Strict Wife of the ’70s Manages the Household

Chapter 146: Persuasion & Eligibility


Commander Chen didn't interrupt, and motioned them to continue, to see if there were any more novel insights that could solve this matter satisfactorily. If you can block other people's criticism, then it doesn't really matter what you do.

Erwang glanced at Lin Lan, Lin Lan motioned him to just talk, she knew Erwang, but she was very cautious at such a young age, and would never open his mouth.

Erwang continued: "Sir, foreigners have liked all kinds of gems since ancient times, and gems from Southeast Asia, Persia, and India have also spread to our country. When the foreign powers invaded us in the late Qing Dynasty, they looted and looted the capital. There are many treasures, among them all kinds of gems. Their nobles love gems, and they will pay more for better gems."

He paused for a moment, looked at Commander Chen, his face was sad and angry, and said: "When I read those books, it was really infuriating. Fortunately, we have Chairman Mao and the Communist Party to drive out those bastards. Now our society The stone of socialism is the gem of their capitalist pursuit. This may be our opportunity and they owe us. Can we use the stone to exchange for their better science and technology and more advanced machinery? They come back with good things to study and reform, which will definitely allow us to run into communism.”

The light in Commander Chen's eyes lit up again, and he listened with gusto and motioned Erwang to continue.

Erwang, however, changed the subject and took out a few thumb-sized rough stones from his pocket and placed them on the coffee table, "Sir, please take a look."

Commander Chen picked up a piece of rough stone and looked at it. It was blue and bark, nothing special. Anyway, he wouldn't pick it up when he saw it. It couldn't be used as a bullet, a gun, or a meal.

Erwang whispered: "Sir, if it is polished and shaped, this small stone can be replaced by a machine gun."

Of course he didn't know how much, but he didn't delay him to tempt Commander Chen.

This is his selection of the more translucent top grades from the pile of rough stones. Most of the quality is not so good, but it doesn't matter, he can always choose a few and a half top grades.

Commander Chen squinted his eyes, looked around with the small stone, looked at the light, but could not see that it had such great value.

In his opinion, he will not change a single bullet!

"If that's the case..." Commander Chen pondered for a while, "You can study it first, then try to polish it."

He will not hurriedly report to his superiors when his subordinates report that there is a gem mine in the territory, and naturally he will take action only after seeing the results.

Lin Lan: "Sir, to polish sapphire, you need special craftsmen and tools, with experience and skills."

Ordinary people can't do it. Even if they do it reluctantly, it is easy to damage the rough stone if they are inexperienced, and it is impossible to maximize the value of the gemstone.

Ancient Chinese gemsmiths mainly processed jade, but the texture of jade is softer than that of corundum, and it is not so easy to process gems by means of jade processing. Therefore, most of the ancient gems were simply processed, not as crystal clear and rich in styles as later generations.

Lin Lan is not worried about how to process gems. As long as there are researchers and craftsmen, they can always find a good way. And now there are electrical appliances, cutting knives and grinders are more advanced, which can not only save manpower, but also improve technology.

All she had to do was get the Revolutionary Committee to agree to set up a research office, and she could get involved.

Commander Chen nodded, "In this way, we will set up a material research laboratory in the name of the district revolutionary committee,"

He glanced at Han Qingsong, "You are the director of the office, responsible for security and confidentiality. Comrade Lin Lan is the leader of the technical team and is responsible for all other work. If you need anything, hand in the list to the director of the Revolutionary Committee, and he will be responsible for you. Serve."

Director Fang is one of the deputy directors of the district revolutionary committee. He is relatively free, and his power is higher than that of other deputy directors. It is more suitable for him to prepare this research room.

He directly asked Director Fang to come over and introduce them to both parties, and then asked Lin Lan to report the matter to Director Fang in detail.

After listening to it, Director Fang was even more interested than Commander Chen. He came from a cultural background and has been under the protection of Commander Chen under his command. He has never been persecuted, so he maintains sufficient vitality and interest.

He smiled at Commander Chen: "Headmaster, then I'll take a few of them to the next office for a detailed discussion, and I'll report back to you in detail."

Commander Chen waved his hand, "You go."

After saying goodbye to Commander Chen, they came to another small conference room. Director Fang was very interested and asked Lin Lan and Erwang to talk again.

The two talked about what they understood, and Director Fang nodded frequently, "It is true."

He said: "We need a research working group, but we can't be too hasty or fanfare." He got up and paced around the conference room, thinking for a moment, "We can't directly set up a research room in the district revolutionary committee."

The district revolutionary committee's goal is too big and easy to attract attention, and it will not be so easy to explain at that time.

Lin Lan suggested: "Director Fang, you can be in our county."

Director Fang nodded: "The brigade in your county or near Xiaoxuan Mountain... Well, you're right, the county is more suitable."

As a research, the existing surface rough stones are enough, and there is no need to mine the mine with great fanfare, so it doesn't matter where the research room is built, the key is that Lin Lan and the others should be convenient.

After chatting for a while, Lin Lan and Erwang made a list. The laboratory needs to be equipped with some tools, craftsmen, and technicians.

Tools can use the same set of jade processing in the past, craftsmen can find former folk craftsmen, and technicians can use geologists who were sent to labor.

Director Fang: "Leave these to me to prepare, and you will write a detailed report to me in the next few days."

"Okay." Lin Lan was very happy.

Director Fang: "Comrade Lin Lan, how long do you estimate our laboratory will be able to produce results?"

Lin Lan glanced at him, thinking that he was asking casually, and then she received a hint from Erwang's eyes and realized that Director Fang was trying to test her

She thought about it for a while, and said cautiously: "Director Fang, to be honest, it may take two years. First, our technology is not in place, we need to improve the technology and tools, and second, it will take some time to find suitable craftsmen and technicians. After everything is ready to start research, this is the most time-consuming. There is no mature experience in processing gemstones in China, we can only cross the river by feeling the stones”

Director Fang not only didn't think it took a long time, but a look of relief appeared on his face. He felt that Lin Lan and the others were reliable, not the kind of people who wanted quick success and quick success.

If ordinary people take credit for flattery, they will wait for the results to be produced tomorrow. The satellite launch is too scary.

Lin Lan said that in two years, he felt more hopeful.


After chatting for a while, Director Fang personally took them to the library of the district revolutionary committee to find books.

These books were all protected by Director Fang in 1966/67. Back then, the Red Guards destroyed the four old ones, smashed them and burned them, and many ancient books, isolated books, and thread-bound books were burned. Under the protection of Commander Chen, Director Fang was safe and sound, and he was able to take the troops around to rescue some books, and then locked them in the library he was in charge of as confidential documents. No one except him could come and go at will.

Lin Lan and Erwang followed Director Fang to look for books. They were even more excited than entering Gem Mountain. It would be great to find this book for a while, and it would be great to find that book for a while.

Lin Lan's excitement is: Oh, he actually has this book!

Erwang's excitement lies in: there are so many books, so many books that I haven't read! I want to see it all! Books are more attractive to the inquisitive child than those gems that radiate luxury, and he simply doesn't want to leave.

Lin Lan took a peek at Erwang, and found that when he was holding a book, he showed a kind of excitement and excitement that he had never felt before, just like Sanwang who saw the braised big hoof hooves or held back for a year and finally was able to go into the water and flutter. more or less.

Lin Lan: "Director Fang, if something happens, we can come and report to you."

Director Fang chatted with them, "Call me if you have anything, I will come over, just say whatever you need."

Lin Lan: "Some professional books..."

Director Fang: "When the time comes, I will send it to the research room with the stone. Find out what you can use and make a list."

Lin Lan: Good! I like this kind of leader.

She gave Erwang a wink, and the girls began to turn the book. For the first time, they should not go too far, try to move closer to the gem, and fit the history, geography and other aspects. Some of them were written by famous writers in the Republic of China and were banned as bourgeois sentimental books at that time, such as some European and Japanese experiences, scenery, elegant life and so on.

Erwang: "Director Fang, Mother, I can read the book and write the report here."

He needs to learn some basic knowledge of geology, understand some terms, and then use them in the report, which can improve the professionalism and grade of the report.

Other specific professional knowledge, naturally wait for the technicians to be in place.

Director Fang laughed: "Student Han Wangjun, haste is not enough, study is more important, rest is more important, after rest can you be more motivated. Go back to sleep and come back tomorrow."

Erwang saw that Director Fang asked him to read books in the future, and he immediately said that his twin sister could help.

Director Fang did not refuse. He knew that Han Qingsong was a strict and trustworthy person, and Lin Lan and Erwang also knew how to move forward and retreat, so girls were naturally similar.


Lin Lan took Erwang and Director Fang to leave.

On the contrary, Fangzhu's arbitrariness is still unfinished. After all, at this time, it is not easy to find someone who can chat so happily about culture without touching the bottom line of politics.

Han Qingsong did not enter the reference room, but stood guard outside, and walked to the door when they came out.

Director Fang smiled slightly, "Han Qingsong, no matter what position he is in, he always serves the people, not bad."

He shook hands with Han Qingsong and Lin Lan, and then shook hands with Erwang very seriously, not treating him as a child.

Erwang was very excited. He didn't expect Director Fang to respect him so much, but his face was very calm, and he shook hands with Director Fang to say goodbye.

Han Qing released the jeep and took them back to the guest house.

Erwang was immersed in excitement along the way, his eyes were bright, and he was always smiling. But when he was excited, he didn't talk non-stop, but became more and more quiet.

Lin Lan patted him, "Son, come on."

Erwang: "Mother, I'm so happy."

Lin Lan smiled, "Mother is also happy."

Han Qingsong saw the happy brows of the mother and son from the rearview mirror, and his expression involuntarily softened.

When they returned to the guest house, Xiao Wang was already asleep, and he was still very tired picking up stones these days.

Mai Sui was reading, and when she heard them coming back, she immediately opened the door, "Father, mother, did you succeed?"

Lin Lan raised her hand and gave her a high-five, "With your help, I can't succeed."

Erwang immediately pulled Mai Sui to tell her what was most exciting to her, "Starting from tomorrow, we can go to the reference room to read books. There are many, many books in it that can't be found anywhere else."

Mai Sui was also interested, "Really? Really!"

Lin Lan confirmed: "It's true."

Erwang sighed with emotion: "It's really good to have a cool back against a big tree."

Director Fang has the protection of Commander Chen, so he can be preserved in the district revolutionary committee, and he can still feel like a duck in water, which is really good.

Lin Lan smiled, "When the strength is weak, rely on the big tree to accumulate strength, and when the strength is enough, you should prop up a piece of heaven and earth to shield others from the wind and rain."

No one can only ask for without giving, and pass on the gifts they have received from others. This is the reward.

In the next few days, Mai Sui and Erwang went to the reference room to read books and write reports, while Han Qingsong took Lin Lan to help prepare a material research room.

As for the materials, there is no need for the official to clearly state them. Anyway, in many places, there are institutions with vague names and functions. As for what to do, there is no need to declare it to others, just internal understanding.

In this research room, expenses, food, etc. are all taken from the military sub-district, not the accounts of the district revolutionary committee, so there is no need to report to the provincial revolutionary committee. The military sub-district has the right to do something with its own funds. As long as it is not making weapons, it is not necessary to report to the higher military headquarters. This is also a practice.

Director Fang used his relationship with Commander Chen to find technicians or geologists from the May 7th Cadre School and Laogai farms below. In his view, this kind of people are only reformed through labor because the revolution is not active enough, or for other reasons, not because of the conflict between the enemy and ourselves. Once the government needs it, it is when they have been reformed.

These people are recruited, they are diligent and conscientious when they work, and their mouths are very strict.

They are only obsessed with research and academics. If they can continue to pursue their studies, they will be happier than anything else.

In the past few days, Dawang participated in the all-enclosed elite selection training of Ji Tingshen and his group of soldiers. No one was allowed to visit, so Lin Lan and the others did not see each other.

Han Qingsong was going back to work, and Lin Lan took the three children to search for information, survey the terrain, and try to write a report on Xiaoxuanshan.

During this period, they have been paying attention to the broadcast, but unfortunately they can't hear the live broadcast abroad, but they can hear something about the preparations before the Asian Games when the news is broadcast.

You will even hear unexpected surprises, such as "the first Chinese sports delegation to arrive at the Asian Games Village in Tehran, and the first to raise our five-star red flag there!"

"Our athletes are in high spirits. Under the brilliance of Chairman Mao and the Party Central Committee, and under the leadership of various coaches, they are undergoing arduous training. I believe they will definitely win glory for the country."

"Prince Ghulam of Iran and his wife, accompanied by my ambassador to Iran, cordially visited our sports delegation."

"Mrs. Ghulam accidentally visited the training of Chinese swimmer Comrade Han Wangmin and greatly appreciated him."

These news made Lin Lan very happy. Finding the news they wanted from these news was more exciting than hearing positive reports.

"Mother, do you think Sanwang will give us a grand prize?" Mai Sui looked longing. No one around Sanwang is as powerful as him, and she feels that her younger brother is the most powerful.

Xiaowang is even more confident in the little third brother's honey juice, "Of course, my little third brother will definitely win the gold medal."

Erwang is more reserved, but also full of confidence. "Be conservative and at least get a bronze medal. The radio also said that those who can participate in the Asian Games are already the masters of the masters, and it is even more remarkable to be able to win the medals."

Although Sanwang is still young, his strength is not superior to that of 17- or 18-year-old athletes, but swimming is not a tug-of-war. Can you get the maximum power in the shortest time.

Sanwang has always been envied by people because his skin is as slippery as fish scales, and the water doesn't seem to have much resistance to him. They all say that he is born aquatic, so they call him little flying fish.

They are full of confidence in Sanwang, and Sanwang himself is full of confidence.

He didn't think about competing with anyone, he just wanted to be a little faster today than he was yesterday. Even if there was no obvious change in time, he could feel the slight difference.

At the moment of jumping into the water, whether the force of the ground is enough, the speed is not fast enough, and the posture of entering the water is not perfect.

Before your hands are in the water, you should start accumulating energy, instead of waiting until your body is fully submerged in the water. He is a little different from other freestyle swimmers at the moment. Others rely mainly on the strength of the legs, frequently hit the water, and then use the arms to push the body forward. However, he reduced the number of times his legs hit the water, increased the strength and speed of his arms, and shortened the time his arms were in the water, in order to obtain maximum efficiency.

On this day, he was training in the swimming pool with coach Bian, and there were also athletes from other countries, Japan, Iran, India, Singapore and so on.

Some of them knew each other, got together to discuss, broken English was flying all over the place.

When Sanwang was training, no one paid any attention to him at first, thinking he was just a kid to play with.

At this time, an Indian athlete shouted: "Look, there is a child swimming there, is he also participating in the Asian Games? He swims so fast! Su Luo, look, he may be faster than you! "

Indian swimmer named Surah is not happy that a child can be faster than himself

Although he certainly won't win the gold medal, he is the best swimmer in India, at least six or seven times out of ten!

He snorted and ran over to watch Sanwang's training, wanting to see what this Chinese boy was good at.

Sanwang only trains himself and doesn't know what other people are saying.

After two laps back, Coach Bian asked him to stop for a while and explain what could be improved.

"Sanwang, you have to keep in mind the rules of touching the wall. In freestyle swimming, you must touch the wall with your hands once, and then you can turn around and push on the pool wall with your feet. You can't directly turn your body with your feet."

The swimming pools of the Ariamel Sports Center are equipped with electronic timing systems required by the competition, the starting platform is equipped with pressure plates, and the pool walls have touch pads. Just touch the wall.

Sanwang is used to the simple swimming pools in China. The referees are bent over and squatting next to the starting platform to check the time. They can't adapt to this new equipment for a while and always forget.

This time he forgot again, and Coach Bian stopped him and reminded him again and again.

Sanwang scratched his head, a little embarrassed, "Coach, I'll keep it next time."

Coach Bian looked at him seriously: "Sanwang, you have to remember, this is not a simple touch of the wall, this is a very serious medal, and it is related to your salary and food stamps!"

As soon as he heard about the salary and food stamps, Sanwang's expression immediately became very serious, and he said loudly: "Coach, I remember it!"

He suddenly shouted so loudly, startling several athletes from other countries who were watching from the shore.

The Indian Sulo sneered: "This stupid Chinese boy, what stupid thing did he do?"

A multilingual Japanese translator over there said in broken English: "He didn't touch, he forgot."

Su Luo listened to the translation around him, because the translation was inaccurate, he understood it as that stupid Chinese boy, because he was too small to reach the touchpad, haha, it was really funny.

So several national swimmers who are not friendly to China began to stand on the shore and complained about three prosperous in bad English of different countries.

They were deliberately laughing and sarcastic over there, which soon attracted more people to watch the fun.

Swimmers who originally trained here, later diving, water polo, and even athletes from other gymnasiums all came to watch the fun.

They were laughing at the fact that China, who came to the Asian Games for the first time, sent a fool who couldn't reach the touchpad.

How short is that

Most importantly, they want to watch the country's athletes make a fool of themselves. There are a lot of topics about them in the world, and seven out of ten of them are bad.

There are Israel, South Korea, Bahrain, etc. that have not established diplomatic relations, as well as Japan, India, and Indonesia that have established diplomatic relations.

Even those who have established diplomatic relations have deep hostility and prejudice against China.

"Ugh, this stupid ass, are they really stupid, FINA won't let them participate in swimming competitions at all, hahahaha..."

"Yes, FINA said that any subordinate swimming organization or unit is not allowed to compete with their Chinese!"

Iranian swimmers and coaches are also watching, they are very unhappy that Souro's behavior.

The athlete named Nubra shouted, "What nonsense are you talking about? He forgot to touch the wall, how can he not reach it? Are you laughing at our gymnasium building substandard?"

His interpreter began to imitate his tone and shout.

"But it's true that FINA doesn't let them participate in the competition, why are they still training? Isn't that stupid? Hahaha."


A few Japanese swimmers don't take it seriously at all. In their eyes, swimmers from any Asian country are not their opponents, they are the perpetual champions of the Asian Games.

Since 1954, in the swimming events of the Asian Games, the Japanese have won at least 80% of the gold medals, and even lost only one at a time.

So it doesn't matter if China is coming or not, whether it's an idiot or whoever is coming, it's not good for them at all.

waste time!

The few Indians, Vietnamese, and South Koreans were still pointing their fingers there.

Some of them simply can't understand what other people are saying, and they can't express themselves accurately in English.

But it didn't delay them in the slightest. They understood that everyone was laughing at this group of Chinese who were not qualified to participate in swimming competitions.

Those who have been grumbling with China for a long time and are still being propaganda by domestic politics, even if the two countries have established diplomatic relations, it cannot stop them from being hostile to China.

"Oh, get out of here! Don't be ashamed!" They each cursed in their own native language, bullying others who couldn't understand. Or swearing in their broken English, what shit, Bichi, but they have a weird accent so it sounds like wah wah wah.

Sanwang has been immersed in swimming, especially since he couldn't hear anything in the water, so he didn't care.

But when he came back two laps, Coach Bian gave him a good sign to let him rest. When he was pulling the ladder in the water to come up, he suddenly heard a foreigner shouting in broken Chinese that could hardly be heard. , "The Chinese team can't participate in the swimming competition, what are they still training for?"

Coach Bian knew a little English, and he had heard their hostile chatter there before, but he didn't bother.

Before coming here, the Zhao team asked Vice Chairman Deng for instructions. Everything was instructed. They asked to pay attention to the etiquette of diplomatic relations.

Those people were afraid that they would not be able to hear or understand, so they "kindly" translated it into Chinese.

Sanwang heard it now.

He chased Coach Bian, "Coach, what did they say? Why can't we participate?"

Coach Bian: "Don't listen to their nonsense."

Sanwang's little face suddenly became frustrated, "Coach, you lied to me!"

Coach Bian hurriedly said: "Sanwang, don't listen to their nonsense, we have been allowed to participate in the Asian Games, of course we can participate in all competitions. There are sixteen sports, except for boxing and hockey where we have no athletes, the other 14 sports, we They will definitely participate.”

However, Sanwang saw through Coach Bian's lie all at once.

Coach Bian treats him well, and the two are very close. He and Coach Bian are closer than his father. Coach Bian knows him, and of course he also knows Coach Bian, none of them can lie to another person.

Coach Bian couldn't lie to him at all. When he said that he would definitely participate, Coach Bian's eyes were dodging, unconfident, guilty and anxious.

Sanwang saw it at a glance, and also understood why the coach avoided himself and scolded others a few days ago.

That day he overheard the coach swearing swear words and wondered.

He was very, very sad at this moment. His bright eyes suddenly lost their luster. He turned around and ran out of the swimming pool.

"Sanwang!" Coach Bian chased after him, but was blocked by a team of athletes next to him, and Sanwang disappeared in the blink of an eye.

Coach Bian quickly found the nearby Chinese team players and translators to find Sanwang and persuade him.

Li Zheng and Tao Lili were training on the platform next to them when they heard the news and ran over, "Coach, let's go look for them together?"

Coach Bian said sadly: "It's all my fault, I've been hiding it from him."

When he saw that the light in Sanwang's eyes was extinguished in an instant, he had a deep self-blame.

Because after signing up, FINA did refuse to accept the Chinese team. Still, everyone pinned their hopes on negotiations.

The Chinese ambassador to Iran and several leaders of the Chinese delegation, as well as Iranian sports officials, have been trying to convince FINA, and they have also mobilized friendly countries that have established diplomatic relations with China to put pressure on the federation to admit the Chinese team. Swimming competition.

He felt that after hard work, FINA would definitely agree, so not only did he not tell Sanwang, but also his teammates who knew him were not allowed to tell him, and Sanwang devoted himself to training in the swimming pool and never knew about it.

Sanwang ran to a corner where no one was there—a corner without his own compatriots, hiding behind a bush of dwarf pines and cypresses, bursting into tears, unable to wipe his hands away.

When people from other countries saw him, they came to care for him with a friendly attitude, but he couldn't understand their native language, and he didn't bother to listen to the broken English, let alone say anything.

Don't bother him!

He can't play, so what's he doing here? He has already figured out how to spend the bonus he earned! He's already thinking about going home with a big prize!

No, my mother said that winning prizes in competitions is not important, let him come to experience, to see that there are days outside the sky, and there are people outside people.

But he didn't even qualify for the competition!

The coach said to bring him to see, he doesn't just see, he wants to participate in the game!

These bastards, why don't they let China participate in the game

The Asian Games have already invited the Chinese team to participate. What does he mean by breaking the swimming federation? Why not let us participate

He cried, wiped his tears, and pulled the needles of pine and cypress.

"Oh, you cried so much that the pines and cypresses lost their leaves!" A sweet voice came from behind, speaking in English. Sanwang only heard what was crying. Some people laughed at him crying, but he ignored it.

Anyway, he didn't know them either, and they didn't speak the same language, so he thought they were cats or dogs.

A black-haired Iranian girl stood behind Sanwang, her eyes were bigger than ordinary people, and her black pupils were big and bright, making her as beautiful as a Barbie doll.

She stared at Sanwang curiously with wide eyes, "You're crying, why?" She thought he couldn't understand, so she slowed down and asked simply.

Sanwang doesn't want to pay attention to her, these people are too bad, they will laugh at him, he doesn't want to show them jokes.

He wiped away his tears as if he had never cried.

He turned away.

The girl frowned, "You, rude."

Sanwang glared at her in dissatisfaction, seeing her tilting her head, staring at him curiously with a pair of big black eyes, without a sneering expression, he said: "Sorry, stuffed."

The girl actually understood his expression, he was saying sorry, I was very sad.

She was wearing a beautiful white dress and holding a pink Damascus rose in her hand, and she handed him the flower, "Give it to you, don't be sad."

Sanwang shook his head, "I don't want flowers."

"Then what do you want?" The girl looked at the Chinese boy curiously. She paid attention to him early in the morning. His swimming posture was so beautiful, like a fish!

Sanwang said frustratedly: "The game, they said, I can't, the game."

"Why not let you participate?"

Sanwang shook his head.

Girl: "Let's go, I'll ask you for help."

She motioned for Sanwang to follow.

Sanwang hesitated for a moment, then looked back, he was in another country's dormitory area, and he had to rely on the sign to find the Chinese dormitory area.

The girl thought for a while, "My name is Mattie, what's your name?"

Sanwang: …Why is she called Horseshoe? Maybe it's a nickname like my mother called me three donkeys

He told her that his name was Han Wangmin.

Mattie smiled, her rosy lips more delicate and beautiful than a rose flower, "Let's go, let's ask, why not let you participate."

Sanwang hesitated for a while, the desire to compete overcame shyness and worry, the team said, either humble or arrogant.

Don't be shy or excited, and also don't be sad, so as not to make people laugh.

At this time, several Iranian men and women ran over and saw Mattie immediately patted her chest with a heart falling to the ground, and whispered something to her.

Sanwang could not understand.

Mattie said a few words to them, motioning them not to make a fuss, "My friend has been treated unfairly, and I have to go and ask."

She talked about Sanwang's situation.

Those few people knew at a glance that Sanwang was Chinese, and someone said in English; "FINA has not passed the Chinese team's decision to participate in the competition, and it is still being discussed at a meeting, and it has not changed."

Sanwang's head slowly lowered, he turned around and walked back.

Mattie glared at the man and complained in Iranian words: "It's not time for the game, why are you so absolute?"

"But it's the truth."

Matty shouted to Sanwang: "We can try another way."

Sanwang didn't know what to try. Team Zhao couldn't do anything, and neither did the embassy. This is the representative of the government and Chairman Mao in Iran, and there is nothing they can do, so what can he do? Crying is useless, he can't say anything if he is reasonable, and he can't beat others even in a fight.

What's more, he didn't even know what FINA was.

Why do they do this to China.

This is not the hammer and iron head in the village, this is not happiness and Dawei, this is not the people he is familiar with, and he has no idea what to do.

He suddenly felt really useless, he knew nothing but swimming.

To be reasonable, everyone can't speak the language. Even in English, he can only say a few words.

I just want to swim, I don't know what other weapons can beat the enemy.

He wanted to go home, he wanted his father, his mother, his elder brothers, sisters, and younger brothers. If they were around, they would definitely scold those bad guys with him.

The big deal is not to participate, he can still go home to support his son.

Only his relatives would never laugh at him or treat him like this.

At this time, some reporters from various countries poured in. They carried cameras and video cameras, and each chirped and babbled, looking for what they thought was good material.

Mattie's eyes lit up, "Come on, I have a solution."

She waved her hand and shouted in English: "Reporters, here, here, come here to interview. Here is a young Chinese athlete being bullied."

The golden retriever Henry is carrying his short cannon to search for the material, the previous article "Look! They are such China! ” put a close-up of the high heels of Chinese female athletes and a group photo of them wearing skirts and holding flowers, and that report could make him stand out.

Today, he has to collect some materials, and then the opening ceremony and the competition. He has to collect as many materials as possible, and then he will produce an Asian Games China series.

If he can make a series and a short film with the theme of the mysterious eastern red country, it will definitely cause a huge sensation.

Then he saw Sanwang.

yo! That energetic boy, why is he so lame today, who bullied him

Just as Mattie was calling out in English that someone was bullying the young Chinese athlete, Henry immediately stretched out his long legs and rushed forward at a speed no less than that of a sprinter.

"Fuck me off, this Chinese boy is mine!"