from his schoolbag and gave them to Lin Lan. They were blue, blue-purple, and yellow-green. Although they were all stones, they were able to transmit light and looked very cute.

Lin Lan's eyes straightened when she saw it, and she jumped up, "Third brother, where did you come from?"

Han Qingsong: "A bad guy jumped into the river and escaped. I went after him and touched him by the way."

Lin Lan smiled and rolled her eyes, put her arms around his neck and kissed him, "Third brother is really amazing." If you catch a bad guy, you can even pick up a few gems for her. She said, "I will also go to Qingshi Commune tomorrow to see if I can pick up a few more pieces."

Han Qingsong: "No more."

Lin Lan didn't believe it: "Is there anything else you haven't seen?" She refused to give up. She wanted to go and see if she might be able to find out? Besides, since he can touch it, maybe the children in the village also have it, so she can buy it from the children.

Although it will be very valuable in thirty years, at this time the stone is worthless at all, and the children of a wowotou have to rush to exchange it with her!

Isn't that how people who collect antiques pick and choose? When the value has not been discovered and the price has not been fired, it will be recovered, and it will appreciate in ten or twenty years.

She played with a few small stones and shone at the lights, one of which was like a tile-blue sky and blue sea, so beautiful.

She wondered, "Third brother, do you think there is such a mountain where are all these kinds of stones?"

She began to count the mountains in the area, but after checking several famous ones, none of them were found. It seems that where the members can pick up a lot of blue flint, it must be there. "

Han Qingsong: "This... as far as I know... "

Lin Lan was pricking up her ears to listen, but she didn't hear anything. "Third brother, what do you know?"

Han Qingsong looked at her.

Lin Lan was very anxious, and leaned over to kiss him, coquettishly: "Tell me." The soft and charming voice made Han Qingsong go numb.

In the middle of the night, Lin Lan was dying, but she was still thinking about it, "Third brother, where is he?"

Han Qingsong put his arms around her and said slowly: "There is a county to the east of the region, and there is a Xiaoxuan Mountain in the county. It seems that there is this kind of blue stone."

Xiaoxuan Mountain is 50 miles away from the barracks. They passed by there in the first three-day trekking and cross-country competition. Later, they also went to Xiaoxuan Mountain for training on-the-spot investigation and target shooting. There were black stones on the mountain, and when the sun shone, it would indeed emit blue light.

Lin Lan got up, her eyes glowing in the dark, "Really?"

Han Qingsong pressed her against his chest, "Aren't you tired?"

Lin Lan: ... No matter how tired you are, don't be afraid, what are you sleeping for? Get up and pick rocks.

"Third brother, I announce that I have taken care of that mountain."

Han Qingsong: "..."

Lin Lan likes gems, but she didn't think about wearing them on her body, but wanted to save them up to look at. It's good to look at them when they're in a bad mood, and even better to look at them when they're in a good mood.

Simply cure all diseases!

Han Qingsong embraced her and began to draw a pie for her, "I'll lead you to pick it up after I've been busy for a while. After the heavy rain, the mountains are full of blue stones."

How could Lin Lan still fall asleep? She can't wait to pick it up immediately, she will wake up laughing just thinking about it.

The next day, Lin Lan said that he would go to Qingshi Commune with Han Qingsong.

As soon as Han Qingsong heard it, she knew that the drunkard's intention was in the stone, "There are some fierce people there, let's go later."

Lin Lan said solemnly, "I have to go check out the propaganda team."

"They have no propaganda." Han Qingsong said.

Lin Lan has even more reason: "How can there be no publicity? I have to supervise it."

The bluestone commune is to the west of their Shanshui commune, and the location is closer to the mine, so it is normal for them to have two more bluestones in the river ditch.

They go to the commune first.

Lin Lan first went to the cafeteria to buy some coarse grains and put them in a schoolbag, and then went to report to Minister Zhuang, saying that there are commune brigade who are not keen on publicizing policies, and the common people are still ignorant, so they steal food .

Their propaganda department is obliged to help the Brother Commune!

Because Lin Lan is a red flag bearer for the county's propaganda, she is qualified to supervise and guide all the communes and brigades in the county. This is no problem.

Minister Zhuang: "Lin Lan, then you have worked hard."

There is enough work in this commune, and Lin Lan also supervises the brother commune. He is really a good comrade who respects his work and loves his career.

Lin Lan: "Isn't Director Han responsible for the cooperation of various communes? I don't think it's enough to just crack down on bad elements. The propaganda has to keep up, and the propaganda has to be in place."

Minister Zhuang made a decision: "Success. Go. The ministry will issue a meal ticket."

Lin Lan thought for a while, "Then let an officer go with me?"

Minister Zhuang took a look. Officer Liu and Officer Qiu had to follow the vice minister to work on the plan set by Lin Lan in the commune. Only Cao Guangrong was idle, "Let Officer Cao follow you to practice."

After all, it is a family member of a martyr, so it is better to cultivate it.

Lin Lan didn't mind either, "Yes."

Cao Guangrong didn't expect that Lin Lan was still with him, surprised and surprised.

Lin Lan greeted him, "Hurry up, we're going with the Han Bureau, he won't wait for us if it's too late."

Cao Guangrong's legs softened a bit, barely keeping up, pushing his bicycle.

Han Qingsong glanced at her, and was actually carrying a schoolbag and a big cloth pocket, for fear that he didn't know what she was doing.

His eyes swept across Cao Guangrong again, so frightened that Cao Guangrong subconsciously wanted to avoid it.

"Ride your own bike?" Han Qingsong looked at her.

Lin Lan: "Would you like to take me?" If someone takes him, of course he doesn't like to ride a bicycle.

Han Qingsong thought it was okay, so she would be lighter.

Lin Lan just let him ride his own car. The new car is very good. Anyway, Han Qingsong didn't refuse.

Han Qingsong took Lin Lan, Han Qingyun and Cao Guangrong with them, and they went to Qingshi Commune together.

Lin Lan found that the further west you went, the worse the road was. This also showed that the commune in the west had much poorer conditions than the commune in the east near the county seat. Hey, wealth makes people bloated, but poverty also makes people despair.

However, with Han Qingsong taking her, it is safer than riding a bicycle by herself, and you never have to worry about falling her.

They first went to Qingshi Commune to meet the cadres.

Two days ago, they first opened the case of the commune looting public grain. It is said that in the middle of the night, a group of people covered their faces and went to steal the commune's grain management office. As a result, they were discovered by the staff of the night watch, and it turned into a robbery. By the time the militiamen arrived, those people had already run away carrying food, and not a single thief was caught. Han Qingsong brought people over, and after investigation, he arrested a few commune members in Dawangjiazhuang, and dug out the wheat from the grain management office at their home. If you catch one, you can follow the vines and find a bunch of them. Han Qingsong doesn't care about it later. He is only responsible for opening the most difficult corner, and they will do the rest by themselves.

This time, I'm going to Xiaojia Village, where the food was stolen.

Xiaojia Village was stolen two days later than the Grain Management Office, and most of the tens of thousands of kilograms of public grain, reserve grain and seeds in the brigade warehouse were stolen. Because there are no dogs in the village, plus everything was fine in the past, the patrolling militia was not active. As a result, the warehouse was locked and locked, and more than 20,000 kilograms of grain disappeared without a sound.

They couldn't find anything in the commune, so they had to report the case to Han Qingsong. After all, he was in charge of the joint operations of the various communes, and everyone had to follow his instructions. At the same time, they had to report to him for help.

Tan Zhaoxiang, the director of Qingshi Commune, Tan Zhaomin, Minister of Armed Forces, and Wang Aiguo, director of public security, there is no public security bureau in their commune.

Originally, they didn't agree with Han Qingsong, but since Han Qingsong caught the food thief from the king's family yesterday, they have been impressed by Han Qingsong, and they wished he could solve any problem.

Tan Zhaoxiang is of medium height, wearing a good shirt, with two pens in his left breast pocket. He doesn't look like a grassroots cadre, but looks pampered. He shook hands with Han Qingsong, saw Lin Lan, and smiled: "This lesbian is ?"

Han Qingsong: "My love, Publicity Officer Lin."

"Mr. Lin, I've been looking forward to it for a long time." Tan Zhaoxiang shook hands with Lin Lan. "Mr. Lin is well-known for his publicity skills. It's long overdue to come to our commune to help promote it."

Lin Lan felt that Han Qingsong's eyes fell on their hands, she quickly ended the handshake, and the other ministers nodded to say hello, but did not shake hands.

Han Qingsong wanted to chat with them about the situation in Xiaojia Village, so Lin Lan asked someone to find a propagandist. She wanted to know about the propaganda situation of Qingshi Commune.

Together with the commune propaganda department and the communications department, there are four or five people in total.

The minister, Qiu Aihua, is a lesbian in her thirties, with a square jaw and high cheekbones, single eyelid, thick lips, a loud voice and a hearty laugh.

A while ago, I went to the county to study Lin Lan and met her, but I didn't have a deep friendship. After all, I was relatively close to Wang Fengxia and Qi Fengbo at the time.

As soon as she saw Lin Lan, she laughed, "Comrade Lin Lan is meeting again. You are still so handsome. You said that in the summer, we are all tanned, why are you so white and tender? You wear paint all day long. What kind of vanishing cream? Don't you stay out of the sun at all?"

Lin Lan originally wanted to say hello to her, but she didn't say a word.

"Comrade Lin Lan, come and guide our work. Recently, we are criticizing Lin's criticism of Confucianism. The big red flag and big-character posters are ready." Qiu Aihua wanted to take Lin Lan to see it.

Lin Lan turned to Cao Guangrong and said, "Mr. Cao, talk to Minister Qiu."

Where does she have time to gossip: I don't want to watch any propaganda, I'm going to find a stone!