Strict Wife of the ’70s Manages the Household

Chapter 140: Food distribution & phone calls


Liu Jianyun and Luo Haicheng glanced at each other and followed in silently. The Han Bureau was a little irritable.

When looking for information, Liu Jianyun quietly provided Han Qingsong with some information, such as the two factions who fought before. After listening to this, Han Qingsong was silent for a moment. Fighting with the sky and the earth is better than fighting with people. But in fact, almost all the struggles in this world can be attributed to the struggle between people.

At dawn, Han Qingsong finally found what he needed on a document.

Although the documents of several brigades of Qingshi Commune regarding the application for distribution of rations were rejected, the work summary report on the final instructions for reselling and rations contained the following sentence: "All communes and brigades in X County have completed the distribution of rations and the ban on reselling of rations."

The big red seal of the county government and the county party committee above is clearly stamped, which is not bad at all. I don't know who moved the hands and feet, maybe some people are uneasy and cheat quietly, maybe some people can't bear to be implicated in those battalions, anyway, just leave such a document.

For more than ten years, it lay in a dusty document and no one cared about it, causing one third of the brigade of Qingshi Commune to suffer for ten years in vain.

Han Qingsong slapped the document on the table, Luo Haicheng and Liu Jianyun rushed over to look at it, their eyes were red with excitement—or maybe they were overwhelmed. Having this document means that the Korean Bureau does not need to resign and take risks, nor does it need to threaten anyone.

"Han Bureau, you have sharp eyes!" Liu Jianyun admired him very much. No wonder he said that the Han Bureau's eyes were scary, and this document was also afraid, so he had to run up to him to show his face.

Han Qingsong: "Show this to the Revolutionary Committee and I'll go to sleep."

Luo Haicheng hugged him well, but he didn't dare to lose it. He couldn't be redeemed if he died a hundred times.

With this final document, there is nothing to argue about. Although it is a game of words, it is a summary report of the final instructions. It can overturn the previous rejection documents. It is considered that there is an approval document. It may be accidentally lost and everyone has not seen it. It's embarrassing, and no one will be annoyed by it.

All are happy.

Next, we will discuss the culpability of Tan Zhaoxiang and Yu Anti-Japanese et al.

Deputy Bureau Li: "Director Tan is also performing official duties, that's right."

Gao Weidong: "Yu Anti-Japanese is also asking for the people's orders, that's right."

Deputy Bureau Li's claws were swollen, and finally he was angry, "Wang Dashun and Wang Ershun who are looting food in Dawangzhuang are going to be killed!"

This Gao Weidong had no problem. Although they wanted food rations for the same reason as Yu Kang-ri, Yu Kang-ja just hid their village's food rations, but Dawangzhuang went directly to the commune's food management office to grab it.

The nature is completely different, and it is not wrong to be shot. If you don't shoot, someone will rob it in the future. That's great

Han Qingsong said to sleep for a while, but only stared for more than half an hour.

Luo Haicheng asked Han Qingyun to guard outside his door, and woke up to report to Han Qingsong about the meeting at any time.

So Han Qingsong knew the first time that the Revolutionary Committee had agreed to shoot several members of the Dawangzhuang for looting grains. He washed his face, put on a public security cap, and strode to the conference room.

"I ask for careful consideration. If Wang Dashun brothers were shot, Tan Zhaoxiang and Wang Jiankang should be shot."

Wang Jiankang is the party secretary of Dawangjiazhuang. This year, he handed in all the grains early this year, but the re-sale grains and relief grains were not distributed. As a result, the members of the community were in a hurry, and some people went to the grain management office in the middle of the night.

The commune members should not be shot just because they robbed food, but they should consider why they robbed food. If it weren't for the fact that the rations were not distributed according to the normal regulations, there would not be the current looting of food. Since those who were irresponsible do not need to be punished now, why should those who robbed food be shot

As long as there is a mouthful of food to survive starvation, no one will snatch the food, and you will know by looking at Xiaojia Village.

Wang Jiankian did not have the courage to fight against Japan, and he blindly courted the commune cadres. What was even more hateful was that he even deducted the few rebates and relief food.

It was another slap on the table and shouting, but no matter how Deputy Director Li danced or scolded, Han Qingsong looked cold, neither angry nor flinched, and in the end Deputy Director Li became discouraged.

He scratched his hair and said irritably, "I'm for me? I'm for everyone!"

In his opinion, if you want to sit in a stable seat, the members of the commune have to do their duty, and the cadres must work together.

But he seems to have forgotten that the cadres are from the members of the commune, and everyone is one, not antagonistic.

In the end, under Han Qingsong’s argument, Wang Jiankang, the secretary of the Dawang family branch, was expelled from the party and sentenced to life.

Just when Deputy Director Li felt that the matter was over, Han Qingsong said, "We should thoroughly investigate the public grains of the Qingshi Commune, the major teams, and the re-sale of grain accounts."

The amount of rations and surplus grains sold by Qingshi Commune each year, and the amount of re-sale grains, naturally has accounts to check. Even if there are false accounts, the members of the commune can count how much they get, and naturally they cannot be faked. A quick check will reveal how much the commune has embezzled, how much the brigade cadres have deducted, and none of them can escape the punishment.

When Tan Zhaoxiang next door heard it, he fainted from fright.

The Revolutionary Committee passed the resolution of checking the accounts and distributing rations, and established a checking team, headed by the Minister of Agriculture, who led the staff to check all the accounts. At the same time, the distribution of rations and the amount of public rations for several brigades were re-approved. Not only did this year's rations be returned to those brigades, but also the previous compensation. The compensation method is to pay a lower proportion of the public grain every year in the future until it is compensated.

After hearing the news, Yu Anti-Japanese cried uncontrollably, knelt on the ground and kept thanking the party and the government.

In the end, Deputy Bureau Li had a quarrel with the Revolutionary Committee about the punishment of Tan Zhaoxiang and Yu Anti-Japanese. At first, they insisted on killing the anti-Japanese. Later, they said that if they did not kill the anti-Japanese, Tan Zhaoxiang could not be killed.

Even if there is a discrepancy between the rations of Qingshi Commune and the number of re-sale rations, how much can Tan Zhaoxiang eat? After all, many people from top to bottom have also benefited.

The Revolutionary Committee voted to decide that the anti-Japanese party warned and recorded a demerit, and continued to serve as the brigade secretary.

As for the "lost" of documents ten years ago, it was the students and workers who made trouble during the Cultural Revolution.

Although the results were not satisfactory, Han Qingsong's goal was achieved.

After all, it was an accident that he was able to save Yu Anti-Japanese War and asked Qingshi Commune for rations without having to resign.

The county called Shanshui Commune, Shanshui Farm, and Qingshi Commune, and all parties acted immediately.

The county work team also rushed to the countryside to take over and arrange the follow-up work of Qingshi commune, reissue rations and so on.

Han Qingsong went to the meeting after dinner, and stayed impatient. Anyway, after the truth was revealed, he had nothing to do with him. He first went to the logistics to get the diesel fuel for the motorcycle. Originally, he could only give 30 pounds, but he asked for 60 pounds.

The logistics minister was about to cry, but when Han Qingsong stared at him, he obediently signed the list.

After receiving the diesel, Han Qingsong handed over other follow-up work to his subordinates, and he drove his motorcycle home.

Yu Kucai is really happy, I have never been so happy since I was a child!

"Father, mother, hurry up, the brigade divides the rations!

"I'm ten years old this year, can I divide more than 200 catties? My father and mother can divide nearly 400 catties, haha, great, great!

"I said that it was the fairy sister who came to deliver food to us. You must say that people are fools and exchange wowotou for stones."

Yu Kucai's mother wrapped a tattered quilt around her body and fastened it with numb to keep it from falling off. She really had no clothes to cover her body.

She was also very happy, "Mother is wrong, wrong, that's a fairy, it's a fairy, she's bringing us food."

Although Yu Kucai's father didn't speak, his eyes were red. Because there is no decent home, they have to go down to the family.

Neighbors also came out one after another. Even the old ladies who were naked washed themselves. Some were wrapped in torn sheets, and some were wearing sackcloths in a vacuum. Anyway, it was enough to cover their bodies.

"Divided rations, divided rations!"

"Chairman Mao and the party have not forgotten us!"

At this time, someone shouted: "The households share the rations, so you don't have to go and serve them yourself!"

There were public security officers from the county, commune, and Shanshui commune who supervised the accountants of the brigade, the chief security officer, and others who drove the only two ox carts in the village to distribute food rations from house to house.

All the members of the village came out of their homes and stood on the street waiting for the ox carts to deliver food rations to their families. Tears were streaming down one by one, and they were sobbing so hard.

"Finally I have food!"

Yu Kucai and other children are the happiest and least burdened, and they still have the heart to joke.

A boy laughed and said, "Dawangjiazhuang transports grain from the commune to give them rations. Many people in their village are greeted by the road outside the village, and they are so happy that they are crying on the ground!"

Yu Kucai: "I also want to cry on the ground, I'm happy!"

As soon as the grains are distributed, they start to cook and eat happily. There is no time to push the mill.

"After dividing the rations and eating, I went to the ground. The grass in the stick field was all grown up."

"Yes, yes, let's go after dinner."

The staff above and down never thought that eating would be such an exciting and beautiful word.

Everyone eats every day. Although there is no big fish and meat, you can always eat it. You can't eat white noodles. You can still eat two-helix noodles and mixed noodles.

However, it can be seen that the members of Xiaojia Village can have a serious meal in their own homes, which is already the happiness they have been seeking.

Officer Cao has been helping Chen Gongan, but he was not willing to come because he thought he was a propagandist, not a coolie. But after he came, when he distributed the food to the commune members, he saw them excitedly thank them, and the light burst from their eyes, he suddenly had a new understanding.

It's a feeling I've never felt before.

He felt that what Dad and the revolutionary martyrs wanted to protect and compete for were these.

He suddenly became full of energy, no longer complained, and took the initiative to help the weak members to put the wheat into the house.

Looking at the dilapidated houses of the commune members and the empty walls, he felt that his father had sacrificed, but the government and the brigade took good care of him, much better than these people. He should be grateful, not resentful and want more.

When it was Yu Kucai's turn, she was not in a hurry to get the food, but chased Gan Gan and asked, "Uncle, where's Sister Lin? Why didn't she come? We even got her a stone."

Officer Cao was startled, uncle? Sister Lin

Yu Kucai: "Is she very busy? Why can't she come when we have food? I asked her to come to my house for dinner. We will also find stones for her if not for Wowotou."

Officer Cao's heart was sour and swollen, "Officer Lin is busy with her work."

Yu Kucai smiled happily: "You help me say hello to Sister Lin, let her do a good job, and wait for me to save up stones and carry rations to see her."

She said the word rations forcefully, full of pride and gratitude.

Officer Cao nodded, "Okay, I'll tell her."

Yu Kucai sang the song of running away and ran away.

Officer Cao said that Lin Lan was busy, of course she was busy, busy at work and at home.

But she is not busy, no matter what she does, she always wants to find a way to maximize efficiency. For example, she is responsible for criticizing the movement of Lin Piao and Confucius, instead of criticizing feudal bad habits. Although this matter is her credit, she will not take it all by herself if she will be awarded points in the future. She will bring in the people from the Publicity Office and the Communications Office and let them participate together.

With their help, and mobilizing the brigade of propagandists, Shanshui Commune's propaganda will be much easier. She only needs to control the overall situation.

So she first went to the commune, or went to a certain brigade, and then she could move freely.

She's knitting sweaters these days!

Lin Lan wanted to knit a sweater for Sanwang, but because she was too busy, she couldn't find time to knit, and she was embarrassed to take it to her work unit to knit a sweater, which had a bad influence. Fortunately, Mai Sui also helps her knitting at ordinary times. The little girl has bright eyes and quick hands. Sometimes she can knit a lot when she listens to the radio. Now that the knitting is halfway through, Lin Lan wants to quickly knit it and send it to Sanwang, so that it can be worn in autumn and early winter. Wearing the sweater of the old mother's brand, the little third brother can also feel her love, so as not to feel homesick.

She wanted to go home to knit sweaters and cook after working in the public office, but as soon as she was pushing her bicycle, she heard the female communication announcer shouting: "Mr. Lin, phone, clerk Lin, phone!"

At this time, the sound of the loudspeaker was so poor that Lin Lan shivered with fright and almost fell to the ground. Originally, I felt a little guilty when I wanted to go home and knit a sweater, and I thought I was caught.

She got out of the car and trotted to the communication group, "Wang Fang, where's the phone?"

Wang Fang smiled excitedly, "Provincial capital, Secretary Lin is here, our son is calling!"

Lin Lan: We? ... I'm just assuming you're joking with me.

She stepped forward in three steps and two steps, grabbed the microphone and said, "Shi, mother misses you!"

There was a moment of silence on the other end of the phone, and a steady man's voice came, "Comrade Lin Lan?"

Lin Lan: …

She straightened her back subconsciously and glanced at Wang Fang.

The microphone was not sealed and the sound was leaking. Naturally, Wang Fang heard it and smiled apologetically. It was indeed a child who held the microphone and shouted, "Mother, I miss you!"

Lin Lan immediately started chatting with people in serious official Mandarin. The person who called was actually Bian, the swimming coach of the capital's national swimming team. He said that Sanwang's quality is very good. Although he is still a little young, he wants to take it to the Asian Games to exercise.

Lin Lan was a little dazed with the microphone. He understood every word, but when he connected it, he couldn't understand what was going on.

"Teacher, coach, what did you say?"

Coach Bian smiled and said patiently, "Student Han Wangmin has a solid swimming performance. I want to take him abroad to participate in the Asian Games."

Omg! Lin Lan's heart thumped, and she was so excited that blood rushed to her head, and her body trembled slightly. However, the voice was steady, and after deliberately restraining in order not to be embarrassed, it seemed extra calm.

She said: "Coach Bian, thank you very much for your appreciation. This is an opportunity for our three prosperity. You are his Bole. That is—"

She paused, and the people over there were a little nervous, and you could hear their breathing.

Did she not let go

Lin Lan continued: "Coach Bian, we Sanwang are young and a little confused when we were young. The big ones are not very good at taking care of themselves. Coach, you must be optimistic about him. Don't let him get lost when you go abroad."

Coach Bian laughed, "Comrade Lin Lan, don't worry about this, we have special staff to follow along with translators."

Of course Lin Lan knew, but she still had to instruct her. If she instructed other coaches, she would be more distracted.

Coach Bian said: "This time, I will communicate with the parents on the phone and get your approval. For the follow-up allowances and food stamps, the provincial sports school will supervise and contact the parents, please rest assured. Because Han Wangmin is really good, so we I plan to give him allowances and food stamps as rewards. In this way, he will have 56 yuan a month and 34 catties of food stamps... "

Although there was a lot of money and food stamps, Lin Lan was not excited.

She was still wondering, I let my son go swimming because he liked it and not for the sake of earning allowances. With such a precious phone call opportunity, why don't I let my son talk to me, don't talk about it!

After finally waiting for Coach Bian to say the same thing, Lin Lan took the time to ask, "Coach, is Sanwang here?"

Coach Bian asked her to wait.

Lin Lan pricked her ears to listen, but there was no movement on the phone, she was probably covered.

Soon, the microphone was picked up, and Sanwang's unrestrained panting came from inside, "Mother, I miss you so much!"

Lin Lan's ears were buzzing all of a sudden, she pressed her ears, "Son, be quiet."

Sanwang immediately said in a very small voice, "Mother, I know, you whisper to me, I whisper to you, they can't hear."

Listening to the tone of his son's connection with the underground party, Lin Lan: ... What the hell is going on

Lin Lan: "Son, you are going to the provincial capital now, have you eaten well, and slept well..."

"Mother, I'm eating well. You should also eat well at home." Sanwang's voice was full of tears.

Lin Lan: "Mother is doing well, you eat well three times a day. You should pay attention to safety when sleeping, don't sleep in the bottom bunk, not the top one."

"Mother, I'm sleeping well, I can't fall off." Sanwang said in a low voice, "Mother, my allowance and food stamps have gone up now. We have enough to eat, I'll send them back, you remember to receive them. 56 yuan, 34 catties of food stamps, you can remember it and don't let others deduct it secretly."

Lin Lan smiled and said, "Your father belongs to the Public Security Bureau, who would dare. You go to the capital and have to go abroad. You don't have to give it to your mother, you can take it. Just buy whatever you need to buy when you go to the capital, don't hurt yourself. "

Sanwang had already started sobbing.

Lin Lan thought he was homesick, and quickly comforted him, "When are you going to the capital? Mother is knitting a sweater for you. I'll send it to the provincial capital in two days."

Sanwang: "Mother, stop knitting, it's so tiring, we all send clothes."

Lin Lan: "It's already knitted, just need to lock the hem. Others can't wear it, and it's not the right size."

Of course Lin Lan was embarrassed to say that he had only knitted halfway, but after hearing she said that it was still specially given to him after knitting, Sanwang agreed.

He went to ask for the address and came back to Lin Lan to read it, and checked it carefully, not a single word could be wrong.

"Mother, you must be full, you must not be hungry."

Lin Lan heard Sanwang crying on the phone, and she couldn't help herself, "Mother misses you too, go to the capital to train well, don't forget about your family. Take care of yourself when you go abroad, find a coach if you have something to do, don't mess around. Go for a walk. The foreigners don’t understand the language, so try to translate as much as possible…”

At this time, there began to urge Sanwang.

Coach Bian gestured to him, indicating that the time was almost there, and he needed to go through the formalities.

Sanwang nodded and whispered to Lin Lan, "Mother, I'll send you Tiananmen Square when the time comes."

Lin Lan thought that it should be the photo of Tiananmen, "Good son, mother likes it." At this time, he was proud to have been to Tiananmen.

"Mother, you have a good meal, and go buy some meat—" Before finishing the sentence, he hung up.

After hanging up the phone, Lin Lan felt a little melancholy, but thinking that her son could go to the capital and participate in the Asian Games at a young age, she was a little unreal. How powerful are the three donkeys? But thinking about his previous life, he was indeed very powerful. Although he didn't calculate it, he was no worse than a professional athlete.

The little brother is awesome!

Lin Lan encouraged herself. When the Asian Games come, they don't know if they will be able to broadcast it to China.

Oops, she has to go home and knit a sweater. She must finish it in two days and send it out tomorrow. At that time, she will have a relationship and send it out at the county revolutionary committee, which is much faster than ordinary packages, and should be able to arrive in two days at most with the train.

She didn't care about anything else, so she hurried out by bike, thinking that she was busy with work these days and didn't cook well for the children. Han Qingsong didn't know what to do in the county, so she turned to the supply and marketing cooperative and the slaughtering team to buy some food. Meat.

The third son asked her to buy some meat, this child! But she was happy to talk to him on the phone, and he was also happy to go to the Asian Games home.

So, buying meat to celebrate is a must.

On the other end of the phone, at the Office of the Provincial Sports School Revolutionary Committee, Sanwang was crying.

"My mother loves me so much. My family can't afford to eat and she knits me sweaters. I have to swim well and come back with my results."

Coach Bian didn't understand the situation. He really thought that the Sanwang family was too poor to take the blame. He knew that Sanwang's father was the director of the Public Security Bureau of the commune.

What a good officer!

"Sanwang, come on. This time you are elected, the allowances and food stamps will not change, but will only increase. If you win, there will be rewards."

Sanwang wiped away tears, "Coach, I will do my best, don't worry!" His blood was burning!

Coach Bian asked him to pack up, "We're going to meet in the capital, and we're going to Tehran for about a month of training."

"Leave today?" Sanwang was a little confused, "My mother wants to send me a sweater, and my mother doesn't want to eat or wear the sweater she saved for me."

Coach Bian: "It's alright, let's go first and let Mr. Chu take the sweater to the capital when your sweater arrives." They have to let Chu Yunfeng go to the capital for a while, which will help the new coach and Sanwang get in touch.

Sanwang was relieved, "Thank you coach, you are really a good person. Can you send me a Tiananmen Square home in the capital? I want to send one to my mother."

Coach Bian laughed and said, "Yes, yes, I'll take a photo with you and Tiananmen Square."

Sanwang muttered in his heart, I don't know when to take a photo with Chairman Mao, so my mother will be happy.

Originally, he was a little sad because of homesickness and did not want to go to the capital or foreign countries, but now he has been beaten by chicken blood, and he can't wait to go to the Asian Games to see what it is like.

Coach Bian really likes this simple and honest child, he looks a little shrewd and smart, and he looks a little confused. But no matter what, this child made him feel real and sincere, his eyes were sincere and clear, and his whole person was sincere from the inside out.

he likes.

Coach Bian was very excited to find such a swimming seedling. After all, domestic swimmers are still not good enough, and they are not competitive internationally. So when I heard that there was a young flying fish in Province D, Coach Bian was very curious and immediately contacted the Provincial Sports School to inquire about the news.

In fact, he originally just wanted to meet the child and see if he had potential. After watching Sanwang's training and game records, and then watching the scene, Coach Bian immediately decided to want him. Not just take him to see the world, but really take him to the Asian Games.

A while ago, the number and projects of the national team have been reported, and then the specific list of athletes will be determined about a month before the game. He decided to focus on training Sanwang during this time, use his results to talk to the General Administration of Sports, brush off other athletes, and bring Sanwang to participate!

Even if you can't win the prize this time, you can increase your experience and lay the foundation for future competitions. He believes that this child has huge potential to tap and win glory for the country.

In the evening, the coach led Sanwang to the express train sleeper. In order to prevent him from falling down in his sleep, coach Bian specially let him sleep under it. Once Sanwang decided to go, he ate dinner and got in the car, and then he went to sleep without any worries.

Very sound sleep!

Coach Bian looked at him with kind eyes. This kid is really amazing. He is so capable at the age of 11. His parents are also quite amazing, they educate their children so well. Then I heard Sanwang muttering: "Sauce burnt elbow, crystal elbow, roasted hoof, roasted whole lamb... Mum, come... eat quickly, eat whatever you want... Little Wang brother, mother, father, eldest brother, sister, second brother..."

Coach Bian:…

This child is so filial, he can't forget his parents even in his dreams of eating.

Such a good boy!

As soon as Sanwang woke up, the sky was bright, and he happened to arrive in Beijing. Coach Bian led him, and he had already called to arrange a car to pick them up.

Sanwang sat in the jeep, his mouth never closed, not only the big jeep, but also the wide and clean streets, the rows of beautiful trees, and the clusters of beautiful flowers. . Not only did he stick his head out, but his whole body was about to hang out.

Coach Bian pulled him back so he wouldn't fall out.

"Sanwang, pay attention to safety in the car, otherwise you will scratch your head." Coach Bian pointed to the trees and the like by the roadside.

Sanwang immediately obediently took his head back to avoid an accident.

Coach Bian spoke to the driver, "Master Du, let's go around Tiananmen Square."

Their license plate counts as an internal license plate, so take a look around from there and it's fine.

When he was walking around, Sanwang saw it from a distance, and jumped up in excitement, "Door, door, door..."

Fortunately, coach Bian held his head in time, otherwise he would have jumped onto the carport and smashed his head.

This child, this is Grandma Liu entering the Grand View Garden.

Sanwang: "Wow~~ Tiananmen is really a gate!"

Coach Bian smiled and said, "Then what did you think it was?" It should be in the newspaper.

Sanwang: "I thought... it was a mountain."

Hahaha, this time even the driver couldn't help laughing.

When Sanwang heard Tiananmen for the first time when he was a child, the first reaction in his mind was: Tiananmen is a gate in the sky.

Only mountains are as high as the sky, so Tiananmen Square should be mountains. He was preconceived, and even though he had seen pictures of Tiananmen many times in the newspapers, he did not think it was Tiananmen.

Sanwang followed Coach Bian into the capital, and he kept his mouth closed all the way. He was still a little stunned when he arrived at the compound of the Training Bureau of the General Administration of Sports on Gymnasium Road, Dongcheng District.

The Beijing Gymnasium was established in 1955. After completion, the road was changed to Gymnasium Road.

"Coach, am I going to the capital?"

Coach Bian said with a smile: "Yes, this is the General Administration of Sports. It was established in 1951 and is very old."

Sanwang looked at it. On both sides of the fence-style iron gate, there were two green armed policemen in military uniforms standing guard, with guns in their hands!

Inside the big iron gate is a series of tubular buildings, four stories high, all with large pointed roofs, which look like their own roofs, and are a bit cordial.

Coach Bian helped him carry the few luggages, while Sanwang was carrying his schoolbag, and followed Coach Bian cautiously for the first time. He had made a joke that Tiananmen was the gate before, but now he is careful not to talk nonsense, so as not to be laughed at.

Even if you say it, you have to get used to it!

Coach Bian knew that the first time a child came to a big place like the capital, he must be a little nervous. He encouraged Sanwang: "The training task is tight. Today, I will let you familiarize yourself with the compound and handle the relationship between grain and oil. I will start the intense training tomorrow. I'll show you around the capital when the Asian Games come back."

Sanwang nodded: "Okay."

His expression was a little serious, but he couldn't help looking left and right.

Coach Bian told him that the compound is divided into two parts, the east one is the training area, the west one is the residential area, and there is a canteen in the compound.

"The swimming pool in the Capital Gymnasium is much bigger than the sports school in your district, and it's bigger than the one in the province. And it's indoors, so you won't be afraid of rain or snow."

Sanwang was immediately aroused, and could not wait to swim two laps immediately.

"I'll take you to the cafeteria to eat first, then I'll go to the dormitory after you've eaten. I'll take care of the food and oil relations for you." Coach Bian is very patient and considerate because he is a child.

Sanwang nodded.

He has lived in a regional sports school for a year and has also been to the provincial capital, so now he is not a fool who has never seen the world. But when he was in school, he would go to competitions every day when he was not training, or go to the radio station, and he really didn't have much time to hang out.

The capital is naturally bigger and more prosperous than those places.

They go to the cafeteria first. It's a big cafeteria. I'm afraid it's bigger than the wheat threshing field in their village. If it wasn't for there are so many tables and stools, it would be just right to dry the food.

At this time, before lunch time, Coach Bian went to open a small stove for him.

White flour steamed buns, steamed buns, simmered with sugar, shaomai, steamed dumplings, thin steamed cakes, and side dishes, as well as a large bowl of tomato and egg soup.

Sanwang looked at a table of food, although the quantity of each item was small, but there were several, which was too rich.

Coach Bian also brought a plate of stinky tofu and said with a smile, "Do you want to eat it?"

Sanwang stinks so much that his hair almost sticks, "Coach, your fermented bean curd is broken."

Coach Bian laughed, "This is stinky tofu, it's not broken."

Sanwang: "Is it bad if it stinks?"

Coach Bian: ... Is it broken

He broke open a steamed bun, picked up a piece of stinky tofu and put it in, took a big bite, and sighed contentedly.

Sanwang: "!" You still eat it if it stinks? How can the capital be better than us... No, people eat well, and Dundun steamed buns.

He picked up a candy and burned it, thinking it was good, and wrote it down to buy it for his mother. Eat another siumai, not bad, write it down, taste it one by one, and it's delicious!

Except stinky tofu.

Coach Bian smiled and said, "There is roast duck in the evening, and roast duck is rolled in bread."

Sanwang glanced at the cakes on the table, picked them up and looked at them. It wasn't as good as Niang's rolling, but the roast duck was looking forward to it.

He nodded, "Thank you coach for taking me to eat delicious food."

Sanwang's appetite is not small, and finally he can drink a bowl of nugget soup, and the cafeteria chef also served a large plate of watermelon.

"Come all the way, but it's hard work, let's get hot, come and eat watermelon."

The dark green skin, the bright red sand pulp, and the dark seeds are strangely sweet to look at.

Sanwang smiled and said, "Thank you, Master."

The chef thought this child was very interesting. He had a white crescent scar on his forehead, and his skin was tanned with charcoal.

A chef always likes to look at people who eat deliciously, which is the best compliment to his cooking skills.

After dinner, coach Bian led Sanwang to the dormitory.

They went to the Athlete's Building, which is also a typical tube building. It was built in the 1950s. The windows on the four floors were not large. The stairs went up a narrow and long corridor with small rooms on both sides. Each room is six to ten square meters, and two to ten people live in it. There are lights in the corridor, but it is very dim, and you can see the road clearly. There are some messes on both sides of the corridor, and you have to take an S-shaped curve to pass.

Coach Bian said with a smile: "I'll arrange a sunny room for you. We have heaters here. We'll wait until it's hot in winter."

The room had already been arranged, and Coach Bian also considered it. Instead of arranging Sanwang in the large room where the swimmers were concentrated, he arranged it in a small mixed room.

Athletes such as track and field, diving, table tennis and basketball also live in the dormitory.

Coach Bian arranged a four-person dormitory.

Coach Bian had already told Sanwang about the situation on the way, teaching him how to greet his roommates, how to get along and so on. The athletes here are much older than their sports schools and naturally get along differently.

Sanwang thought silently in his heart: Hello, I am an athlete from Province D, and my name is Han Wangmin.

As a result, when Coach Bian opened the door, he saw a table inside with a pair of legs under it, and there were two people sitting on the table. He was nervous and blurted out, "Hello, I'm from Sanwang. Athletes…”