Strict Wife of the ’70s Manages the Household

Chapter 148: Gold & Home


the next morning.

Sanwang is preparing for the 100m breaststroke final. Several athletes from the Japanese swimming team came over, and Matsuda Kojima glanced at Sanwang. He is currently the first in points in the 100-meter breaststroke, while Sanwang is fifth. He doesn't think Sanwang has the strength to fight for the first place with himself, so he is not worried.

Coach Bian was afraid that he would be overwhelmed by his opponent, so he comforted him: "Sanwang, don't be nervous."

Sanwang: "I'm not nervous, coach, don't be nervous."

Coach Bian breathed a sigh of relief: I'm really nervous.

He estimates that Sanwang's advantage is in the short pool. In the afternoon 50-meter short pool breaststroke preliminaries, and tomorrow morning's 50-meter breaststroke short pool final, he is sure that Sanwang can at least get a silver medal.

At present, the 100-meter freestyle can be given up. The Japanese team is too strong, and Sanwang is still young and has no advantage.

The next 100-meter breaststroke is in the long pool, and Sanwang has little advantage, because Japanese breaststroker Matsuda Kojima…

"The 100m breaststroke final was held in the short pool of the No. 2 swimming pool, followed by the 1500m freestyle in the long pool..."

The sound of changing the pool suddenly came from the radio.

Coach Bian was stunned for a moment, then immediately slapped his palms and laughed, "The opportunity is here! Sanwang, the 100-meter short course, we can still fight it out. It's really Marx's blessing!"

Sanwang: … Are you sure about Marx

He said calmly: "Coach, I work hard every time."

The 25-meter pool is the one Sanwang is most familiar with, except that he is a little confused when it exceeds 200 meters. He is familiar with the short pool.

Coach Bian feels happier than when he was promoted to national coach.

"Next, please prepare for the 100-meter breaststroke finalists!"

Sanwang stood on the diving platform with his feet on the pressure device, bent down, raised his head, and stared at the water.

He's fifth, so the track is second.

There is an unscientific statement in the circle. The middle two tracks must be the champion and the runner-up, because they have the best results in the preliminaries, and the middle track will swell the waves to both sides, forming water waves to suppress the players on both tracks.

Sanwang doesn't matter. If you are fast enough and go to the front, you can suppress others.

After all, the current goes to both sides of the athlete, and not all the current will suppress him, so he doesn't believe this statement at all.

If it is slow, then there is no need for others to suppress you.

As the start whistle sounded, Sanwang plunged into the water like a swordfish with a "boom", and the whole person charged forward in the water as if extra force was exerted by an invisible big hand.

None of the spectators on the surrounding stands were sitting, all stood up, clenched their fists, and stared at the pool.

They have seen Sanwang's stunt in the 50-meter swimming pool. He bears less resistance in the water than others, so he rushes farther and holds it for longer!

Other athletes have already jumped out of the water and started paddling and jumping.

Sanwang was the last to jump out of the water, but the result was on par with others, and even surpassed the player on the first track.

I saw him jumping out of the water, not straight up but towards the front. When he fell, he kicked his legs and stroked the water, which was wider and easier than others.

The most special thing is that he can exert the maximum power with each stroke, and his arm will rush forward for a long distance when he strokes his body under the water. At this time, the water seems to exert more force on his hands.

"Turn around, turn around!"

"Just out of the water, I'm going to turn around! It's too fast!"

When he turned around, he rushed out like a swordfish.

"Wang Lushui is like Jian Yu, too fast! He has already caught up to the fourth place... oops, too fast! Overtakes all of a sudden..."

"Turn around again, Wangwang has passed the third place again..."

"The last time I turned around, China Wang was already on a par with Kojima. Who would be... oops... I'm still a child after all, and it takes too much strength... Kojima has the advantage of height, has great strength, and has long arms, and will touch it early... China Want Wants! It's amazing!"

"China is prosperous, the last sprint, if God helps, catch up with Xiaodao and hit the wall first!"

Coach Bian and the others jumped up excitedly, hugged each other and gave each other high fives. If the Chinese were not reserved and reserved, they would have almost rushed into the pool to bring Sanwang out.

San Wang went ashore, still very calm, as if it was no big deal.

After all, for him, as long as he can participate, he has a chance. The most terrible thing is that he is not allowed to participate.

Songtian Xiaodao came over and stretched out his hand towards him, "Hello Han Wangmin, I'm Songtian Xiaodao."

Immediately there is an interpreter to help.

Sanwang persuaded himself in his heart that Japanese athletes are not the Japanese devils the teacher said, they are different, and the two countries have established diplomatic relations, so he shook hands with Matsuda Kojima: "Hello."

Matsuda Kojima did not expect this child to be so calm and not excited when he won the gold medal.

"Aren't you excited to win the gold medal?" he couldn't help asking.

Sanwang's face was calm and his dark eyes were shining, "I'm excited, I'm always excited. I'm so excited when I think about the next time I will win more gold medals."

The translator was stunned on the side, saying that the Chinese are modest.

Matsuda Kojima listened to the translation, looked at Sanwang's expression again, and fell silent.

Coach Bian and the others had already rushed over and carried Sanwang out.

Facing the calmness of the three prosperous relatives, I was already eaten by myself, and the whole person was so excited that he shouted, "Don't throw it away, am I a little afraid of heights?"

Everyone has thrown him up.

Henry ran over to take pictures with Kacha Kacha, and he had been waiting there to pose. This time he did an exclusive interview with the Chinese team and tracked the game of Sanwang, and the whole process was very successful!

100m breaststroke awarding moment.

For the top three athletes, the Asian Games played the national anthem and raised the national flag for them, which is the highest tribute to the athletes and the motherland.

"Gold Medal Winner - Han Wangmin from China!"

"Silver Medal Winner - Matsuda Kojima from Japan!"


First, the Chinese national flag was hoisted and the March of the Volunteers was played.

Stand up!

Sanwang strictly abides by the principle of neither being humble nor arrogant, as stated by the head of Zhao, with a smile on his face and a calm expression, trotting up to the podium.

Standing still, he waved his arms towards the audience—this was designed for him in advance, in case he was too cautious or too unrestrained.

After the award ceremony was completed, Sanwang ran down with the gold medal hanging around his neck.

Henry stopped him, "King Sa, King Sa, how do you feel about winning the gold medal?"

Sanwang bit the gold medal and said excitedly, "Is it real gold?"

Henry: ... The funny thing is that he doesn't even know what to say. You are here to fight for honor, not for a piece of gold. But looking at Sanwang's expression, it looks like he is fighting for gold. What's the matter

In the 50m breaststroke, there is no suspense. Sanwang won the silver medal. Because the distance is too short to exert his advantage, he lost to Matsuda Kojima.

But Matsuda Kojima was not happy at all, because he saw the potential of Sanwang, and when he waited for the next Asian Games, he probably would not be his opponent. This realization made him very uncomfortable.

He even saw the future of the 50-meter and 100-meter freestyle in the Asian Games, and I am afraid it is also the absolute field of Sanwang.

Because this kid is more talented in freestyle, breaststroke is just a test of water because of his young age.

Hey, are you going to retire? Could it be that the Japanese team's 20-year domination of the Asian Games is about to be broken

"Central People's Broadcasting Station, listeners, this is the Tehran Asian Games arena. The Asian Games are coming to an end. Our athletes have won a total of 35 golds, 64 silvers and 27 bronzes this year... On September 16, the 7th Iranian Asian Games came to a successful conclusion, the Chinese team The victory in the first game has opened the era of our national team competing in international competitions. We believe that our athletes will achieve even better results in the 8th Asian Games in four years time... "

Every day, the radio broadcasts the events of the Asian Games, the gold medals won by China and the exciting events.

Feiyu won the gold medal in the 100m breaststroke and the silver medal in the 50m breaststroke.

Li Zheng also won the gold medal in the men's three-meter springboard.

It is worth mentioning that the Chinese water polo team, adhering to Vice Chairman Deng's instruction of "placing two gold medals in the pocket and taking one to return the favor", in the fierce competition, finally conceded one point to Iran and gave up the gold medal of water polo. Iran National Team.

The whole country of Iran is looking forward to this gold medal. The sports officials who were present at the moment of winning the championship jumped into the swimming pool in suits to celebrate with the Iranian players, and sincerely expressed their gratitude to the Chinese team.

On the day when the Chinese team returned, Prince Ghulam of Iran, along with his wife and daughter, came to see him off, and shook hands with the head of the Chinese delegation and the heavyweight athletes one by one.

Henry squeezed a few times, but was stopped by Iranian police C, who made him shout in a hurry.

He's going in to get this exclusive photo!

In the end, it was Coach Bian who signaled that Police C let him in, and he threw off his stride and ran towards the crowd.

As a result, I stumbled and fell to the ground with "paja"—

This sudden change shocked everyone who was shaking hands with Yiyi to bid farewell.

Henry immediately shouted, "cheers!" and then pressed the shutter on Mattie and Sanwang who were shaking hands.

Fortunately, he is used to falling, and even if he falls, he will instinctively protect the camera, so except for the knee pain, the camera is safe.

Sanwang and Mattie laughed, "Henry, you are too witty."

It was obvious that he fell, but he pretended to lie down and take pictures. Ha ha.

Henry limped over, "I'm overwhelmed by your friendship."

Mattie took a chain inlaid with red stones from her neck, "Han Wangmin, you gave me the blue stone of friendship, and I gave you the red stone of friendship."

Henry found that there was still a blue stone inlaid and hung under a golden chain around Mattie's neck. Well, the condition was not bad. Of course, the red stone she gave to Sanwang was even better, tied with a silver chain and gleaming in the sun.

Sanwang bowed his head and asked her to put it on himself, and said sincerely, "Thank you Mattie, and welcome you to have the opportunity to come to China to play."

Mattie covered her mouth and laughed, "I know I'm not a horseshoe."

Sanwang scratched his head embarrassedly and smiled.

Before Sanwang couldn't hold back after all, he quietly asked Henry and Li Zheng why a beautiful little girl was called Horseshoe. Henry was nothing, knowing that Sanwang must not understand English.

Li Zhenglei can be taken lightly!

How could someone name their daughter Horseshoe, it's impossible to think about it with the heel.

"It's called Mattie, and we transliterated it. You can't think of them as horseshoes anyway."

So Sanwang learned a trick, every transliterated name will give people a good word.

Of course, as he gets older, has more opportunities to go abroad, and his English gets better and better, these little car accidents will never happen again.

Sanwang sincerely expresses his apologies to Miss Mattie.

Mattie smiled generously, "I'm not that stingy anymore. Can I call you Sanwang?"

Sanwang scratched his head, Sanwang is a nickname, I'm so old, I can't be called a nickname by the whole world. But he couldn't say no to Marty's black eyes that were bigger than others, and nodded, "You can call your friends whatever you like."

"So… can we communicate?" Mattie looked at him expectantly.

Sanwang was stunned for a moment.

Communication! Why do you all love writing letters so much

Does making friends mean writing more letters? He loves making friends so much, but he hates writing letters.

Why can't I use that mic or something? Since it can be broadcast, it should also be possible to communicate, yes, telephone, there are international calls. But it seems that international calls are not so easy to make.

Seeing the tangled face on his face, Mattie thought he was worried about political issues, and smiled: "We are friendly neighbors, and there will be no trouble."

Sanwang laughed, with a bright smile in the blue sky with the cleanness that is unique to a teenager, "Okay, I like to receive letters from friends the most."

I just don't like to write.

Farewell, boarding, waving, blessing.

Mattie and Henry stood under the blue sky, watching the plane rush into the sky, like a sharp arrow breaking through the void, tearing open a new era that belongs to the Chinese.

Henry murmured, "Looking forward to seeing you again, my friend."

Mattie held the stone of her friendship and smiled, "Mr. Henry, I also hope you can promote my country more."

Henry shook her hand, "Of course, this is the responsibility of our journalists. Welcome to America in the future, Miss Mattie."

Mattie nodded: "I will go to the United States to study."

At this time, she did not know that three years later, her country began to enter a new state, and she also began her own exile one year later.

On the plane, Sanwang leaned against the window and looked out the window. At first, he could watch the people at the airport getting smaller and smaller and eventually turned into ants. Now he can't see anything, only clouds and sunshine around him.

Although he was a little sad when he first parted with his friends, but as soon as he flew into the blue sky and wanted to go home, he was so excited that he couldn't sit still, wanted to fly, and wanted to jump!

He took out his gold medal and compared it with Li Zheng's, "Is it the same size? Is it really just golden, not gold?"

Li Zheng: … You already have such a big ruby, what are you obsessed with gold

Sanwang: "Coach, coach, can I have a vacation?"

He wants to go home.

Coach Bian had already told him that he would be given a vacation when he came back from the Asian Games, and let him go home and live for a while, which naturally counts.

"When I go back to the celebration feast, I will give you a holiday."

Sanwang of the celebration banquet is not interested, but since it is an organization arrangement, it still has to be listened to.

When everyone was sleeping, Sanwang took the red stone and looked at it. The crystal clear stone looked like red glass.

He thought about it, his mother would definitely like it, and he felt that he did not lose money.

Sanwang he Cai Mi Niang is busy listening to the radio in the county research room.

The Regional Special Materials Research Office was eventually established in the county, not with the Revolutionary Committee. Because of the need for noise from moving machinery and confidentiality, it was established in a place slightly out of the county seat.

This was originally the home of a big family in the city. After the founding of the People's Republic of China, the local tyrants and the bad gentry and the bourgeoisie were attacked, and the house was brought into public ownership.

There are three courtyards in total, and there are also two small cross-yards. The invited craftsmen and technicians live in the front yard. The two cross-yards serve as research rooms and processing rooms, the atrium serves as reception room and exhibition room, and the backyard serves as an important reference room. Idle people, etc. are not allowed to enter.

The two technicians were invited by Director Fang from the May 7th Cadre School. One was Li and the other was Wu. Both of them were teachers in the technical college. They had also worked in mines and had unique insights into geology and mining.

After four o'clock in the afternoon, Lin Lan was ready to go home from get off work.

Her household registration is still in the commune, but her work relationship was seconded from the commune to the county, responsible for the publicity work of the four communes including Shanshui Commune and Qingshi Commune, as well as the work of the research room.

Her work is relatively free. She goes to the countryside, publicizes, and sits in the office, and she arranges herself purely according to the work content.

She greeted the two technicians, "Li Gong, Wu Gong, I'll go first."

The two waved to her, "It's fine here, just go back."

Lin Lan pinned her small radio to her waist and rode her bicycle to the Revolutionary Committee to meet Han Qingsong.

In the compound of the Public Security Bureau, I happened to meet Miao Hongying.

Lin Lan glanced at her, but didn't take the initiative to speak. Since the fight, although the old director helped to mediate, Lin Lan still didn't like to pay attention to her in private.

Miao Hongying pursed her lips, and the sour gas rushed to her nose, "Oh, I said Secretary Lin, your work attitude is not good, why do you still carry a radio anytime, anywhere?"

Lin Lan: "I'm called Jingye. People like you who are idle and grow maggots will not understand."

I have to listen to my son's news, I have to do publicity, and I have to keep an eye on national affairs. How can I have the time to pay attention to you

You don't look good!

Miao Hongying was also very aggrieved, and now she felt more and more helpless, it seemed that the methods of criticizing and snapping hats were ineffective.

Originally, she thought that the district commander was her father's brother, and that was her family's iron relationship. How could they know that Han Qingsong and Lin Lan had a relationship with Commander Chen when they turned around. Later, Commander Chen also called her father specially, and repeatedly praised Han Qingsong and Lin Lan as good comrades, hardworking and conscientious, outstanding ability, talents needed by the party and the government.

Who doesn't know what it means? Obviously, let the old man take care of him a little more so that people don't make trouble.

But can you take care of it? He is a competitor with his man, and this director must let his man be the job.

Miao Hongying really acidified the woman Lin Lan, how could she be so dragged, what are you dragging, you are dragging.

Especially Lin Lan ignored her!

Miao Hongying couldn't stand Lin Lan's indifferent eyes, she was clearly saying "you're an ass" and "you have nothing to do", which was an insult to the family of the revolutionaries.

She chased Lin Lan into the office building, "I said Manager Lin, what kind of attitude do you have? You have to say hello when you meet a comrade. You can't raise your eyes to the top of your head when you get promoted. Keep laborers humble and…”

"Shut up!" Lin Lan became impatient.

Miao Hongying was stunned for a moment, then became more anxious, "You, you told me to shut up? Don't say that you are a bureaucrat, I am a factory cadre, just say that I am a revolutionary family working people..."

"Give me your knife!" Lin Lan pushed open the door to enter the office.

Miao Hongying took a step to block her way, "Knife? What kind of knife? You slandered me, where is the knife?"

Lin Lan frowned, stared at her, pointed to her mouth, and said slowly, "Nah, nah, nah."