Strict Wife of the ’70s Manages the Household

Chapter 147: Asian Games


When he saw Henry rushing over, Sanwang's first thought was what was he going to do? Is he going to lie on the ground again? Sanwang's subconscious action was to take a step back so as not to step on Henry's head. The second thought was that the foreigner was a reporter, and they took pictures and wrote articles for newspapers and radio, and it was said that there was some kind of TV chicken.

With so many people reading their newspapers and listening to the radio, doesn't that… let them speak to FINA

Sanwang regained his energy all of a sudden. When several reporters rushed over, he quickly walked around behind the pine and cypress, and then joined Henry who was pushed aside.

Henry showed an exaggerated smile, and when he was excited, he cracked up: "Hey, little black fish, who bullied you, tell me quickly, and I'll give you a crush on him in the Asian and European newspapers together!"

Sanwang only understands the newspaper and the pain, that's enough!

Just as he was about to speak, other reporters had already gathered around, and even Mattie had been pushed over by them.

The long spear poked over with a short cannon, and could not wait to slap the two in the face.

The woman next to Mattie was startled, and hurried to cover her face with something.

Mattie said unhappily: "What, I have nothing to hide! We have invited the Chinese team to participate in the Asian Games, and they should be allowed to participate in all events."

Soon the reporters figured out the reason. It turned out that FINA rejected the Chinese team to participate in the competition. They excitedly began to ask various questions.

It's a pity that it's fast and complicated, and Sanwang can't understand it at all.

He grabbed Henry's sleeve: "Come on, I'll tell you."

Here's an exclusive interview!

Henry was so happy that he fainted.

You must know that the Chinese team has strict management before, and will never accept unscheduled interviews. It can only be interviewed by specially responsible personnel, and interviews with their own athletes are also not allowed.

Henry's white teeth were shining brightly, and he whistled proudly to his colleagues, "Excuse me, please wait for my exclusive interview. Oh, by the way, you can go to the FINA office for an interview."

This is undoubtedly a very good suggestion, and half of those reporters immediately ran away with their equipment on their shoulders.

Seeing the competitors withdraw one after another, Henry was very happy and wanted to find the best angle for Sanwang.

Sanwang: "Go to our coach, the coach knows better." He turned around and thanked Mattie, "Thank you for your help, horse...hoof."

Mattie smiled sweetly, "You're welcome, we are the hosts, and it is our duty to entertain guests from afar."

She beckoned the staff around her to follow and have a look together, lest they take her back.

At this time, Li Zheng and another athlete ran over and saw that Sanwang was all right. They breathed a sigh of relief, "Sanwang, you let us find it easy."

Sanwang immediately apologized to them, "I'm sorry, I made you worry. I actually... came to find a way."

It was very sad at the time, but when he thought of a way, he immediately threw the sad thing out of the sky. He had to act quickly. If FINA does not allow him to participate, he will have to scold him severely in the newspaper. Of course, he can't swear words, it is impolite.

He introduced his teammates to Henry, "Li Zheng, very, very powerful, diving, athlete."

Although his English is broken, he still expresses it clearly.

At the end, he added: "15 years old."

Henry immediately gave a thumbs up, and then took a picture of Li Zheng, "Great Chinese kid."

Li Zheng was also a little embarrassed, and at the same time, he was afraid of making mistakes.

Zhang Wei, who came with him, was older and more sensitive to politics. His expression changed, and he said to Sanwang and Li Zhengdao: "We can't accept interviews, we will make mistakes."

Capitalism and revisionism are treated like poisonous snakes and beasts in China. How can they touch them casually

Sanwang said loudly: "What are you afraid of, we don't talk about our own affairs. We talk about FINA, and we want them to know what we are like. We came here because we love swimming and want to make friends with them. . The Asian Games have invited us, why did he not let us participate, how is it rude to do so”

Henry nodded vigorously, approvingly, turning on the camera, "Yes, rude! FINA is a megalomaniac."

Sanwang asked curiously, "Isn't FINA from your capitalist side? Why do you still scold him?"

Henry bared his big white teeth and did not forget to add drama to himself, "NO, I stand for the truth, the sword of justice for news!"

Sanwang looked at Zhang Wei and Li Zheng, "Look, he's very interesting."

In China, it is absolutely not allowed to say that you are not good at all, and you can only criticize capitalism and revisionism. But are you 100% right? Parents also scold their children.

He told Li Zhengdao: "It must be that FINA has misunderstood us and doesn't understand us. We should tell them what happened to us and invite them to visit us."

Henry couldn't understand, and in a hurry, he kept telling them that Ingrid was.

Sanwang glanced at him, "Not only do we learn English, you should also learn Chinese and learn our language."

Henry couldn't understand it, but he recorded it faithfully with a video camera.

Mattie, who stood on the sidelines for a while, smiled and said, "I can help you find an interpreter."

She turned her head and gave a few orders to the people around her, and a man ran away to make arrangements.

They were all unofficial, and no one thought of arranging a serious official interview, which was exactly what Henry wanted.

Mattie led them to a garden on the edge of the Asian Games Village, which was full of Damascus roses, which are still bright and lively, red, white, pink and green, fresh and elegant.

There are pine towers around, and there are no idle people waiting here at the moment.

Henry also interviewed Mattie a few questions. He recognized Mattie at a glance as the daughter of a certain prince's family, but Mattie didn't like the way he mentioned those things, and Henry didn't mention it very interestingly. He already has a great idea. In his opinion, China, which is closed, and Iran, which was once conservative but is now as open as Europe and the United States, are a stark contrast.

He even thought of a bold and eye-catching title: Look, their yesterday and tomorrow!

In Iran, women were wrapped in black cloth and could not be educated at will, could not go out to work at will, and could not sing and dance. Now they take off their black scarves and put on colorful dresses. They perm their hair, put on gorgeous makeup, sing and dance, and fall in love freely, just like a pair of rich and colorful oil paintings.

So the future of China must be like this. He feels that it will definitely detonate everyone's attention.

Sanwang couldn't think of this, so he thought about how to get FINA to accept them. If you discriminate against China, you must reason with him; if you do not understand, then let the other party understand.

When the two sides have a strong desire to talk, the interview is particularly pleasant.

Soon Sanwang let go of his restraints, and resumed his usual gags and jokes.

"Win the award? Of course, why do you have to come all the way to the sports meeting if you don't win the award? Is the swimming pool at home not fun?"

"I'm not afraid of not getting it? I'm not afraid, aren't there two types of results? Getting it and not getting it. If someone else is better than me, then I can't get it. But I didn't say I couldn't get it, I But it's amazing! When I get serious, I'm afraid of myself, they will definitely be petrified by me. Haha."

Mattie stood quietly and looked at this Chinese boy curiously. He was really interesting! Although he didn't understand what he said, his brows were beaming, his eyes were black and bright, and he was full of confident light, as beautiful as a shining gem.

"Even if I can't get it this time, then I have accumulated experience. I know what the opponent is, and I also know what the competition field and rules are. When I am a few years older, when I am as strong as others, hahaha, then At that time, players who are a little better than me and similar to me can still be my opponents?"

Henry likes such outrageous remarks, which is in line with their style, "Yes, yes, you are still young, after you are 15 or 16, you will get the Olympic gold medal!"

Although he was excluded and reluctant to come to the Asian Games to report on sports events, it does not mean that he is an unprofessional reporter. He made up for all kinds of sports information.

He still counts who are the great athletes in the Olympic Games over the years, and what the level of Sanwang is now.

Of course he won't get a gold medal in the Olympics, but he's growing up!

Henry interviewed Li Zheng again, and Li Zheng was shy in front of reporters.

Sanwang hugged him, "We want to let FINA know that we are here for the gold medal! Not only this time, but we will come next time!"

Li Zheng: ... You really dare to say that. How about modesty? But inexplicably very excited and burning what is going on? After all, which athlete does not want to win the gold medal!

The interview was eventually interrupted by two deputy secretaries-general of the Chinese delegation.

Qi Weiguo couldn't hide his anger, and was very angry at Sanwang for not following the rules, "This interview is not in line with the rules."

Seeing that their faces were not good-looking, Henry immediately said loudly: "We can put pressure on FINA together and let the Chinese team participate in the competition on time."

He knows that some leaders in China pay attention to the rules and are rigid bureaucrats. They say they are against dogmatism, but dogma is everywhere. You can't touch the interviews casually, and you will be on the line at the same time. Your own interviews may cause Sanwang to get a bad reputation.

Qi Weiguo was polite to Henry, but he was not polite to the interviewees of Sanwang. He lectured on the spot with his hands behind his back, "How can you come into contact with capitalism privately? This is a mistake."

Sanwang was not convinced and was not allowed to participate in the competition. Why did he say this

"When we contact the National Swimming Federation, aren't we also contacting capitalism? If we don't contact them, why do we still participate in the competition?"

Qi Weiguo was so choked by him that he was speechless.

Li Zheng and several others were also quite frightened. I didn't expect that the smiling San Wang would dare to slap the leader. Do you want to end your career before you grow up

Sanwang saw that Li Zheng was so frightened by him, and realized that he was impulsive, but did not want to admit his mistake. They came excitedly, why didn't they just go back so sullen if they didn't participate in the competition

The other deputy secretary-general smiled and said, "As long as you don't say anything outrageous, you'll be fine."

Zhang Wei hurriedly said: "Only talk about the topic of swimming competitions."

Henry didn't turn off the camera over there, and was still secretly recording, and Qi Weiguo just thought he didn't understand it and didn't notice it.

Mattie had been listening quietly to their interviews, but when the Chinese leader came over, she didn't interrupt. It seemed that she was criticizing Sanwang, so she just wanted to help.

The people around her expressed disapproval. This involves officials, and that is official speech. It is not suitable for children to speak out.

Mattie is a sensible girl who knows how to behave and follow the rules in serious situations.

If she insisted on intervening, it would anger the official and cause trouble for the little Chinese athletes, so she went to watch the flowers.

Soon Coach Bian also ran over, panting, pretending to know nothing, "Why are you here?"

Qi Weiguo frowned and said to Coach Bian, "You should also take good care of it. It's just nonsense. Fortunately, it's not in the country. Contacting capitalist elements in private like this will be corrupted."

Coach Bian said: "Secretary Qi, you are too nervous. Let's take part in the competition. We can't wear masks and not communicate with each other. Head Zhao also asked Vice Chairman Deng for instructions before leaving. It's okay to contact if necessary, otherwise how can we establish Normal friendship? Our goal now is to establish diplomatic relations with more countries and gain more international support. The reason for the team leader Zhao to lead the team is also because of his timely ping-pong diplomacy."

Qi Weiguo still disagreed, stubbornly said that he violated the rules.

Another deputy secretary-general said: "Would you like to... ask for instructions to the head of Zhao?"

Qi Weiguo sneered coldly: "He's busy negotiating with the Asian Committee and FINA. How can there be such trivial matters?"

Coach Bian also didn't like him being so aggressive. "You also said that this is trivial, so what else do you care about. The most urgent task is for everyone to work together to overcome the difficulty of FINA first."

Mattie has led her own people to find athletes from other countries to help them speak out, especially swimmers.

For those with a friendly attitude, she said she hoped the game would be fair and give everyone a chance to compete. For those with an unfriendly attitude, she asked back, "Are you afraid that the Chinese swimmers will pose too much threat to you?"

As a result, as soon as she said it, the Japanese swimmers first expressed that they would let the Chinese team participate in the competition!

See how they abuse the Chinese team!

Many athletes have participated in protesting FINA's actions, arguing that every qualified athlete should be given a chance to compete in the Asian Games, rather than using politics to determine the sport.

They even used the banner of "oppose politics, support sports!".

Henry and other reporters also blocked the offices of the Asian Committee and FINA and bombarded them in turn. The overwhelming news was sent out, causing a lot of shock in the world. They also carried out live broadcasts on radio and television, seeking solidarity around the world and asking for a better Asian Games!

European reporters flocked to the FINA headquarters to chase and block them, and together with the staff of the Chinese embassy, they blocked a bunch of Europeans until their faces turned green.

In just two or three days, FINA has received malice and ridicule from all over the world, including pressure from other sports federations of the Asian Committee and from its own people.

At the same time, the Chinese government has been communicating with the FINA headquarters and protesting...

Finally, on August 31, the day before the opening ceremony, FINA finally let go and accepted the Chinese swimming team to participate in the competition.

The moment the news was announced, the Asian Games Village China area next to the Ariamel Sports Center suddenly became a sea of jubilation.

Li Zheng, who has always been reserved, suddenly picked up Sanwang, "Sanwang, we succeeded!"

"We made it, we can play!"

"Very good!"

The athletes of the swimming team cried with joy, hugged their heads and cried, and shed tears of happiness.

Other athletes also congratulated and expressed their shared joy.

They threw Sanwang up, so scared that Sanwang screamed, "Don't throw it away, wait for me to win a prize, or you'll be ashamed!"

Everyone laughed.

Suddenly, the national anthem of the People's Republic of China was played on the radio, and the majestic song reverberated over the Asian Games Village, bringing the atmosphere of celebration to a climax.

Playing the national anthem of a certain country is a special case before the start of the Asian Games Village. This is a kind of respect and praise to Chinese athletes for their perseverance and courage to express themselves.

This is a tribute to sportsmanship!

"Central People's Broadcasting Station, dear listeners, this is the 7th Tehran Asian Games in Iran. After our delegation arrived at the Asian Games Village in Tehran on August 20, the athletes continued to train hard. Today, September 1, the Asian Games officially opened. Looking back on these days, the most worrying thing is the news that our swimming team has been banned by FINA, we…”

In Director Fang's office, Lin Lan's family was huddled in front of the radio listening to the live broadcast of the Asian Games.

Lin Lan sat on the wooden sofa, and Xiao Wang sat beside her.

Mai Sui and Er Wang sat opposite each other with pen and paper to record, intending to write in their family newspaper clippings to enrich the content.

The radio is much more interesting than the newspapers. The newspapers are full of politicized articles, which are not interesting to read.

Dawang stood there leaning against the window sill with his arms folded.

He was picked up by Han Qingsong this morning, and as soon as he arrived, he was pressed by Lin Lan to listen to the radio.

Han Qingsong and Director Fang went to work and asked them to stay in the office.

As the clear male voice sounded on the radio, the Lin Lan family, who had been standing in front of the radio, immediately sat upright, as if they were going to play.

Although they couldn't see the scene, they could feel the turbulent emotion through the emotional cadence of the announcer.

The Central People's Broadcasting Station started broadcasting the Asian Games live yesterday. Yesterday, the Chinese delegation, with the help of the Chinese embassy and friendly people from all over the world, successfully persuaded the World Swimming Federation to accept the Chinese swimming team to participate in the Asian Games swimming competition.

In yesterday's broadcast, not only the speech of the head of Zhao, but also the recording of the on-site interview.

There was an American reporter named Henry, who was very loud. Lin Lan's family even heard the sound of "casting a net, casting a net" from his mouth, and it took a while to realize that he was actually calling Sanwang!

At that time, the children of Xiaowang, Maisui and Erwang were so excited.

"Mother, this foreigner is calling me little brother!"

At that time, Lin Lan was also listening, she could vaguely hear that Henry and Sanwang knew each other, interviewed him, supported the Chinese team, and joined many reporters to put pressure on FINA, and even broadcast it live to them Radio and TV.

With the voice of the Chinese broadcaster, different background sounds appeared in the live broadcast.

Xiaowang's ears were sharp, and he suddenly heard Sanwang's voice, he was shouting "horseshoe, horseshoe!"

Xiao Wang whispered: "Why did the third brother call the horseshoe?"

They also heard murmurs in various languages, especially in the voice of the Chinese broadcaster. Lin Lan and the children still accurately grasped Sanwang's voice from these noises.

He was actually asking, "Where can this microphone be transferred to the outside? Is it a telephone or a radio? I wonder if my mother can hear it."

Just like on the phone, he secretly rubbed the microphone a few times, "Hey, hey, hey", and was a little disappointed that there was no Lin Lan's voice inside.

At that time, Henry over there was about to die of laughter. He was doing a live broadcast on ABC. Haha, Comrade Sanwang was really going to die of laughter. Domestic audiences have already fried the pot, saying that this little Chinese athlete is too cute.

Henry's broadcasts are more authentic than Chinese broadcasters. They have not been edited or edited in any way. They are broadcast in their original flavor, and they can also let the world know about a real Chinese team for the Asian Games.

"Henry, I gave my stone to the horseshoe. It was given to me by my eldest brother, my mother's favorite, and I didn't ask my mother if it was okay. The horseshoe is a good friend of our Chinese, and it is not a good idea to give it to her. Question. I don't think my mother will be angry."

Several Lin Lan heard about this sentence, because later Chinese reporters started to interview other people, and Henry dragged Sanwang for some reason.

The family before the broadcast was silent for a moment.

Lin Lan: "eldest son, you gave the third brother a stone before?" She suddenly thought of the person who gave the stone, and felt that it was not easy. Fortunately, this is a stone of friendship, with a different nature.

Dawang nodded.

Lin Lan: "Eldest son, is the piece you gave good? Oh, don't be ashamed."

Sanwang doesn't understand that it's a gem, and only presents it as a stone that the family likes... Horseshoe? Khan, whoever it is, is a sacred stone to witness the friendship between China and Iran. But who is Iran? That is Persia. Most of the gems in ancient China came from Persia, as well as glass and the like. Their country is full of all kinds of stones, and the quality of the Sanwang one is a street vendor.

He doesn't understand, but others do. When they see him sending a piece of low quality, will they think it's insincere

If there is any misunderstanding, will it affect the friendship between the Chinese and Iranian peoples? If it is affected, will Sanwang make mistakes? If this is the case, will Sanwang be punished

Oops, the old mother was so worried by herself that she was so worried. Originally, when Sanwang went to the Asian Games to win glory for the country at a young age, Lin Lan was thinking about it. Later, I heard on the radio that FINA wouldn't allow me to participate. Thinking about how disappointed the child of Sanwang would be. Later, I heard about Sanwang and the Chinese delegation, foreign reporters, and horseshoe? Waiting for everyone to work together to finally let FINA join the Chinese team, how much effort and fear must have been spent in the process.

Oh, little third brother won't cry, thinking of Sanwang's lonely and despairing appearance, Lin Lan's internal organs are all tugged.

If this is punished because of a stone, it will not be worth the loss. I blame myself for not telling Dawang earlier, if it would be good to send it back.

Da Wang saw the tangled expression on Lin Lan's face, "What's the matter?"

Lin Lan: "What kind of stone did you give him?"

Dawang's slender thumb and index finger circled and gestured.

His fingers are so slender and the circle is not small, Lin Lan breathed a sigh of relief, "It's quite big, it's okay."

Dawang hesitated for a moment, then closed it in, and the circle was half smaller.

Lin Lan: …

End, too stingy, let the black duck ashamed.

People will definitely make a joke and send an inferior stone to the gem family.

Dawang: "It's quite blue."

Lin Lan breathed a sigh of relief again and smiled, "Is it through?"

Dawang: "Through... right?"

Lin Lan: ... This is it? What means

Da Wang glanced at her, pursed his lips, and said nothing.

Lin Lan looked at him expectantly, how much he hoped that the eldest son would give Sanwang a big, bright and transparent piece. But according to her estimation, the best piece must have been brought back to her.

I hope that the people of the gem country are not so superficial, and what they see in their eyes is not the stone, but the sincere friendship of Sanwang.

"Now the delegations from various countries are arranging the formation. The 269-member delegation of our country has formed a team of women in front and men in the back. The young general Han Wangmin was ordered by the head of Zhao to the front row to raise the flag with Zhang Wei. Our Chinese athletes are fighting for the Asian Games, and they are full of heroic appearance... "

Today, September 1, the opening day of the Asian Games.

Before entering the venue, delegations from various countries have to line up and practice first, so as not to be too chaotic.

The Chinese delegation is no exception.

Sanwang was wearing an entrance uniform outside and an old mother sweater inside, with a straight chest and a proud look. But in fact, he was jumping up and down like a monkey in his heart. Although he tried his best to keep his face neither humble nor arrogant, the smile came out of his black eyes, and he couldn't stop it.

Head Zhao was still there to check from front to back, left and right, and by the way, he encouraged everyone, let them hold their heads high, smile on their faces, and show their most confident and beautiful sides.

Li Zheng glanced at Sanwang, he was the youngest, and naturally the youngest, he seemed a little thin among the big men.

At this time, the head of Zhao had already wandered to their side.

The head of Zhao is also tall and upright, but he is very kind, and his work is conscientious and solid. The team members respect and admire him very much.

Director Zhao has performed well in China-US table tennis diplomacy, so this time he was sent to lead the team to participate in the Iranian Asian Games. Taking advantage of the Asian Games, let the world know about China and make friends. He is very tolerant of his teammates, and has always encouraged them to do their best during the game, and there is no need to regret whether they win the award or not. He is not as harsh on the team members as the Secretariat. On the contrary, he encourages athletes to exchange ideas with athletes from other countries, improve skills and build friendships.

After learning about Sanwang, Henry and Mattie, he was very happy and saw hope. Taking this as a starting point, with the help of the majority of media, to seek maximum support. The Iranian royal family has given great support, the Iranian media has spared no effort to publicize it, and the Iranian people have also spontaneously organized some solidarity activities.

Especially Iranian students.

With the help of the official and non-governmental forces, the Chinese swimming team can participate in the competition as it wishes.

Head Zhao was very happy, and praised Sanwang greatly. He personally took him to thank Miss Marty for her help and the friendship between the people of China and Iran.

As a thank you, Sanwang gave Mattie one of his three most precious items.

Sweaters and photos were bad, so he gave Mattie the blue rough. He didn't know it was a gem, although it was just a stone, it was very precious in his eyes. He named the stone the Blue Stone of Friendship as a testimony to the friendship between him and Miss Mattie between China and Iraq.

Head Zhao looked around the team, and signaled to Sanwang: "Han Wangmin, come, come to the front."

He arranged Sanwang next to Zhang Wei who was holding the flag, one tall and one short, with the same spirit.

When the music of the Asian Games was played and delegations from various countries began to enter the stadium, Sanwang was not nervous and just followed others.

He even looked around curiously, the stadium is so big! There are stands all around, so high! It's really long knowledge.

He followed Zhang Wei and walked on the field of the Asian Games to the melody of the music, and his heart was filled with infinite pride.

Our Chinese team is here to conquer the Asian Games! We want them to know that we Chinese are not the sick man of East Asia!

Of course, this was not what Sanwang came up with himself, but what Vice-Chairman Deng said when he was cheering up the athletes. Sanwang can remember it firmly.

Henry is wearing a special press card. He is also a good friend of the Chinese team because of his great efforts in helping the Chinese swimming team to participate in the competition. He quickly snapped a few photos, both panoramic and close-up, especially the close-up of San Wang, as well as the group photo of San Wang and the big flag bearer.

When the Chinese team went somewhere, the audience in the stands began to change, and finally they turned into the words China in English. It was composed of 3,564 Iranian police officers and college students, expressing their blessings to China.

The Chinese delegation responded with warm applause.

Sanwang followed and walked, and then his mouth was so happy that he followed the team to the end and was still there happily.

The athletes from India, South Korea and other countries who had been pointing and mocking Sam Wang just happened to pass by, and they sneered at Sam Wang: "The Asian Committee and the Swimming Federation are too stupid to let such idiots participate. Contest."

"The little guy who can't reach the touchpad, haha!"

Not being able to reach the touchpad is purely a humiliation for them, because no matter how short it is, it will be within reach. What's more, Sanwang is only shorter than other athletes, he is a big man among his peers.

They ridiculed the Chinese team for not being able to participate in the game before, but now they are very upset when they see that the Chinese team can participate in the game after working hard.

So I couldn't help but make provocative and sarcastic words, and I was afraid that the Chinese team would not understand, and even went into battle with broken English.

The Indian athlete named Surro continued to laugh at him, "What's so great about participating in the competition, for a small man like you, you can't even make it to the qualifying round! At most, you will be eliminated from the group stage! Haha, you have to go home crying that day. Go to Mom."

He also asked the translator to help him translate and tell Sanwang.

Naturally, the translator didn't want to stir up trouble, and only translated the general meaning. Anyway, Sanwang is small, and it is very likely that he will not be able to enter the group stage, and will be blocked in the qualifying round.

Sanwang is not angry.

As long as he is allowed to participate in the competition, the competition can be fair, and the slang words can be said casually.

He's not one of those idiots who can just say a few aggressive words and just do it - at least not now!

"If you meet me by lottery, don't be a coward!" Sanwang waved his fist at Su Luo.

"Ha, he provoked me, provoked me!" Su Luo waved his arms in excitement.

"Let's compete in the swimming pool, don't babble, I don't understand." Sanwang shouted.

A kind translator sent Su Luo greetings from the black duck.

After the entrance ceremony, some indoor competitions in the evening will start qualifying matches, preliminaries and other group matches, including swimming.

There are a total of 25 swimming events, most of which are men's competitions, including 50 meters, 100 meters, 4x100 relay, 200 meters individual mixed and other small events.

Sanwang's most powerful in China is the 50-meter project, and later it was extended to the 100-meter project.

Coach Bian took into account the characteristics and situation of the Japanese swimming team, and made adjustments to Sanwang's participating events, including the 100-meter self-adding 50-meter frog and 100-meter breaststroke.

He did this after careful consideration. Although Sanwang is best at the 50-meter freestyle, he is still young and has no physical advantage compared to adults. In the 50-meter race, the physical strength of adults has a great advantage, so I gave up. But after 50 meters, their physical exertion is very strong, which shows the advantage of Sanwang. In addition, Sanwang's breaststroke has a greater advantage than others. Although he does not have the speed of his own freestyle, compared to some people, his breaststroke can be proud of their freestyle.

Su Luo knew that he had no advantage in freestyle, so he signed up for the 100-meter breaststroke and 50-meter breaststroke this year.

As a result, the result is not dead, and the group stage draw hits Sanwang.

When he got the signature, Sanwang looked at him with excitement, "Brother Dei, we are really destined!"

Su Luo, who can't understand: ... I want to call the police, he must be scolding me!

When Su Luo and San Wang were next to the track, he felt the murderous aura from this Chinese boy.

On the diving platform of the Asian Games swimming pool competition, naturally, there is no need for the referee to hold his butt and pinch the watch to watch the water to record the time. The athletes prepare their own postures, followed by a referee to supervise and listen to the opening whistle.

Sanwang leaned over and stomped on the pressure device, feeling a little bit nostalgic about the old way.

He couldn't help turning his head to look at Su Luo next to him, thinking that this man has such a big ass, a small belly and a small belly. If this is breaststroke... Don't say it, he really looks like a big toad.

Su Luo: ...he's threatening me again! Some sorcery must have been cast on me to interfere with my game.

"Beep--" As soon as the whistle sounded, the athletes immediately slammed into the water like arrows.

After entering the water, stretch your body, cooperate with your hands and feet, and try to use your strength to dash for a longer distance underwater, and then surface to start jumping and paddling. This is a normal posture.

But no one stipulates how long to look up after entering the water, generally it depends on each person's ability to hold their breath.

Then the spectators in the stands discovered a problem. The Chinese kid on the third track disappeared after he jumped into the water.

Others have already started to float up and jump, but he has not yet emerged!

Could it be that this child can't swim, and a fierce man fell into it and fainted

The audience stood up and craned their necks to look into the water.

When someone else jumped, Sanwang suddenly jumped up from the water, and then started to jump-flop!

The audience is a little dumbfounded. Is this frog jumping in line with the norm? Is it allowed to jump so high and so far? When someone else jumps once, they will jump for the second time immediately. After he enters the water, he uses his hands and feet to make a stroke, and he goes all the way as if there is no resistance.

When he jumped out again, after a few leaps, it was time to turn around. He touched the wall with both hands, turned around, raised his arms, and kicked away. Then he once again showed his stunts of holding his breath and diving underwater.

On a 50-meter track, with the head to the tail, his time on the water was only a few leaps.

Because Su Luo paid too much attention to Sanwang's show, he choked several saliva unknowingly! Too bad for his mother.

Watching Sanwang pedaling vigorously in front of the track next door, and drinking bath water in the back, he suddenly had an ominous premonition shrouded in conspiracy.

Among the seventeen or eighteen athletes, Sanwang qualified first in the group stage with excellent results.

The swimming competition is not based on the elimination system, but on the points system. After the group competition, the eight players with the highest points will be selected for the final. The final will start at 10 am tomorrow.

"China Wants, China Wants!" Someone in the audience shouted in broken Chinese.

The others also shouted, this Chinese boy is amazing!


Watching him swim is a joy!

They really want to see him play in the short course. The short course is only 25 meters long. He is choking his head and tail. Does he only need to show his head once

Ha ha ha ha.

Coach Bian and a few staff members were waiting off the field, and when Sanwang came over, they immediately went up and wrapped him in a large bath towel, "Wipe dry, don't catch a cold."

Sanwang excitedly said, "Coach, I'm not cold at all, I'm warm."

He still obediently let someone wipe him, and then listened to Coach Bian tell him about the 100-meter breaststroke final in the morning and the 50-meter breaststroke preliminaries in the afternoon.

Coach Bian said happily: "The 50-meter preliminaries will be held in the short pool, and the long pool will be used for the 200-meter competition."

This means that Sanwang can still play his underwater advantages in the 25-meter pool, so he is still expected to compete for the gold medal. Coach Bian originally thought it would be good to get a bronze medal, but just after watching Sanwang's performance, this kid is amazing, and his performance has improved significantly compared to the previous training.

This is a qualitative leap, and according to his age and physical strength, the speed cannot be achieved at all.

But he just did it.

This kid is really amazing. As long as he is stimulated a little, he can always turn his anger into speed, and he has found a treasure!

Thinking of this, Coach Bian felt that he could look forward to the gold medal. You must know that the domestic swimming industry is still in a very backward state. Except for Sanwang, other swimmers cannot compete with the Japanese team at all.

Instead, diving and water polo are expected to win gold.

Therefore, in the speed swimming competition, whether or not he can win a medal depends on Sanwang himself.

Su Luo was not convinced after landing, and waved his arms there and shouted: "It's not fair and it's not fair! He's diving, not breaststroke, it's not fair!"

The referee waved impatiently: "Go down! Prepare for the next group."

Sanwang and Su Luo appeared together, and pointed at Su Luo, "Tomorrow's 50-meter breaststroke—" He paused.

Su Luo immediately became nervous, "... Defend, defend, he provokes me, threatens me! You don't care!"

The fingers that Sanwang pointed out were folded into fists and quickly retracted, laughing at Su Luo, "Goodbye!"